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陶行知是我国现代伟大的教育家、社会活动家 ,同时他也给我们留下了诗歌、小说、杂文、书信等丰富的文学作品。他用各种体裁的作品阐释了他的生活教育思想 ,因此 ,研究陶行知的作品及其蕴含的文艺美学思想不仅具有文学价值 ,也有利于全面把握他的教育思想。陶行知的文艺美学思想与他的教育理念和哲学思维密切相关 ,我们应该联系他的生活教育思想和哲学观来研究他的文艺美学观。  相似文献   

毛泽东人民教育观,在革命战争年代和社会主义建设时期都曾产生过广泛而深刻的影响。在毛泽东人民教育观产生发展的过程中,当时的平民教育运动是毛泽东人民教育观产生的重要契机,陈独秀、胡适和杜威等人的平民教育思想,都曾深深地吸引了毛泽东,并成为毛泽东人民教育观生成的学理机制的重要组成部分。毛泽东经过不断探索和前进,最终确立了他的马克思主义的人民教育观,并开始了他在苏区的人民教育实践。  相似文献   

This study has two purposes: the first is to present the general condition of public education in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by showing the reformation process in educational institutes and teacher training, and the relationship between this process and the New Education movement in the Ottoman Empire; the second is to determine to what extent Mustafa Sat? Bey, often referred to as the Pestalozzi of the Ottoman Empire, contributed to the New Education movement through the analysis of his opinions on education, and his attempts to open a New School. As a result of Mustafa Sat? Bey’s analysis, New Education practices in the Ottoman Empire were stated to be practising a unilateral receiving-and-adapting procedure and the Ottoman Empire was positioned at the periphery in terms of the circulation of the movement. In his New School and in the Teacher Training School, Sat? Bey was concerned with the New Education movement both on an administrative and operative level. However, his practices were not sufficient to create his own theory and examine any other theory. Thus, when evaluated in terms of his contributions to the New Education movement, Sat? Bey is positioned somewhere between practical reformer and practitioner.  相似文献   

约翰·洛克的《教育漫话》及其教育思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
约翰.洛克是英国哲学家,在哲学、教育以及政治领域都有重要影响。他的教育思想集中体现在他的《教育漫话》一书中。本文在介绍洛克生平的基础上,交代了他的书信巨著《教育漫话》的写作背景和主要内容,进而分析了他的教育思想特点,以期对我国的教育有所启示。  相似文献   

New Education Movement was a great movementon education in Britain which developed in America as Progressive Movement in Education.As the author of The Place of Science in Education,W.Bateson,in certain periods,criticizes from Rousseau onwards educationists whose propositions on education revealed flaws that children are all in the same type.Taking what Dr Blakeslee had researched as evidences,he developed his ideas on offering the greatest possible variety instead of specifically exclusive provision for those who show sole aptitude.Thus Bateson concludes that right course should make provision for all sorts in specific age before meeting the need of aptitudes and tastes of children.This article is going to analyze author's thoughts revealed in his essay,explore the relationship between his ideas and the New Education Movement ideas and retain some valuable reflections on science education.  相似文献   

张之洞一生重视教育。他的早期教育观基本上是属于儒家传统的“化民成俗”。但是,随着社会的变化以及出于开新等治国需要,他对教育的作用有了新的看法,并在这一基础上积极开展教育活动,自觉或不自觉地赋予了教育新的功能。由此逐渐形成了他的国民教育观。总之,他是中国教育史上提倡国民教育的第一人。  相似文献   

Martin Trow was among the most influential scholar in Higher Education studies in the second half of the 20th century. He is best known for his conceptualisation of the development of Higher Education into three stages—elite, mass and universal systems. This article considers, first, his intellectual method and the underpinning theory (or lack of it); secondly, the extent to which his ideas, generated in the exceptional environment of post‐war America were, and are, relevant to different national contexts and in the very different environment of the 21st century; thirdly, the strengths—and weaknesses—of Trow’s conceptualisation of three stages of Higher Education development; and, finally the new lines of research suggested by an overall assessment of his work.  相似文献   

电化教育先驱赵光涛先生是中国早期著名的社会教育家之一,他应用当时先进的电化技术,身体力行将自己的一生献给了民众教育事业。由于所处时代、受众和身份的特殊性,赵光涛更多的是在大教育观的视阈下提出并努力实践自己的电化教育思想,促使电化教育在最大程度上起到唤醒民众、服务社会的作用,同时,他的电化教育思想与实践对于当今的教育也具有深远的现实关照意义。  相似文献   

In order that the thoughts and the fellowship of the 1950 Biennial Convention of the Religious Education Association may be shared more widely three papers and the reports of four discussion groups are presented in this issue

The first paper needs a special introduction. This is an address which Harrison S. Elliott gave at a banquet which two hundred and fifty of his friends attended in his honor at Christ Church, New York City, on May 1, 1950. This occasion had a two‐fold significance; it was a testimonial to his twenty‐eight years of service at Union Theological Seminary, where he was Professor of Religious Education and Psychology; and it was also in honor of his inauguration into the General Secretaryship of the Religious Education Association. This address was a high point in the Biennial Convention

‐‐ The Editorial Committee  相似文献   

教育为万众瞩目,人见人殊。王开东是才子型的语文老师,对教育一往情深,他看教育自有其独特的体悟,思想的锋芒与逼人的才气是《教育:突破重围》一书给予读者的强烈印象。  相似文献   

