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上海市青少年儿童参与民间体育活动现状的调查与思考   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
采用问卷调查法和访谈法,对上海市青少年儿童参与民间体育活动的现状进行研究。结果发现:上海青少年儿童参与民间体育活动表现为总体性“冷”与个别项目“热”的两种态势;民间体育活动对青少年儿童具有很强的吸引力;学生、教师及家长对民间体育活动应走进学校有较一致的看法。从我国民间体育发展的历程、现状及其与学校体育的关系等方面,追溯民间体育活动在青少年儿童中开展不力的社会根源,据此提出发展我国民间体育活动的对策。  相似文献   

活动性游戏是以游戏的形式进行体育活动的一种练习。它能促进身体机能、素质及基本技能的发展,可以培养学生集体主义,团结互助,遵守纪律等品德,还可以发展学生智力、思维、判断、记忆等能力,是青少年儿童较喜欢的一种体育活动。  相似文献   

本刊讯 2003年10月3日,在举国欢庆国庆54周年的日子里,国家体育总局和教育部在合肥市举办了第三届"全国亿万青少年儿童体育健身活动"展示大会。这一活动是由国家体育总局和教育部联合发起和倡导的一次示范性活动,其目的在于全面贯彻党的教育和体育方针,进一步推动全民健身计划纲要的深入开展,大力推进素质教育,积极鼓励和引导全体少年儿童参加丰富多彩的体育健身活动,养成终生体育锻炼的良好习惯,从而促进青少年儿童身心全面发展。安徽省体育局、安徽省教育厅和合肥市人民政府具体承办此次活动,合肥市屯溪路小学等十几所中小学校的青少年儿…  相似文献   

2002年7月13日,在庆祝北京申奥成功一周年之际,由国家体育总局和教育部联合主办,云南省体育局、云南省教育厅承办的第二届“全国亿万青少年儿童体育健身活动”展示大会在昆明市民族村隆重举行。国家体育总局副局长张发强、教育部体卫艺司副司长廖文科以及云南省委、省政府等有关方面的领导和来自部分省(区、市)近3000名青少年儿童参加了展示大会。展示大会上,青少年儿童表演了幼儿体操、学生健身操、中小学生“大课间”活动、少儿舞蹈和武术等展示项目,这些内容丰富、形式多样、生动活泼、健康文明的体育健身活动和方法,全面展示了…  相似文献   

应用走访调查等方法,对泸州市江阳区方山镇农村体育活动进行统计分析,发现在近30年里,村民间开展的体育活动大量消失。导致体育活动消失的原因有:农民生产生活方式的变化,农村人口结构的改变,青少年儿童学习方式和娱乐方式的变化等。虽然农村原有的体育活动消失是社会发展的一个趋势,但可以通过开办民俗博物馆或主题农家乐开展相关活动,使传统体育活动在新农村建设中达到发展居民运动,增强居民体质的作用。  相似文献   

海南省中小学游泳课教学现状的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐国宪  毛武陵 《游泳》2003,(3):20-22
游泳是一项对身心健康有益的体育活动,它对正处在生长发育阶段的青少年儿童更具有显著促进作用,特别是对肌肉的均衡发展,对内脏器官、尤其对心血管系统和呼吸系统的作用则更为明显。对青少年儿童培养协调性和灵活性也有积极的意义。  相似文献   

通过研究,全面地阐明了手是人脑的“父母”,也是人的第二大脑。人的远端肢体(手、足)的活动,尤其是手指运动,更有利于脑潜能的开发。如手指运动有利于激发脑的思维、记忆等智力功能,有利于青少年儿童思维敏捷度和创新、创造能力的提高。进而对“利手”进行了研究,认为“左利手”人(左撇子)反应速度、灵敏性、协调性和应变能力以及操作智商与操作能力比“右利手”人(右撇子)更强。传统体育教育偏重开发右手潜能,而忽视左手潜能的开发,文中认为全脑体育教育更强调全面开发青少年儿童双手体育潜能的开发,从而全面地开发青少年儿童的运动和智力潜能。  相似文献   

