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科学与人文作为人类文明的两翼都起源于人类对客观规律的认识 ,前者、后者分别产生于对人与自然关系规律、人与人关系规律的认识。人类社会的发展 ,人类认识、实践分门别类的分化 ,引起了科学与人文在一定程度上的分离 ,使得科学技术成为一柄既可以造福人类、又可能危害人类的双刃剑。当代新技术革命的综合化趋势使科学与人文两大文化相互复归 :高度发展的科学技术将通过系统的纽带复归于人文精神 ,不断进化着的人文文化也必将复归于以客观因果规律为基础的科学文化。  相似文献   

The opportunities for outreach activities for professionals and academics in food science are extensive, as too are the range of participants’ experience levels and platforms for delivery. Here, we present a set of activities that are readily adaptable for a range of students (ages 10 to 18) in multiple platforms (demonstration table and hands‐on workshop). Our activity, collectively called “The Science of a Sundae,” has three units, one for each of the three parts of a sundae: the caramel sauce, the cherry, and the ice cream. In each unit we use these familiar food items to illustrate how colligative properties (or, simply, “solutions” for younger students) impact the chemical, microbiological, and sensorial properties of food. We have used these activities to present to over 1000 students and their parents/chaperones. Grade levels of student participants have ranged from 5th grade through high school, and these activities have been presented in the form of a demonstration table at science events as well as a set of three 45‐minute workshops in a classroom setting. Educational impact of these activities was evaluated with 7th grade students (n = 77) who participated in the 3‐phase workshop. On average, students who took the posttest (after participation in the workshop) scored 36% higher than students who took the pretest (prior to participation in the workshop). These results and instructor observations suggest the merit of this lesson and its adaptability among ages and platforms.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - In Turkey and many other countries, the importance of the interactive whiteboard (IWB) is increasing, and as a result, projects and studies are being...  相似文献   

人类学与公共管理具有深厚的学术渊源。但由于历史原因,人类学在我国学科设置上被人为忽略三十多年,致使国内公共管理领域对人类学知之甚少,更不了解人类学与公共管理的学术渊源。而人类学在管理领域的历史性作用,不仅体现了人类学对丰富我国管理学的理论具有重要意义;而且也反映了在我国各民族交往日益频繁的情况下,在管理人才的培养中引入人类学或民族学学科知识的必要性与紧迫性。  相似文献   

To help students grasp the intimate connections that exist between mathematics and its applications in other disciplines a library of interactive learning modules was developed. This library covers the mathematical areas normally studied by undergraduate students and is used in science courses at all levels. Moreover, the library is designed not just to provide critical connections across disciplines but to also provide longitudinal subject reinforcement as students progress in their studies. In the process of developing the modules a complete editing and publishing system was constructed that is optimized for automated maintenance and upgradeability of materials. The result is a single integrated production system for web-based educational materials. Included in this is a rigorous assessment program, involving both internal and external evaluations of each module. As will be seen, the formative evaluation obtained during the development of the library resulted in the modules successfully bridging multiple disciplines and breaking down the disciplinary barriers commonly found in their math and non-math courses.  相似文献   

Origins of Attachment: Maternal Interactive Behavior across the First Year   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study built on attachment theory and previous research in examining the interactional origins of the secure, insecure-resistant, and insecureavoidant patterns of attachment. Maternal sensitive responsivity, rejection, and activity were the focus of repeated naturalistic observations when infants were 1, 4, and 9 months of age; quality of attachment was assessed at 1 year. Mothers of secure 1-year-olds were observed to be more sensitively responsive at 1 and 4 months and less rejecting at 1 and 9 months than mothers of insecure infants. Mothers of insecure-avoidant infants were more rejecting at 9 months, whereas mothers of insecure-resistant infants were least sensitively responsive and most rejecting at 1 month; the insecure groups were also differentiated on the basis of patterns of change from 1 to 9 months, with mothers of resistant infants becoming less rejecting and mothers of avoidant infants becoming more rejecting relative to other mothers.  相似文献   


The development of interactive science and technology centres in the UK, catalysed by the example of successful North American science centres, is also a reflection of increasing British concern for public understanding of science.

In 1986, the Committee on the Public Understanding of Science was established jointly by the Royal Society, the Royal Institution and the British Association, as a focus for initiatives to improve public awareness of science and technology. The COPUS ‘Interactive Science and Technology Centres’ working group linked COPUS's own programmes with the co‐ordination and promotion activities developed by the Nuffield Foundation's interactive science and technology project.

Launched in 1987, the Nuffield project served as a resource for the science centres and, building a strong network of contacts stretching from the BBC and British Association to science centres worldwide, itself served as a launchpad for ECSITE‐the European Collaborative for Science, Industry and Technology Exhibitions.  相似文献   

The bilingual university is a product of certain linguistic contexts and traditions. It is also the product of the political and social conditions prevailing at the time the given institution was founded. The origins of bilingual universities are more frequently political, without excluding their social raison d'etre . Their missions are closely linked to their specific situations and to the needs of their regions. Establishing, maintaining, and developing a bilingual policy at a university is a complex and delicate matter. Although a bilingual university is more expensive than a monolingual one, it may represent an acceptable alternative in the case of a multicultural environment. Even if English is gradually becoming a lingua franca of higher education and science, universities operating in smaller regional languages stand a good chance of being multiplied. In such a context, the bilingual university might be an institutional alternative.  相似文献   

This study compared inquiry and non-inquiry laboratory teaching in terms of students’ perceptions of the classroom learning environment, attitudes toward science, and achievement among middle-school physical science students. Learning environment and attitude scales were found to be valid and related to each other for a sample of 1,434 students in 71 classes. For a subsample of 165 students in 8 classes, inquiry instruction promoted more student cohesiveness than non-inquiry instruction (effect size of one-third of a standard deviation), and inquiry-based laboratory activities were found to be differentially effective for male and female students.  相似文献   

