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目前,河源市正面临旅游产业转型升级。河源导游薪酬状况是旅游人才队伍稳定的重要因素,通过对河源导游队伍的形成过程及管理状况的调研,在分析了各项影响导游收入的要素后,提出了规范河源旅行社竞争环境、加强河源导游员素质、倡导导游绩效考核机制等导游薪酬创新策略。  相似文献   

韩国为江西省第一大客源国,但江西省却几乎无可用的韩语导游人才。除了本省开设韩语专业的大专院校较少,韩语导游资格证考试的取消等因素之外,韩语导游培训体系不完善、导游收入不稳定、职业发展路径不清晰也制约着江西省韩语导游人才队伍的壮大。本文从政府政策、校企合作人才培养、教材编写等方面给出了具体的优化对策。  相似文献   

山东是一个旅游大省,旅游资源丰富、类型多样,旅游业发展迅速;全省导游队伍庞大,但参差不齐,总体素质不高;山东省高等院校普遍开设旅游类专业教育,但很少开设导游专业,针对导游的课程少,不成系统。针对这种情况,该论文构建了全省地接导游知识系统,并设置了与之相对应的课程,为全省旅游院校进行旅游专业人才培养提供参照系,为旅游行政管理部门就导游人才队伍建设提供决策参考。  相似文献   

随着社会、经济的发展,企业对人才的素质要求越来越高,这也对高职教育提出了更高的要求。项目化教学是目前被高职院校比较认可的一种教学模式。本文通过笔者在《导游实务》课程中的教学实践,阐释了该课程的教学思路、教学设计、教学实施方案等,希望对项目化教学的实施有一定的借鉴意义,从而在更深层面上挖掘学生的职业潜能,培养学生导游综合服务能力,促进导游人才队伍的建设。  相似文献   

文章通过对昆明市导游队伍的调查研究,分析了导游队伍的现状、存在问题及原因,提出了提高导游准入门槛、加快小语种导游培养、建立合理透明的导游薪酬体系、完善导游分类和等级制度及导游培训体系等对策,进一步促进导游队伍建设和旅游行业快速、健康发展。  相似文献   

导游市场由于存在信息不对称、导游薪酬机制不甚合理、导游权益得不到有效保护、法律法规不健全、缺乏适当政府规制等多方面原因,导致导游市场出现了一定程度的失灵,严重影响了旅游业的健康发展。在运用博弈论分析导游和商家形成合作联盟必然性的基础上,借助政府规制理论,针对导游市场失灵提出了相应规制措施,以期减少导游市场失灵,规范导游市场管理。  相似文献   

为解决传统景区管理导游时,无法实时监控导游讲解信息、安排导游带团路线、评价导游带团情况,以及导游在很多景区仍然采用喇叭式讲解方式向游客传递景点知识,音量过高时会产生景区噪声等问题,设计了基于"互联网+"和SSH(Spring+Struts2+Hibernate)框架的智能导游调度管理系统。管理员通过浏览器访问系统对导游进行实时定位,消息推送,监听导游带团情况,分析并调度导游带团路线,对导游每次带团情况评分。本系统实现了手机音频实时监听,网页端一键录音并上传至服务器,以及推送至无线端的技术。智能导游调度系统加强了对导游的监管,提高了景区导游的服务质量,对景区进行了合理的游览规划。景区管理者可以更容易地管理导游并使得游客拥有更加愉快、便捷、高质量的旅游环境。  相似文献   

2008年1月1日颁布实施的《劳动合同法》,进一步规范了旅行社的用工制度,其中一些规定对兼职导游产生直接的影响。如何采取有效措施解决好兼职导游的归属、与兼职导游签订劳动合同、兼职导游的薪资等问题,值得我们深思。首先分析兼职导游构成现状及新法对兼职导游产生的负面影响,并试图从旅行社、导游服务公司、旅游行政管理部门和兼职导游四个方面提出应对措施。  相似文献   

如何引导职高生突破现场导游考试的瓶颈   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为全国导游人员考试重要组成部分的现场导游考试每年的通过率普遍较低。文章阐述了有效提高职高生现场导游考试通过率的核心,在于培养学生对现场导游讲解自信心的建立,和科学的导游语言训练体系的构建,同时简单介绍了赏识教育、微格教学法、分层教学法等教学方法在培养职高生现场导游讲解能力中的具体运用。  相似文献   

李勇 《考试周刊》2007,(28):64-66
新世纪新条件下市场对导游从业人员外语水平提出了更高要求,导游专业教育必需适应市场需求,进行教学改革,培养出合格的导游人才。本文结合我校导游专业的双语教学课程设置及教学经验体会,对导游专业双语教学课程设置的定位、指导思想、课程设置的具体实施过程等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Cross-age tutoring is characterised by status and age differences between tutors and tutees. Tutees are often inactive in this setting, because responsibility for effective learning is transferred to the more experienced tutors. This study focused on improving the outcomes of cross-age tutoring for tutees by providing tutors with a tutor training session that emphasised knowledge-building instead of knowledge-telling. The tutors learned to encourage tutees’ autonomy, competence and active knowledge construction. In a quasi-experimental design, an experimental group of 74 tutors, who were 8th-grade secondary school students, received the tutor training in knowledge-building, and a control group of 82 tutors received no training. The students in both groups subsequently tutored 583 3rd-grade primary school students in small groups on elementary aspects of electric circuits. The tutoring process was videotaped and coded. Trained tutors showed more knowledge-building and less knowledge-telling behaviour. In the tutoring interaction with trained tutors, tutees showed more active behaviour and tutors showed more restrained behaviour. Tutees coached by trained tutors reported more experiences of autonomy, competence, and intrinsic motivation and learned more than tutees instructed by untrained tutors. The study showed that cross-age tutoring can be improved by providing tutors with training that focused on knowledge-building.  相似文献   

