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为了解普通幼儿园工作者对特殊幼儿融合教育问题的态度和意见,本文对174名教师和保育员进行问卷调查,主要发现:(1)幼教工作者对特殊幼儿有一定的了解,但不够深入;(2)幼教工作者以及普通幼儿家长在保障师资、设备以及教育方式的情况下,更乐意接受特殊幼儿进入普通幼儿园;(3)幼教工作者认为学前阶段实施特殊教育最需解决的问题依次为师资问题、设备问题、家长观念、教师观念、经费问题以及专设督导机构问题。  相似文献   

在考察学前教育对儿童发展的积极影响时,人们引用最多的是美国佩里幼儿园项目、芝加哥儿童家长中心、卡罗莱纳初学者项目等示范项目.然而,事实上这些示范项目都主要是针对低收入家庭儿童的,其产生的显著效果并不具普遍性.借鉴这些示范项目的成功经验,我国政府在学前教育领域的政策与投入应加大对社会处境不利儿童的关注;应充分考虑文化背景对教育效果的影响机制,而不能一味照搬这些示范项目;应审慎对待这些示范项目的研究结论,引导公众建立对幼儿教育的合理期待.  相似文献   

早期儿童发展政策是一个社会性政策,它通过政府的投入对有关早期儿童发展重要问题的解决提供指导,为儿童及其家庭提供服务。这一政策应具有社会、政治、经济和人力资源方面的可持续性。政策的组成部分包括理想与目标、活动、管理和财政。政策制定的过程强调多方人员的参与以及有据可依。亚太地区多个国家近年来在早期儿童发展政策的制定方面取得了很大的进展,但同时在政策的实施、管理和财政方面仍面临很大的挑战。  相似文献   

文章在作者多年教学实践的基础上与新教育理念的影响下,特别是通过奥尔夫音乐教育的教学实践,就幼儿教育中音乐课的学科特点和幼儿音乐课的教学目的等问题,提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

This article describes an alignment study conducted to evaluate the alignment between Indiana's Kindergarten content standards and items on the Indiana Standards Tool for Alternate Reporting. Alignment is the extent to which standards and assessments are in agreement, working together to guide educators' efforts to support children's learning and development. The alignment process in this study represented a modification of Webb's nationally recognized method of alignment analysis to early childhood assessments and standards. The alignment panel (N = 13) in this study consisted of early childhood educators and educational leaders from all geographic regions of the state. Panel members were asked to rate the depth of knowledge (DOK) stage of each objective in Kindergarten standards; rate the DOK stage for each item on the ISTAR rating scale; and identify the one or two objectives from the standards to which each ISTAR item corresponded. Analysis of the panel's responses suggested the ISTAR inconsistently conformed to Webb's DOK consistency and ROK correspondence criteria for alignment. A promising finding was the strong alignment of the ISTAR Level F1 and F2 scales to the Kindergarten standards. This result provided evidence of the developmental continuum of skills and knowledge that are assessed by the ISTAR items .  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织发布的以“增强基础:幼儿保育和教育”为题的2007年全民教育全球监测报告对全球幼儿教育作了分析。该报告根据各国提供的信息,阐述了幼儿保育和教育的重要意义,分析了全球幼儿保育和教育发展的现状、各国幼儿保育和教育计划的发展走势,提出了实现全球幼儿教育目标的建议。  相似文献   

