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王玉峰 《英语辅导》2002,(11):20-20
Now it‘s the time of the big sleep for the bees and the bears. Even the buds of the plants whose leaves fall off share in it. But the intensity of this winter sleep, or hibernation, depends on who‘s doing it.The big sleep of the bears ,for instance ,would probably be thought of as a  相似文献   

同学们大都读过三只小猪的故事。下面这则故事讲的也是关于三只小猪的故事,不同的是,本篇故事中的狼心地善良,它最后和三只小猪交上了朋友,幸福地生活在一起。  相似文献   

Once upon a time, three were little pigs who lived with their athere mother and father on a farm. One day the youngest pig thought that he would go and build  相似文献   

In Bourdieu’s early work on education, he declares that ‘All pedagogic action (PA) is objectively symbolic violence insofar as it is the imposition of a cultural arbitrary by an arbitrary power’. This article rethinks Bourdieu’s proposition. It questions whether all PA is symbolic violence and the very notion of a cultural arbitrary upon which this view is based. For Bourdieu, culture is framed narrowly in terms of class, and pedagogy a mechanism by which it is reproduced. As such, it functions as a form of violence having much in common with Foucault’s notion of discipline. Unlike Foucault, however, who also acknowledges the enabling potential of power as a technology of the self, Bourdieu has no such equivalent. His concept of PA leaves little room for capacitation wherein, rather than a cultural arbitrary, certain skills can be seen to have an inherent use value equipping individuals with capacities that are a means for social transformation.  相似文献   

生态美学是伴随着人类环境恶化、生态破坏等一系列严重的现实问题而出现的新型学科。它的出现与人们当前的生存状况及生态观念密切相关。本文拟探讨美国儿童小说《草原上的小木屋》的生态美学思想。  相似文献   

本文围绕特校职业教育面对教育对象、培训场所、产业技术、办学层次、职教科研的转移 ,采取以教改手段 ,促进职教资源价值最大化 ;优化职教层次结构 ,明确职业道德目标 ;调整文化课与专业课的关系 ;加强校企合作方式等方法 ,全面实施宽口径培养、小模块变化、大菜单选择的教育模式 ,使特教对象走上职业康复之路  相似文献   

大数据分析模型构建完成后,最重要的是对模型进行检验,如何检验是困扰我们的一个难题,本文围绕房价大数据分析模型,介绍几种大数据分析模型的检验方法,供从事大数据分析研究的人员借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Research Findings: Big Math for Little Kids (BMLK) is a mathematics curriculum developed for use with 4- and 5-year-old children. To investigate the BMLK curriculum's effect on children's mathematics knowledge, this cluster-randomized controlled trial randomly assigned child care centers to provide mathematics instruction to children, using either the BMLK mathematics curriculum or the centers’ business-as-usual curriculum, over a 2-year period when children were in prekindergarten and kindergarten. Participants in the study were 762 children and their teachers at 16 publicly subsidized child care centers. The study assessed children's mathematics knowledge using the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B), Direct Mathematics Assessment, a measure of young children's mathematics knowledge that is not aligned with the curriculum. The ECLS-B scores of children in the BMLK group increased significantly more than did those of children in the comparison group. The study also included exploratory analyses to examine whether children in the BMLK group demonstrated evidence of improved mathematical language. Practice or Policy: These results indicate that the BMLK curriculum, which is designed to help teachers use play-based, developmentally appropriate mathematics instruction, has a positive impact on young children's mathematics knowledge as measured by a general mathematics assessment that is not aligned with the curriculum.  相似文献   

教科书作为传递人类文明成果的重要媒介,在社会发展的进程中占据着重要的地位。中央苏区时期,小学教科书立足于频繁革命战争与培养红色革命后代的现实需要,有选择、有目的地对小学课程教学大纲、国语读本、常识读本进行系统介绍和深刻诠释,注重阶级斗争、生产劳动、创造力与自治力的宣传,在宣传目的、内容和形式上体现出鲜明的阶级特色和强烈的价值取向。小学教科书宣传中国共产党路线、方针、政策的过程,既是中国共产党动员儿童的过程,也是中国共产党政党形象塑造的过程。因此,小学教科书有效地宣传中国共产党的理念,对培养民主革命斗争的后代和未来共产主义的建设者,塑造中国共产党良好政党形象起到了重要的助力作用。  相似文献   

郭宝昌的《大宅门》,以其塑造的卓而不群的女性形象,展示了女性世界的独特魅力,表现了郭宝昌特有的女性崇拜意识、平等兼爱意识。  相似文献   

[1]离我们的木屋不远,有一条小溪,小溪很深,静静地流淌着.一天,我和特德沿小溪而下,做了一趟旅行.我们一边荡着双桨,一边留心着野生动物,说不准会出现什么鸟兽呢.  相似文献   

如果可能,老妇得赶在天黑前回去。狗紧跟在她身后,嗅着她牢牢背在背上的沉甸甸的米袋子。来到小镇边缘,她在一堵篱笆前停了下来,用特意放在衣袋里的绳子把背在背上的口袋捆好。这样背起来轻松些。她两臂酸疼,翻篱笆的时候很艰难。有一次,她掉了下来,摔在雪地里,几只狗摇着尾巴围着她团团转。她得费很大劲儿才能站起来,好在她成功了。翻篱笆的目的在于,  相似文献   

一只格莱姆斯家的狗倏地跳离狗群,开始撕咬老妇背上的口袋。如果狗果真曾经是狼,这只一定是狼群的首领。它做什么,其他的也都跟着做。  相似文献   

我目睹了一切,目睹了雪地上的椭圆——狗踩出的,像个微型跑道;目睹了男人们的重重疑惑;目睹了那裸露的青春依旧的洁白臂膀;也听见了人们低声的议论。  相似文献   

Children's Use of Context in Interpreting "Big" and "Little"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to use the words "big" and "little" appropriately, adults use 3 kinds of contexts: normative (the size of the object is compared to a stored mental representation), perceptual (the object is compared to another physically present object of the same kind), and functional (the object is judged with regard to its intended use). In 3 experiments, we examined how flexibly children switch from one context to another. 2–4-year-olds judged a series of everyday objects as "big" or "little." To answer correctly, children had to judge each object twice, once in a normative context and once in a perceptual or functional context. Results showed that switching from one context to another was not inherently difficult, even for 2-year-olds. However, the direction of switch was important: children throughout the age range tested switched easily from a normative context but made errors when asked to switch to a normative context. We suggest that the normative context differs from the perceptual and functional contexts in that it is unmarked, and that unmarked contexts are accessible only when no other context has been recently experienced. When context is marked more explicitly, children shift flexibly among different meanings.  相似文献   

The feelings (self-concepts and attitudes) toward maths, reading and school of 21,000 seven-year-olds in England were investigated using multi-variate multi-level models. The most important explanatory variables were the teacher and the academic level of the pupils supporting the view that it is important to track attitudes in any monitoring system. Data are presented to support the Big Fish in a Little Pond hypothesis and estimates were also made of importance of sex, age, home background and first language to the attitudes of pupils in school.  相似文献   

儿童文学课程在师范院校开设的历史由来已久,但是由于多方面的原因,课程一直不受重视,教学也存在着随意散漫的倾向。本文拟从儿童文学观念、学生接受和语文教学能力培养三方面阐述儿童文学教学改革的措施和方法,以适应当下学科建设和教学发展的需要。  相似文献   

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