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ABSTRACT: To create effective educational interventions that address the food safety informational needs of youth, a greater understanding of their knowledge and skills is needed. The purposes of this study were to explore, via focus groups, the food‐handling responsibilities of middle school youth and obstacles they face in practicing safe food handling and develop recommendations for the design of food safety interventions for youth. Most youth reported that they prepared food at least once weekly and rated learning to prevent foodborne illness as important. Youth knew that food could make them sick, described foodborne illness as resulting from “something” getting into food, not cooking food “right,” or the food going bad. Most responses lacked details, suggesting knowledge was basic. Nearly all were interested in learning about food safety. Barriers that deterred them from learning about food safety were time and feeling they were not susceptible to foodborne illness. To overcome barriers, youth suggested focusing on the seriousness of and risks for foodborne illness, using a serious but comical educational approach, and using hands‐on educational media. Parents highly rated the importance of and degree to which they wanted youth to learn about food safety. Parents felt that their children had moderate levels of food safety knowledge, but many questioned whether they practiced food safety procedures when unsupervised. Parents felt that food safety education needed to be taught and reinforced in school and at home. After having reviewed youth and parent data, food safety experts proposed recommendations for youth‐focused food safety education that paralleled current consumer food safety initiatives.  相似文献   

High school students are a critical audience for food safety. Students may enter the foodservice industry or become primary meal preparers for their families. The positive deviance food safety curriculum was developed based on the messages from the Fight BAC! Campaign. The curriculum is designed for high school students to overcome barriers to safe food handling practices. This study evaluated the effectiveness of the positive deviance approach to change food safety knowledge and behaviors among high school students. Students (n = 218) from two high schools participated in this study. The positive deviance method uses group discussions lead by the teacher who reinforces and praises behaviors, which reflect recommended food handling practices. Measurements included pre‐ and postsurveys, preobservations and postobservation cooking classes, take‐home tasks, and in‐class activities. Results indicated that the curriculum significantly increased students’ food safety knowledge. Specifically, the percentage of students believing that color was a good indicator of meat doneness dropped from 52% to 17% after exposure to the curriculum. When observed, the students’ compliance with recommended behaviors increased. Prior to instruction, most ground beef burgers students cooked did not reach 160°F, while after the intervention, almost all of the burgers reached 160°F or higher. The curriculum will benefit from a revision that emphasizes areas such as how to use, calibrate, and to clean food thermometers.  相似文献   

针对标准化考场建设的需要,设计了一种基于以太网的考试指令播报系统。系统由卫星时间接收装置、考务系统和多个考场终端共同组成。考务系统负责各个考场终端系统时间同步校准、发送考试指令、网络参数配置、升级下位机程序等远程网络化管理。考场终端以STM32F107嵌入式处理器为核心,包含以太网接口电路、LED点阵屏显示控制电路、文本语音合成电路等,通过以太网接收考务系统的各种指令并完成相应功能。考试期间的各种考试指令和考试时间由LED点阵屏显示文字信息并使用文本语音合成技术将其播放。系统经过学校期末考试、全国大学生英语等级等大型考试实际运行测试,切实有效,可靠性强,具有较强的推广价值。  相似文献   

综述了转基因食品研究、生产的现状,并对转基因食品的安全性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Development and Implementation of a Food Safety Knowledge Instrument   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT:  Little is known about the food safety knowledge of young adults. In addition, few knowledge questionnaires and no comprehensive, criterion-referenced measure that assesses the full range of food safety knowledge could be identified. Without appropriate, valid, and reliable measures and baseline data, it is difficult to develop and implement effective education efforts. Thus, the purpose of this study was to develop a comprehensive, valid, reliable food safety knowledge questionnaire. Questionnaire development followed this process: 1) use of published reports and input from experts in food safety and sanitation (n = 7) to identify key food safety concepts; 2) development of a question bank (n = 101) assessing knowledge of key concepts (i.e., cross contamination prevention'disinfection procedures; safe times/temperatures for cooking/storing foods; groups at greatest risk for foodborne disease; foods that increase risk of foodborne disease; and foodborne disease pathogens); 3) refinement of initial questions by experts; 4) questionnaire pretest with young adults (n = 180) and refinement; 5) questionnaire pilot test (n = 126) and refinement; 6) final expert review and refinement; and 7) conversion into an online survey. Young adults (n = 4343, mean age 19.9 ± 1.7SD years) from 21 universities and colleges across the country completed the questionnaire. Item analysis was used to determine the overall quality of the test and identify improvements needed. Livingston's coefficient of reliability for criterion-referenced tests was 0.92. The questionnaire met or exceeded generally recognized standards of reliability and validity. This questionnaire could be useful in baseline assessment of food safety knowledge and measurement of knowledge gained after an educational intervention in adults.  相似文献   

