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Within the field of higher education, there are situations where the learner is not well served in a classroom setting. Problematic issues such as scheduling, critical mass, time, pace and location have the potential to be counterbalanced by e-learning. Within this, the asynchronous nature of today's online learning environments and computer conferencing tools have popularly been claimed to offer tremendous benefits for learners who are willing to take responsibility for their own learning, to progress at their own pace, and interact with their online teacher to get immediate feedback on their learning and progress. Indeed, increasingly, educators today are very keen to exploit some of these new technologies for the benefit of their learners. It is argued in this article that there is a need to address the practice and research of asynchronous computer mediated conferencing. As conferencing tools become an increasingly common feature in students' experience, teachers need to have an understanding of how these tools facilitate the formation and maintenance of collaborative learning communities.  相似文献   

根据科技竞争力评价的一般范式,建立了一套评价指标体系。利用主成分分析方法,从纵向角度对重庆市科技竞争力进行了实证分析。最后,对重庆市提高科技竞争力提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

当下的德育内容“厚经薄权”使得德育模式不能承受如此之重。,在主体性德育模式中.德育内容“假”框架限制主体;在活动德育模式中,德育内容“大”主题阉割活动:在“学会关心”德育模式中,德育内容“空”结构扼杀关心.。德育内容本身的理论偏差是矛盾的主要方面。它掺杂着太多的理想主义痕迹。“教育就是社会化”的命题能够在较大程度上修正德育内容表述的偏颇之处。在一定意义上,教会学生社会化就是教学生学会选择。未来的德育内容需围绕幸福教育和社会平等教育两个方面来建构。  相似文献   

Since inquiry was first introduced to science education, a lot of inquiry-based tasks have appeared in textbooks for supporting an inquiry-based approach. These tasks have great potential to direct the implementation of an inquiry-based approach, as teachers rely heavily on the use of existing instructional materials in most K-12 classrooms. However, these tasks would not actually take effect unless they could accomplish the mission of assisting in the achievement of the educational goals of an inquiry-based approach, for which it is necessary to assess the design quality of inquiry-based tasks in textbooks. Content analysis is an effective way to evaluate the design quality of textbooks. This study adopted the instrument – the Inquiry-based Tasks Analysis Inventory (ITAI), which fits the purpose and has strong reliability and validity – to analyse the inquiry-based tasks in current high school biology textbooks in Mainland China. The results show that (1) some of the inquiry-based tasks separate the inquiry process from scientific content, (2) current textbooks do not present balanced dispositions to use inquiry process skills, and (3) inquiry-based tasks in current textbooks do not reflect a proper understanding about scientific inquiry. The findings call for revisions of inquiry-based tasks in textbooks and indicate the ambiguous understanding about inquiry that may be held by the textbook authors. What is more, the problems revealed by this study are very similar to those found in previous studies in other regions, which highlights the need for continuous attention to the evaluation of inquiry-based tasks in textbooks.  相似文献   

Conclusion We have briefly attempted to deineate the field of content analysis of communication media and point out of value of content analysis as a method of audio-visual research. On the following pages is a bibliography of that part of the literature on content analysis which seems mostuseful for audio-visual researchers.While the bibliography is fairly comprehensive it does tend to omit studies dealing with the analysis of printed materials. The quantitative analysis of the content of instructional materials has been virtually neglected. Here some useful applications of the technique are made to audio-visual communication research. Donald Auster is an instructor in the Audio-Visual Center at Indiana University.  相似文献   

运用内容分析方法,抽样分析2003-2012年lO年间教育经济与管理专业硕士学位论文的研究主题、研究导向、理论基础、研究方法、统计方法、参考文献以及写作规范等指标,据此可以透视教育经济与管理专业硕士研究生学术能力培养的现状,同时发现问题,探寻针对性地提高该专业硕士研究生学术水平的培养方案和教学策略。  相似文献   

针对目前重大突发事件概念混乱的现象,本文运用内容分析法对1998-2008年国内外文献中51个有影响力的重大突发事件概念进行了分析,提炼出51个重大突发事件概念中最频繁出现的能代表其内涵的11个标准,分别是:爆发突然/无法预测/可以控制/危害巨大/影响力强/涉及面广/紧迫决策/人员伤亡/环境污染/财产损失/社会公共安全。通过对这些标准的识别,本文对重大突发事件在操作层面上进行了重新架构,将重大突发事件这一术语定义为"无法预测且突如其来的,影响力强、涉及面广,危害巨大,但可以控制、需要管理部门紧迫决策的恶性事件。"其中,"危害巨大"包括造成重大人员伤亡、巨大财产损失、生态环境的严重破坏以及给社会公共安全带来严重威胁。  相似文献   

Although many international students experience transitional issues, most research assumes these issues will disappear over time. Using principles of social capital theory, this study addressed whether after three years of study students were able to build multi-national and host social capital links. In this quantitative study of 81 students from 28 nationalities, the results indicate that Confucian Asian students lived in separate social worlds, while English and other international students developed substantial multi-national networks over time. Learning networks after 14?weeks were predicted by group allocation and initial friendships, indicating a positive effect of mixing multi-national groups.  相似文献   

