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对1953年、1964年和1982年中国极老龄人(85岁以上)年龄别性比值原始曲线的波动性进行了分析,发现产生波动的主要原因是:两性有不等的年龄堆积现象和人口数量较少,运用移动平均法调整后的曲线明显优于原始曲线,并呈现明显的共同特点。  相似文献   

对1985年与1995年海南汉族学生的三项指标10年来生长发育状况和形态指数进行分析。结果表明:我省汉族学生生长发育水平有一定的提高。除胸围发育曲线第二次交叉年龄,1995年与1985年没有明显差异外,其余各指标发育曲线交叉年龄均比1985年提前约1-2年,最大增长年龄也提前1-2年,表明我省汉族学生生长发育仍处于平稳增长状态,形态指数分析显示:学生身体充实度提高,但胸廓发育滞后。  相似文献   

空间曲线的方程未知,要依据曲线上有限个观测点的坐标,计算曲线的弯曲度。从曲率的原始定义出发,建立起直接利用原始坐标数据计算空间曲线各弧段弯曲度的方法,同时构造出具有最佳弯曲度逼近的光滑曲线,证明了直接方法的可靠性。经过深入剖析,厘清了某些流行算法的模糊认识,通过示例阐明了运用二次样条和三次样条插值方法计算曲线弯曲度的缺陷。  相似文献   

宇宙孕育的初期,是一个凝聚得很小、温度极高、密度极大的原始火球。估计150亿年到200亿年前,原始火球发生的大爆炸开始了宇宙的历史。2003年2月,美国国家航空航天局曾向世界公布他们有关宇宙年龄的研究成果,认为宇宙年龄应该为137亿岁。  相似文献   

宇宙孕育的初期,是一个凝聚得很小、温度极高、密度极大的原始火球。估计150亿年到200亿年前,原始火球发生的大爆炸开始了宇宙的历史。2003年2月,美国国家航空航天局曾向世界公布他们有关宇宙年龄的研究成果,认为宇宙年龄应该为137亿岁。  相似文献   

2006年中国就业压力将达到峰值 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济研究所劳动与人力资本研究室主任都阳绘制的“就业人口不断疯长造成就业压力不断增大”的曲线分析表格表明:2006年新增劳动年龄人口将达到峰值,其后处于递减趋势到“十一五”末期,新增劳动年龄人口将减少到800万人。  相似文献   

男生在青春发育期间,体能(身体活动能力)成绩逐年显著提高,女生12岁之前和男性相似,但提高的幅度不及男生;女生耐力跑和肌力耐力于14岁下降很显著。女生速度跑和立定跳远在13-16岁期间成绩提高缓慢或停滞。男女生肩关节柔韧性随着年龄增长而逐年下降。男女生立位体前屈随年龄增长而曲线提高,19岁之后趋于下降。通过试验认为,女生在青春发育期,通过经常性计划参加体育锻炼,体能下降现象即不明显。  相似文献   

李锋 《考试周刊》2009,(28):168-169
本文通过对《机制工艺学》中原始差复映实验曲线失真原因的分析,并对其影响因素逐个进行论证,装置改进后的实验曲线与理论曲线基本吻合,实验结果正确、稳定。  相似文献   

儿童因为涂画浪漫而富有创意,蕴涵着一种迷人的秩序,被许多伟大的学者看做天生的艺术家。尤其是年龄较小的儿童,他们的涂鸦之作堪与大师们的杰作媲美,因为他们是用纯粹的天赋来创作的,他们的涂鸦就是原始的艺术,充满了原始之美。这一点,笔者在对托班儿童一学期的涂鸦活动观察中,感受颇深,愿与大家共享。  相似文献   

丰子恺儿童散文中流露出明显的原始主义倾向,体现为:一是推崇具有原始人格的儿童,反思成人的异化,二是描摹具有原始意味的理想世界;这是丰子恺探索应对人生“无常”的一种方式,其中,也反映出丰子恺对儿童社会化的悲观体认。  相似文献   

鉴于石油在国民经济中的重要地位及其对金融市场的重要影响,提出新的非线性组合预测模型:HP滤波-AR模型-ARMA模型,使用HP滤波将原序列分解成两部分即周期性波动序列和趋势要素序列。根据两个序列的不同性质,对趋势要素序列建立AR模型,然后建立随机周期性波动序列,对随机周期性波动序列建立ARMA模型。将两个预测值之和与原序列比较,同时将该模型与其他模型进行对比。对比结果表明,预测精度高于其他模型。  相似文献   