The interactions between levels of learner prior knowledge and effectiveness of different instructional techniques and procedures have been intensively investigated within a cognitive load framework since mid-90s. This line of research has become known as the expertise reversal effect. Apart from their cognitive load theory-based prediction and explanation, patterns of empirical findings on the effect fit well those in studies of Aptitude Treatment Interactions (ATI) that were originally initiated in mid-60s. This paper reviews recent empirical findings associated with the expertise reversal effect, their interpretation within cognitive load theory, relations to ATI studies, implications for the design of learner-tailored instructional systems, and some recent experimental attempts of implementing these findings into realistic adaptive learning environments.  相似文献   

从现代认知心理学的视角出发,揭示不同个体在同一问题解决中认知模式的差异,结果显示:(1)问题解决认知模式分布存在偏好,产生式认知模式占绝对优势,范畴式认知模式人次明显偏低;(2)认知模式没有表现出性别上的显著差异;(3)认知模式与问题解决成绩显著相关.基此,对学科教学提出一些可行性建议.  相似文献   

浅谈幼儿园教学管理人员的专业发展与促进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幼儿园教学管理人员是指参与幼儿园教育教学管理的中层干部群体,包括园长助理、业务园长和保教主任。实践证明:提高幼儿园教学管理人员的专业素质,给予他们人文关怀和提供进修机会,建立相应的保障制度,加快其专业发展进程等都对提高幼儿园的教育质量起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

食品安全事件的频繁发生,以及合理规制食品风险的需求,促使国家立法机关将食品安全风险评估机制纳入法律规范。然而,食品安全风险评估存在着不确定性和依附性等问题,可能会制约该机制的功能发挥。为解决上述问题,有必要引入公众参与、司法审查等外在制约机制,以提高食品安全风险评估结果的科学性和可接受性。  相似文献   

Foodborne illness is a global public health issue. Young adults may work in foodservice while they are university students, and their habits may later shape the practices and well‐being of their children. The objective of this study was to establish baseline data and assess the food safety knowledge of 18‐ to 26‐year‐old Univ. of Maine students. Demographic questions and the previously validated Food Safety Knowledge Questionnaire (FSKQ) were placed online. Of 123 people who responded to the email recruitment notice, 104 Univ. of Maine undergraduates aged 18 to 26 years completed the survey. The average score among all participants was 60% correct (53 points out of a possible 89 points). Survey questions that required participants to identify common sources of foodborne pathogens had the lowest average percent correct (31%). Less than 50% of participants were able to correctly identify several high‐risk foods, including sliced melon, raw sprouts, and unpasteurized fruit juice. Our findings indicate a need for educational programs for 18‐ to 26‐year‐old Univ. of Maine students in regards to common sources of foodborne pathogens and proper handling of fresh produce and that food safety knowledge among university students has not improved since publication of a national survey using the FSKQ in 2006. Effective educational programs are needed to ensure that young adults understand food risks and appropriate food handling practices.  相似文献   

教学知识管理研究现状及其对新课程改革的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着知识经济的到来,知识管理逐渐成为各个领域关注的焦点。在教育领域中,教学知识管理逐渐成为课堂教学管理尤其是有效教学研究的重要课题。教学知识管理的突出特点在于实现显性知识与隐性知识的相互转化,从而实现知识的流通、增值和拓展,促进知识创新。知识管理对促进教师观念的转变、专业成长以及运用理论眼光审视教学实践提供了新的思路和方法。对教学知识管理的深入研究,也有利于在课程改革背景下促进教师接纳新的知识理念、改良现行教学机制,形成学习共同体,采用新的知识评价制度,推动新一轮的教学理论与实践研究以及教学环境的建设。  相似文献   