This study addresses measurement issues around a standards-based content analysis of mathematics textbooks’ coverage of standards for use in large-scale monitoring of standards implementation as proposed in a 2013 report by the National Research Council. An earlier study produced an exhaustive content analysis of textbooks using the 2012 Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. This yielded an accurate and reliable portrait of a textbook's coverage of standards. However, such an in-depth analysis is not feasible for large-scale standards-implementation monitoring in which a large number of textbooks may need to be analyzed. To provide such a portrait with sufficient accuracy while also substantially reducing the associated resources needed to produce such a portrait, a simulation study was conducted with the exhaustively coded database to compare different sampling schemes. Results indicated that sampling 1 day from each week and coding the corresponding lessons led to sufficiently accurate representations of the overall content of the textbook. The results provide empirical evidence for large-scale standards-based content analyses of mathematics textbooks for monitoring standards implementation which could be adapted for other subject areas.  相似文献   

文章运用内容分析法,对1981—2011年间中国知识资源总库—CNKI系列数据库以"儿童家庭教育"为搜索主题的205篇文献进行分析。分析结果从两个方面表明:儿童家庭教育问题研究的定量分析发现,该问题的研究涉及诸多学科,研究文献呈现年度递增态势;而定性分析发现,已有研究的理论基础、研究方法和研究内容均呈现多元化样态。未来的研究,应侧重问题研究的情境性、全面性和动态性,逐步提高研究的质量,实现多学科研究的融合,加强前瞻性的预测研究。  相似文献   

This article examines the reliability of content analyses of state student achievement tests and state content standards. We use data from two states in three grades in mathematics and English language arts and reading to explore differences by state, content area, grade level, and document type. Using a generalizability framework, we find that reliabilities for four coders are generally greater than .80. For the two problematic reliabilities, they are partly explained by an odd rater out. We conclude that the content analysis procedures, when used with at least five raters, provide reliable information to researchers, policymakers, and practitioners about the content of assessments and standards.  相似文献   

刺五加多糖含量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:测定刺五加多糖的含量.方法:采用蒽酮-硫酸比色法,以葡萄糖作为为对照品,在620nm波长下测定吸光度,分别测定可溶性多糖和粗多糖的含量.结果:刺五加不同部位可溶性多糖的含量分别为:根皮1.745%,茎皮4.210%,叶0.417%,叶柄5.069%.粗多糖含量分别为:根皮2.520%,茎皮2.934%,叶3.960%,叶柄4.144%.结论:刺五加不同部位多糖含量差别很大,茎皮中可溶性多糖和粗多糖均大于根皮,叶柄中可溶性多糖和粗多糖含量均最高.  相似文献   

在都市报第一个十年结束之时,本研究以《中国期刊全文数据库》收录的1996-2005年间有关都市报研究的论文为数据样本,通过定量统计和主题整理,从研究主题、个案分析、作者类别等方面对国内十年间都市报学术研究全貌进行实证分析。十年来都市报理论研究取得较大发展,水准不断提高,但同时也存在一些明显的问题:对新闻人才的研究重视不够,学术研究前瞻性不足,缺乏主动性和自觉意识等。  相似文献   

定量研究与定性研究是教育评估中运用的主要方法,通过对这两种研究方法进行比较,理清这两种研究方法的区别与联系,以便能更深刻地了解这两种研究方法,准确地把握其各自的优势及局限性,教育评估的特点和功能决定了在评估中只有将两者合理地结合使用,才能使教育评估达到预期的目的。  相似文献   

文旨在阐述如何使用SPSS软件当中的Explore功能对外语实证研究数据进行先导性的分析,使读者能够正确应用探索性分析及其在SPSS中的具体操作,以便能够解决一些实际问题,避免出现实证分析过程的错误,以提高外语教学科研方法的科学性。  相似文献   

认知文体学是认知语言学发展的一个新分支。它关注语言形式与其产生的效果之间的关联,分析作者创作与读者阐释的认知机制。认知文体学研究理论框架很多,在此试图从图形背景理论的角度对TedHughes的《山石满足了》(Hill-stone was content)做认知文体学分析,从短语、词汇和语法三个不同层面探讨了图形背景理论的运行机制及其在诗歌意境形成中的作用,同时也分析了此语篇中图形背景互换为表达主题所起的作用,从而为作品的解读提出新的视角。  相似文献   

Video data provide a means of integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches to the study of classroom teaching. This chapter begins by discussing the usefulness of integrating quantitative and qualitative analyses, and then describes how large-scale video surveys can enable a cyclical process of generating and validating discoveries. The importance of sampling and technology as they bear on efforts to implement the process is noted. The advantages video data offer to researchers are described. Finally, the TIMSS Video Study, a large-scale international video survey of mathematics lessons, is used to illustrate how this cyclical process can be applied to the analysis of lesson content.  相似文献   

社会企业的双重属性要求员工既需要关注经济价值,又需要具备能够放弃眼前利益,着眼于社会价值实现的职业延迟满足特点。本研究通过对三家社会企业的实证调查及数据分析后发现,广东社会企业的员工构成情况受到广东本土文化情况的影响;员工职业延迟满足能力在性别、年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度、职位与职业背景状况等方面均存在显著差异;广东社会企业的社会服务功能在员工构成上还有待于更进一步扩展志愿者类型员工的作用。  相似文献   

我国科学教育研究的内容分析:2002-2007年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对我国2002-2007年间公开发表的598篇科学教育论文进行内容分析,从科学教育的整体趋势、研究范围、研究人员地区分布和机构来源以及研究方法四个维度阐述了我国科学教育研究的发展趋势,提出了我国发展科学教育研究的对策与建议。  相似文献   

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