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钱卫东 《江苏教育》2007,(13):110-113
“爸爸、妈妈,我想对您说”书信文化活动,是共青团通州市委员会、通州市教育局、通州市邮政局、通州市少先队工作委员会联合举办的面向全市中小学生的感恩教育活动.旨在加深少年儿童与父母的情感交流,建立起感恩父母、关爱他人、回报社会的道德感和光荣感。同时,呼吁社会倾听孩子们的心声,为少年儿童健康成长创造良好的社会环境。  相似文献   

《中国小公民道德建设计划》是引导和帮助全国少年儿童加强道德修养、提高自身素质的一项具体实践活动。它的活动主题是“我做合格小公民”;目的是培养少年儿童的墓本社会道德观念,培养他们良好的社会行为习贯,培养他们的社会责任感  相似文献   

基础教育实施素质教育,是发展的规律,是时代的选择。少先队组织是中国少年儿童的群众组织,实践育人是少先队的优良传统和基本途径。全国第四次少代会明确提出了体验教育这一崭新的课题,成为少先队教育的新发展。近年来,河南省洛阳市实验小学以开展探究性体验教育活动为载体,努力构建少年儿童思想教育的新模式,促进了少先队员综合素质的提高,发挥了少先队组织在学校素质教育中不可替代的作用。一、家庭生活:体验教育的重要领域家庭是步入社会的起点,是少先队员生活的又一领域。少先队员在家庭中开展体验教育活动,有助于培养孩子的家庭责任感,加强亲子两代的相互沟通,使少先队员们更加孝敬父母,热爱生活。  相似文献   

为了迎接2008年北京奥运会的到来,四川省会理县城关二小开展了一系列丰富多彩的活动。四至六年级的队员们参加了"四川省第三届全国少年儿童书信文化比赛"活动。他们以"我与奥运"为主题,通过书信表达了自己对奥运的向往,也向亲朋好友传递了奥运的信息。  相似文献   

亲子阅读是少年儿童进行阅读的一种方式,目前受到社会和家庭的关注,亲子阅读的意义随着社会和家庭的关注逐步显现出来。作为少年儿童图书馆工作人员,本人结合工作实践对亲子阅读进行了浅析。  相似文献   

为支援四川灾区灾后少年儿童心理抚慰工作,发挥少年儿童书信写作活动在加强和改进未成年人思想道德教育工作中的重要作用,近期,上犹县  相似文献   

书信是人类沟通和交流的重要工具,也是传承民族文化的特殊载体。为了进一步引导广大少年儿童抒发内心真实情感,加深相互之间的理解和友谊,了解中华传统书信文化的悠久历史,感受书信文化的特殊魅力,养成良好的书写习惯,按照共青团省委、教育厅、省邮政局、省少工委川青联发[2006]12号《关于开展“四川省第二届少年儿童书信写作比赛活动”的通知》要求,共青团成都市委、成都市教育局、成都市少工委、成都市邮政局、成都日报报业集团将从2006年5 月开始在全市中小学中开展“成都市第二届少年儿童书信写作比赛”活动。  相似文献   

为贯彻中国'小公民'道德建设计划,用丰富多彩的实践活动和激励措施培养少年儿童的道德观念和社会责任感,  相似文献   

一年一度的"国际少年书信写作比赛"始于1971年。这一活动由万国邮政联盟及联合国教科文组织共同主办,面向全球190多个邮联成员国的亿万少年儿童组织征文,旨在架设世界各国少年儿童间的友谊之桥,宣传邮政文化的全球性发展及给人们带来的便利,促进世界各地青少年了解邮政在社会生活中的作用,  相似文献   

红色文化作为具有中国特色、样态多元的先进历史文化代表,蕴含着丰富的德育精神资源和物质资源,对少年儿童的品德培养具有“润物细无声”的独特功能。通过将红色精神融入家长学校的课程培训内容、红色经典文学融入亲子共读活动、红色歌曲融入家校节庆活动、红色之旅融入家校研学活动等可行性实践路径,发挥学校和家庭的育人合力,有助于消解社会不良亚文化对少年儿童的消极影响,增强少年儿童的思想品德教育和社会主义核心价值观培养的实效性。  相似文献   

The article briefly discusses the question of how we should establish special educational practices that could help students mature. In identifying such practices, the author looks to a number of empirical studies that allow us to understand what significance the concept of “maturation” has for children and teenagers. In conclusion, the author notes that modern educational systems rarely provide students with the opportunity to try on adult roles. To allow this, changes will have to be made and special mechanisms will have to be designed that enable children, teenagers, and college students to show initiative and take responsibility.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a national pilot project to train professional artists to work with children with special educational needs. It presents an introductory review of recent legislation and research in Special Educational Needs in the UK and in the USA. The paper offers an alternative view of disability, more able to accommodate the needs of children experiencing physical, mental or behavioural impairment within the context of the national curriculum requirements. The author describes the background to the project, examines some of its outcomes, and proposes some ways forward for the classroom teacher.  相似文献   

农民工子女就学问题与对策   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
解决农民工子女就学问题是全面建设小康社会进程中面临的一个重要课题,也是我国教育事业发展的一项重要任务。对于农民工子女就学问题,应当以流入地政府管理为主,加强流入地政府与流出地政府之间的沟通协调,增强服务意识,强化管理职责;应当以流入地全日制公办中小学为主,同时发挥社会力量的补缺作用,通过多层次、多渠道、多样化方式综合解决。另外,应高度重视农民工自身及其子女接受高中阶段教育的问题,以确保普及高中阶段教育目标的实现。  相似文献   

