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In this paper, the globally exponential synchronization problem of dynamical networks with nonlinearly coupling function is considered. Hybrid pinning control strategies are established to force the states of the network to follow some objective trajectory. The impulsive pinning controllers are used to control a fringe of nodes at the impulsive instants, while during the impulsive instants, pinning state-feedback controllers are designed to achieve the control objective. Finally, the validity of the developed techniques is evidenced by an illustrative example.  相似文献   

In this paper, the synchronization problem is studied for a class of stochastic discrete-time complex networks with partial mixed impulsive effects. The involving impulsive effects, called partial mixed impulses, can be regarded as local and time-varying impulses, which means that impulses are not only injected into a fraction of nodes in networks but also contain synchronizing and desynchronizing impulses at the same time. In order to handle this case, several mathematical techniques are proposed to tackle mixed impulsive effects in discrete-time dynamical systems. Based on the variation of parameters formula, several sufficient criteria are derived to ensure that synchronization of the addressed networks can be achieved in mean square. The obtained criteria not only rely on the strengths of mixed impulses and the impulsive intervals, but also can reduce conservativeness. Finally, a numerical example is presented to show the effectiveness of our results for neural networks.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of synchronization on interval type-2 (IT2) stochastic fuzzy complex dynamical networks (CDNs) with time-varying delay via fuzzy pinning control is fully studied. Firstly, a more general complex network model is considered, which involves the time-varying delay, IT2 fuzzy and stochastic effects. More specifically, IT2 fuzzy model, as a meaningful fuzzy scheme, is investigated for the first time in CDNs. Then, with the aid of Lyapunov stability theory and stochastic analysis technique, some new sufficient criteria are established to ensure synchronization of the addressed systems. Moreover, on basis of the parallel-distributed compensation (PDC) scheme, two effective fuzzy pinning control protocols are proposed to achieve the synchronization. Finally, a numerical example is performed to illustrate the effectiveness and superiority of the derived theoretical results.  相似文献   

Determining an input matrix, i.e., locating predefined number of nodes (named “key nodes”) connected to external control sources that provide control signals, so as to minimize the cost of controlling a preselected subset of nodes (named “target nodes”) in directed networks is an outstanding issue. This problem arises especially in large natural and technological networks. To address this issue, we focus on directed networks with linear dynamics and propose an iterative method, termed as “L0-norm constraint based projected gradient method” (LPGM) in which the input matrix B is involved as a matrix variable. By introducing a chain rule for matrix differentiation, the gradient of the cost function with respect to B can be derived. This allows us to search B by applying probabilistic projection operator between two spaces, i.e., a real valued matrix space RN?×?M and a L0 norm matrix space RL0N×M by restricting the L0 norm of B as a fixed value of M. Then, the nodes that correspond to the M nonzero elements of the obtained input matrix (denoted as BL0) are selected as M key nodes, and each external control source is connected to a single key node. Simulation examples in real-life networks are presented to verify the potential of the proposed method. An interesting phenomenon we uncovered is that generally the control cost of scale free (SF) networks is higher than Erdos-Renyi (ER) networks using the same number of external control sources to control the same size of target nodes of networks with the same network size and mean degree. This work will deepen the understanding of optimal target control problems and provide new insights to locate key nodes for achieving minimum-cost control of target nodes in directed networks.  相似文献   

