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Zusammenfassung Der Vergleich der Lesekompetenz 15-j?hriger Schülerinnen und Schüler steht im Mittelpunkt des ersten Zyklus der PISA-Studie (Baumert u.a. 2001). Im Rahmen dieses Artikels wird ein überblick über die zentralen Befunde des 31 Staaten umfassenden internationalen Vergleichs gegeben. Neben den Leistungsverteilungen in den L?ndern wird der Anteil von Schülerinnen und Schülern auf verschiedenen Kompetenzstufen analysiert. Der relativ hohe Anteil an schwachen Lesern in Deutschland wird zum Anlass genommen, potenzielle F?rderm?glichkeiten von Lesekompetenz zu untersuchen. Hierzu werden auf Basis eines Vorhersagemodells die Effekte interventionsnaher Schülermerkmale (Lernstrategiewissen und Interesse) bei statistischer Kontrolle der Effekte der kognitiven Grundf?higkeit sowie der Dekodierf?higkeit der Schülerinnen und Schüler spezifiziert. Der relativ hohe Effekt des Lernstrategiewissens und der ebenfalls noch nachweisbare Effekt des Leseinteresses weisen darauf hin, dass eine F?rderung im Bereich der Informationsverarbeitungskompetenz sowie der Motivation vielversprechend ist. Zus?tzliche empirische Evidenz hierfür ergibt sich aus dem Befund, dass Schüler am unteren Ende der Leistungsverteilung über eine vergleichsweise geringe Informationsverarbeitungskompetenz und-bereitschaft verfügen.
Summary Reading Literacy of German Students in International Comparison (PISA): Results and Explanations A comparison of the reading comprehension (reading literacy) of 15-year-old students is the central focus of the first cycle of PISA (Baumert et al. 2001). This article provides an overview of the main evidence from the international comparison of 31 countries. Besides the ability distribution of the participating countries, the proportion of students at each competence level is analysed. The relatively high proportion of weak readers in Germany is taken as grounds to investigate opportunities to support reading comprehension. On the basis of a prediction model, the effects of students’ characteristics related to intervention (knowledge of learning strategies, interest) are investigated whilst statistically controlling for basic cognitive ability and the students’ ability to decode written information. The relatively strong effect of knowledge of learning strategies and the effect of interest in reading, indicate that support of information-processing ability and motivation are the most promising support strategies. Additional empirical evidence for this can be found in the fact that students at the bottom of the ability distribution also show signs of weak information-processing ability and lacking motivation.

This paper describes mutual links between educational attainment and social inequality from a life course perspective. Analytically we distinguish between aspects of inequality with regard to access to education, consequences of education, and social reproduction through education. A special emphasis is put on the role institutions play in these processes. The paper presents selected empirical findings, discusses theoretical mechanisms, and draws some conclusions for the conceptualisation of education systems.  相似文献   

W?hrend Geschlechterunterschiede in mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Leistungen bereits umfassend dokumentiert sind und sich weitgehend übereinstimmend Vorteile für die Jungen zeigen, ist die Befundlage für den sprachlichen Bereich, insbesondere für die Lesekompetenz, noch uneindeutig. Die Daten der internationalen PISA-Stichprobe mit 174.923 15-j?hrigen Schülerinnen und Schülern aus 32 Staaten werden genutzt, um Geschlechterunterschiede in der Lesekompetenz von Jugendlichen genauer zu bestimmen. Zus?tzlich zur international vergleichenden Analyse der Differenzen werden geschlechterspezifische Leistungsprofile für verschiedene Textformate und Teilaspekte des Leseverst?ndnisses untersucht. Weiterhin wird die Bedeutung motivationaler Merkmale für die Erkl?rung der Leistungsdifferenzen analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen deutliche Leistungsunterschiede zugunsten der M?dchen in allen 32 Staaten. Die Differenzen sind bei kontinuierlichen Texten ausgepr?gter als bei nicht-kontinuierlichen Texten, und sie variieren systematisch über verschiedene Anforderungen von Leseaktivit?ten. Ergebnisse von Mediationsanalysen weisen darauf hin, dass die Leistungsunterschiede zu einem erheblichen Teil auf Differenzen im Leseinteresse zurückzuführen sind, wobei jedoch die St?rke des Mediationseffekts über verschiedene Teilaspekte der Lesekompetenz variiert.  相似文献   