国内外幼小衔接研究趋势的比较   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
近十年来幼小衔接对于儿童发展的重大影响已经受到了国内外研究者的重视,但国内外关于幼小衔接的研究存在诸多差异,国内相关研究与国外相比还存在一定差距.国外研究不仅关注了家长在儿童幼小衔接期中关注的问题,家长对儿童入学准备的认识,而且涉及了家长对幼小衔接的感受,参与幼小衔接的愿望等内容.国内研究主要只是关注了家长对幼小衔接的不正确认识,而且缺乏较大规模的相关调查.虽然国内外研究都涉及了教师对儿童入学准备的期望和对幼小衔接活动的看法,国外相关研究更为具体、深入,而且还比较了教师与家长在儿童入学准备认识上的差异,对幼小教师关于托幼机构与小学之间一致性与连续性的看法进行了考察.此外,国外研究还充分重视幼小衔接中最大利益相关者儿童的情感态度与认知、期望,相比之下国内尚未有这方面的研究,很值得在将来的研究中弥补这方面的空白.对各个利益相关者关于幼小衔接重要问题的认识与情感态度进行比较,尤其是对家长和教师、幼小教师、儿童与成人之间的观点进行比较,将有助于促进不同利益相关者之间的沟通与交流,改善幼小衔接实践,帮助儿童平稳、顺利地度过幼小衔接的关键时期.  相似文献   

全阅读教育理念与儿童早期阅读   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
基于全语言教育的全阅读教育理念强调为幼儿早期阅读提供多重开放的阅读情境、对象与方式、途径等.遵循这一阅读理念,有助于克服当前早期阅读教育单调、枯燥,被等同于识字教育等弊端.幼儿园应在开展绘本式阅读,让儿童在阅读绘本过程中深刻体会童年意义的基础上,多组织开展环境式阅读,促进幼儿亲社会性品质的形成;在亲子共读中感受亲情的温暖与支持,形成良好的阅读习惯与浓厚的阅读兴趣;在阅读自然之书中形成亲近自然的和谐精神.  相似文献   

This review critically examined the theories, methodologies, and methods that have been used in early childhood environmental education research over the past 10 years (2004–2014). Of the 36 studies identified, one-third were informed by research on children approaches, positioning children as objects of research. Trends revealed that EE researchers are moving toward research with children frameworks, embracing methods that honor children's perspectives. Yet a lack of congruency was also identified between participatory methodologies and the methods employed. Although researchers advocated for children's agency, adults were still positioned in the primary role of data collectors, analyzers, and interpreters. Findings are useful for EE scholars pursuing research with the very young, providing insight regarding ethical practices, child positioning, and participatory methods.  相似文献   

美国幼儿教师教育标准及启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
制定幼儿教师教育标准是幼儿教师教育的基础性工作。美国全国幼儿教育协会制定了幼儿职业准备标准,提出了“促进幼儿发展与学习”、“构建同家庭、社区的关系”、“对支持幼儿及其家庭的措施进行观察、建立档案、开展评估”、“开展教与学的活动的知识和能力”、“成为一名专业人士”等五项幼儿教师教育的核心标准,还提出了范围广泛的普通知识教育标准。为了适应我国幼儿教育发展的需要,我国应尽快制定专门的幼儿教师教育标准,美国幼儿教师教育标准为我们提供了镜鉴。  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of information about children's disabilities on preschool teachers' responses toward integrating children with disabilities in their classroom. Of particular interest was whether the severity of the child's educational needs and information about diagnosis were related to teachers' responses. Data were collected from 155 preschool teachers in two Midwest states in the United States to examine their responses in terms of levels of comfort, classroom adaptation, and need for support. Results showed that teachers responded differently to the types of disability regardless of the diagnostic labels; that is, teachers responded more positively to children with mild disabilities (e.g., children with Down syndrome) and those with physical disabilities (e.g., cerebral palsy). In addition, compared with children with diagnostic labels, teachers responded more positively to those with no diagnostic labels. Teachers' education and experience working with children with disabilities were associated with their levels of comfort. Implications and recommendations for service delivery and teacher training are discussed.  相似文献   

Currently in South Africa, there are over 20 000 underqualified Grade R teachers who are enlisted into service to ensure that Grade R teaching can continue. The aim of the study reported on was to investigate the challenges and needs faced by underqualified teachers in order to promote the professional development of teachers teaching in rural areas. Phenomenology was used as the research design. By means of a qualitative research approach, purposeful sampling selected only underqualified early childhood education (ECE) teachers teaching in rural schools for more than five years or more in three provinces, as well as their school principals. The findings revealed the following needs and challenges: the need for resources; poor infrastructure; lack of parental involvement; overcrowded classrooms; the need for in-service training; needs of the rural communities; and support from an open distance learning (ODL) institution.  相似文献   

