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高校学报是反映高校教学科研成果的综合性学术理论刊物,其水平和质量高低取决于编辑人员素质。而当今高新科技迅猛发展,信息技术不断普及,高校学报编辑业务也面临着新的挑战。因此,高校学报编辑人员要更新观念,扎实专业知识,更新知识结构,进一步提高编辑人员的专业素养,实现高校学报工作的转型和升华。  相似文献   


This article provides an annotated list of 326 journals in criminal justice and criminology. After consulting the “notes for contributors” sections of each journal, the authors mailed a self-administered survey to all journal editors soliciting their input on their editorial policies. Journal websites were also consulted to construct the journals' mission, scope, and editorial focus. A total of 221 editors returned the survey for a return rate of 68%. The following entries present an annotation that summarizes the mission, philosophy, and editorial policies of each journal. Following the annotations, the chart documents contact information for the editors and editorial policies concerning submissions to each journal.  相似文献   

Our review examined four early childhood journals (Early Child Development and Care, Early Childhood Education Journal, Journal of Research in Childhood Education, and Early Childhood Research Quarterly) and four developmental science journals (Child Development, Developmental Psychology, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, and Merrill Palmer Quarterly) from 2005 to 2007. Only 57 articles out of over 1,000 (conservative estimate) included the term ‘play’ in the title, abstract or as a key word. Of these 57 articles, only 19 were primarily focused on play, 16 from ECE journals and only three from developmental science journals (Z = 2.43, p < .05). While the ECE journals drew implications for practice, the developmental science journals did not. Seven ECE journal articles dealt with the concept of play in education and four other ECE journal articles covered play and literacy. The findings suggest the need for more careful use of the term play in early education and child development studies and a reevaluation of rationales and methods for its study.  相似文献   

Little theoretical work exists that proposes general mechanisms for how public policies may influence child development. This article argues that dynamic systems theories may be useful in illuminating such processes, as well as highlighting gaps in current research at the intersection of public policy analysis and developmental science. A brief review of dynamic systems theories as they are currently utilized in other areas of developmental science is provided, as well as a statement of why they may help advance research in public policy and child development. Five principles of dynamic systems theories are presented and discussed using examples from research that address the question, "How do current antipoverty and welfare reform policies affect children?" Also presented are examples of hypotheses and research questions that each principle may generate for future work. The concluding section presents challenges that each principle poses for research methodology, and potential uses of the dynamic systems approach for developing and integrating policy and program initiatives.  相似文献   

对全国各大高校学报机构设置归属调查发现,将学报归为教学科研机构的高校仅占1.5%,而98%高校将学报编入教辅机构。通过深入研究国家相关的政策法规,分析将高校学报归为教辅机构的历史原因以及其带来的消极后果,阐明高校学报编辑人员的科研工作性质,以期还原高校学报的真实归位。  相似文献   

论高校学报编辑主体现代化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
编辑主体的思想观念和工作能力直接影响着出版的整体质量。当代信息科学及相关技术的高度发展和普及,促使编辑主体紧跟现代化的形势要求迫在眉睫,高校学报的编辑工作者应对编辑主体现代化的内容主体意识、人格素质及编辑手段进行研究,以适应现代化发展的要求,从而促进编辑的现代化,使学报能迅速地反映和传播人类的文明和进步。  相似文献   

网络时代科技期刊编辑面临的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
国际互联网的飞速发展,给编辑尤其是科技期刊编辑带来机遇也带来挑战.结合编辑实践活动,分析了信息时代编辑运作模式和编辑活动的新变化,阐述了信息时代对科技期刊编辑素质的要求,探讨了科技期刊编辑在网络时代转变编辑意识,提升自己知识和能力,树立终身学习意识的重要性.  相似文献   

影响因子是一个相对量,它是评价期刊的重要参考指标,可公平地评价和处理大、小期刊由于发文量不同所带来的偏差,期刊影响因子值越大,则它的影响力和学术作用也越大;由于我院学报受学院整体学术水平和社会影响力不高,教科研成果及学术论文水平不尽人意等因素的影响,学报被引频次、影响因子值很低;指出通过获得学院相关政策的扶持,采取办特色栏目、约专家稿、提高编辑人员业务素质等方式,提高学报质量,增加学报影响因子值。  相似文献   

互联网技术是20世纪末科技高速发展的产物,它的出现给人类社会带来了变革。互联网技术的飞速发展,也给高校学报的发展带来了变革。高校学报是学术期刊,它是各高校进行学术交流,探讨新知识、新技术的园地;是高校教学、科研的重要表现形式。本文就互联网技术的出现对高校学报编辑工作的影响进行论述。  相似文献   

The book focuses on the use of video in social science research, integrating a range of perspectives on the topic including research design, data collection and analysis. The book aims at postgraduates (including, in particular, doctoral students) as well as academics and researchers. If the content of this book is likely to be relevant to you, I recommend you buy a copy for your own use. Michael Thomas  相似文献   

