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Contemporary educational psychology has employed models of procedural and semantic (or declarative) memory, but generally it has ignored a third form of memory (i.e., episodic memory) thought by some (e.g., Tulving, 1983,1985) to be especially important for explications of human functioning. Tulving's (1983,1985) ternary theory of memory is presented, with emphasis given to the acquisition, representation, and expression of knowledge in episodic memory. I argue that studies of pupils' episodic memories, their characteristics, and their functions may enhance the power and relevance of educational psychology with respect to understanding how pupils learn from instruction in classroom contexts. A conceptual framework and possible strategies for the conduct of instructional research are described that consider pupils' episodic memories as important mediating variables in learning from teaching.  相似文献   

This article tests the hypothesis that self-development plays a role in the offset of childhood amnesia; assessing the importance of both the capacity to anchor a memory to the self-concept, and the strength of the self-concept as an anchor. This research demonstrates for the first time that the volume of 3- to 6-year old's specific autobiographical memories is predicted by both the volume of their self-knowledge, and their capacity for self-source monitoring within self-referencing paradigms (= 186). Moreover, there is a bidirectional relation between self and memory, such that autobiographical memory mediates the link between self-source monitoring and self-knowledge. These predictive relations suggest that the self-memory system is active in early childhood.  相似文献   

随着SOA迅猛发展和互联网上服务数量俱增,服务发现成为极具挑战性的工作。传统的服务发现方法在语义稀疏情境下精准度不高,主要是缺乏有效信息对发现工作的支持,无法对服务进行准确的类别划分。针对此问题,提出一种基于BTM面向Web服务短文本描述的服务聚类方法S3C,该方法的主要思想是利用BTM在短文本聚类过程中使用Biterm(词对)优势对服务描述进行潜在特征表示,基于服务潜在特征使用Kmeans聚类方法进行服务聚类。BTM采用词对的主题建模方式,能够极大程度地扩展文本信息,解决短文本中的关键词稀疏问题。采用PWeb数据集进行大量对比实验可知,该方法与经典聚类方法相比,类簇的平均纯度提高30%,平均熵降低近50%。  相似文献   


This article arises from course design and curriculum development work carried out by the authors with respect to a novel engineering degree course, the Master of Engineering in Electronic Systems Engineering, at Kingston Polytechnic. This degree has been validated by the Council for National Academic Awards and commenced at Kingston in October 1984. This four and a half year course is innovative in that contains a significant business/management component as an integral part of the curriculm.

The background for engineers¶ education in the United Kingdom is out‐lined, and a somewhat polemical view of their education for the future is advanced. The authors believe that if engineers are to manage technological innovation, they must first of all become managers in business firms. They must be taught from the start to think of themselves as business professionals with others, and they must be taught to think as corporate technologists rather than as engineering technicians.

The structure of the course is outlined and the learning objectives of the subjects comprising the business/management component are given. The authors hope that the ideas presented in this article will contribute towards other educational initiatives to change engineers' attitudes and develop their expertise as managers of technological innovation in business firms.  相似文献   

对工作记忆的增长可以(部分地)解释学前儿童现实性监测发展的假设做了检验。127名3-5岁儿童接受以下测验:“Tom说”游戏任务作为现实性监测发展的评估;数字倒背广度测验作为工作记忆能力的测量;数字顺背广度作为短时记忆能力的测量;麦卡锡幼儿智能量表的言语分测验。逐步回归分析表明,数字倒背广度可以显著地预测现实性监测的成绩,表明随着可用的心理资源的增加,学前儿童现实性监测的能力在增长。现实性监测与数字顺背广度的相关不显著,表明内容记忆与源记忆是分离的。  相似文献   