中国学校体育20015为推动《全民健身计划纲要》的全面实施,努力提高广大青少年儿童的体质健康水平,国家体育总局、教育部决定从2001年开始在全国开展“亿万青少年儿童体育健身活动”。“亿万青少年儿童体育健身活动”的重点是学校。教育部、国家体育总局、共青团中央、全国少工委联合印发了《关于实施“全国中小学生课外文体活动工程”的通知》,“亿万青少年儿童体育健身活动”是“工程”的重要内容,“亿万青少年儿童体育健身活动”的开展应和“全国中小学生课外文体活动工程”的实施紧密结合起来。国家体育总局、教育部就开…  相似文献   

运用文献资料法对欧美国家应对青少年儿童肥胖问题的行动计划的背景、依据、主要内容等方面进行研究。针对我国青少年儿童超重肥胖日趋严重的现实状况,建议尽快成立由教育、卫生、体育管理机构牵头的专门机构、制定有针对性的饮食与锻炼行动计划、大力宣传营养科学与食品卫生知识、优化青少年儿童的饮食环境等,希望能为有效遏制我国青少年儿童超重和肥胖趋势提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>一、发展现状普遍增强青少年体质和培养更多高水平体育后备人才是通过广泛开展青少年体育活动实现的。组织化是重要的有效的实现形式。国外有研究证实:群体性的体育活动较之个体性的体育活动,更有利于保持体育活动的持续和发挥体育的社会功能。欧美国家健身活动的组织化水平普遍较高。如体育人口比例比较高的丹麦、芬兰体育俱乐部会员达国家人口总数的42%和41%。德国9万多个体育俱乐部会员达到  相似文献   

Childhood obesity prevention has fallen short of anticipated impact. Therefore, intervention programs need to be redirected to other potential settings to increase youth physical activity. This qualitative study, using autodriven interview techniques, was conducted to identify out-of-school settings that youth perceive as important for physical activity. Sixty-six children took photographs involving their physical activity involvement. A subsample completed follow-up focus groups. Salient themes included types of physical activities related to free play, fitness, organized sports, and chores. Most photographs included multiple children of similar age and were taken outdoors. Data suggest children associate chores with physical activity and engage in fitness-related activities. In addition, friends and family, the outdoors, and importantly, the home emerged as natural intervention components that may prove useful towards decreasing the physical inactivity and obesity of youth.  相似文献   

Childhood obesity prevention has fallen short of anticipated impact. Therefore, intervention programs need to be redirected to other potential settings to increase youth physical activity. This qualitative study, using autodriven interview techniques, was conducted to identify out-of-school settings that youth perceive as important for physical activity. Sixty-six children took photographs involving their physical activity involvement. A subsample completed follow-up focus groups. Salient themes included types of physical activities related to free play, fitness, organized sports, and chores. Most photographs included multiple children of similar age and were taken outdoors. Data suggest children associate chores with physical activity and engage in fitness-related activities. In addition, friends and family, the outdoors, and importantly, the home emerged as natural intervention components that may prove useful towards decreasing the physical inactivity and obesity of youth.  相似文献   

Most childhood cancer survivors are insufficiently active. Researchers are focusing on strategies to increase physical activity (PA). However, a detailed understanding of participation in specific types of PA is missing, meaning current strategies may lack relevant information. Thus, our study sought to analyze participation in different types of PA commonly engaged in by children: organized sports, physical education in school (PES), therapeutic exercise, and non-organized leisure-time PA. Thirty-eight childhood cancer outpatients and 51 healthy children completed questionnaires. Compared to healthy children, childhood cancer outpatients, especially those who are shortly after cessation of inpatient treatment, participated significantly less often in organized sports and PES and significantly more often in therapeutic exercise compared to the healthy children. Considering organized sports and PES afford children unique social benefits and provide the potential to motivate lifelong activity, future efforts should be placed on ensuring children with cancer can access these types of PA. Educating parents, teachers, and coaches, exploring referral pathways to exercise professionals and providing individual support may enhance participation rates in organized PA and should be investigated.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the longitudinal relationship between generalized self-efficacy (GSE) and physical activity in children and youth is limited. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of GSE towards physical activity on sedentary behaviours and physical activity in school-aged children over time. A total of 2278 nine-year-old children (1120 girls and 1158 boys) were recruited at baseline and followed for seven waves of data collection from 2005 to 2008. All children completed questionnaires at each wave assessing their GSE (adequacy, predilection, and enjoyment), sedentary behaviours, free play, and organized activity. Mixed-effects models were used to estimate changes in physical activity and GSE within individuals over time, controlling for gender and motor ability. The results showed that participation in free play significantly increased over time, whereas organized activity significantly decreased over the same period. Children with high perceived adequacy and predilection had higher free play and organized activity participation relative to other children over time. However, the effect of perceived adequacy diminished over time, while the gaps between groups with different levels of predilection widened over time. While sedentary behaviours were lower over time in children with high predilection, these behaviours were consistently higher in children with high enjoyment. The differences in sedentary behaviours between groups increased over time for both predilection and enjoyment. This study highlights the importance of different components of GSE on physical activity participation. In addition, interventions targeting the enhancement of predilection may facilitate physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviours.  相似文献   

