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In this column, a grandmother, with a long history as an author and activist for normal birth, and her daughter, a new mother, offer their unique experiences of a water birth at home, attended by family members and midwives. Their unique perspectives demonstrate the trust in the normal birth process that is possible for every birth.  相似文献   

In this column, an adolescent mother demonstrates how preparation, Lamaze education, supportive caregivers, and an inner wisdom about the normalcy of birth enabled her to have a safe and satisfying birth. The grandmother, an experienced Lamaze educator and doula, also tells of her transformational experience as she watched her daughter give birth with strength and wisdom.  相似文献   

《西游记》的故事情节深受民间故事艺术的影响.它的很多情节片断与中国民间故事不少类型都十分相似、相近,如孙猴出世与创世类故事,二郎神斗法、车迟国斗胜与两术士斗法模式,无底洞地涌夫人的传奇与老鼠嫁女故事等等。因此,《西游记》的情节模式具有浓厚的民间色彩,它的情节场面描写的模式化、重复现象有其民间性的原因,从作品成书过程特点,作者的生平经历和少儿的审美心理等因素出发,可以对此现象予以较合理解释。  相似文献   

In this birth story, a second-time mother relates her experience of birthing her son at home after her daughter was born via cesarean surgery. Support from the International Cesarean Awareness Network, as well as a home birth midwife specializing in vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), made the dream of a vaginal birth a reality for this mom. This story highlights the importance of having a supportive care provider and laboring in a safe and comfortable environment when pursuing a VBAC.  相似文献   

Louisa's Birth     
In this column, Rachel Mann shares the story of the birth of her third daughter, Louisa. After a previous pregnancy loss, Mann chose to give birth to her third baby in a hospital with attending care from an obstetrician. In spite of the high-risk medical environment, she was able to have an unmedicated, powerful birth. Mann's careful planning, the support of her husband and doula, and her confidence in her ability to give birth helped make Louisa's birth all that Mann hoped it would be.  相似文献   

In this article, Jessica and Samuel Boro share the story of the birth of their daughter, Elizabeth Belle. With the physical and emotional support of her husband and her doula, this mother was able to cope with a long labor and have the natural birth she wanted. Her husband describes how important the doula was for him.  相似文献   

This “Celebrate Birth!” column describes the experience of a long-time childbirth educator who attended the birth of her granddaughter Cora, her daughter Robyn’s second hospital birth. She discusses how Robyn’s instincts and confidence helped to overcome institutional issues to provide a good and safe birthing experience.  相似文献   

In this column, a young mother shares the story of her second home birth. Like the birth of her first baby, her daughter Flora’s birth was supported by the presence of a midwife and doula, the peace and quiet of her own home, and the love of her husband and family. Birth is described as transforming and a powerful transition for women. She describes the births of both her children as being “forever emblazoned on my heart as the sweetest and strongest days of my small life.” Paralleling this story of birth is the story of her mother-in-law as she faces brain cancer and seizes the power of that life transition.  相似文献   

In this column, Alyson Grauer, a young woman recently embarking on her postuniversity career, shares her experiences with friends who do not talk about childbirth. She contrasts their fear and their unwillingness to talk and learn about birth with her own experience being the daughter of a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator and doula. Grauer’s experiences provide a backdrop for a deeper understanding of young adults’ beliefs about childbirth. Judith Lothian provides insight related to when and why women and men stopped talking about birth and the implications for childbirth education.  相似文献   

作为一名哲学博士,周国平用哲学与人性的观点写出了对女儿妞妞深沉的爱,写出了对人生的另一种思考。虽然妞妞从出生到死亡是一个悲剧,但是周国平却谱写出一曲父爱的绝唱,因此,从某种意义上说,他的人生也是完整与幸福的。  相似文献   