关于学报编辑人员的几个素养问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学报是高校建设与发展中不可或缺的重要组成部分。重视学报建设尤其是重视学报质量的提高,应当是高校科研工作中一项很重要的内容。而要提高学报质量,就必须提高学报编辑人员的素养,如:对编辑工作热爱和献身精神;良好的思想政治修养和法律意识、广博的文化修养.深厚的语言修养.深厚的文字修养、全面的技术修养、科学修养等。  相似文献   

作为反映高校学术水平窗口和教学科研重要组成部分的高校学报,发展的根本出路是坚持不断创新.分析了在高校学报发展中影响其创新的三个因素:对学报重要性认识不足,办刊宗旨僵化,办刊机制乏力.提出了学报发展创新思路:明确办刊宗旨,更新办刊理念,以特色办刊,建立创新机制,建造充满活力的编辑队伍,建立学习机制.  相似文献   

The move from respecting science to scientism, i.e., the idealization of science and scientific method, is simple: We go from acknowledging the sciences as fruitful human activities to oversimplifying the ways they work, and accepting a fuzzy belief that Science and Scientific Method, will give us a direct pathway to the true making of the world, all included. The idealization of science is partly the reason why we feel we need to impose the so-called scientific terminologies and methodologies to all aspects of our lives, education too. Under this rationale, educational policies today prioritize science, not only in curriculum design, but also as a method for educational practice. One might expect that, under the scientistic rationale, science education would thrive. Contrariwise, I will argue that scientism disallows science education to give an accurate image of the sciences. More importantly, I suggest that scientism prevents one of science education’s most crucial goals: help students think. Many of my arguments will borrow the findings and insights of science education research. In the last part of this paper, I will turn to some of the most influential science education research proposals and comment on their limits. If I am right, and science education today does not satisfy our most important reasons for teaching science, perhaps we should change not just our teaching strategies, but also our scientistic rationale. But that may be a difficult task.  相似文献   

人文社会科学与科学技术进步--以广西科技发展为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人文社会科学是科技进步的前提。广西科技发展取得了较大成就:科学研究与技术开发取得新成果;科研机构和科技人员保持一定的数量;形成了以南宁、桂林、柳州、北海为主的高新技术开发区;政府制定了一系列相关的法规政策。但广西的创新发展模式仍比较落后。要使广西科技快速进步,就必须更新观念,以科学发展观为指导,加快发展哲学社会科学,促使科学与人文两种文化协调共进。  相似文献   

This text reviews the main goals and achievements from the management of Infancia y Aprendizaje (2012–17). We have promoted a dialogue between developmental psychology and educational psychology from a complex and situated approach. We have also created a section for highly regarded authors to chart prospective lines that could have an impact on areas for development within this field of knowledge. In addition, we brought back the debate between theoretical and methodological positions around a central article. Two different calls promoted the training of scientific writers and reviewers, with an analysis of the modifications introduced into the texts from their receipt up to their publication as well as the interactions among author, reviewers and editors. Other calls encouraged research on the training of university teachers, learning in environments favoured by technology, relationships between argumentation and education, and cognitive change as a dynamic process. At an operational level, we highlight the transition to Taylor & Francis, the configuration of a strictly bilingual journal and the thematic and cultural expansion and diversification of the editorial team at its different levels.  相似文献   


选题策划对学术期刊的生存和发展同样具有意义。它主要表现为编辑主体的选择自觉提前出现 ,在专业分工和个性原则的支配下 ,积极主动地实施编辑计划 ,更好地达到预期目标。社会科学学术期刊的选题策划 ,应坚持政治宣传原则、社会需要原则、服务读者原则和文化发展原则。其中 ,促使学科学术发展的个性价值 ,是问题的关键所在。  相似文献   

If we are to be successful in teaching evolution, we must take into account our students' worldviews as well as their individual understandings and misconceptions. This article makes several recommendations for how this might be accomplished in a way that respects individual student backgrounds and beliefs but is also scientifically appropriate. It is important (a) to know our students—their cultures, personal histories, cognitive abilities, religious beliefs, scientific misconceptions, and so forth; (b) to take this opportunity to teach about the nature of science and its distinctions from nonscience; (c) to address directly the likely cultural/religious concerns with evolution and to do so early on so as to break down the barriers that keep many students from hearing what you say; and (d) to present evolution appropriately as conflicting with none but the most fundamentalist religious tenets that demand a literal translation of the Bible. I have also argued that the approach advocated by Cobern in the previous article that focuses on belief in evolution is ill-advised on several grounds, principally because students may understand the term belief as synonymous with faith, opinion, or conviction and not as equivalent to the scientist's meaning of the term acceptance.  相似文献   

This edition of the journal explores some of the ideas about policy‐making in early childhood services. In this introductory article I review ideas about policy‐making processes and policy agendas and what processes shape them, with particular reference to the relationship between research and policies on early childhood services. I write as a researcher working within a child development framework, and as someone who has been a participant in such policy making processes at a European and at a UK level. In this introduction I also set a context for the other articles which follow.  相似文献   

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