澳大利亚作家帕特里克.怀特笔下的沃斯,集中体现了人性的弱点与冲突,是一个善恶并存、动态发展的人。沃斯探险的失败是其人性冲突的必然结果,同时也是沃斯重新认识自我不可缺少的一部分。沃斯矛盾冲突的人性背后,是现代人面对生存困境信仰缺乏的真实反映,也是怀特对现代人的精神世界的探索与关注。  相似文献   

Der Zusammenhang zwischen Bildungsbeteiligung, Bildungsabschluss und Familienentwicklung ist kompliziert. Die g?ngige These einer negativen Beziehung zwischen Bildungserfolg und Heiratsbzw. Geburtenneigung greift theoretisch und empirisch zu kurz. Unter der Annahme, dass ein gleichbleibend starkes Bedürfnis nach engen, pers?nlichen Beziehungen und nach Elternschaft unterstellt werden kann, dürfte die Bedeutung der Bildung nur unter Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen M?glichkeiten zur L?sung von Vereinbarkeitsproblemen zutreffend zu charakterisieren sein.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  ?konomen haben viel Vertrauen in M?rkte und individuelle Entscheidungen. Jeder Staatseingriff bedarf der Begründung. Das gilt auch dann, wenn dies einen für die Wohlfahrt eines Landes so wichtigen Bereich wie die Bildung betrifft. Es muss zun?chst geprüft werden, ob und wo Marktversagen bei individuellen Entscheidungen über Bildungsinvestitionen vorliegt. Weiter bleibt zu diskutieren, wie der Staat geeignete Rahmenbedingungen für ein Bildungssystem setzen kann. Sollen mehr ?ffentliche Mittel in den Bildungssektor flie?en? Oder sind vielmehr im Bildungssystem Anreize zu setzen, damit sich sowohl die Lernenden als auch die Lehrenden intensiver im Bildungsprozess engagieren? Zur Gestaltung von Anreizen gibt es in der bildungs?konomischen Literatur eine Vielzahl von Ansatzpunkten, von denen in diesem Beitrag exemplarisch (und für Deutschland m?glicherweise besonders interessant) die Einführung zentraler Abschlussprüfungen und leistungsabh?ngiger Bezahlung von Lehrkr?ften diskutiert werden.
Kerstin SchneiderEmail:

In the Bologna process, “employability” has become an important objective of higher education, shaping the current discussion on the relationship between higher education and the labor market. The popularity of the term “employability”, however, seems to be negatively correlated with its precision. Therefore, the article first discusses the meaning of this concept and its usefulness for higher education. We come to the conclusion that employability is not an appropriate guiding principle for higher education reform. Key competencies are central to the concept of employability. However, the significance of key competencies is independent of the role they play in the concept of employability; they are also central to the necessarily flexible relationship between higher education and work. Therefore, this paper also addresses the question of whether the restructuring of the German higher education system was accompanied by curricular and didactic reforms, which facilitate the acquisition of key competencies. According to the results of the German Higher Education Information System HIS graduate survey 2005, the answer to this question is a cautious “yes”. In view of the limited empirical basis and the early date of the survey, however, we advise against premature generalizations.  相似文献   

The importance of non-school educational stimuli which arise in “normal” everyday life (mainly through experience and “learning from life”) and the contribution of such stimuli to the educational development of young people are often underestimated. The educational value of the widely differing casual educational structures in family and peer relationships is often not fully appreciated in educational research until such structures are combined with formal school education. So far, researchers have only just begun to explore the value of informal education and to venture beyond the “traditional” limitation of empirical educational research in Germany to formal, institutionally organised education and competence acquisition processes for pupils. In recent years, attention has not only been directed towards the family as an independent place of education—studies have also focused on real life informal interaction situations in peer relationships and their importance as significant educational factors in the context of unsupervised child daytime activities. The researchers tend to regard the family as a “different type of educational sphere” and peer relationships as social interactions between equals with considerable educational potential, involving social and cultural exchange processes which constitute “everyday education” and which differ in their effects depending on the milieu. In view of the enormous differences in the way in which children and young people are integrated into family and peer-based everyday situations, it is important to point out the high educational significance of family and peer relationships for informal education, and this must always be analysed in relation to the social milieu of the family of origin and the type of school attended by the young people. The existing research initiatives and results are discussed here in relation to various research questions. The varied considerations in relation to the significance and impact of peer relationships and the existing approaches adopted in research serve as a starting point for further suggestions for future research, and these desirable new directions in research are then discussed from a theoretical and methodological perspective.  相似文献   

