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人类的意识和审美观念以及审美活动的前形态原始形象符号活动都有其生物学的根据。人虽有别于动物 ,是社会的人 ,但在早期活动中 ,生物学方面的动因、条件和基础是不可忽略的。美感起源中包含着生物的因素 ,但决定性的因素仍然是劳动以及在此基础上造就创造工具的能力  相似文献   

“发育生物学”教学内容与方法的改革和创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“发育生物学”是中国地质大学(武汉)生物学专业的主干课程,在生物学专业课程体系中具有重要作用。笔者对教学内容和教学方法进行了改革创新。在教学内容上把以各器官的发育教学改为以各种模式生物为主题的教学。利用现代生物技术,教授动物的遗传本质和遗传规律、细胞增殖与调控,皮肤干细胞、器官移植、癌基因机理、探讨动植物性细胞的分离和胚胎发育过程中的发育及调控机理等等。  相似文献   

高大威 《教学研究(河北)》2004,27(6):515-517,547
将审美培养融入生物教学是一种新的教育思想和模式,其核心是在教学中要尽可能将诸多教学因素转化为美感体验,把生物学教学过程真正视为一种审美活动。审美教学是生物教学的需要,也是素质教育的需要。教学中要善于发现和挖掘各种审美构成因素,并将形象化教学、启发式教学和情感化教学作为生物教学中美的体现的主要形式和策略。  相似文献   

浅论生物学教学中的审美教育与思想政治教育的统一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物学中潜藏着丰富的美,美与德密不可分。生物学教师要充分挖掘生物界中的美,积极渗透审美教育和思想政治教育,以美育德,把审美教育与思想政治教育有机地结合在一起,融入到生物学具体的教学过程中去,促进学生全面发展。  相似文献   

生物学实验是生物教学的基本形式之一,对于学生核心素养的发展具有重要的作用,而能否对生物实验进行有效的评价将直接影响生物实验教学目标的实现。目前我国积极倡导探究发展性评价的实施应用,但在实验教学评价中依然存在很多不足。因此,文章通过分析现阶段发展性评价的3种不同评价方式的作用,总结发展性评价实施策略,以期为各位教育者在生物实验教学中评价的实施提供一定的指导意见,从而解决当前生物学实验教学评价中所存在的问题,提升生物实验教学质量。  相似文献   

素质教育是我国面向21世纪教育改革的主旋律.在职业学校生物教学中,抓住学生对美的追求的心理倾向,努力挖掘生物学知识中的美育因素,通过审美教育提高同学们鉴赏美,创造美的能力,是生物教师义不容辞的责任,也是素质教育不可缺少的部分.  相似文献   

There are widespread aspirations to focus undergraduate biology education on teaching students to think conceptually like biologists; however, there is a dearth of assessment tools designed to measure progress from novice to expert biological conceptual thinking. We present the development of a novel assessment tool, the Biology Card Sorting Task, designed to probe how individuals organize their conceptual knowledge of biology. While modeled on tasks from cognitive psychology, this task is unique in its design to test two hypothesized conceptual frameworks for the organization of biological knowledge: 1) a surface feature organization focused on organism type and 2) a deep feature organization focused on fundamental biological concepts. In this initial investigation of the Biology Card Sorting Task, each of six analytical measures showed statistically significant differences when used to compare the card sorting results of putative biological experts (biology faculty) and novices (non–biology major undergraduates). Consistently, biology faculty appeared to sort based on hypothesized deep features, while non–biology majors appeared to sort based on either surface features or nonhypothesized organizational frameworks. Results suggest that this novel task is robust in distinguishing populations of biology experts and biology novices and may be an adaptable tool for tracking emerging biology conceptual expertise.  相似文献   

问卷调查显示当前师范生科学素养特别是生物科学素养水平低下。我们在总结存在问题的基础上提出加强师范生生物科学素养的重要性和迫切性。对探究式教学和生物探究式教学相关理论进行研究,提出生物探究式教学法在培养师范生生物科学素养方面的独特作用。通过比较课堂教学中实施探究式教学法与传统讲授法学生的生物科学素养状况,得出探究式教学法对师范生生物科学素养有显著的影响。  相似文献   

Classification is a central endeavor in every scientific field of work. Classification in biology, however, is distinct from classification in other fields of science in a number of ways. Thus, understanding how biological classification works is an important element in understanding the nature of biological science. In the present paper, I discuss a number of philosophical issues that are characteristic for classification in biological science, paying special attention to questions related to science education. My aims are (1) to provide science educators and others concerned with the teaching of biology with an accessible overview of the philosophy of biological classification and (2) to show how knowledge of the philosophy of classification can play an important role in science teaching.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between students?? epistemic beliefs in biology and their approaches to learning biology. To this end, two instruments, the epistemic beliefs in biology and the approaches to learning biology surveys, were developed and administered to 520 university biology students, respectively. By and large, it was found that the students reflected ??mixed?? motives in biology learning, while those who had more sophisticated epistemic beliefs tended to employ deep strategies. In addition, the results of paired t tests revealed that the female students were more likely to possess beliefs about biological knowledge residing in external authorities, to believe in a right answer, and to utilize rote learning as a learning strategy. Moreover, compared to juniors and seniors, freshmen and sophomores tended to hold less mature views on all factors of epistemic beliefs regarding biology. Another comparison indicated that theoretical biology students (e.g. students majoring in the Department of Biology) tended to have more mature beliefs in learning biology and more advanced strategies for biology learning than those students studying applied biology (e.g. in the Department of Biotechnology). Stepwise regression analysis, in general, indicated that students who valued the role of experiments and justify epistemic assumptions and knowledge claims based on evidence were more oriented towards having mixed motives and utilizing deep strategies to learn biology. In contrast, students who believed in the certainty of biological knowledge were more likely to adopt rote learning strategies and to aim to qualify in biology.  相似文献   

