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Following the election of a faculty collective bargaining agent at the 14 Pennsylvania state colleges, the authors administered a survey questionnaire to a 50% sample of the bargaining unit. The objectives of the research were to identify relationships between faculty choice of a bargaining agent and several collective bargaining issues: attitudes about the contending associations, the extent to which internal versus external governance matters influenced voting behavior, attitudes about the scope of negotiations, attitudes about the defined bargaining unit, attitudes about faculty strikes, and demographic faculty characteristics. The authors provide primarily a narrative of the research findings and end with a succinct general summary of their findings. A brief discussion is also presented on the potential impact on elections of voters who fail to vote their conscience.  相似文献   

The author disagrees with Cameron's suggestion that democratization and decentralization were a mistake. As chief lobbyist of the Canadian Association of University Teachers, he argues for collective bargaining. He counters Cameron's support of the continuation of mandatory retirement with reference to the U.S. experience and points to the Supreme Court's defence of tenure.  相似文献   

This exploratory study isolated factors useful for predicting faculty attitude toward collective bargaining (CB) in higher education. Research sought, first, to measure the strength of bivariate relationships between a CB attitude measure and other attitudinal and demographic variables and to investigate the nature of multivariate relationships between the former criterion and the latter predictors. Second, the underlying structure of the most useful predictor was examined. Results showed that measures of faculty perceptions of potential bargaining issues — including monetary issues, working conditions, participation in institutional decision-making and promotion and tenure policies — as well as individual faculty compensation were the most useful predictors of CB attitudes. Conclusions related these findings to alternatives for higher education faculty and administrators as well as for potential faculty organizers and bargaining agents.  相似文献   

Fordham University faculty members rejected collective bargaining in a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) supervised election in the spring of 1975. The present study was conducted prior to the election. Relationships between faculty members' attitudes toward collective action and their perceptions of the quality of the organizational characteristics of the University were examined.The study was based on modern organization theory which contends that the needs of organizational participants must be satisfied and integrated with organizational goals to maximize output and to minimize the potential for dysfunctional behavior of the participants.The findings supported theory. Faculty members were less supportive of collective action when they perceived administrator-faculty and intrafaculty relationships, motivation processes, and communication processes to be at levels conducive to meeting their needs.  相似文献   

Despite a persistent belief to the contrary, most Canadian universities prior to the 1960s did not operate collegially. They were run autocratically. Collective bargaining arose as a means of ensuring true collegiality through negotiations between equals, legally entrenching due process and academic freedom, and providing a clearer and stronger mechanism for dealing with salaries and benefits. This was a revolution from below in the governance of universities. Although the sixties are widely regarded as the age of student revolt, in Canada it was the faculty, not the students, who secured a dramatic change in the power structure of the university through collective bargaining.  相似文献   

高职英语职业化在教学中主要涉及高职英语职业化的概念、高职英语职业化与传统专业英语的区别、高职英语职业化课程培养目标、内容、需求分析和高职英语职业化在教学实践中探讨。  相似文献   

教师专业化的现代性困境   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
当前的教师专业化是在现代性的社会背景中展开的。现代性对教师专业化的制约表现在三个方面:通过科学知识型对教育科学和教师职业缄默知识的贬抑,使教师专业化陷入知识困境;通过科层制对教师专业自主权的约束,使教师专业化陷入权力困境;通过工具理性、规范伦理对德性伦理的边缘化,使教师专业化陷入伦理困境。面对西方已经出现的现代性给教师专业化造成的困境,中国应当反思现代性的发展道路和技能化的教师专业化路径,而不宜盲目模仿西方。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between some facets of organizational climate in university departments and faculty attitudes toward various aspects of faculty unionization. The dimensions of organizational climate explored are: the perceived power structure, assessment of rewards, and perceived organizational goals. The major findings of this study are: (a) The perceived power structure is an important determinant of attitudes toward an egalitarian system, especially in the social sciences. Perceived individual power is negatively related to egalitarian attitude in the physical sciences whereas perceived faculty group power is negatively related to favorable attitudes toward collective bargaining in the social sciences. (b) Perceived emphasis on consulting activities is positively related to attitudes toward seniority-based aspects of collective bargaining in the physical sciences while perceived emphasis on personal factors is positively related to all aspects of attitude toward collective bargaining in the social sciences. (c) Inequity is positively related to attitudes toward unionization both in the physical and social sciences. The policy implications of these findings to faculty and university administration are discussed.  相似文献   

Questionnaire responses of a large educational faculty in a private university were used to examine support for collective bargaining and several propositions about unionism. The little existing research on specific schools within universities suggests that education faculties modestly support unionism, with tenure related negatively to it. Parametric and nonparametric analyses of data from this faculty revealed considerably different results, including far greater union support and tenure's positive relationship with unionism. This investigation suggests that theorizing about unionism and collective bargaining within the schools of universities, such as schools of education, needs to be reconsidered.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association in San Francisco, April 19–23, 1976.  相似文献   

