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教师一直被人们赋予人类灵魂的工程师的美誉,然而体育教师却常常在学校得不到重视,因为体育课常常被列为学校的副科,尽管早在几年前国家已经开始提倡并强调体育课的重要性,但是现实生活中的升学考试中,体育分数依然只占有很小的比例,以至于学生把大部分精力都用于其他的学科,而忽略了体育课。作为体育教学的重要组成部分——体育教师,我们承担着学生健康成长、塑造人格的重要责任,怎样成为一名优秀的体育教师,值得我们深思。  相似文献   


Student teacher stress during practicum experiences has generated interest across teacher education programs. However, there is very little research on the sources of support students draw on to help them cope with practicum stresses. This study sought data directly from the students to represent the student perspective. Students ranked their five most important sources of support for coping, and they noted the strategies they used to cope with practicum stresses. Students consistently reported that seeking support from the teacher was their primary coping strategy. This finding suggests that an effective student‐supervising teacher relationship is critical for student practicum success. Differences emerged between the most and least stressed students in terms of their reported use of coping strategies. Implications of the findings for teacher education programs are addressed.  相似文献   

There has been renewed debate in recent years about the relatively poor science discipline background knowledge of primary and preschool teachers, and their lack of confidence to teach science stemming from this. A reaction from teacher educators, such as recommended by theDiscipline Review of Teacher Education in Mathematics and Science Report, has been to provide more explicit science discipline units in pre-service teacher education courses. However, a few studies have cast some doubt on the notion that more science discipline studies (Skamp, 1989; Stepans & McCormack, 1985). This paper reports on pre-service students' perceptions of their cofidence to teach science before and after a science education unit adapted from the PECSTEP work (Kirkwood, Bearlin & Hardy, 1989), which included only a small amount of physical science, and took an explicit gender approach emphasising the students as learners. Specializations: primary teacher education, teaching strategies in science.  相似文献   

Academic engagement in students with a hearing loss in distance education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This investigation compared 267 students with a hearing loss and 178 students with no declared form of disability who were taking courses by distance learning in terms of their scores on an abbreviated version of the Academic Engagement Form. Students with a hearing loss obtained lower scores than students with no disability with regard to communication with other students, but some felt that communication was easier than in a traditional academic situation. Students who were postvocationally deaf had lower scores than students with no disability on learning from other students, but they obtained higher scores on student autonomy and student control. In general, the impact of a hearing loss on engagement in distance education is relatively slight.  相似文献   

This study explored the perceptions of university physical education students of the importance of physical education curriculum content areas and how those perceptions related to the reasons for course choice and motivation. Physical education degree students (n = 188) completed measures of their perceptions of physical education content areas, attractors to physical education, and motivation. Strong reasons for course choice were sport and physical activity-related. Instruction of movement skills, health education, games, motor development, and physical education identity were perceived as more important, whereas sports and socio-critical perspectives were perceived as less important. Perceived importance of all content areas was positively related to the choice of course for confident interpersonal service, sport and physical activity, and role model reasons, as well as to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Physical education programmes should consider what content is delivered and how to effectively integrate practical and theoretical content.  相似文献   

当老师难,当好老师更难。要当好老师,就要用“心”、用叶分”、用“智”、用“法”。当好老师虽然辛苦,但也很快乐。  相似文献   

着眼于现代社会对人的竞争意识的较高要求,结合体育具有竞争性的特点,紧紧围绕着师专的培养目标,对如何在体育教学过程中,培养学生良好的竞争意识进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Professional development at postsecondary institutions has primarily been supported through a central faculty development center. With purposive sampling, this small case study explored the ways in which teacher education faculty members were influenced to participate in decentralized professional development focused on learning to teach with WebCT. Results suggest that university faculty were influenced by both intrinsic factors (including convenience, comfort, common interests, and future purposes) and an extrinsic factor (external pressures). This research suggests that these factors also contributed to the faculty's satisfaction with the professional development. A follow-up interview explored how faculty coped with budgetary limitations and encouragement to pursue other distance education technologies.  相似文献   