In outdoor activities, it seems reasonable that the longer children spend in spontaneous physical activity (PA), the higher the probability of being active. Indeed, the time spent outdoor has been identified as a variable consistently associated with the children’s PA. Outdoor playing, such as the organized sports practice, appears associated with healthier lifestyle standards. All the recommendations mention the importance of increasing daily PA practice in children and teenagers, but few studies highlight the relationship between outdoor play and the recommended PA levels. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between the frequency of outdoor play, the frequency of the organized sports practice, and the compliance of the recommendations for PA practice in children in the inner city area of Porto. The sample of this study is composed of 422 individuals (mean age of 11.6 years). Two hundred and twenty-five of them were girls and 197 were boys from the sixth grade (elementary schools located in the inner city area of Porto). PA was objectively evaluated using accelerometers. Participants reported frequency of participation in different PA contexts, such as sports practice and outdoor play. The results show a predictor effect of participating in sports three or more times per week on compliance of PA guidelines.

In conclusion, organized sports practice seems more effective than outdoor play to reach the recommended levels of PA in children.  相似文献   

Background: Developmental theorists suggest that physical activity during early childhood promotes fundamental motor skill (FMS) proficiency; and that differences in FMS proficiency are largely related to children's experiences.

Aim: To examine associations between participation in different types of recreation/leisure and FMS proficiency of boys and girls in their first year of school. We hypothesized that there would be positive associations between FMS proficiency and participation in organized sport, physical activities, and active physical recreation; but not for other types of recreation/leisure.

Method: Participants (n?=?74) were kindergarten children (Mage?=?5y11?m; boys?=?55%). Parents completed the diversity dimension of the Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE) survey. The CAPE measures children's participation in everyday activities outside of mandated school activities in the past four months in five types of formal and informal activities, specifically: Recreational activities, Physical activities, Social activities, Skill-Based activities, and Self-Improvement activities. Two categories of activities were also reported: Organized Sport and Active Physical Recreation. Locomotor and object control skills were assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 and static balance was assessed using a stork stand. Sex-based differences in motor skills and participation were examined using chi-squared analyses. Correlation coefficients were used to examine relationships between motor skills and CAPE sub-domains and categories. Linear regression was used to examine whether the type of activity predicted motor skill proficiency and the reverse.

Results: There were no sex-based differences in locomotor skills; whereas boys' object control skill scores were significantly higher than girls, and girls' stork stand scores were higher than boys'. Although there were no sex-based differences in the more active categories of recreational pastimes; girls participated in significantly more formal and informal dance and the prevalence of participation in team sports was significantly higher for boys. For boys, participation in physical activities predicted both locomotor and object control skill scores, organized sport predicted object control skills, and active recreation predicted stork stand times and object control skill scores. These relationships were not evident among the girls.

