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运用运动学、动力学同步测试分析的方法,揭示了不同水平短跑运动员支撑过程中支撑反作用力和人体运动学参数的差异及其相互关系,以认识短跑途中跑技术和支撑反作用力的特征。  相似文献   

沈士达  李群 《体育科研》2010,31(6):61-64
运用激光测速系统、运动学分析系统以及多参数同步触发系统,在上海2名优秀短跑运动员的100 m跑训练过程中进行测试,将运动员100 m途中跑支撑阶段的运动学参数与人体运动的水平速度进行同步分析,来揭示短跑运动员100 m途中跑速度的变化规律,讨论和分析短跑运动员100 m途中跑支撑阶段的不同运动学参数的变化与人体速度的关系,为教练员和运动员提高短跑途中跑的速度和改进技术动作提供一定的数据参考和理论依据。  相似文献   

通过 "逆向动力学计算"的方法,系统揭示了不同水平短跑运动员支撑过程中支撑腿下肢各关节净肌力矩与关节功率特点以及不同水平运动员之间的差异,更为深入地探讨了短跑途中跑技术以及专项力量特点.  相似文献   

1.对短跑运动员下肢力量训练方法的新设计 加强运动员的下肢力量是提高短跑成绩最主要的手段之一。长期以来,杠铃负重练习是短跑运动员下肢力量最主要的方法,但是人们根据肌电学,人体解剖学的最新研究成果已发现,以礼铃负重为主的力量练习中,有某些手段在方法和要求上与短跑技术和能力的发展脱节。实际上,短跑的主要动力来源是下肢肌群协调作用的结果,并具有专门的动作结构。因此,从提高训练效率的角度来看,选择短跑需要的肌群进行训练是最合理的。同时,短跑的下肢力量练习,应根据下肢的动作结构来设计进行。  相似文献   

短跑运动生物力学——运动学研究现状   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在回顾总结前人采用运动学测量方法在短跑运动中取得的成就的基础上,认真分析了该领域研究中的不足,并展望了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

选择1982年美国14名奥林匹克集训男子短跑运动员途中跑生物力学参数作为研究对象,对美国优秀男子短跑运动员途中跑运动学参数进行因子和回归分析,旨在发现和找到样本参数间的一些内在规律,为我国的短跑运动训练提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:从运动员选材角度探讨短跑和中长跑项目运动员在跳深实验中支撑时间的特征,为支撑时间应用于田径运动员选材提供依据。方法:以上海市一、二线短跑和中长跑共84名运动员为研究对象。所有研究对象均进行身高、体重、跳深实验测试,分组研究两项目运动员支撑时间特征。结果:短跑男子优秀组最快和平均支撑时间都快于一般组(P<0.05),女子优秀组最快和平均支撑时间也都快于一般组(P>0.05),中长跑组也表现基本一致的趋势;项目之间进行比较也基本表现出一致性趋势,也就是短跑组最快和平均支撑时间基本快于相同运动等级中长跑组(P>0.05)。结论:支撑时间在短跑和中长跑项目中具有明显的项目特征和等级特征,可以应用于短跑或中长跑项目选材。  相似文献   

从短跑支撑技术的发展看体育专业短跑教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着短跑技术的发展,“屈蹬”技术的出现,与体育专业传统的充分后蹬教学理论与方法产生了较大的矛盾。为运用现代信息技术和运动学的方法,对世界顶级短跑运动员和体育教育专业学生的支撑技术进行了比较研究,得出了体育专业学生后蹬技术教学应采取“多元化”方法的结论。  相似文献   

翟丰  张艳平 《辽宁体育科技》2004,26(2):42-42,45
通过对我国优秀的校男子短跑运动员在百米加速段落的速度、步长、步频的比较以及全程跑有关指标的分析,揭示高校男子短跑运动员比赛全程及加速段落运动学特征,步长、步频的差距,并提出相应训练建议以利于对运动员的加速能力进行检查与评定,以提高高校短跑运动水平。  相似文献   

董广新 《体育学刊》2003,10(3):115-117
在查阅歇资料和调查访问的基础上,经过理论研究和实践论证后认为,人体水平加速的原动力是摇动腿的折叠前摆与支撑腿的快速伸髋在时空上的巧妙配合;支撑和摆动相互作用,相互影响,二在短跑的不同阶段所起的作用大小不同;提高摆动的速度和幅度是提高跑速的决定因素。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、拍摄、生物力学解析及数理统计等方法,结合人体解剖学、运动生理学原理,对参加2013年全国田径大奖赛肇庆站的我国8名优秀女子跳远运动员起跳时的髋、膝、踝关节技术进行运动学分析,揭示队员们起跳过程中下肢关节及相关肌群的工作情况.为指导跳远运动员改进起跳技术,完善训练计划,提高专项成绩提供参考.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、实验法和数理统计法,以10名辽宁省排球队女运动员为研究对象,获取受试者3步助跑后衔接跳跃扣球的起跳期在三维空间坐标中的轨迹和与地面的反作用力参数,以及髋关节、膝关节、踝关节的最大伸肌力矩和最大伸肌功率,研究排球不同扣球起跳下肢运动学的特征,为提高排球扣球起跳时的动作质量提供参考。结果表明:(1)后排先行脚、跟随脚的动作时间、动作总时间短于后排,后排起跳动作距离长于前排(P<0.01);(2)先行脚和跟随脚的髋关节、膝关节伸肌力矩后排大于前排(P>0.05);在踝关节伸肌力矩中,后排的先行脚大于前排(P>0.05),后排的跟随脚大于前排(P<0.05);(3)除先行脚的膝关节向心功率后排均小于前排外,先行脚和跟随脚的髋关节、膝关节、踝关节伸肌向心功率后排均大于前排。先行脚和跟随脚的髋关节、膝关节肌坏踝关节离心功率后排大于前排。  相似文献   