1912年,在蔡元培等人力主下教育部首设社会教育司,留日学生周树人在旧友许寿裳举荐下成为该司职员,8月被任命为教育部佥事兼社会教育司第一科科长,任职时间长达14年之久。从社会生活史角度,对鲁迅在社会教育司主要工作及社会活动进行历史梳理,结果发现:(一)社会教育司的超稳定人员格局为周树人营造了熟人社会,教育部的丰厚薪水为其及家人提供了衣食无忧的生活保障,较为宽松的上班制度和省亲制度为其提供充裕的闲暇和创作情感基础;(二)社会教育司职掌范围为周树人提供长袖善舞的重要舞台,古迹善本收藏、美术展览会、京师图书馆以及小说改良等均相得益彰,并为其搭建了重要的社会关系网络;(三)社会教育司的独特设置,加深了他对国民品性的思考,促进他将丰富的创作素材转换为小说、杂文。该研究通过大量第一手史料分析,说明鲁迅正是借助社会教育司这个平台,使得故园绍兴的素材一点点演变成对整个社会现状的理解和期待,狂人、孔乙己、闰土、阿Q成为中国民众的缩影、符号和表征,补充并修正之前学界对社会教育司这个历史存在及鲁迅官场的臆断和误读。  相似文献   

Fred Clarke (1880–1952), an English educationist, emerged as a leading figure with his liberal approach alongside such key figures as R. H. Tawney and Cyril Norwood in the reform leading to the 1944 Education Act. Many of his reform proposals, which were provided by the new Act, reflected his ideals of liberal democracy. Nevertheless, his contribution to the process of the legislation has not been examined thoroughly. Therefore, this paper explores his positions on educational issues in various debates and his approaches towards the reform. It also evaluates the extent to which the 1944 Education Act was in line with Clarke’s ideals and proposals so that a comprehensive assessment of Clarke’s contribution to the legislation can be made.  相似文献   

Science &; Education - In 1610, Galileo Galilei discovered Jupiter'smoons with the aid of a new morepowerful telescope of his invention. Analysisof his report reveals that his...  相似文献   

Brahm Norwich, Professor of Special Needs Education at the Institute of Education, University of London, is the first of the new professors to articulate his views on the future of Special Education as we approach the Millenium. He considers innovative approaches to the concept of human differences.  相似文献   

In an information-processing organization, it is essential that lines of communications stay open and fluid, and that can best be accomplished through cooperative teamwork. In science, when graphite is subjected to extreme heat and pressure, it is converted into a diamond. When pressure is applied to a collegiate bureaucracy through retraining key personnel, it can be transformed into a team promoting unity and interaction. Strategies for developing teams are discussed.Mark D. Weber earned his Bachelor of Arts degree, with a major in Zoology, from the University of South Florida, his Master of Arts degree, with a major in Secondary Science Education, from Oral Roberts University, and his Ed.D. in Higher Education Administration from Oklahoma State University. After a career in which he provided orthopedic services to physicians and medical facilities, he taught in private schools and Tulsa Junior College before joining Oral Roberts University where he is Assistant Professor of Anatomy in the School of Medicine.Thomas A. Karman earned his Bachelor of Arts degree, with majors in History and Political Science, from Albion College, his Master of Arts, with a major in East Asia Regional Studies, from Harvard University, and his Ph.D. in Higher Education from the University of Toledo. After serving The Defiance College as a faculty member and administrator, he joined Oklahoma State University, where he is Professor and Head of the department of Educational Administration and Higher Education.  相似文献   

张百熙是晚清第三任管学大臣,也是任职时间最长,建树最多,遭受诽谤与争议最大的中央教育行政长官。他倾其全力恢复和发展京师大学堂,主持制订了中国近代第一个真正实施了新学制--癸卵学制,他在长期的教育实践中形成了自己的教育思想。  相似文献   

廖世承职业教育思想及实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖世承作为我国1919-1925年间兴起的“新教育”改革和教育实验运动的倡导和参与,对我国教育的近代化和科学化作出了不可磨灭的贡献。他不仅在教育心理学、教育统计和智力测量等方面的研究成绩卓,而且在职业教育方面也提出了许多真知灼见,并在东南大学附中开展实验研究,为当时的职业教育提供了一个实验基地。本探讨了廖世承的职业教育思想和实践,从中折射出廖世承以其高深的学术基础献身于教育第一线的崇高的人格魅力。  相似文献   

The Secretary of State for Education talks to Margaret Peter about his policies on special education and plans for future developments including those he outlined during his speech at the annual NCSE conference in April  相似文献   

教育理论的逻辑缺失引致了中国高等教育的乱象和困惑,李德昌先生在《信息人教育学——势科学与教育动力学》一书中阐述了教育的本质及作用机制,揭示了高等教育乱象的根源,指明了规正高等教育的路径。李德昌先生开创的信息人教育学理论以及其致力于学术的精神正在和即将推动中国高等教育变革。  相似文献   

陈鹤琴先生是中国现代学前教育的奠基者。本文从儿童观、教育观以及“活教育”理论三个方面论述了他的学前教育思想体系。并结合当时的时代背景,将陈鹤琴的思想与同时期的教育家做了比较。以窥陈鹤琴为代表的现代教育家对中国现代学前教育建设的贡献。  相似文献   

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