深藏在陶渊明潜意识中的"原始情结"为"人生的余裕",这决定了陶渊明一生的行为出处。根据陶渊明"原始情结"从形成到释放的过程,陶渊明的人生可划分为三个时期,即"原始情结"的形成奠定期、压抑徘徊期和回归坚守期。  相似文献   

Optimal approximate merging of a pair of Bézier curves with G2-continuity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a novel approach for dealing with optimal approximate merging of two adjacent Bezier curves with G2-continuity. Instead of moving the control points, we minimize the distance between the original curves and the merged curve by taking advantage of matrix representation of Bezier curve's discrete structure, where the approximation error is measured by L2-norm. We use geometric information about the curves to generate the merged curve, and the approximation error is smaller. We can obtain control points of the merged curve regardless of the degrees of the two original curves. We also discuss the merged curve with point constraints. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms.  相似文献   

Cubic algebraic hyperbolic (AH) Bezier curves and AH spline curves are defined with a positive parameter a in the space spanned by {1, t, sinht, cosht}. Modifying the value of a yields a family ofAH Bezier or spline curves with the family parameter α. For a fixed point on the original curve, it will move on a defined curve called "path of AH curve" (AH Bezier and AH spline curves) when a changes. We describe the geometric effects of the paths and give a method to specify a curve passing through a given point.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach for dealing with optimal approximate merging of two adjacent Bezier eurves with G^2-continuity. Instead of moving the control points, we minimize the distance between the original curves and the merged curve by taking advantage of matrix representation of Bezier curve's discrete structure, where the approximation error is measured by L2-norm. We use geometric information about the curves to generate the merged curve, and the approximation error is smaller. We can obtain control points of the merged curve regardless of the degrees of the two original curves. We also discuss the merged curve with point constraints. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms.  相似文献   

文章追溯了现代大学制度与自组织文化的渊源,认为二者的价值取向一致,自组织文化的自组织性在现代大学制度中居于核心地位.基于现存大学制度存在的诸多问题,文章提出以自组织文化为依托,运用开放系统原理、协同与竞争原理、涨落的原理、分叉和选择的原理来完善现代大学制度存在的不足.  相似文献   

Current curve smoothing technologies provide a smoothed curve by joining together separate curves that have certain degrees of continuity at junctions. These technologies have found many applications in science and engineering. However, none of them can provide a smoothed curve using a single continuous function for arbitrary segmental curves. This paper reports a new approach that can be used to construct a single continuous function that joins an arbitrary number of different segmental curves, with the required degree of continuity at all junctions. The smoothness of transition at different junctions can be controlled by separate parameters to suit different needs. The combined continuous function can approach the original segmental functions asymptotically or match the original segmental functions “exactly” inside each segment by adjusting the smoothness parameter. This new approach may also find application outside the scope of curve smoothing/curving fitting in the future.  相似文献   

在锶原子光晶格钟中,黑体辐射效应对光钟的频率不确定度影响最为显著。利用表面等离激元晶体的滤波特性,屏蔽大部分黑体辐射能量,可以显著减少相应频移量及其涨落。通过对设计器件透射谱的分析可以测算,经滤波后的黑体辐射剩余能量约为初始能量的4.8%,则锶光钟的黑体辐射频移可减小至112.6mHz,相应不确定度约为3.6×10-18。  相似文献   

Curve and surface blending is an important operation in CAD systems, in which a non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) has been used as the de facto standard. In local comer blending, two curves intersecting at that comer are first made disjoint, and then the third blending curve is added-in to smoothly join the two curves with G^1- or G^2-continuity. In this paper we present a study to solve the joint problem based on curve extension. The following nice properties of this extension algorithm are exploited in depth: (1) The parameterization of the original shapes does not change; (2) No additional fragments are created. Various examples are presented to demonstrate that our solution is simple and efficient.  相似文献   

有关《红楼梦》译本的评论很多,但多侧重于化方面。这里试从语用角度对杨、霍译本进行分析。我们认为,学作品中的对话语言同样受到语用原则的约束。在翻译时,译要考虑如何在译语中体现原语的言外之力,留心原本中有意违背交际原则的地方,理解说话人的弦外之音。  相似文献   

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