To address gaps in the availability of validated measures that assess early childhood teachers' workplace experiences, the current study examined the validity of the Early Childhood Teacher Experiences Scale (ECTES) for use in a diverse Head Start program. Mean differences in the ECTES dimensions of self-efficacy, job stress, and school support were examined across teachers' demographic characteristics and observed teacher–child interaction quality. Multilevel models examined associations between ECTES dimension scores and children's social-emotional and academic skills (N = 161 preschool teachers and N = 3,152 children). Findings support the reliability and validity of the three-factor structure of the ECTES in the diverse Head Start teacher sample. Higher teacher-reported self-efficacy and school support were associated with higher observed classroom emotional support, instructional support, and classroom organization. Higher teacher-reported self-efficacy was associated with fewer years of teaching experience. With respect to child outcomes, higher teacher self-efficacy and school support were associated with lower behavior problems and higher social-emotional skills but were not associated with academic skills. Implications of the findings, limitations, and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

全美幼教协会(NAEYC)是美国影响力最大的民间幼儿教育组织,其在制定幼儿教育从业者专业标准、保证美国幼儿师资水平方面发挥着重要作用。NAEYC发起的"幼儿教育从业者系统行动计划"(ECWSI)明确提出了美国幼儿教育从业者专业发展系统的政策领域、基本原则及一系列支撑措施,为帮助各州建立专业、稳定、高效的幼儿教育师资队伍,保证幼儿教育质量做出了积极贡献,对我国加强幼儿教师队伍建设具有重要启示。  相似文献   

儿童行为问题包括行为和情感两个方面,其成因不外乎先天自身因素和后天环境影响,课题组通过综述国内外儿童行为问题现状及成因的研究结果后,首次用流行病学病因轮状模型解释儿童行为问题的因果联系,并提出构建“家庭、学校、社会”三位一体支持系统的儿童行为问题干预策略。  相似文献   

Education in the early years is a key element in the Government's current strategy. Recently, the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) funded a major study of Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE). The Early Years Transition and Special Educational Needs (EYTSEN) Project developed from the EPPE research and was also funded by the DfES. The authors of this article, Brenda Taggart, Pam Sammons, Rebecca Smees, Kathy Sylva, Edward Melhuish, Iram Siraj-Blatchford, Karen Elliott and Ingrid Lunt, all worked on the EYTSEN Project, based at the Institute of Education, University of London. In this article, they provide a summary of the findings from the EYTSEN Project, reviewing the impact of pre-school provision on children said to be 'at risk' of developing special educational needs. They suggest that pre-school experience has a positive impact on cognitive attainment and social or behavioural development and that integrated centres (where education and care are fully combined) and nursery schools have the most positive influence among the different f o rms of pre-school provision. This paper also discusses the identification of special educational needs; quality in pre-school centres; parents' perspectives; and future developments. The article closes with a call for improved training for practitioners working in early years settings.  相似文献   

毕生发展观以贯穿人的一生的发展历程作为指导思想来看待儿童每个时期的发展变化.本文在介绍其基本理论要义的基础上,重新解读了在毕生发展观指导下的早期儿童发展与教育的内涵,同时就毕生发展观指导下的儿童早期教育原则进行了阐述,以期为早期儿童教育的理论与实践研究提供一种新的视角.  相似文献   

论幼儿科学教育儿童化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着幼儿教育理论研究的深入和幼儿教育实践的不断发展,科学教育越来越受到理论和实践工作者的广泛重视。虽然国内外关于幼儿科学教育的理论与实践研究势头尚好。但总体而言,我国幼儿科学教育的研究起步较晚,在科学教育理论与具体的教育实践活动中仍然存在许多问题。需要在幼儿科学教育课程、环境、方法及评价等各方面进行改革,力求实现幼儿科学教育的儿童化。  相似文献   

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