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解析几何的创立开拓了一个数学发展的新领域,数学知识成为近代科学发展的基础,数学演绎法成为科学认识的重要方法。由于这一新的数学理论,使运动进入了数学,微积分和牛顿机械力学被发明。最终近代科学、近代哲学理性认识论得以形成。  相似文献   

伽利略是近代科学的奠基者之一,创立了实验与数学相结合的科学研究方法.近代自然科学的发展正是借助于科学方法论的变革而实现的,梳理这一科学方法的进化路径有助于对近现代科学本质的理解.  相似文献   

伽利略是力学科学的奠基人,他在研究工作中展示了非凡的唯实、求真、创新的科学精神,创立的实验和数学相结合的科学研究方法成为研究自然科学的一般程序和经典方法,在力学的研究上确立了科学的自由落体定律、相对性原理和惯性定律的思想等,这些不仅为近代力学的建立。而且为整个近代自然科学的建立都作出了开创性的贡献。  相似文献   

近代数学教育的发展历史,经历了三个历史时期:十九世纪采用传统教学方法,是近代数学教育的萌牙时期;十九世纪后期到十十世纪中期,各国开始这教育改革,这个历史时期的数学教育研究叫做“数学教学理论的研究时代”;第二次世界大战之后,人们以新的眼光去认识技术发展的需要和教育改革的关系。进入“数学教育学的时代”,出现数学教育学这门科学。  相似文献   

17世纪数学的最大成就是创立了解析几何和微积分学,为变量数学即近代数学大厦的形成和发展打下了坚实基础.笛卡儿是西方近代哲学的创始人之一,在自然科学领域也是一个革新家.伟大的俄罗斯科学家罗蒙诺索夫对他的评价是:"光荣的第一个新哲学家笛卡儿为自由研究哲学开辟了道路,也为科学的更深入发展开辟了道路."这里所说的"科学的更深入发展"指的就是作为数学家的笛卡儿创立了解析几何学.  相似文献   

集合与对应的概念是近代数学中最基础、最重要的概念之一,它被广泛地运用于数学的各个分支以及自然科学的许多领域,成为启导思维、研究问题、发展科学的杠杆。近几年来,集合与对应的思想已渗透、扎根于小学数学之中。与其他中等学校相比,中等师范学校的数  相似文献   

一、运用理科模式渗透法的可能性和可行性。 中世纪的数学家苗卡尔和物理学家伽俐略在理论和实践上把科学和数学紧密结合,把理论科学归结到数学,从而推动了近代科学的发展。他们都认为,任何科学分支应在数学模型上取图案,这包括两个主要步骤,数学从公理——清楚而自明的真理——出发,通过演绎推  相似文献   

数学从萌芽时期开始,历经了初等数学时期、变量数学时期、近代数学时期和现代数学时期.人们已经从数学的内容、表现形式、作用等方面为研究数学的特点提供了框架.数学发展是连续性的,在与其它科学发展的历程比较中,数学的连续性显得更加突出.对数学连续性的正确认识是广大数学教育工作者理解数学学习原则、数学教学原则的理论支柱.  相似文献   

近代数学中变量数学的第一个里程碑是解析几何的发明.因此对其发展过程的了解,会吸引人们对科学发现的兴趣.本文就解析几何的产生过程作了比较详细的叙述,使人们看到了解析几何的巨大贡献.  相似文献   

西方科学发展的逻辑起点是古希腊数学。古希腊数学也是以研究数开始的,但由于古希腊文明的特质,推动古希腊数学从数的研究转到几何的研究,并由此建立了欧几里得几何公理系统,为其他数学问题和科学问题提供了模型和方法。但西方的代数是落后的。西方数学吸收了东方数学的代数成果并与几何结合起来,产生了笛卡尔解析几何。牛顿和莱布尼兹在解析几何的基础上发展出了微积分,牛顿在微积分的基础上建立起了近代经典力学大厦。  相似文献   

Background: Even infants can recognize whether patterns of motion are or are not natural, yet an acknowledged challenge for science education is to promote adequate reasoning about such patterns. Since research indicates linkage between the conceptual bases of recognition and reasoning, it seems possible that recognition can be engaged to support reasoning.

Purpose: Noting the theoretical and practical significance of showing that recognition can support reasoning, the reported research aimed to examine the possibility in relation to horizontal motion.

Sample: The research was conducted with 167 children (mean age = 9.51 years) from Years 4, 5 and 6 of an English-medium school located in Lisbon, Portugal.

Design and methods: Individual pre-tests were administered to all participants to assess initial reasoning about the direction and speed with which rolling balls travel after collision. Reasoning was assessed in the sense of both predicting and explaining. Thereafter, about two-thirds of the sample worked with software that, via simulations of the incorrect patterns that were typically predicted (and comparison with simulations of correct patterns), engaged recognition as feedback on reasoning. The remaining children became an untutored control group. Replicating characteristic computer use in classrooms, half of the software sample worked as singletons with adult guidance available on request and half worked in pairs without the option of guidance. A few weeks later, all participants were post-tested following pre-test procedures.