从SARS爆发期看互动类媒介与大众媒介之间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着现代化进程的深入,都市的社会结构越来越社会网络化。借助电子互动类媒介,本土传播也成为跨地域的社会网络传播。但这种传播在涉及公众切身利益的突发性灾难时往往是增加而不是减少不确定性。正是这种不确定性的增加对社会秩序提出了严峻的挑战,从而凸现出“中心”或“权威”的重要性。而大众媒介则是“中心”或“权威”维持社会秩序。或说减少不确定性的必不可少的工具。  相似文献   

第一次世界大战使俄国经济濒临崩溃,广大人民群众生活水平迅速下降,工人、农民和士兵提出了“和平、土地、面包”的要求.布尔什维克的反战政策赢得了人民群众的信任.十月革命胜利后,苏俄退出帝国主义战争,为人民群众争得了宝贵的和平喘息时机;苏维埃政权实行工人监督,把土地无偿交给农民使用,保障了人民当家做主的权利;新经济政策以粮食税代替余粮征集制,调动了农民的生产积极性,满足了农民的面包要求;文化革命坚持唯物主义,巩固了马克思主义在俄国的指导地位.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of research regarding approaches to the origin of life featured in science textbooks produced by an Evangelical publisher. The research nature was qualitative with document analysis and an interpretive framework based on Epistemological Pluralism. Overall, the results indicate that there are four perspectives on the origin of life in textbooks under study. These perspectives do not distinguish scientific knowledge from religious knowledge but present a hybrid of scientific and religious knowledge. There are scientific inaccuracies in the perspectives, which emphasize biblical arguments over scientific arguments. Data analysis and conclusions take into account the central argument of Epistemological Pluralism about the importance of demarcation of science in relation to other knowledge systems and its consequences for learning science.  相似文献   

This study analyzes six seventh grade Israeli mathematics textbooks, examining (1) the extent to which students are required to justify and explain their mathematical work, and (2) whether students are asked to justify a mathematical claim that is stated by the textbook or a mathematical claim that they themselves generated when solving a problem. Two different units of analysis were used to analyze two central topics in the seventh grade curriculum as follows: (1) equation solving in algebra and (2) triangle properties in geometry. The findings indicate that all six textbooks had considerably larger percentages of geometric tasks than algebraic tasks, which required students to justify or explain their mathematical work. Moreover, considerable differences were found among the six textbooks regarding the percentages of tasks that required students to justify and explain in both topics, but more so with the algebraic topic. Analysis of whether the textbook tasks required students to justify a mathematical claim that is stated by the textbook or a mathematical claim that the students themselves generated also revealed substantial differences among the textbooks. These findings are discussed, as well as the research methods used, in light of relevant literature.  相似文献   

This article explores the General Education Board, a John D. Rockefeller‐led philanthropy, and its work during the first half of the twentieth century to improve Southern US public education. In contrast to most historical treatments of the Board that limit their investigations to its origin, this essay explores the full sweep of the Board’s history. In addition, this essay suggests three particular efforts of the General Education Board in its work to improve Southern US public education: stimulation, sustenance, and subversion.  相似文献   

科普活动对中华民族整体素质的提高有重要影响,而科研实验室开展科普活动更是将科技进步惠及广大公众的行为,不但有利于激励青少年学科学、爱科学的热情,更有利于增强公众创新意识,提高公众科学素质,营造创新的社会氛围,培养科技后备人才。全国国土资源科普教育基地——成都理工大学地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室,多年来积极开展丰富多彩的科普活动,实践证明,这些科普活动提高了公众科学素质且受公众欢迎,还增强了公众防灾减灾实效。本文着重分析了科研实验室有效开展科普活动的实施情况,并对其形成的方式和特点进行了初步总结。希望对进一步完善我国科研实验室面向公众开放、开展科普活动的相关制度和管理提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

Benedictus Pererius (1535–1610) published in 1576 his most successful book De principiis, after he had taught philosophy at the Roman College of the Jesuits. It will be shown that parts of this book are actually based on his lectures. But the printed version was intended as a contribution to the debate within his Order on how science should be conceived. Pererius redefined the meaning of scientific speculation to the effect that metaphysics was split into ontology and natural theology, and that further speculative sciences, such as physics, gained their own competence. Throughout this book, as well as in his warning against magic and in his commentaries on the Bible, the Jesuit addresses Renaissance strains of neo-Platonism, Aristotelianism, and syncretism.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of history in power relations which suppress Indigenous knowledges. History is located as being about power and about how the powerful maintain their power. The paper further examines the Bering Strait theory/myth and ways that discourses in history combine with discourses in science to devalue Indigenous knowledges. The “truth” of science is challenged and examples of manipulation of scientific knowledge are provided, including discussions of a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation made for television production A people's history and an Internet website provided by the American government. These production activities supported by the Canadian and American governments are considered educational activities engaged in the practice of cultural representation in which dominant discourses about Indigenous peoples are presented. The paper challenges dominant misrepresentations of discourses about Indigenous peoples in a discussion of educational practices emphasizing the need of Indigenous peoples to control education and cultural representations. The paper concludes that it is a responsibility of society to educate all students to understand that any portrayal of history comes from a particular vantage point and to understand that dominant society privileges some representations and disadvantages others. If we teach in a critical way and challenge dominant discourses we can begin to create a society in which all persons in Canada and the USA, including Indigenous peoples, have a role to play.  相似文献   

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