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Four experiments examined Canadian 2- to 3-year-old children’s (N = 224; 104 girls, 120 boys) thoughts about shared preferences. Children saw sets of items, and identified theirs and another person’s preferences. Children expected that food preferences would be more likely to be shared than color preferences, regardless of whether the items were similar or different in appeal (Experiments 1–3). A final study replicated these findings while also exploring children’s expectations about activity and animal preferences. Across all studies, children expected shared preferences at surprisingly low rates (never higher than chance). Overall, these findings suggest that young children understand that some preferences are more subjective than others, and that these expectations are driven by beliefs about domains of preferences.  相似文献   

Children with specific reading disability (SRD) or specific language impairment (SLI), who scored poorly on an auditory discrimination task, did up to 140 runs on the failed task. Forty-one percent of the children produced widely fluctuating scores that did not improve across runs (untrainable errant performance), 23% produced widely fluctuating scores in early runs that did improve across runs (trainable errant performance), 26% produced stable poor scores that did not improve across runs (untrainable nonerrant poor performance), and 23% produced stable poor scores that did improve across runs (trainable nonerrant performance). In most cases, trainable and untrainable errant performance, and nonerrant poor performance, could be predicted from a child's first two auditory task scores. These results illustrate that poor auditory task scores produced by children with SRD and SLI do not reflect a unitary deficit, do not necessarily reflect poor perception, and do not always respond to training.  相似文献   

Action learning, as it is often implemented in the U.S., differs little from a typical cross-functional task force. Those characteristics of action learning that originated with Reginald Revan's work and that have such potential to change both organizations and participants are often absent in the Americanized version of action learning. Outlined here are the principles that underlie Revan's work as well as an explanation of why they are so critical to both individual development and organizational problem resolution. These principles are then contrasted with a case study of a Fortune 500 company which implemented the more Americanized version. The benefits of that implementation are explored as well as a discussion of the learning difficulties the teams experienced.  相似文献   

促进学生有效学习的课堂教学策略   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
高质量、高效率的课堂教学既是促进学生有效学习的基本前提条件,又是实施新课程的重要保障,因此,教师采取适宜的课堂教学策略尤为重要。这些教学策略包括:重过程的教学策略;形成认知结构的教学策略;创设练习情境的教学策略;创设真实学习情境的教学策略;实施探究学习的教学策略。  相似文献   

学案设计的质量直接影响到课堂教学的效果。改进学案设计、促进学生有效学习是高效课堂教学的必然追求。应充分研究学生的学习基础,紧密围绕学习目标、学习内容、学习任务、学习活动等,设计结构合理的学案。  相似文献   

An interesting phenomenon is that when people arc referring to themselves, they do not always and nccessarily use "I". Other expressions can be used. The essay tries to explore the different linguistic strategies used to refer to the "self" or "the speaker's role", and their effects. Also, the principles behind the strategies are discussed, namely social distance principle and aim principle.  相似文献   

Theories of teaching and learning, including those associated with constructivism, often make no overt reference to an underlying assumption that they make; that is, human cognition depends on domain-free, general-purpose processing by the brain. This assumption is shown to be incompatible with evidence from studies of children's early learning. Rather, cognition is modular in nature, and often domain-specific. Recognition of modularity requires a re-evaluation of some aspects of current accounts of learning science. Especially, children's ideas in science are sometimes triggered rather than learned. It is in the nature of triggered conceptual structures that they are not necessarily expressible in language, and that they may not be susceptible to change by later learning.  相似文献   

促进学生有效学习的课堂教学评价策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师在课堂教学中采取有效的课堂教学评价策略是实施新课程的需要。主要的课堂教学评价策略有:依据教学目标的内容和水平进行评价;以学生为主体的评价;注重对学习过程进行评价;促进学生形成认知结构的评价;设计目标参照测试题进行评价。  相似文献   

2020年初,一场疫情让在线居家自主学习全面展开,面对各种问题与挑战,教育技术工作者不得不重新思考:如何最大程度发挥平台学习优势,提高平台支持下的深度学习效率,让自主学习真正成为可能。与此同时,深受全国人民称赞的“学习强国”平台,其因具有人本性、融合性、互动性、便捷性等特点而成为学习者进行深度自主学习的典型。文章探究如何构建学习资源众筹、学习形式多样、学习评价多元的,自下而上、协同互动、数据支撑的自主学习平台,希望能为教育工作者指明平台建设方向,能为深度学习提供更好的学习支持服务。  相似文献   

This article offers a plausible domain-general explanation for why some concepts of processes are resistant to instructional remediation although other, apparently similar concepts are more easily understood. The explanation assumes that processes may differ in ontological ways: that some processes (such as the apparent flow in diffusion of dye in water) are emergent and other processes (such as the flow of blood in human circulation) are direct. Although precise definition of the two kinds of processes are probably impossible, attributes of direct and emergent processes are described that distinguish them in a domain-general way. Circulation and diffusion, which are used as examples of direct and emergent processes, are associated with different kinds of misconceptions. The claim is that students' misconceptions for direct kinds of processes, such as blood circulation, are of the same ontological kind as the correct conception, suggesting that misconceptions of direct processes may be nonrobust. However, students' misconceptions of emergent processes are robust because they misinterpret emergent processes as a kind of commonsense direct processes. To correct such a misconception requires a re-representation or a conceptual shift across ontological kinds. Therefore, misconceptions of emergent processes are robust because such a shift requires that students know about the emergent kind and can overcome their (perhaps even innate) predisposition to conceive of all processes as a direct kind. Such a domain-general explanation suggests that teaching students the causal structure underlying emergent processes may enable them to recognize and understand a variety of emergent processes for which they have robust misconceptions, such as concepts of electricity, heat and temperature, and evolution.  相似文献   