Results: Pre- to post-test change amongst the children who worked with the software exceeded pre- to post-test change within the control group, and this was observed with both predictions and explanations. The differences were strongest amongst the children who worked as singletons, even though they seldom requested adult support.

Conclusions: Although issues remain to be addressed before the approach can be optimized, its viability as support for reasoning has been demonstrated, and this may have relevance beyond horizontal motion.  相似文献   

Piaget's theory has profoundly influenced science education research. Following Piaget, researchers have focused on content-free strategies, developmentally based mechanisms, and structural models of each stage of reasoning. In practice, factors besides those considered in Piaget's theory influence whether or not a theoretically available strategy is used. Piaget's focus has minimized the research attention placed on what could be called “practical” factors in reasoning. Practical factors are factors that influence application of a theoretically available strategy, for example, previous experience with the task content, familiarity with task instructions, or personality style of the student. Piagetian theory has minimized the importance of practical factors and discouraged investigation of (1) the role of factual knowledge in reasoning, (2) the diagnosis of specific, task-based errors in reasoning, (3) the influence of individual aptitudes on reasoning (e.g., field dependence-independence), and (4) the effect of educational interventions designed to change reasoning. This article calls for new emphasis on practical factors in reasoning and suggests why research on practical factors in reasoning will enhance our understanding of how scientific reasoning is acquired and of how science education programs can foster it.  相似文献   

Relational reasoning, the ability to detect meaningful patterns, matures through adolescence. The unique contributions of verbal analogical and nonverbal matrix relational reasoning to science and maths are not well understood. Functional magnetic resonance imaging data were collected during science and maths problem‐solving, and participants (N = 36, 11–15 years) also completed relational reasoning and executive function tasks. Higher verbal analogical reasoning associated with higher accuracy and faster reaction times in science and maths, and higher activation in the left anterior temporal cortex during maths problem‐solving. Higher nonverbal matrix reasoning associated with higher science accuracy, higher science activation in regions across the brain, and lower maths activation in the right middle temporal gyrus. Science associations mostly remained significant when individual differences in executive functions and verbal IQ were taken into account, while maths associations typically did not. The findings indicate the potential importance of supporting relational reasoning in adolescent science and maths learning.  相似文献   

Research has found the learning cycle to be effective for science instruction in hands‐on laboratories and interactive discussions. Can the learning cycle, in which examples precede the introduction of new terms, also be applied effectively to science text? A total of 123 high school students from two suburban schools were tested for reasoning ability, then randomly assigned to read either a learning cycle or traditional text passage. Immediate and delayed posttests provided concept comprehension scores that were analyzed by type of text passage and by reasoning level. Students who read the learning cycle passage earned higher scores on concept comprehension questions than those who read the traditional passage, at all reasoning levels. This result supports the hypothesis that reading comprehension and scientific inquiry involve similar information‐processing strategies and confirms the prediction that science text presented in the learning cycle format is more comprehensible for readers at all reasoning levels. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 36: 23–37, 1999.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, researchers have increasingly drawn attention to the multiplicity of representations used in science. This issue of RISE advances this line of research by placing such representations at the centre of science teaching and learning. The authors show that representations do not simply transmit scientific information; they are integral to reasoning about scientific phenomena. This focus on thinking with representations mediates between well-resolved representations and formal reasoning of disciplinary science, and the capacity-limited, perceptually-driven nature of human cognition. The teaching practices described here build on three key principles: Each representation is interpreted through others; natural language is a sign system that is used to interpret a variety of other kinds of representations; and this chain of signs or representations is ultimately grounded in bodily experiences of perception and action. In these papers, the researchers provide examples and analysis of teachers scaffolding students in using representations to construct new knowledge, and in constructing new representations to express and develop their knowledge. The result is a new delineation of the power and the challenges of teaching science with multiple representations.  相似文献   