知识观的转型不可避免地促使课堂评价知识在其本质、表征和有效阈这三个维度上发生相应的转变。知识的相似性本质不仅从根本上改变了知识表征和知识有效阈的传统二分,而且也拓宽了课堂评价知识建构的理论视野。从有限度、动态、多层次的知识本质观出发,围绕知识本质、知识表征和知识有效阈来建构课堂评价知识的三维立体模型,能够为有效摆脱目前课堂评价所面临的种种困境提供一种新的可能路标。  相似文献   

在对长期主导西方思想传统的客观主义知识观的批判中,个人知识应运而生。因其综合了内容之知、能力之知和状态之知等要素,从而在承认言语可述知识的重要价值时,将认知主体的情感、态度和价值等默会认知能力概为知识范畴,进而跨越主客二分鸿沟,从明述与默会、普遍与具体等交叉维度重构个人知识内涵,赋予个人知识以逻辑品格与情境理性之特质,寓居和亲知引导其基本方法取向。个人知识为理解当前我国以核心素养为理念的课程改革带来了全新视角。  相似文献   

PISA数学素养测评一直注重测评学生的问题解决能力。在问题解决的数学过程中,PISA2021数学素养测评框架首次将数学推理视为核心,并提出与数学推理相关联的数学学科内容,指出有关数学推理能力的18条表现期望,据此区分不同水平的学生。该框架通过计算机交互式测试测量学生的推理能力,呈现对学生高阶思维的有效测评。PISA2021的数学推理测评内容与方式对我国基础教育促进学生数学推理能力培养、丰富教育评价中数学推理的测评内容与方式等均具有参考借鉴意义。  相似文献   

从食品安全法律体系这一重要方面进行深入地分析,就目前我国食品安全法律体系的现状及存在的问题以及如何改善目前我国食品安全法律体系现有的法律制度,科学的构建我国食品安全法律体系,如何完善我国食品安全法律体系的具体措施等提出意见和建议,解决现有我国食品安全方面存在的问题。  相似文献   

While access to higher education has reached gender parity in Taiwan, the phenomenon of gender segregation and stratification by fields of study and by division of labor persist. In this article, we trace the historical evolution of Taiwan's education system and data using large-scale educational databases to analyze the association of institutional factors and educational outcomes. Grouping in the college entrance examinations in the 1950s led to grouping in the high school curriculum, which, in turn, seems to have enlarged the mathematics performance gap between the natural sciences group and the social studies group, and extended to a performance gap between the two groups on the college entrance examination. Because men concentrate in science and engineering and women concentrate in humanities, the superiority of the former disciplines over the latter was consolidated along with the stereotype that male fields were better than female fields.  相似文献   

教学用的数学知识研究经历了数学知识研究、数学课程知识研究和教学用的数学知识研究三个阶段.教学用的数学知识通过对数学教学的核心活动进行分析,直接研究课堂教学中教师使用的数学知识及其影响.它是有效教学的知识基础,应该成为教师教育的主要内容.  相似文献   

语境问题是语言研究中的一个核心问题,对语境的认识追随着语言研究的理路而嬗变。在结构主义语言研究的范式中,语境研究主要聚焦于语言层次中的内部结构关系,主张语境的形式理性;功能语言研究范式彰显语言的社会文化功能,寻求语境的工具理性;认知语言学强调语言与认知的关系,使语境研究发生认知转向,企图探索语境的关系理性。词汇作为语言有机体中最丰富、最核心的要素,它的生成、演变及其使用只能在语境的基底上得到合理的解释,作为一个重要知识领域的词汇教学研究自然离不开对语境的认知阐释。从认知语境视角看,词汇教学是调动学习者的词汇相关知识和经验论域知识的过程,彰显认知主体对词汇存在的语境阐释和理解,因为词汇意义是无数语境条件下的使用、复现特征的强化和固化,最终源于认知主体之经验。  相似文献   

Alphabet knowledge is consistently recognized as the strongest, most durable predictor of later literacy achievement. Recent research offers practical implications for increased effectiveness of teaching alphabet knowledge to young children. In this article, we outline Enhanced Alphabet Knowledge instruction (EAK), a method of practical instruction that early childhood teachers can use to organize, plan, and teach the essential skills of alphabet knowledge. EAK emphasizes identifying the letter name and sound, recognizing the letter in text, and producing the letter form, through flexible, distributed cycles of review based on factors that influence acquisition of alphabet knowledge.  相似文献   

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