In this paper, by using Lyapunov functions, Razumikhin techniques and stochastic analysis approaches, the robust exponential stability of a class of uncertain impulsive stochastic neural networks with delayed impulses is investigated. The obtained results show that delayed impulses can make contribution to the stability of system. Compared with existing results on related problems, this work improves and complements ones from some works. Two examples are discussed to illustrate the effectiveness and the advantages of the results obtained.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of exponential synchronization of coupled complex networks with time-varying delays and stochastic perturbations (CCNTDSP). Different from previous works, both the internal time-varying delay and the coupling time-varying delay are taken into account in the network model. Meanwhile, an impulsive controller is designed to realize exponential synchronization in mean square of CCNTDSP. Combining the Lyapunov method with Kirchhoff’s Matrix Tree Theorem, some sufficient criteria are obtained to guarantee exponential synchronization in mean square of CCNTDSP. Furthermore, we apply the theoretical results to study exponential synchronization of stochastic coupled oscillators with the internal time-varying delay and the coupling time-varying delay. And a synchronization criterion is also obtained. Finally, two numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of our theoretical results and the superiority of impulsive control.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a stability problem for linear systems with time-varying delays. By constructing suitable augmented Lyapunov–Krasovskii functionals, improved stability criteria under various conditions of time-varying delays are derived within the framework of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Moreover, to reduce the computational burden caused by the non-convex term including h2(t), how to deal with it is applied by estimating it to the convex term including h(t). Finally, three illustrative examples are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed criteria.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the stochastic synchronization problem for a class of Markovian hybrid neural networks with random coupling strengths and mode-dependent mixed time-delays in the mean square. First, a novel inequality is established which is a double integral form of the Wirtinger-based integral inequality. Next, by employing a novel augmented Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional (LKF) with several mode-dependent matrices, applying the theory of Kronecker product of matrices, Barbalat’s Lemma and the auxiliary function-based integral inequalities, several novel delay-dependent conditions are established to achieve the globally stochastic synchronization for the mode-dependent Markovian hybrid coupled neural networks. Finally, a numerical example with simulation is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the presented criteria.  相似文献   

In this paper, the stability analysis of impulsive discrete-time stochastic BAM neural networks with leakage and mixed time delays is investigated via some novel Lyapunov–Krasoviskii functional terms and effective techniques. For the target model, stochastic disturbances are described by Brownian motion. Then the result is further extended to address the problem of robust stability of uncertain discrete-time BAM neural networks. The conditions obtained here are expressed in terms of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs), which can be easily checked by MATLAB LMI control toolbox. Finally, few numerical examples are presented to substantiate the effectiveness of the derived LMI-based stability conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, the asymptotic stability analysis is investigated for a kind of discrete-time bidirectional associative memory (BAM) neural networks with the existence of perturbations namely, stochastic, Markovian jumping and impulses. Based on the theory of stability, a novel Lyapunov–Krasovskii function is constructed and by utilizing the concept of delay partitioning approach, a new linear-matrix-inequality (LMI) based criterion for the stability of such a system is proposed. Furthermore, the derived sufficient conditions are expressed in the structure of LMI, which can be easily verified by a known software package that guarantees the globally asymptotic stability of the equilibrium point. Eventually, a numerical example with simulation is given to demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the exponential synchronization problem of memristive recurrent neural networks (MRNNs) with heterogeneous time-varying delays (HTVDs). First, a novel discontinuous feedback control is designed, in which a tunable scalar is introduced. The tunable scalar makes the controller more flexible in reducing the upper bound of the control gain. Based on this control scheme, the double integral term can be successfully used to construct the LKF. Second, New method for tackling memristive synaptic weights and new estimation technique are presented. Third, based on the LKF and estimation technique, synchronization criterion is derived. In comparison with existing results, the established criterion is less conservatism thanks to the double integral term of the LKF. Finally, numerical simulations are presented to validate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed results.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of delay-dependent stability analysis for neural networks with time-varying delays. First, by constructing an augmented Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional and utilizing a generalized free-weighting matrix integral inequality, an improved stability criterion for the concerned network is derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Second, by considering a marginal augmented vector and modifying a Lyapunov–Krasovsii functional, a further enhanced stability criterion is presented. Third, a less conservative stability condition in which a relaxed inequality related to activation functions is added is introduced. Finally, three numerical examples are included to illustrate the advantage and validity of the proposed criteria.  相似文献   