The events in North Belfast surrounding the children of Holy Cross Primary School have reminded us all, graphically, of how long and tortuous the path to lasting peace in Northern Ireland might be. In this very timely article, the author describes his practice-based research aimed at informing the processes of school improvement for peace and reconciliation. The analysis involves an exploration of the contribution that professional educational psychology might make to community relations education and to the broader project of inclusion and social reconstruction in Northern Ireland. The present article intends to contribute towards local debate concerning a reappraisal of the educational psychologist role. Furthermore, to be relevant to all educational psychologists who are interested in the contribution of schooling towards improved intergroup relationships and peace education.  相似文献   

This study involved the development, implementation, and assessment of a comprehensive schoolwide mailing program as a practical tool to communicate enthusiasm towards writing to children and actively engage them in letter writing. The author played the dual role of teacher-researcher and worked for one school year with one teacher from each grade level from grade 1 to grade 5. The objective of the study was to explore the relationship between an innovative mailing program and children’s attitudes towards letter writing. This study employed both qualitative (conference with teachers) and quantitative (survey) methods. The author initiated the study with a presentation to the teachers (during a staff meeting) and to the children (in an assembly), systematically collected feedback from teachers to assess the program throughout the year, informed parents (through school newsletters), and assessed children’s attitudes towards both writing and letter writing at the beginning and end of the program. It was anticipated that the program would provide children with authentic writing experiences, foster positive attitudes towards writing, enhance their literacy skills, and in turn strengthen a “friendship culture” in the school by being coparticipants as readers and writers in the letter writing process. Data analysis indicated that children enjoyed the responsive letter writing process and that their self-perceptions as writers and their writing skills improved. Results support the introduction of an elementary school mailing program as a means to cultivate and strengthen positive relationships between pupils and invite family participation.  相似文献   

This article discusses an educational outreach project conducted during 1974 and 1975 by University for Man (UFM), a free university based in Manhattan, Kansas, that offers educational programs not only to the KSU/Manhattan community but to other areas of the state as well. The major objective of the project, supported by the Kansas Committee for the Humanities, was to serve adult educational needs with programs examining public issues through a humanistic perspective. Programs were organized in series of weekly town hall meetings that featured several speakers on a particular issue, including an academic humanist. The mechanics of organizing such a program are reviewed, the program's results are briefly summarized, and the implications of such programs are considered. Major implications include (1) the offering of new perspectives on public policy issues to the adult public, (2) the design of new roles for professional humanists, (3) the rejuventation of participatory democracy, and (4) the movement toward permanent programs of community education in small rural communities.They directed the UFM project reported here, which was supported by the Kansas Committee for the Humanities project grant FY-73-74-36. The contents of this article do not necessarily reflect the views of that committee.  相似文献   

Competence in early mathematics is crucial for later school success. Although research indicates that early mathematics curricula improve children's mathematics skill, such curricula's impacts on oral language and early literacy skills are not known. This project is the first to investigate the effects of an intensive pre-kindergarten mathematics curriculum, Building Blocks, on the oral language and letter recognition of children participating in a large-scale cluster randomized trial project. Results showed no evidence that children who were taught mathematics using the curriculum performed differently than control children who received the typical district mathematics instruction on measures of letter recognition, and on two of the oral language (story retell) subtests, sentence length and inferential reasoning (emotive content). However, children in the Building Blocks group outperformed children in the control group on four oral language subtests: ability to recall key words, use of complex utterances, willingness to reproduce narratives independently, and inferential reasoning (practical content).  相似文献   

培养儿童创造性思维的方法初探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
探讨了儿童创造性思维培养的方法.认为向儿童提供恰当的学校教育和家庭教育是培养儿童创造性思维的主要途径.学校应对儿童实行民主的教管方式,重视培养和激发儿童从事活动的内部动机,提供儿童充足的业余时间,创造条件让儿童参加游戏活动,对儿童进行创造性思维的训练,家庭也应确立有利于儿童创造性思维发展的教养态度  相似文献   

如何利用日常生活中丰富的教育资源教育幼儿,笔者认为,应在日常生活中培养幼儿的生活自理能力,激发幼儿对自然界和社会的认识兴趣、求知欲,对幼儿进行常识教育,数学启蒙,培养幼儿具有良好的个性品质以及社交能力。  相似文献   


In this paper, the author discusses the interrelationship between creativity, children’s experiences of the natural world and pastoral education. Based on a research design developed whilst undertaking a professional doctorate in education (EdD), and grounded in a theoretical framework of children’s rights, the author explores the creative uncertainties of collaboratively researching children’s educational experiences with nature. The paper considers the ways in which the research design supports a pastoral care agenda, whilst encouraging the emergence of ‘creative artefacts’, alongside the extent to which the focus of the research, encounters with the natural world, might be deemed pastorally minded in its own right. The children who have participated in the research then draw the paper to a close, sharing what their involvement in the project has meant to them. Images and excerpts of children’s own creative reflections are offered as illustration of the powerful confluence of the Creative and the Pastoral.  相似文献   

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