要做一名心理健康的班主任,必须享受职业,赢得尊严,让学生爱戴、同行敬佩,同时超越自己。只有老师的心理健康了,才能够培养出心理健康的学生。而作为学校工作最重要组成部分的班主任的心理健康更是关系到整个班级队伍的健康建设与成长。  相似文献   

教师是普通而又平凡的,然而做的工作却是平凡而又伟大的。小到她可以改变一个人的一生,大到她可以改变一个地区,一个民族甚至一个国家的未来。所以做为21世纪的教师不能有半点懈怠,必须挑起人民赋予我们的历史使命,用辛勤的汗水和科学的头脑争当一名科研型教师,完成这个光荣而艰巨的历史任务。  相似文献   

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is explicit in its mandate that students who receive special education services have opportunities to be involved in and progress in the general education curriculum. Teachers providing instruction to students who are deaf or hard of hearing are expected to comply with this federal mandate. To determine if teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing throughout the state of Georgia felt adequately prepared to educate this population, a statewide needs assessment survey was conducted. Questionnaires were reviewed from 110 experienced teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing. More that half of the teachers who responded judged their teacher preparation program to be appropriate. Specific suggestions for modifications to teacher preparation programs are provided.  相似文献   

本刊今年第1期刊发了一组从宏观角度反映上海市学前二期课改的文章,本期本栏所刊发的前7篇文章主要从微观的角度反映上海市学前二期课改情况,望读者能藉此对整个上海的学前二期课改有较完整的了解。  相似文献   

The National Education (NE) programme was set up in Singapore schools in 1997 to inculcate a national identity and values in the younger generation. Teachers in schools are given the important role of developing a shared sense of nationhood among their students. However, no study has yet examined the motivations for teaching NE in schools. The purpose of this study was to examine pre-service teachers' motivations, perceptions of NE, perceived competence to teach NE and feelings on the NE programme provided in their teacher training course, using the cluster analysis method. The study involved 4242 pre-service teachers (1229 males, 2986 females, 27 missing information) from the National Institute of Education (NIE) in Singapore. The results showed that 15.6% of the teachers belonged to a “high amotivation” cluster, 38.0% formed a “high externally regulated” cluster, 19.9% made up a cluster labelled as “low externally regulated”, and the rest (26.5%) had an “intrinsically regulated” profile. The four clusters showed significant gender and programme differences. In summary, the results from the cluster analysis supported the concurrent validity of the clusters in terms of pre-service teachers' perceptions of their involvement in NE activities, its importance, NE as government propaganda, competence to teach NE and satisfaction with the NE programme provided in their teacher training course.  相似文献   

The reconceptualization of mathematics teacher education based on current mathematics education reform efforts necessitates the elaboration of theoretical frameworks to guide both the practice of and research on teacher education. The author presents a framework which has been useful in shaping two major mathematics teacher education research and development projects. This framework for mathematics teacher learning builds recursively on a framework for mathematics learning which derives from a social constructivist view of learning and incorporates aspects of French didactical theory using the organizing structure of the Karplus Learning Cycle. The framework can be used to think about the content and organization of a particular lesson or of an entire course or program for teachers. Further, it describes the interconnection between different domains of teacher knowledge.  相似文献   

为人师表是对教师的基本道德要求。在新的历史时期,为人师表的理念表现为继承与创新的统一;为人师表的职责是教书与育人的统一;为人师表的方法是言传与身教的统一。教师要重视为人师表,自觉率先垂范。  相似文献   

Difficulty in recruiting high-calibre individuals into teaching is a perennial issue in the field of teacher education. In some countries, students in teacher programmes are in general found to be lower in academic standing than their counterparts in other fields, which might lead to belief in the old saying that “those who cannot, teach.” In contrast to such discouraging phenomenon, based on analysis of a nationally representative data set, preservice students in Taiwan are found to be academically more outstanding than their nonteaching peers. Underlying policy and sociocultural contexts of such a positive phenomenon of “those who can, teach” are explained and implications for educators are discussed.  相似文献   

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