针对普通高校运动员训练中普遍存在器材设备落后、训练时间较短、文化水平偏低、学习和训练的矛盾较为突出等问题,制定了科学训练的计划及手段,提出并实施了运动训练与思想转化相结合的二元制方法.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe and compare the EMG patterns of select lower limb muscles throughout the golf swing, performed with three different clubs, in non-elite middle-aged players. Fourteen golfers performed eight swings each using, in random order, a pitching wedge, 7-iron and 4-iron. Surface electromyography (EMG) was recorded bilaterally from lower limb muscles: tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, gastrocnemius medialis, gastrocnemius lateralis, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, gluteus maximus, vastus medialis, rectus femoris and vastus lateralis. Three-dimensional high-speed video analysis was used to determine the golf swing phases. Results showed that, in average handicap golfers, the highest muscle activation levels occurred during the Forward Swing Phase, with the right semitendinosus and the right biceps femoris muscles producing the highest mean activation levels relative to maximal electromyography (70–76% and 68–73% EMGMAX, respectively). Significant differences between the pitching wedge and the 4-iron club were found in the activation level of the left semitendinosus, right tibialis anterior, right peroneus longus, right vastus medialis, right rectus femuris and right gastrocnemius muscles. The lower limb muscles showed, in most cases and phases, higher mean values of activation on electromyography when golfers performed shots with a 4-iron club.  相似文献   

The shoe can be thought of as a powerful tool for controlling human movement. A well‐designed shoe can assist in reducing the number of lower limb injuries arising from sport and training activities. The purpose of this paper is to present a summary of the main thrusts of research in this field by means of a digest of current thinking and practice.

The paper initially presents a survey of work in the biomechanical field with particular reference to the design of footwear. A review of the types of injury acquired by sportsmen in both training and playing is then followed by a discussion of aspects of footwear design and their role in both contributing to and preventing lower limb injury. Finally, the paper considers support and shock absorption techniques in the context of footwear design.

It is concluded that research has been wide‐ranging and thorough. However, the complexity of the biomechanical system being studied has prevented definitive recommendations for the prevention of injury being made in every case. Nonetheless, it is clear that a number of guiding principles have been established which should be the basis for future developments in footwear design to minimize the chance of lower limb injury.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse lower limb work patterns in world-class race walkers. Seventeen male and female athletes race walked at competitive pace. Ground reaction forces (1000 Hz) and high-speed videos (100 Hz) were recorded and normalised joint moments, work and power, stride length, stride frequency and speed estimated. The hip flexors and extensors were the main generators of energy (24.5 J (±6.9) and 40.3 J (±8.3), respectively), with the ankle plantarflexors (16.3 J (±4.3)) contributing to the energy generated during late stance. The knee generated little energy but performed considerable negative work during swing (?49.1 J (±8.7)); the energy absorbed by the knee extensors was associated with smaller changes in velocity during stance (r = .783, P < .001), as was the energy generated by the hip flexors (r = ?.689, P = .002). The knee flexors did most negative work (?38.6 J (±5.8)) and the frequent injuries to the hamstrings are probably due to this considerable negative work. Coaches should note the important contributions of the hip and ankle muscles to energy generation and the need to develop knee flexor strength in reducing the risk of injury.  相似文献   

分析我国优秀20公里竞走运动员下肢关节肌肉力量平衡状态及其对运动过程中髋膝踝关节稳定性的影响.在我国6名参加2008北京奥运会20公里竞走运动员中,男子分别以4.13m/s和4.31m/s,女子以3.63m/s和3.89m/s的不同速度下,进行Qualisys红外远射运动技术测试和下肢髋膝踝关节在60°/sec和240°/sec速度下屈伸等动肌力测试,分析运动员肌力的不平衡特点及其与髋膝踝关节在水平和垂直位移的关系.研究发现:6名竞走运动员两侧髋膝踝关节屈伸肌力不平衡;下肢髋膝踝关节肌力越大,运动过程中关节越稳定;下肢肌力的不平衡直接导致了运动中下肢同名关节角位移的差异.我国优秀20公里竞走运动员下肢髋膝踝关节存在着明显的不平衡现象.下肢同名关节肌力越不平衡,在支撑阶段其同名关节角位移的差异越大,运动中关节的稳定性越差.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate gender differences in knee valgus angle and inter-knee and inter-ankle distances in university volleyball players when performing opposed block jump landings. Six female and six male university volleyball players performed three dynamic trials each for which they were instructed to jump up and block a volleyball suspended above a net set at the height of a standard volleyball net as it was spiked against them by an opposing player. Knee valgus/varus, inter-knee distance, and inter-ankle distance (absolute and relative to height) were determined during landing using three-dimensional motion analysis. Females displayed significantly greater maximum valgus angle and range of motion than males. This may increase the risk of ligament strain in females compared with males. Minimum absolute inter-knee distance was significantly smaller, and absolute and relative inter-knee displacement during landing significantly greater, in females than males. Both absolute and relative inter-ankle displacement during landing was significantly greater in males than females. These findings suggest that the gender difference in the valgus angle of the knee during two-footed landing is influenced by gender differences in the linear movement of the ankles as well as the knees. Coaches should therefore develop training programmes to focus on movement of both the knee and ankle joints in the frontal plane in order to reduce the knee valgus angle during landing, which in turn may reduce the risk of non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injury.  相似文献   

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