This paper studies the rendezvous problem for a class of linear systems with uncertain parameters and external disturbances under the state-dependent dynamic network, which is also called rendezvous network here. By combining potential function technique, distributed internal model design and adaptive control technique, a distributed adaptive state feedback control law is proposed to solve the rendezvous problem by completing the tasks of maintaining the connectivity of the rendezvous network, achieving asymptotic tracking, rejecting unknown external disturbances as well as handling uncertain parameters in the system dynamics, the leader system and the exosystem simultaneously.  相似文献   

Given any finite family of real d-by-d nonsingular matrices {S1,,Sl}, by extending the well-known Li–Yorke chaos of a deterministic nonlinear dynamical system to a discrete-time linear inclusion or hybrid or switched system:
we study the chaotic dynamics of the state trajectory (xn(x0, σ))n ≥ 1 with initial state x0Rd, governed by a switching law σ:N{1,,l}. Two sufficient conditions are given so that for a “large” set of switching laws σ, there exhibits the scrambled dynamics as follows: for all x0,y0Rd,x0y0,
lim infn+xn(x0,σ)?xn(y0,σ)=0andlim supn+xn(x0,σ)?xn(y0,σ)=.
This implies that there coexist positive, zero and negative Lyapunov exponents and that the trajectories (xn(x0, σ))n ≥ 1 are extremely sensitive to the initial states x0Rd. We also show that a periodically stable linear inclusion system, which may be product unbounded, does not exhibit any such chaotic behavior. An explicit simple example shows the discontinuity of Lyapunov exponents with respect to the switching laws.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the containment control problem for discrete-time high-order multi-agent systems (MASs) with dynamically changing topologies and time-varying delays. By considering the influence of switching topologies, a distributed containment control protocol that only involves the agent’s own information and its neighbors’ partial information is given to make all the followers enter and keep moving in the convex hull formed by the static leaders. A novel technique is employed to transform the high-order MAS with dynamically changing topologies into a switched augmented system with nonnegative coefficient matrices, and then convert the convergence problem of the switched augmented system to a product problem of infinite time-varying row stochastic matrices. With the help of graph theory and the properties of stochastic indecomposable and aperiodic (SIA) matrices, a sufficient condition in terms of communication topologies is derived, that is, the high-order containment control with dynamically changing topologies and time-varying delays can be achieved if the union of the effective communication topologies across any time intervals with some given length contains a spanning forest rooted at the leaders. Finally, computer simulations are conducted to illustrate the efficiency of the theoretical findings.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of finite-horizon H state estimation is investigated for a class of discrete time-varying complex networks with multiplicative noises and random coupling strengths. The network nodes and estimators are connected via a constrained communication network which allows only one node to send measurement data at each transmission instant. The Round-Robin protocol is introduced to determine which node obtains the access to the network at certain transmission instant. The aim of the addressed problem is to design a set of time-varying estimator parameters such that the prescribed H performance is guaranteed over a finite horizon. By using the stochastic analysis approach and completing-the-square method, sufficient conditions are derived for the existence of the desired estimators in terms of the solution to backward recursive Riccati difference equations. Finally, a numerical example is provided to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed results.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the event-triggered control design for state/output synchronization of switched k-valued logical control networks (SKVLCNs). Firstly, based on the algebraic form of SKVLCNs, some necessary and sufficient conditions are presented for the event-triggered state/output synchronization of SKVLCNs. Secondly, using the partitioning technique of matrix, a constructive procedure is proposed to design state feedback event-triggered controllers for the synchronization of SKVLCNs. Finally, an illustrative example is worked out to show the effectiveness of the obtained new results.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a new framework for time series segmentation based on a Hierarchical Linear Dynamical System (HLDS), and test its performance on monophonic and polyphonic musical note recognition. The center piece of our approach is the inclusion of constraints in the filter topology, instead of on the cost function as normally done in machine learning. Just by slowing down the dynamics of the top layer of an augmented (multilayer) state model, which is still compatible with the recursive update equation proposed originally by Kalman, the system learns directly from data all the musical notes, without labels, effectively creating a time series clustering algorithm that does not require segmentation. We analyze the HLDS properties and show that it provides better classification accuracy compared to current state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   

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