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The papers presented at the 2004 Academy meetings can be thought of as pieces from jigsaw puzzles. While the employment of this metaphor over the years has been useful, we may be ready for a new image, one that is both more accurate and inspiring. We can picture ourselves working at different locations along a river bank. Some of us work upstream, near the headwaters, at the molecular and genetic level. Others work on anatomy, physiology, culture, psychological well-being, ethics, and even spirituality—all different places along the shore as we move down the river toward the broad and deep waters by the bay. But no matter what our location, we all work on water in one form or another. This forces us to come to grips with our interdependence as researchers and with far more complex notions of causation that have been popular heretofore. The riverbank metaphor promises a kind of cooperation, unity, and mutual appreciation that cannot be gained when we come to interdisciplinary meetings carrying our independently produced and prized puzzle pieces.  相似文献   

This study investigated reasons for the omission of the torso typical in most young children's drawings of the human figure. Do they have an incomplete mental image of the human figure; if so will the torso be omitted from a manikin task too? As the head is normally drawn first, is the torso simply forgotten; if so will children include it if they are asked to draw the torso first? Eighty tadpole‐drawers (aged between 2 years 7 months and 5 years) were randomly allocated to a drawing or a manikin condition; they were further subdivided into a head‐first or torso‐first condition. Significantly more children produced a conventional figure when they constructed a manikin compared with those who were asked to draw; the order of body parts (head‐first vs torso‐first) had no significant effect. These results suggest that young children omit the torso from their human figures because they have yet to devise a way of drawing it, perhaps because it is a relatively unimportant item; there is little evidence that they have simply forgotten it or that their mental model for the human figure is incomplete.  相似文献   

在关于晚清上海历史与文化的讲述中,女性社会位置的变化一直是一个重要话题。通过讨论《点石斋画报》与《吴友如画宝》中的女性呈现,分析其中的“观看之道”及隐藏的复杂的社会性别关系,进而揭示出晚清上海都市现代性问题中消费文化的这一面相。  相似文献   

身份认同是文化研究中的重要课题。新加坡由于受历史、地理、政治、经济等多方面的影响,形成了独特的多民族和多元文化的国家,因而新加坡的身份认同问题,在某种程度上来说,具有文化标本的意义。文学作品作为一种意识形态,反映的是特定时代的精神风貌和文化心态。新加坡英语文学作为新加坡的主流文学创作,深刻地反映了新加坡人在身份认同过程中所表现的族群认同与文化认同的双重困惑。  相似文献   

This paper reports and discusses the principal findings of an Australian study exploring the decisions of high achieving Year 10 students about taking physics and chemistry courses (Lyons, 2003). The study used a ‘multiple worlds’ framework to explore the diverse background characteristics that previous quantitative research had shown were implicated in these decisions. Based on analyses of questionnaire and interview data, the study found that the students’ decisions involved the complex negotiation of a number of cultural characteristics within their school science and family worlds. Many of the students regarded junior high school science as irrelevant, uninteresting and difficult, leaving them with few intrinsic reasons for enrolling in senior science courses. The study found that decisions about taking physical science courses were associated with the resources of cultural and social capital within their families, and the degree to which these resources were congruent with the advantages of choosing these courses. The paper concludes that the low intrinsic value of school science and the erosion of its strategic value contribute to the reluctance of students to choose physical science courses in the senior school.  相似文献   

This article describes the construction of a hierarchical taxonomy of metacognitive activities for the interpretation of thinking-aloud protocols of students in secondary education, who studied texts on history and physics. After testing an initial elaborate taxonomy on a restricted number of protocols by multiple raters, it appeared that the interrater correspondence was well below par. The categories in the taxonomy were too highly specified. Categories were combined and tested on new protocols in a cyclic fashion. The revised taxonomy was then used for coding 16 history protocols and 16 physics protocols. Frequencies of occurrence of metacognitive activities were obtained, as well as judgements of the quality of the metacognitive activities of the participants. There is a reasonable correlation between the frequency method and the quality method for coding thinking-aloud protocols. Also, there is a substantial covariation of the number of metacognitive activities across both tasks.  相似文献   