Conclusions: These findings illustrate that young children participate in a narrower array of physically active recreational pursuits compared with less active pursuits. There were notable sex-based differences in the relationships between participation and motor skill proficiency. For girls, none of the associations between recreational pastimes and motor skill proficiency were significant. This suggests that the motor proficiency of girls, as assessed in this study, is neither a precursor to, nor an outcome of, participation in active recreational pastimes. Contrastingly, the findings for boys support theory that suggests that physical activity is driving the acquisition of particular types of motor skills. Less active recreational activities were not associated with motor skill levels of boys, whereas each of the more active categories of recreational pastimes (active recreation, physical activities, and organized sport) predicted at least one sub-type of motor skill. It also seems clear from our findings that more light needs to be shed on how to optimally portray young girls' motor skill proficiency; as well as the relationships between their participation and motor skills.  相似文献   

影响儿童青少年最大有氧活动能力的因素(综述)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颜凯  邓树勋 《体育学刊》2001,8(5):126-128
儿童青少年在青春发育期前后,机体各组织器官的功能都在迅速的提高.儿童青少年VO2max的研究和测定,可以综合反映儿童青少年体格状况、有氧运动机能,是判断儿童青少年发育水平及不同环境因素对儿童青少年体质影响的比较理想的动态机能指标.通过综述了前人对儿童青少年最大有氧活动能力的研究,特别是影响其有氧能力的遗传因素、个体状况、环境因素和训练因素在儿童青少年生长发育期的作用和特点,使大家正确认识儿童青少年这一能力的发展,关心儿童青少年的健康成长.  相似文献   

Children's Activity Rating Scale (CARS): description and calibration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A five-level Children's Activity Rating Scale (CARS) was designed to categorize the intensity of physical activities and discriminate between levels of energy expenditure in young children. The CARS was used by trained observers over a 12-month period to assess physical activities of 3-4 year-old children during field observations. Agreement among observers using the CARS was 84.1% for 389 paired observation periods. The energy expenditure for each level was assessed by measuring VO2s and heart rates of 5-6 year-old children (12 boys, 13 girls) while they performed eight activities representing the CARS levels. Mean VO2s for the eight activities in Levels 1-5 ranged from 7.1 to 37.5 ml.kg BW-1.min-1 (1 to 5.42 METS; 14.5% to 80.6% of VO2max). Mean heart rates ranged from 89 to 183 b.min-1 for activities in Levels 1-5. VO2s and heart rates at each level were significantly different from all other levels. These data demonstrate that the CARS encompasses a wide range of energy expenditures, discriminates between levels of energy expenditure, and can be used by trained observers to reliably evaluate physical activity and estimate energy expenditure of young children.  相似文献   

建成环境作为影响儿童青少年身体活动水平的重要因素之一,与其相关的核心成果在指导后续儿童青少年身体活动支持性建成环境研究,以及改善、优化儿童青少年个体的身体活动环境方面均具有重要价值。通过梳理全球儿童青少年身体活动建成环境领域的核心成果,发现社区、学校、家庭的建成环境与儿童青少年个体的身体活动是全球儿童青少年身体活动建成环境领域的研究热点。儿童保育机构与不同国家农村地区儿童青少年支持性身体活动建成环境的构建、评估与优化,以及如何利用建成环境对残疾、超重、肥胖等弱势儿童青少年个体进行身体活动干预,将是未来儿童青少年身体活动建成环境领域相关研究者的首要关注点。我国儿童青少年身体活动建成环境的理论研究与实践干预主要体现在:不同场域建成环境与身体活动水平的关联性分析,国外身体活动指南与评价标准、体系的系统阐释,量化探讨建成环境对身体活动水平的影响,以及如何构建与完善身体活动健康促进框架体系。通过分析国内、外儿童青少年身体活动建成环境的相关成果,结合我国实际情况,尝试从研究方法、研究设计、测量指标与试验控制等维度,提出未来我国儿童青少年身体活动建成环境研究的优化策略。  相似文献   

文章调研了山西省太原、大同、侯马、运城4城市中部分企业工会开展体育活动和职工参与体育活动的现状。研究结果表明:企业工会开展体育活动深受多数职工喜欢;企业工会开展体育活动受到多种因素的影响,其中企业的效益是最为关键的因素;工会的组织水平直接影响职工的参与程度;企业工会开展的体育活动,需要专业、科学的体育指导,社会体育指导正在逐步成为企业工会发展体育活动呼之欲出的有效手段和措施。  相似文献   

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