Anderson在长时记忆提取过程的研究中首次提出Fan效应这一概念,并以此作为探究不同干扰程度下记忆效果的工具。对于Fan效应的解释主要存在两种对立的理论学说:以Anderson为代表的ACT—R理论和以Radvansky为代表的情景模型理论。为了更好地展开有关Fan效应的研究,促进其在国内记忆研究领域中的应用。对胁效应的相关理论和研究进行了系统梳理和详细介绍。  相似文献   

武术运动是集技击、健身、娱乐欣赏于一体的民族传统体育项目,是我国的瑰宝。武术作为民族体育运动,作为一种文化,用新的发展观审视其未来可持续发展是非常必要的。本文通过SWOT分析方法,对武术存在的优势(Strengths)、劣势(Weaknesses)、发展机遇(Opportunities)和威胁因素(Threats),作一个定性分析,提出武术发展的思路。  相似文献   

Episodic memory shows striking improvement during early childhood. However, neural contributions to these behavioral changes are not well understood. This study examined associations between episodic memory and volume of subregions (head, body, and tail) of the hippocampus—a structure known to support episodic memory in school‐aged children and adults—during early childhood (= 45). Results revealed significant positive relations between episodic memory and volume of the hippocampal head in both the left and right hemispheres for 6‐ but not 4‐year‐old children, suggesting brain–behavior relations vary across development. These findings add new information regarding neural mechanisms of change in memory development during early childhood and suggest that developmental differences in hippocampal subregions may contribute to age‐related differences in episodic memory ability.  相似文献   

Episodic prospection is the mental simulation of a personal future event in rich contextual detail. This study examined age-related differences in episodic prospection in 5- to 11-year-olds and adults (= 157), as well as factors that may contribute to developmental improvements. Participants’ narratives of past, future, and make-believe events were coded for episodic content, and self-concept coherence (i.e., how coherently an individual sees himself or herself) and narrative ability were tested as predictors of episodic prospection. Although all ages provided less episodic content for future event narratives, age-related improvements were observed across childhood, suggesting future event generation is particularly difficult for children. Self-concept coherence and narrative ability each independently predicted the episodic content of 5- and 7-year-olds’ future event narratives.  相似文献   

过去的认知和认知发展研究偏重于对激活过程的考察,随着当前认知科学和神经科学的进一步发展,从新的角度在更高的层次重新触发了人们对认知抑制及其发展机制的兴趣,使之成为国际认知和认知发展领域正在迅速崛起的一个重要课题。从无意向抑制和有意抑制两个方面的介绍可了解认知和认知发展领域近期关于抑制及其发展研究的状况和进展。  相似文献   

Temporal memory in 7‐year‐olds, 10‐year‐olds, and young adults (= 78) was examined introducing a novel eye‐movement paradigm. Participants learned object sequences and were tested under three conditions: temporal order, temporal context, and recognition. Age‐related improvements in accuracy were found across conditions; accuracy in the temporal conditions was correlated with conventional time knowledge. Eye movements tracked the veridicality of temporal order memory in adults and 10‐year‐olds seconds before providing memory judgments, suggesting that these movements reflect implicit access to temporal information. Seven‐year‐olds overall did not show this eye‐movement effect, but those who did were more accurate than those who did not. Results suggest that eye movements capture aspects of temporal memory development that precede overt decision processes—with implications for hippocampal development.  相似文献   

The Development of Memory and Processing Capacity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The assumption of some developmental theories that short-term memory is the workspace of higher cognitive processes, and consequently that span measures processing capacity, is claimed to be inconsistent with the working memory literature. 4 experiments, using children aged 5 to 12 years, contrast this theory with a model in which short-term memory and the processing space component of working memory are at least partly distinct. Experiments 1 and 2 varied processing load, holding duration constant. The processing load manipulation had little effect on recall of a short-term memory preload. Experiments 3 and 4 failed to support the prediction that the greater processing efficiency of older children would be associated with slower loss of information from short-term memory. Although counting and rehearsal rates increased with age, and correlated with span, they did not predict the rate of loss of memory preload due to intervening counting. The data suggest that effects obtained with short-term memory span do not provide clear indications of overall working memory development, because short-term memory span and the processing space component of working memory entail distinct systems.  相似文献   

