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韩琪 《海外英语》2013,(22):162-163
该文在分析了现有口译教材存在的弊端的基础上,基于翻译专业培养目标,立足于教学现状,从系统性、语言、实用性等方面探讨了翻译专业口译教材的编排。编写新时代的翻译专业的口译教材应转变编写理念,与时俱进,应注重科学性、真实性、针对性,并强调基于口译素材资源库的口译教材的使用优势,提倡口译课本应体现口译的实效性特点、选材真实性和符合职业发展的特点,为课堂口译教学打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

中国的口译史从古至今绵亘几千年,是一笔值得我们继承并且思考的宝贵遗产。中国口译在从西汉到改革开放后这一漫长历史时期内,口译人员职业发展的脉络、轮廓,各时期口译人员产生的时代背景及其特点,对推动中国口译事业发展具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

我国目前处于口译职业化的初始阶段,口译市场呈混乱状态,市场有序化、规范化势在必行。要使口译市场健康有序发展,首先要通过各种途径规范口译培训市场,建立并加强口译专业协会的职能,制定职业行为规范,加强职业资格认证,推进行业自治,努力实现口译的产业化,使口译作为一个专门职业得以巩固和发展。  相似文献   

当今中国经济和社会的发展需要越来越多应用型口译人才参与,为区域经济和社会发展服务的地方高校,面临着培养满足地方发展需求的应用型口译人才的任务。在分析地方高校应用型口译人才内涵的基础上,剖析地方高校英语专业应用型口译人才培养的可行性和特点,提出适合地方高校英语专业口译课程教学的策略:以培养应用能力为核心的口译技能教学,实践教学和职业素质培养相结合,课堂和课后互动相结合。  相似文献   

全球化背景下,专业化口译人才的需求不断扩大,同时,传统的语言教学模式受到极大的挑战,思维能力、心理素质、交际能力等综合素质的培养愈发重要。本文从口译的交际特点出发,结合全国各大高校本科翻译专业口译教学的实践,重点探讨交际式的口译教学模式,旨在推动本科翻译专业口译教学顺应时代的发展,培养职业型、应用型口译人才。  相似文献   

李慎涵 《考试周刊》2013,(66):75-76
口译作为一种专门化的工作和职业,有其自身特点;口译员只有具备特定的基本素质,才可能胜任工作。明确这两点,有利于口译工作的专业化、职业化,以及口译人才的培养和选拔。  相似文献   

近年来,随着中国经济的快速发展,跨国商务活动日益频繁,在这一交流过程中,商务英语口译译员作为桥梁,起着至关重要的作用。如果没有口译译员,一切商务活动将不能得以进行。国家对商务英语口译人才的需求不断增加,而高精尖的商务英语口译译员人数则稀疏可数。商务英语口译作为新兴发展的职业之一,多用于如产品发布会、商务合同签订仪式、商务互访、业务交流、跨国投资、商务谈判等商务相关场合。本文在对商务英语口译进行简单的介绍后,浅析商务英语口译的一些特点。  相似文献   

邓礼红 《考试周刊》2011,(65):189-191
联络陪同口译的应用范围极其广泛。我国应加强联络口译人才的培养,尤其要重视在高校学生中培养满足职业需要的联络口译人才。为此,应将联络口译课程引入我国高校课程体系,编写专门的联络口译教材,突出技能训练,使学生在毕业后能胜任各种特定职业情境中的口译任务。另外,口译学者和教师应加强联络口译方面的科学研究,以推动联络口译理论和实践的发展。  相似文献   

吴佳静 《考试周刊》2008,(47):60-60
口译的现场性非常强,现场的紧张气氛和发言人长时间的表述会给口译人员的大脑记忆带来困难,译员单凭大脑的记忆往往会引起信息的遗漏和逻辑关系的紊乱,不能顺利地完成口译任务。笔记是交传过程中不可缺少的辅助工具,可以弥补记忆力不足的缺陷,起提示作用。本文根据口译的特点和口译职业的独特要求,探讨了笔记特点、技巧、原则及其功能。  相似文献   

方勇 《文教资料》2005,18(28):93-95
高校口译课程的特点要求任课教师应该有扎实的汉英双语功底、英汉语言对比和语法的知识、专门的口译知识和技能的训练、丰富口译的工作经验、活泼的教学风格等特点.调查发现目前能完全胜任口译课程教学教师的数量还是很缺乏的.我们应当通过各种渠道加大对高校口译师资的培训力度,同时从职业口译队伍中引入短期的师资来解决目前的问题.在口译课程考试方面,应当统一考试的方式(包括口试考核的方式)和考试的评分标准并通过利用语言实验室进行大规模测试的方式提高口译考试的效率和考试的信度.  相似文献   

信息技术对口译职业和教学均产生了深刻影响。文章从研究历史、研究取向、教学法因素、技术工具和研究的不足五个方面对比了国际与国内信息技术环境下口译教学的研究情况,旨在为我国的口译教学实践与研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

口译作为一种时髦的金领职业和重要的跨文化交际手段,由于其快速的信息传递及有效的跨文化沟通优势,在国际交往日益频繁的当今社会越来越被广泛应用。本文试从温家宝总理2010年3月14日的中外记者招待会现场口译员的相关实例,探究培养充分的跨文化意识对口译活动的重要作用。  相似文献   