中国校外教育经过六十余年的发展已经制度化和体系化,在青少年发展中有着重要的影响,也遭遇了诸多的困惑和挑战。首先,结构设置多样化引发的体制变革是最根本的问题。由于机构发展和相应的政策法规制定的不同步性,导致体制建设所包含的相关的规范要求不明确、不完善,使我们不能在原有的体制中解释现实问题,由此造成了校外教育机构内部缺乏彼此的认同,外部缺乏分层分类的管理,使得校外教育体制看起来更像是一个真实的"幻像"。其次,从概念界定及其使用语境的变迁,分析校外教育社会建构的时代特征和历史局限,可以看到校外教育概念的提出最初是从机构设置及其开展的活动来考虑问题的,至于这类机构的归属和教育功能的独特性并没有得到明确的说明,中国校外教育的产生并不是在现代国民教育体系的视域中去规划和建设,而是在一个特殊历史时期,基于社会政治制度建设的需要,基于解决当时青少年成长环境出现的问题,给青少年提供的一种带有时代特点的教育制度安排。最后,从政策调整中所体现的价值选择来审视校内外教育的关系,探讨校外教育功能的预设,可以发现校外教育之所以成为学校教育的延伸,在学校教育牵制下与学校课程保持衔接和互补,并在活动方式上趋同于学校教育,既是政策干预的结果,更是政策不完善的反应。21世纪以来,针对现实中存在的这些问题,政府已经作出了一些相应的政策调整,将校外教育界定为"青少年全面发展的实践课堂",实际上是在人的发展语境中讨论问题,强调的是校外教育育人的独特性,即以学习者为中心,尊重人的发展的多样性和差异性,让学生在综合实践活动中学会学习,完整地了解社会,在参与和体验中获得发展。  相似文献   

网络教育学院的困惑与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
上世纪末,网络教育学院以试点的形式迅速兴起,八年里风雨兼程,网络教育学院一度成为人们关注的热点。时过境迁,尽管从事这项工作的人还在为此奔波劳顿,但当时那粒激起浪花的石子似乎已经静躺在池底,它所泛起的余波变得平静,明显具有分化、边缘化的特征。网络教育学院的现状,是否预示着作为一种生命的周期,它将以何种形式出现在新一轮的发展中?这是本文也是大家期待和关注的。  相似文献   

迄今为止的关于教师发展过程的研究,大多以"被动、消极"的视角看待教师发展,未能全面反映教师发展的特征,尤其未能充分体现教师在发展过程中的主体性,需要寻找一种新的、更合适的表征,从教师主体出发,以积极、主动的视角探索教师发展过程的特点和规律。愿景作为一种"未来取向"的思考,体现了人们运用智慧和想象力对理想未来图景的勾勒。它不仅对教师的发展有重要影响,还提供了分析教师主体与教师发展关系的独特视角,是理解教师发展的重要表征方式。  相似文献   

以小学生语文新课标"必读丛书"《字谜500则》的例证为例,进行研究分析,认为字形是构成字谜的工具和猜解字谜的工具,字形的变化是构成字谜和猜解字谜的方法,拆字法是最活跃的构成字谜、猜解字谜的手段;同时认为字谜里蕴含着大学问,体现了汉字文化的显著特色。  相似文献   

数量表征是个体对数系统的理解,它的准确性为个体理解具体和抽象数量关系奠定了基础,也为个体使用该表征进行数量操作的问题解决提供了可能.但目前来看,对个体数量表征的形式以及它的发展过程仍有较大争议.作为一个复杂的、整体的能力结构,数感以对数量关系的理解为基础,从而与数量表征紧密联系;数感的不同维度对数表征的使用有着不同的要求,为理解数量表征研究的分歧和探讨该表征的全貌提供了可能的解决途径.在数感的一系列外显行为能力上都体现出文化差异,数量表征的研究则从心理机制的角度为文化差异提供了可能的解释.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,无论从外部环境还是内部结构,美国大学都发生了巨大的变化,相应地给大学校长职业发展带来了前所未有的挑战。从美国大学校长作用的对象:发展理念、学科专业、多元生源、新兴技术、社会公信等大学组织的变化;大学校长自身职业发展的困惑:遴选机制、多重角色、个人自由、职业风险;大学校长应对职业发展的策略:入职的准备、工作的策略、卸任的智慧三方面展开论述,提出了对当下中国大学校长的职业发展启示:能够在任职前有充足的心理准备,任期中能够协调平衡各方利益,卸任时能够有充足的智慧。  相似文献   

廖英 《海外英语》2012,(21):275-277
Learner autonomy is considered as one of the key educational goals in all the countries of the world since 1980s.In China,developing learner autonomy is particularly emphasized in College English Curriculum Requirements.Some researches have been made on developing learner autonomy,which seem to prove that the training of language learning strategies helps to develop learner autonomy.But because the traditional teaching method has been dominant in universities,college students,in particular art majors are passive and lose interests in English.Consequently,English teaching method must be reformed and learn er autonomy must be developed.In the relevant researches on learning strategy training and the development of learner autono my,the subjects are not involved in art majors.So the author tries to make a research in the field by combining with her teaching experience.Developing learner autonomy in art majors through the training of metacognitive strategies may lay the basis for their future learning and development,which is important for the college English teaching of art majors.Key wrods:learner autonomy;art majors;metacognitive strategy training  相似文献   

现代教育技术是现代技术融合于教育活动的一大举措,其目的是为教育服务。在数据化的大背景下,信息技术迅速发展,教育技术的应用给人们带来了前所未有的便利,但同时各种弊端也开始显现。本文在探寻这些问题根源性因素的同时,提出了对教育主体元认知能力进行培养的解决建议。  相似文献   

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