高校的管理是一个高层次、高难度、复杂的、大系统的管理.行政管理人员对于一所高校来说是非常重要的.国内高校在行政管理人员与教师的关系、薪酬、培训等方面还存在着一些问题.我国高校行政管理人员职业化建设要做好高校行政管理人员的角色定位工作;要实施薪酬改革,切实做好考核工作;要做好行政管理人员的职业培训工作.  相似文献   

教师发展者是大学教师发展活动核心的专业力量。近年来,我国大学教师发展实践的蓬勃开展与该群体从无到有、由泛到专的自身演进密不可分。这个历程可划分为"引进、内化、模仿、伫立"等四个阶段。只有从大学教师发展系统层面理清不同发展时期的要素和矛盾,把握大学教师发展者专业化的规律,教师发展者才能摆脱缺乏主体意识的自然式发展状态,从而真正实现理性化的专业成长。教师发展者个体的专业发展受教师发展机构体制机制的制约,因此,机构必须超越单一行政职能,向研究、教育与管理一体化的综合性职能转型,使得教师发展者变为集教育者、管理者和学者于一身的社会形象。  相似文献   

美国大学集体谈判制度的形成与发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
集体谈判是大学管理当局与教师代表通过协商谈判,雇佣双方达成关于各自应该履行的责任和权利、义务关系等方面的协议.美国大学集体谈判制度产生的主要原因是保障高校教师的经济、职业安全,争取学术自由与终身聘任制等方面的合法权益.美国教师联合会和全国教育协会的积极推动促成了集体谈判制度的建立,美国大学教授协会的认可则是集体谈判制度得以推行的重要影响因素.集体谈判制度在保护高校教师的学术自由与终身聘任制权利方面发挥了十分重要的作用,成为美国高校教师管理中较有特色的一种制度.  相似文献   

教师专业化是现代教育发展必然趋势,不断提高我国教师专业化水平也是实现中华民族伟大复兴事业的现实需要。若想实现教师的专业化,关键是在教师教育专业化建设问题。因此,我们必须转变教育观念,屏弃"以学科为中心,对事物进行分割教育"的教育思想的影响,实现我们提出的"以人为本,整体教育;一个宗旨,两个重点;两个平台一线贯穿"的24字培养模式。培养出具有专业化水平的小学教师,以提高基础教育的质量。  相似文献   

As teacher education students become professionals, they face a number of tensions related to identity, social participation, and work-life balance, which may be further complicated by social networking sites (SNS). This qualitative study sought to articulate tensions that arose between professionalization influences and teacher education student participants' SNS participation. Findings suggest that some expectations of professionalization in SNS cut deeply into participants' self-concept and that tensions arose surrounding unclear expectations of professionalization and fears related to political and religious expression. The study's implications are: teachers need to (a) consider how participation in SNS may impact their identity, (b) understand how moral turpitude is defined in their communities and how their behavior aligns with these standards, and (c) carefully explore how they can maintain meaningful social connections in online spaces as they pass through new phases of life and seek to become professionals.  相似文献   

高校教师的本质属性是教育专业性,其特有属性是学科学术性;高校教师专业化表现为学科专业化与教育专业化的统一,是教师学科学术性与教育专业性均衡发展的动态过程。从文化的视角看,高校教师的学科专业化是教师在创造文化的过程中,逐渐形成自己独特的学科研究方向、研究范式的过程;高校教师的教育专业化是教师在传承文化的过程中,逐渐胜任特定文化领域传承工作的过程。高校教师专业化发展可以划分为专业化初期、专业化中期和专业化后期三个阶段,不同发展阶段的专业化发展重点是不同的;在不同的高等学校中,对教师专业化的判定标准也应有所区别。  相似文献   

关于教师专业化与教师教育改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专业化是教师成长的中心,教师专业化是世界教育改革的潮流.从教师专业化的标准看,教师职业离成熟专业的标准还有一定差距,教师专业化是一个不断深化的过程.  相似文献   

美国中小学教师专业化初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国是世界上最早提出教师专业化这一概念的国家。教师职业的专业化体现在五个方面:一是未来的教师必须在高等院校接受严格的专业培训;二是教师的专业发展必须伴随着整个从业过程;三是教师在教育行业中具有很高的权威性;四是教师的经济报酬比较高;五是每一位教师都持有社会公认的资格证书。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代开始,美国要求教师专业化,包括前期的教师个体被动专业化的技能熟练模式和后期的教师个体主动专业化的反思性实践模式。比较分析两种模式的各自特点,能给我国的幼儿教师专业化的发展带来诸多的启示。  相似文献   

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