张萍 《海外英语》2012,(12):178-181
Interpreting has been known as and proven a stressful job.This paper introduces the phenomena and symptoms of psychological stress that often,if not always,occur in the profession of interpreting.It then pinpoints the factors that expose interpreters to stress,which include biological factors,environmental factors,cognitive factors and personality factors.At last,practical stress management strategies are proposed,namely to improve the comfort level of the physical working environment for interpreters,to improve their physical fitness,to increase support and cooperation from concerned parties,and finally to rethink,relax and release stress.  相似文献   

The translation work of sign language interpreters involves much more than language. The characteristics and goings-on in the physical environment, the dynamics and interactions between the people who are present, and even the "inner noise" of the interpreter contribute to the accuracy, or lack thereof, of the resulting translation. The competent interpreter must understand and respond appropriately to the language and nonlanguage aspects of each interpreting assignment. We use the framework of demand-control theory (Karasek, 1979) to examine the complex occupation of sign language interpreting. Demand-control theory is a job analysis method useful in studies of occupational stress and reduction of stress-related illness, injury, and burnout. We describe sources of demand in the interpreting profession, including demands that arise from factors other than those associated with languages (linguistic demands). These include environmental, interpersonal, and intrapersonal demands. Karasek's concept of control, or decision latitude, is also explored in relation to the interpreting profession. We discuss the prevalence of cumulative trauma disorders (CTD), turnover, and burnout in the interpreting profession in light of demand-control theory and data from interpreter surveys, including a new survey study described herein. We conclude that nonlinguistic demand factors in particular and perceived restrictions in decision latitude likely contribute to stress, CTD, burnout, and the resulting shortage of sign language interpreters. We make suggestions for improvements in interpreter education and professional development, including the institution of an advanced, supervised professional training period, modeled after internships common in other high demand professional occupations.  相似文献   

《机械制图》是机械类专业通用的一门实践性很强的技术基础课,主要任务是培养学生阅读和绘制机械图样的能力,使学生具有一定的读图、空间想象和思维能力,以及分析问题和解决问题的能力。依照学生思维发展过程设计了《机械制图》的学习情境,通过学习情境的实施使学生掌握阅读和绘制机械图样的基本技能,培养其综合素质,以达到该课程的培养目标。相关研究成果与结论不仅对《机械制图》教学改革有借鉴作用,而且对于其他相关课程的教学改革也具有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

文章运用叙事探究的理念与方法,对甘肃临夏回族自治县一位东乡族女教师的专业成长历程进行了描述、诠释与反思,揭示了她对于教师职业、教师专业发展的理解。研究发现,新教师专业发展的形成与变化受到关键事件、重要他人等主客观因素的影响;自主发展意识与专业追求是教师发展的内在动力。  相似文献   

张韦 《海外英语》2012,(4):280-282
释意理论是上世纪70年代由法国翻译家达尼卡提出并确立。完善的理论结构和独特的理论视角使该理论一度成为西方口译理论的主导理论,并引领着西方口译研究进入了以译员为研究对象的新阶段。该文选用专业性较强的外贸领域为题材,以释意学派的理论为基础,结合日常贸易的具体实例,阐述释意学在外贸口译中的应用,以期对外贸口译发挥指导和促进作用。  相似文献   

The personnel and guidance profession is plagued with numerous types of experts who, without attempting to do so, retard the advancement of the profession. The mark of an expert is a person who publicly and unwaveringly proclaims that he has the answers to the problems confronting the profession. Perhaps the most disturbing characteristic of the expert found in the profession today is that he represents his own position as the only “true” one regardless of the issue. It is suggested that all members of the profession adopt a more open and questioning attitude particularly with regard to their own position. Additionally, it seems that the entire profession could benefit from a number of changes. Specifically it is recommended that opinion type articles be labeled as such, that theory be separated from fact, and that a greater attempt be made to redefine the language of the profession operationally.  相似文献   

The article explores sign language interpreter training, testing, and accreditation in three major English-speaking countries, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, by providing an overview of the training and assessment of sign language interpreters in each country. The article highlights the reasons these countries can be considered leaders in the profession and compares similarities and differences among them. Key similarities include the provision of university interpreter training, approval for training courses, license "maintenance" systems, and educational interpreting guidelines. Differences are noted in relation to training prerequisites, types and levels of accreditation, administration of the testing system, and accreditation of deaf interpreters. The article concludes with predictions about future developments related to the establishment of the World Association of Sign Language Interpreters and the development of sign language interpreting research as a research discipline.  相似文献   

Social work is an applied profession using a combination of theory, research, and practice to meet the needs of client populations. First-hand experiential learning is central to social work education. Just as students learn clinical skills by interacting with clients in a practice setting, students need a forum to use real data to develop their skills in accessing, understanding, interpreting, and presenting answers to pertinent social work research questions. This paper describes one university's efforts to design and implement coursework opportunities for students to integrate the use of actual data to answer pertinent real-world research and evaluation questions.  相似文献   

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