欠发达地区高校研究生指导教师队伍建设的战略选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究生指导教师是高校教师队伍中的精华和杰出代表,在学校发展中一直发挥着不可替代的作用。但从我国久发达地区研究生手师队伍建设的现状来看,形势不容乐现。我们必须抓住机遇,深化改革,采取新的措施与对策,建设一支素质优良的新世纪导师队伍,才能进一步适应教育改革和发展的需要。  相似文献   

针对中国当代研究生培养模式中单一导师制的弊端,探索了研究生培养的导师组机制,包括导师组权责划分机制、师生间沟通交流机制、学生间沟通交流机制等,并进行了具体实践。  相似文献   

Law education at the University of Limburg (Maastricht, The Netherlands) features small-group tutorials alternating with periods of independent study. Every group of 10 students was tutored by a staff member or an undergraduate student from the third or fourth year. Students guided by a staff member scored significantly higher on a test designed to measure higher order cognitive skills than students guided by a student tutor. Student tutors were rated no differently from staff tutors with respect to the way they stimulated learning processes, directed the discussion content and monitored the discussion process. It seems that in a quantitative way, staff tutors and student tutors behave more or less the same. Qualitatively, however, there may be differences in their behavior which the tutor functioning questionnaire is unable to tap. Interventions of staff tutors may be more to the point than those of student tutors due to the fact that they are experts in their fields.  相似文献   

This study focused on students' observations of student and staff tutors' behavior during two academic courses, using a thirtynine-item rating scale. The study took place within an integrated problem-based law curriculum. Six major factors in tutors' behavior were identified. Differences between student and staff tutors' performance were investigated. The results showed that student tutors were better at understanding the nature of the problems students face in attempting to master the subject-matter. Student tutors were also more interested in students' daily lives, study experiences and personalities. In addition, student tutors referred to end-of-course examinations more frequently than staff tutors to direct student learning. Alternatively, staff tutors used their subject-matter expertise more often and displayed more authoritarian behavior than student tutors. No differences were found with respect to tutors' focus on cooperation among group members. The results are interpreted in terms of the nature of the knowledge and experiences of students and staff with regard to problem-based learning and its requirements.  相似文献   

Even though peer tutors are often used in gross anatomy courses, research in the field is rather a subject of the last two decades. This is especially true about the didactical challenges these types of peer tutors experience during their tutorials and about how they are prepared for the task. The aim of the presented study was to learn about the training needs of the tutors, and to subsequently design, implement, and evaluate a didactical training concept. A qualitative design was chosen to examine how tutors can best be prepared for tutorials of gross anatomy. To do so, focus group interviews were conducted. The data were analyzed and grouped into various concepts, using semi‐structured interview questions as guidance. It was found that peer tutors are in need of training in the following aspects: Dealing with students who are experiencing difficulties during or as a result of dissection, dealing with group dynamics, that is, at the dissection table, keeping students motivated, time management, and staying confident as a tutor. In order to be regarded as useful and relevant in the eyes of tutors, a preparatory training course should include all these aspects in addition to general didactical training elements. Training needs of peer tutors of gross anatomy go beyond the content of standardized didactical curricula; therefore, tutors should be prepared with a curriculum that is specifically geared toward the many challenges associated with teaching gross anatomy to first year medical students which are already so well documented in the research literature. Anat Sci Educ 10: 495–502. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

We compared effects of tutoring by students and by staff. In four courses in each of two consecutive first years of an undergraduate problem-based law curriculum we examined the achievements and perceptions of tutors of students taught by student and staff tutors. Achievements were measured by the results on the regular end-of-course tests. After the end-of-course tests students’ perceptions were obtained by an online questionnaire and by a semi-structured focus group interview. The aim of the focus groups was to gain more in-depth insight into students’ perceptions. No significant differences in achievement and perceptions of tutors were found. Students’ perceptions of both staff and student tutors were generally positive. The results suggest that students that are carefully selected and well trained can be effective as tutors in the first year of an undergraduate problem-based curriculum.  相似文献   

对“导师负责制”下研究生培养的思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究生导师负责制和集体培养相结合的方式经过实践证明是一种较适合我国的研究生培养方式。本探讨了由于集体培养方式制度不完善而存在的一些问题,如不利于知识面的拓宽,不利于学术道德、学生健全人格的形成和师生之间情感的交流等,并探讨了导师负责制下研究生学术活动的意义及如何开展。  相似文献   

The aim of this Norwegian study is to get a deeper understanding of the assumptions for building third spaces in teacher education. Learning in different contexts may open for development of new knowledge in the third space through intersubjectivity based on confidence, respectful disagreement and a common aim. This is the backdrop for the current study where a group of mentors with and without mentor education are interviewed focusing on tutors’ competences and responsibilities. Findings show that mentors have an unclear understanding of who the tutors are. Experiences from teaching are essential for mentors’ understanding of tutors as respectful collaborators. Educated mentors value theoretical knowledge and research higher than non-educated. The conclusion is that tutors and mentors should have knowledge about and respect for each-others’ competence and responsibilities and that mentor education is a promising assumption for building third spaces and developing a pedagogy for teacher education.  相似文献   

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