To examine the role of cognitive skill and racial stereotyping in Euro-American children's processing of race-related information, 75 Euro-American children, aged 4–9 years, were asked to recall stories that were either consistent with or inconsistent with cultural racial stereotypes. In 6 trait stories, a Euro-American main character encounters both a Euro-American and an African American child. A negative trait is attributed to either the African American (stereotypic story) or the Euro-American child (counterstereotypic story). In 6 social relationship stories, main characters interact with neighbors, friends, or married couples, portrayed either intraracially (stereotypic) or interracially (counterstereotypic). Individual difference measures were used to assess subjects' racial stereotyping and their classification skill (ability to sort stimuli along multiple dimensions). As predicted, lower degrees of racial stereotyping and the ability to classify persons along multiple dimensions were associated with better memory for counterstereotypic stories. Implications for intervention programs aimed at reducing racial stereotyping are discussed.  相似文献   

产出导向法自2007年提出的"输出驱动假设"发展而来,在这近10年的完善和发展的过程中,经历了几个重要阶段。而产出导向法的不断发展不但促进了大学英语教学改革,而且提升了大学生英语素质和能力。本文回顾了产出导向法的发展进程,简述其相关研究成果、研究意义及目前存在的问题,并指出今后产出导向法研究的具体应用和实践方向。  相似文献   

本文结合心理学知识和笔者多年来的教学经验就大学生外语学习中存在的一些问题进行了分析、论述和指导。介绍了大脑进行记忆的基本规律及特点 ,指导学生利用已学知识寻找记忆参照物 ,将新旧知识有机地结合起来进行规律性、系统性记忆。并从心理学角度指出 ,为避免学生出现漫不经心的心理状态 ,教师在授课过程中应不断向学生提示“记忆重点” ,使他们的记忆意识与所教授的重点内容聚焦 ,从而进行牢固的记忆  相似文献   

First-year computer science students are receiving early introduction to the software process through a problem solving and program development approach. We present a methodology that addresses the needs and difficulties of students learning programming, incorporating the tasks required for solving problems and writing programs. This approach allows for incremental exposure to the complex field of software engineering, consistent with the level of the introductory computing course, while providing the learner with fundamental skills applicable to other domains. The correlation between the software process and the problem solving/program development approach is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

人是自然的产物,自然界会影响和制约人类的发展。科学发展观强调以人为本,尊重人的全面发展的同时,也要尊重自然,并以自然为基础谋求人的发展。人要按社会规则办事,也要按自然规律行事,与自然和谐相处。以自然为基础,是理解科学发展观的新视角、重要前提。  相似文献   

教师专业发展是目前教育界的热门话题,与传统的教师发展不同,信息时代的教师专业发展更注重于教师职业技能相对应的品德、能力的培养。通过教育叙事、教育反思等新方式从实践中自我发展、协作交流,而作为叙事反思、协作共享有效途径的Blog必然成为信息时代教师专业发展的新宠。  相似文献   

Twenty‐nine grade‐matched 4th–8th‐grade males, 12 with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (age M= 12.2 years, SD= 1.48), and 17 without (age M= 11.5, SD= 1.59), completed two working memory tasks (digit span and the Simon game) and three long‐term episodic memory tasks (a personal event memory task, story memory task, and picture recognition task). In line with clinical observations, children with ADHD performed worse than peers on all working memory tasks, but performed as well as or better than peers on long‐term episodic tasks, demonstrating particularly detailed memory for personally experienced past events. Participants' parents also completed questionnaires about their children's memories in daily life. Parents rated children with ADHD lower than children without ADHD on working and semantic memory (e.g., remembering names, spelling, and math), but rated them as high or higher on memory for events. Implications for theory and educational practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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