提升英语学习成效的有效策略探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校教育的目的是促进学生的学习和全面发展,有效学习是实现学校教育目标的关键,学习成效是评价有效学习结果的最关键指标。提升中小学英语学习成效的策略包括:目标策略,教学策略,学习策略,评价策略。  相似文献   


There is growing interest in the link between implicit statistical learning (SL) and reading ability. Although learning to read involves both auditory and visual modalities, it is not known whether reading skills might be more strongly associated with auditory SL or visual SL. Here we assessed SL across both modalities in 36 typically developing children and 36 healthy adults using the classic triplet-learning paradigm. Auditory SL was significantly associated with sentence reading fluency (Woodcock Johnson III Test of Achievement) in the combined sample of children and adults after controlling for age and nonverbal intelligence. In further analysis of the child data, auditory SL was significantly associated with nonword reading accuracy (Woodcock Reading Mastery Test), a relationship which appeared to be mediated by phonological processing abilities (Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing). These findings suggest that auditory SL might contribute more strongly to certain aspects of reading development compared to visual SL.  相似文献   

"可见的学习"研究发现,反馈是影响学业成就的最有力的因素之一.但反馈的有效性展现出很大的差异,有必要寻找使反馈效用最大化的途径.本文回顾了反馈从行为主义到认知主义、建构主义三种范式的转变,述评了哈蒂的反馈模型,探讨了如何构建更全面的反馈框架,尤其强调了反馈过程产生影响的学习者个人因素和情境因素.在此基础上,文章讨论了将反馈融入课堂教学需要考虑的复杂维度,包括反馈的时机、互动结构及媒介.  相似文献   

提高课堂教学的有效性是当前高中英语新课程实施的重点,而有效教学在本质上是促进学生有效生成。对200多节高中英语课堂教学案例的研究分析发现,高中英语课堂教学在教学目标、课堂活动、教师角色、师生发展等四个方面都存在生成教学不足问题,导致教学低效甚至无效。因此,教师应以学生为本,合理设计教学目标,关注课堂活动,协调课堂生成和预设,提高英语课堂教学的有效性。  相似文献   


This special issue bundles a set of eight empirical studies and one review article that explore the role of statistical learning (SL) mechanisms (both domain-specific and domain-general) in supporting word reading and spelling development, and vice versa. In this introduction to the special issue, we worked to summarize the extent to which studies support our hypotheses relating SL to reading and spelling development while pointing out inconsistencies across studies that require us to refine and rethink our hypotheses.  相似文献   

The authors analyzed the spellings of 179 U.S. children (age = 3 years, 2 months–5 years, 6 months) who were prephonological spellers, in that they wrote using letters that did not reflect the phonemes in the target items. Supporting the idea that children use their statistical learning skills to learn about the outer form of writing before they begin to spell phonologically, older prephonological spellers showed more knowledge about English letter patterns than did younger prephonological spellers. The written productions of older prephonological spellers were rated by adults as more similar to English words than were the productions of younger prephonological spellers. The older children s spellings were also more wordlike on several objective measures, including length, variability of letters within words, and digram frequency.  相似文献   

This study explored older siblings' and peers' influence on young children's cognitive development. Although we anticipated many similarities in siblings' and peers' influence, our principal goal was to test the hypothesis that siblings are unique agents of cognitive development. Young children, their older siblings, and an older, familiar peer first participated in an unstructured building session where each built their own construction. Then, one of the older children taught the younger child how to copy a model windmill. Finally, the younger child was given an individual posttest in which he or she copied the windmill. Although there were many similarities in older siblings' and peers' guidance, the results highlighted the uniqueness of the sibling relationship. In the unstructured building session, young children were more likely to observe, imitate, and consult their older siblings than their older peers, and older siblings were more likely than older peers to provide them with guidance spontaneously. In the teaching session, older siblings provided more explanations and positive feedback and gave learners more control of the task than older peers. However, older siblings' behavior was not independent from the learners', as young children often prompted the siblings' explanations and pressured them into giving them more control of the task. These differences in teaching and learning strategies affected young children's task mastery; Children taught by siblings obtained higher posttest scores than children taught by peers. The discussion interprets these findings within the context of shared and unique functions of siblings and peers in cognitive development and highlights the role of the learner in promoting his or her own development.  相似文献   

This study investigates gender differences in basic numerical skills that are predictive of math achievement. Previous research in this area is inconsistent and has relied upon traditional hypothesis testing, which does not allow for assertive conclusions to be made regarding nonsignificant findings. This study is the first to compare male and female performance (= 1,391; ages 6–13) on many basic numerical tasks using both Bayesian and frequentist analyses. The results provide strong evidence of gender similarities on the majority of basic numerical tasks measured, suggesting that a male advantage in foundational numerical skills is the exception rather than the rule.  相似文献   

优质、适量、有效的数字化学习资源有助于提高学生的学习兴趣、解决学习中的问题,为学生提供优质资源是数字化学习资源有效应用的基本保证。同时,教师导向作用、形成性学习评价和终结性学习评价及持续关注理论的应用对数字化学习资源的有效应用具有重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

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