在全面推行素质教育的今天,如何提高生物课堂的教学有效性是一个重要课题。生物科学本身就是一门实验科学,对学生实际解决问题能力的培养是素质教育的核心。PBL教学法是以问题为基础的学习,是一种以学生发展为主,实现全人发展的新型教学模式,已被生物学科教育领域广泛接受和研究。本文就PBL教学法促进生物课堂有效性方面做出几点思考。  相似文献   

研究型分子生物学实验课程体系建立与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分子生物学是在分子水平上研究生物生长发育的调控机制及其遗传基础,其基本理论的建立依赖于实验,因此也是实验性非常强的学科。分子生物学实验课程是培养高素质生物类本科人才必修课程。目前我国大学本科分子生物学实验课程多数滞后于该学科发展,制约了人才培养。学校构建新实验课程教学体系,直接将相关的科研成果转化为本科实验教学项目,制定了一套系统性强,能够培养本科生综合能力的研究型分子生物学实验课程体系。通过近2年的教学实践,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

本文论述了生物学知识的重要性,对提高学生阅读生物学知识的兴趣提出了相关的方法。  相似文献   

Recent curriculum reform promotes core competencies such as desired ‘content knowledge’ and ‘communication’ for meaningful learning in biology. Understanding in biology is demonstrated when pupils can apply acquired knowledge to new tasks. This process requires the transfer of knowledge and the subordinate process of translation across external representations. This study sought ten experts’ views on the role of transfer and translation processes in biology learning. Qualitative analysis of the responses revealed six expert themes surrounding the potential challenges that learners face, and the required cognitive abilities for transfer and translation processes. Consultation with relevant curriculum documents identified four types of biological knowledge that students are required to develop at the secondary level. The expert themes and the knowledge types exposed were used to determine how pupils might acquire and apply these four types of biological knowledge during learning. Based on the findings, we argue that teaching for understanding in biology necessitates fostering ‘horizontal’ and ‘vertical’ transfer (and translation) processes within learners through the integration of knowledge at different levels of biological organization.  相似文献   

“审美理念”是康德美学中一个重要的概念,对它的准确把握是对康德美学进行深度理解的关键。审美理念作为一个美学概念有其自身的特征,并且在作为沟通知性和理性、认识和实践的桥梁的审美领域中也发挥着功不可没的重要作用。这里对《判断力批判》作了深入解读和思考后,对审美理念的特征、它与天才和艺术的关系及它与“美的理想”的关系作了深入浅出的剖析,并阐明审美理念对于今天现代生活的影响和意义。  相似文献   

动物肌肉的生长是一长期的过程,且受到多种因素的调节。本文从细胞生物学和分子生物学两方面对其生长的一般生物学规律进行了综述。  相似文献   

人类的面孔审美具有普遍共性,这与面孔所能传达的生物信息内容相关。结合美学、心理学、生物学等理论研究成果,可将人类面孔审美的生物信息评价划定为三个层次:第一,面孔审美包含着对“人性”度的衡量;第二,面孔审美包含着对人类繁殖潜能的评价;第三,面孔审美包含着对个体性格特质等社会化信息的考察。三者共同揭示了人类面孔审美的生物共性。  相似文献   

悲剧在审美对象中有其重要的地位。苗族爱情悲剧在客观上具有悲剧的审美性质。与其它文学作品一样 ,它进入人们的审美领域 ,是作为反映形态的悲剧艺术 ,才能经常成为审美对象而引起人们审美愉快的。文章拟就苗族爱情悲剧在审美中的重要作用作一些探讨。  相似文献   

生物科学专业创新型人才培养方案探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强对生物科学专业实践教学的改革,是高等院校提高教学质量、完善质量保障体系的需要.本文以商丘师范学院生物科学实验班教学改革为例,从教与学两方面入手,探讨了构建多层面、多角度、多主体的实践教学改革体系的一些经验.  相似文献   

The role of art museum educators is to facilitate the viewer's aesthetic experience and to support the integration of new concepts into the viewer's pre-existing cognitive structure. Ideally, art museum educators teach viewers how to participate actively in the aesthetic experience. This seemingly straightforward task is difficult to accomplish. The modernist structures of the art world tend to cast the viewer in a passive role. Research into aesthetic experience conducted within Modernist paradigms tends to perpetuate the passive interaction of viewer and artwork. In this paper, I examine the work of researchers and artists who stretch or redefine the modern paradigm of art and identify ways in which active viewer participation can be supported. I propose that researchers of aesthetic experience can no longer approach viewers as subjects for their studies. I demonstrate that viewers are involved in research when their voices are heard in the discourse and they have the opportunity to see themselves reflected in the work of art. Within this new paradigm, viewers and researchers become co-creators of knowledge about aesthetic experience. Knowledge generated in this way enables art museum educators to support active participation in aesthetic experience.  相似文献   

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