She (Lady Darling) was rarely not pregnant. (She gave birth to a son in October 1826)... to another son in 1827 (who died in 1828), a daughter in 1829, she miscarried in 1830, and was heavily pregnant when she left the colony in 1831. Often indisposed, for nearly a year she was hardly able to leave her couch. 2 2Heather Radi ‘Fanny Macleay’, in Heather Radi, ed., 200 Australian Women (Broadway: Women's Redress Press, n.d.), 7.   相似文献   

Our daughter and son were born at the Maternity Center in NYC in 1986 and 1989, respectively. I am grateful to the exceptional care and freedom the nurse midwives were able to provide to our family. What follows is the expression of that deeply personal and profound experience, which will hopefully remind and inspire women of the truly individual and extraordinary gift of birth.  相似文献   

《儒林外史》第48回,通过徽州老秀才王玉辉怂恿三女儿绝食殉夫,塑造了一对颇为复杂的王氏父女形象。我们通过发掘徽州,特别是原型人物周围的文化背景材料,可以将这对父女形象及其所蕴含的文化内蕴深刻揭示出来。  相似文献   

2004年诺贝尔文学奖得主耶利内克的小说《钢琴教师》描写了一种异化的母女关系。母女二人如共生体般密不可分,却又相争相斗,互相伤害。女儿的人性受到压抑、摧残。作家通过描写母亲对女儿的全方位压制,对人性受压迫主题进行夸张和典型化处理,鞭辟入里地批判了现实社会。  相似文献   

《女诫》在中国女性道德发展史上占有特别重要的地位,它是中国第一部系统完整的女性道德教科书。《女诫》标志着男尊女卑成为女性道德的基本原则。协调性道德,奴化色彩成为其主要内容。《女诫》的深远传播摧毁了女性的自信心,把女性排挤出社会活动的大舞台,强化了女性的依附心理。  相似文献   

Madame Blanche Cohen, a French physiotherapist, was both a colleague of Drs. Fernand Lamaze and Pierre Vellay and their primary teacher of the Lamaze method (also known as accouchement sans douleur, or “painless childbirth”). She is the woman we read about in Marjorie Karmel''s landmark book, Thank You, Dr. Lamaze. In her Paris apartment in 1955, Madame Cohen conducted private classes to prepare Marjorie for her birth experience. She also served as Marjorie''s monitrice when Marjorie gave birth to her first daughter. Madame Cohen is still living in France with her husband, Henry. In this interview, she shares a fascinating glimpse into the history of the Lamaze method.  相似文献   

刘兰芝与焦仲卿的爱情悲剧因焦母对刘兰芝的极度不满进而逼迫焦仲卿休妻发端,根据汉代文献和习俗,以刘兰芝的聪明美丽、勤勉能干和知书达礼,显然不能作为正常情形下焦母休掉刘兰芝的理由。从诗中所描绘的情形来看,刘兰芝婚后多年,被休辞别时却无有子女之别,据此,婚后无子可能成为焦母休掉刘兰芝的最大动因。  相似文献   

This essay will analyze the heroine of 《Tess of the D'Urbervilles》 Tess by referring to the image"a bird in trap", First, two features of the bird, namely"a daughter of nature"and"to fly"are used to describe Tess' characteristics. Then, it is reasoned that how the bird falls into the trap, and what the trap refers to.  相似文献   

"离"与"归"作为萧红的固有心结,贯穿其短促的一生。本文试从其对"家"的矛盾出发,分析她时"女儿"和"流浪者"这两种身份的双重态度,剖解其一路走来心理上所经历的痛苦与挣扎,检索其散落在文字中的隐秘情绪,由此对萧红的心理历程能够有一个更完整的把握。  相似文献   

"离"与"归"作为萧红的固有心结,贯穿其短促的一生.本文试从其对"家"的矛盾出发,分析她对"女儿"和"流浪者"这两种身份的双重态度,剖解其一路走来心理上所经历的痛苦与挣扎,检索其散落在文字中的隐秘情绪,由此对萧红的心理历程能够有一个更完整的把握.  相似文献   

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