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在家具发展中,椅子的发展是一个不可缺少的组成部分,每一次家具的更新,椅子总是走在前面。本文从人体工程学角度论述了椅子的设计要求。  相似文献   

开会迟到,是一个世界性难题。公司每次开会,总有职员迟到。公司为此制订了种种奖罚措施,但是,开会迟到依然是个问题。不久,公司新来了一位办公室主任,公司的会议多数由他主持。第一次开会,众多迟到者像往常一样,陆陆续续走进会议室。他们环顾一圈发现:会  相似文献   

This article presents an introduction to understanding and addressing conflict in academic departments. Current philosophies toward conflict in organizations include a principled approach encouraging the positive benefits that conflict may bring to institutions. To utilize this approach it is important to understand the nature of conflict, identify effective response options, and develop skills in principled conflict resolution. This paper identifies the structures within organizations which inherently cause conflict. In addition, various strategies for dealing with conflict are outlined based on the Thomas/Killman response modes. Finally, Fisher and Ury's foundation for principled conflict resolution is applied to departments in higher education.Walter H. Gmelch received an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley and a Ph.D. in the Educational Executive Program from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is currently professor and chair of the Educational Administration Department at Washington State University and directs the University Council for Educational Administration Center for the Study of Department Chair. His area of interest is in leadership development, managerial stress and academic department chairs. James B. Carroll received his Ph.D. in educational administration from Washington State University. He is currently the associate director of the Center for the Study of the Department Chair, Washington State University. His area of interest is in investigating role orientations and careers of department chairs.  相似文献   

A systematic approach of interviews, questionnaires, and follow-ups was used with deans and chairpeople to introduce faculty development programs to a doctoral degree granting university. This approach to initiating programs via management (and not faculty) had several practical advantages, and it provided insights about possible generalities of how deans and chairs resist and facilitate developmental proposals. Deans in this sample responded with more emotional distance, but with greater readiness to conceptualize applications and to make helpful arrangements (e.g., schedule workshops with specific groups of faculty). Chairs, in contrast, typically reacted defensively, at least in the short run, often discounting faculty problems or the likelihood that help could or should be effectively administered.  相似文献   

Department chairs in 101 Carnegie Council Research I and II and Doctorate-Granting I and II institutions were surveyed to describe their career movements prior to becoming chair, and the length of tenure as chair and the movement from the chair position that their two predecessors in the position of chair had made. Additional variables addressed were discipline, department size, chair's age and gender, the nature of departmental hiring practices, and whether chairs had previous administrative experience. The Biglan model of discipline classification was used to differentiate among disciplines. Sixty-five percent of chairs return to faculty status after their tenure as chair. However, gender, departmental hiring practices, and discipline all have significant effects on the likelihood that a chair will return to faculty status or go on to further administrative service.  相似文献   

This study examined predictors of job change for academic staff administrators. Analyses of questionnaire data from 143 administrators who had been employed from 1971 through 1978 indicated that predictors of job mobility differ for diverse kinds of moves with two exceptions—age and gender. The four most important predictors for internal institutional change were age, mentor, president of a professional organization, and marital status (married). Planning to move, gender, and editorship, contributed most to external institutional change, whereas age, mentor, gender, and planning to move contributed most significantly to overall job change (adjustedR 2=.439).  相似文献   

The paper examines the ways in which group work teachers deal with students understanding of the complexities of group work, while they support students acquisition of practice skills with groups. The students' ability to acquire skills in working with groups, and demonstrate them will vary greatly. Principles and techniques used in teaching group work should reflect these variations. Specific and concrete ways that instructors may use to individualize their approaches in teaching and communicating are presented. These principles and techniques also are relevant for teaching other social work practice methods.  相似文献   

李文军 《家教指南》2006,(4):109-114
本文通过对庆阳北石窟寺地层岩性地质构造和水文地质特征的分析,认为受窟前二级阶地阻挡和岩层斜层理向山倾影响,排泄不畅的地下基岩裂隙水,是北石窟寺洞窟岩体潮湿、渗水的重要原因之一,也是窟内空气湿度大,形成凝结水的原因之一.在此基础上提出了地下水治理措施,并对北石窟寺地下水治理工程作了介绍.  相似文献   

人名是社会的一面镜子,透过人名可以发现不同的社会文化、社会心理以及不同的社会生活变迁的印迹.文章从东西方人名的异同这一角度分析其相应的土壤--东西方文化的异同.  相似文献   

旅游合同是旅游法的重要组成部分,也是规范迅速发展的旅游业的重要法律制度。由于旅游合同是无名合同,旅游合同违约情形时常发生,本文试从旅游合同违约的几种情况分析违约责任的承担及其责任方式,以促进旅游合同违约责任制度的研究。  相似文献   

本文为外教Rober to P. Reyes在离开中国时,写给他学生的一封信,主要目的在于鼓励中国学生学习英语,以及如何培养英语学习的兴趣等各方面的良好建议。  相似文献   

人名是社会的一面镜子,透过人名可以发现不同的社会文化、社会心理以及不同的社会生活变迁的印迹。文章从东西方人名的异同这一角度分析其相应的土壤——东西方文化的异同。  相似文献   

目前 ,家具市场正向着多元化方向发展 ,它有着许多新的流行趋势 ,形形色色的现代流行家具正在市场上展现着各自的魅力 ,使消费者在选购家具时要考虑诸多问题 ,关注更多的方面  相似文献   

Riemann积分的存在性问题是微积分的主要任务和难点,本文讨论了在Riemann可积意义下比Riemann积分更具有一般性的Riemann-Stieltjes积分存在性的判定.  相似文献   

这篇文章对《沉沦》与《青春》进行比较研究,分析两者在故事结构、主题、人物形象、手法和风格等方面所存在的相似和差异,并揭示出造成这些相似和差异的原因,使得这两部作品得到更好地理解,对探索文学创作和鉴赏具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

结合相关设计规范,阐述住宅漏电保护器的设计,包括漏电保护器的设置安装、漏电断路器的额定动作电流值的合理整定、优先选用电磁式漏电断路器、室内空调电源支路宜装设漏电保护器、电涌保护装置和漏电断路器安装位置的确定,以及住宅等电位联结等.  相似文献   

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