This study investigated preservice elementary science teachers’ (PSTs) informal reasoning regarding socioscientific issues (SSI), their epistemological beliefs, and the relationship between informal reasoning and epistemological beliefs. From several SSIs, nuclear power usage was selected for this study. A total of 647 Turkish PSTs enrolled in three large universities in Turkey completed the open-ended questionnaire, which assessed the participants’ informal reasoning about the target SSI, and Schommer’s (1990) Epistemological Questionnaire. The participants’ epistemological beliefs were assessed quantitatively and their informal reasoning was assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The findings revealed that PSTs preferred to generate evidence-based arguments rather than intuitive-based arguments; however, they failed to generate quality evidence and present different types of evidence to support their claims. Furthermore, among the reasoning quality indicators, PSTs mostly generated supportive argument construction. Regarding the use of reasoning modes, types of risk arguments and political-oriented arguments emerged as the new reasoning modes. The study demonstrated that the PSTs had different epistemological beliefs in terms of innate ability, omniscient authority, certain knowledge, and quick learning. Correlational analyses revealed that there was a strong negative correlation between the PSTs’ certain knowledge and counterargument construction, and there were negative correlations between the PSTs’ innate ability, certain knowledge, and quick learning dimensions of epistemological beliefs and their total argument construction. This study has implications for both science teacher education and the practice of science education. For example, PST teacher education programs should give sufficient importance to training teachers that are skillful and knowledgeable regarding SSIs. To achieve this, specific SSI-related courses should form part of science teacher education programs.  相似文献   


Informal learning experiences have risen to the forefront of science education as being beneficial to students' learning. However, it is not clear in what ways such experiences may be beneficial to students; nor how informal learning experiences may interface with classroom science instruction. This study aims to acquire a better understanding of these issues by investigating one aspect of science learning, scientific reasoning ability, with respect to the students' informal learning experiences and classroom science instruction. Specifically, the purpose of this study was to investigate possible differences in students' scientific reasoning abilities relative to their informal learning environments (impoverished, enriched), classroom teaching experiences (non-inquiry, inquiry) and the interaction of these variables. The results of two-way ANOVAs indicated that informal learning environments and classroom science teaching procedures showed significant main effects on students' scientific reasoning abilities. Students with enriched informal learning environments had significantly higher scientific reasoning abilities compared to those with impoverished informal learning environments. Likewise, students in inquirybased science classrooms showed higher scientific reasoning abilities compared to those in non-inquiry science classrooms. There were no significant interaction effects. These results indicate the need for increased emphases on both informal learning opportunities and inquiry-based instruction in science.  相似文献   

This study investigated how individuals’ construction of explanations—a way of ascertaining how well an individual understands a concept—develops from an interactive simulation. Specifically, the purpose was to investigate the effect of interactive computer simulations or science textbook assignments on the nature and quality of postgraduate science teachers’ explanations regarding physical phenomena in Mechanics, Waves/Optics, and Thermal Physics. The use of simulations or science textbook assignments was implemented according to the Predict–Observe–Explain model and integrated into a one‐semester conceptual survey course in physics for practising science teachers who served as participants in the study. Data were collected through semi‐structured interviews and were analysed using a qualitative content analysis approach. Results indicate that the use of computer simulations along with the application of the Predict–Observe–Explain model had a positive impact on the nature and quality of science teachers’ explanations. They improved science teachers’ ability to generate scientifically accurate explanations and fostered in‐depth advancement in teachers’ search for explanatory scientific information regarding the physical phenomena under investigation. In addition, teachers’ explanations became more elaborate, reflecting cause‐effect reasoning and formal reasoning.  相似文献   

Conflicting explanations and unrelated information in science classrooms increase cognitive load and decrease efficiency in learning. This reduced efficiency ultimately limits one’s ability to solve reasoning problems in the science. In reasoning, it is the ability of students to sift through and identify critical pieces of information that is of paramount importance in science and learning. Unfortunately, the ability to accomplish the identification of critical ideas is not one that develops without practice and assistance form teachers or tutors in the classroom. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the application of an evolutionary algorithm works within a cognitive computational model to solve problems in the science classroom and simulate human reasoning for research purposes. The research question is: does the combination of optimization algorithms and cognitive computational algorithms successfully mimic biological teaching and learning systems in the science classroom? Within this computational study, the author outlines and simulates the effects of teaching and learning on the ability of a “virtual” student to solve a science task. Using the STAC-M computational model the author completes a computational experiment that examines the role of cognitive retraining on student learning. The author also discusses the important limitations of this powerful new tool.  相似文献   

One of the challenges of science education is for students to develop scientific knowledge that is personally meaningful and applicable to real‐life issues. This article describes a middle‐school science intervention fostering adolescents' critical reasoning in the context of HIV by strengthening their conceptual understanding of HIV biology. The intervention included two components: critical reasoning activities that fostered knowledge integration and application to real‐world problem solving, and science writing activities that promoted argument building. Two seventh‐grade classes participated in the study. One class participated in the critical reasoning and writing activities (CR&W); the other class participated in critical reasoning activities only (CR group). Results demonstrate significant pre‐ and posttest improvements on measures of students' HIV knowledge, HIV understanding, and critical reasoning about realistic scenarios in the context of HIV, with the improvements being greater in the CR&W group. The discussion focuses on the role of conceptual knowledge in health reasoning, the role of science writing in fostering knowledge integration, and the benefits of a “thinking curriculum” approach to integrated health and science education. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 844–863, 2007  相似文献   

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