This contribution looks at the competency development during teacher training and entry into work. The multi-perspective research design makes it possible to collate data at five stages within this transition process: at the start (t1), in the middle (t2) and on completion (t3) of teacher training for primary school level (year 1–6) student teachers in two education colleges in Switzerland, as well as novice teachers at the start (t4) and on competition (t5) of their first year of work. The data covers eleven topic areas. This paper will present findings of data analysis for two of these topic areas for all five stages of measurement: (a) knowledge of lesson planning was captured using case vignettes and (b) teaching practice during the study program and in the first year of work was recorded on video. The same data was collated from the teaching staff involved in the practical training of the student teachers. The statements on the case vignettes were studied using content-analysis. The lesson videos were analyzed using low-inference coding for the visible occurrences during teaching and with a high-inference rating on the quality of the lessons. The results, including those for a comparison of student teachers and novice teachers with practical teacher training staff, give insights into the effectiveness of teacher training and the impact of practical experience in the first year of work on knowledge of how to plan lessons and on the form and quality of teaching. Overall, the new training at both education colleges can be given a pleasingly positive appraisal in terms of professionalization. It is, however, also possible to recognize where and to what extent a need for further developing the standard of professionalization of teaching still exists.  相似文献   

小说<探险家沃斯>反讽艺术的背后是现代人精神与物质冲突的真实反映,同时也是作者帕特里克*怀特对现代人生存价值的独特诠释.  相似文献   

The significance of family influences for children’s development is beyond dispute. Social disparities in stimulation provided by families and their influence on cognitive competencies have frequently been pointed out. However, little notice has been attracted to the variety of everyday family activities and their importance for children’s behavioral and competence development. Focusing on 6 to 8 years old children (n?=?1,377), this paper investigates firstly which factors affect mothers’ education-oriented and outdoor activities with their child, children’s involvement in household chores and aspects of parenting. Secondly, we analyze how these different types of activities as well as the parenting climate relate to children’s problem behavior, prosocial behavior, and everyday language skills. Cross-sectional regression analyses point to advantages of high maternal education and child-centered parenting. High maternal educational resources facilitate a focus on education-oriented activities, while outdoor activities and children’s involvement in household chores stand back. In addition to child-centered parenting, features of everyday family activities prove relevant for children’s behavioral and competence development.  相似文献   

“Transfer of innovation” is understood in education science as concerned with the dissemination of scientifically based innovations in educational systems. This contribution will begin with a more precise definition of the term transfer, an overview of the current state of research and on which factors influence the successful dissemination of innovations in educational systems. In the second part, four strategies will be presented which enable the dissemination of scientific evidence into practical settings. Here we will compare strategies which have been used within the context of pilot programmes in Germany with internationally established approaches. These international approaches are more output-orientated and, therefore, look to the effects of innovations on pupils—especially with respect to performance development. The comparison contrasts classic top-down with evidence-based strategies and participative strategies with design-research approaches. Finally, we discuss the role given to educational research within these strategies.  相似文献   

This contribution analyses the impact of young people’s work on political participation in adulthood on the basis of Dewey’s theory of democratic education and a theory of community service sketched by Reinders. Its primary goal is to examine whether the acquisition of specific skills and specific knowledge obtained in social and political institutions is as important for – or even more important than – future political commitment as the development of pro-social attitudes. Based on survey data (n = 2,052), these assumptions are tested using ordinal probit models. These models show that in addition to effects of changes in attitude, specific experiences in voluntary work seem to be important to promoting political participation. Political commitment is, therefore, indeed closely connected to learning and educational processes in the sense of Dewey.  相似文献   

Mehr als 500 Jahre lang geh?rte die Beichte als christliche Version institutionalisierter Selbstthematisierung und als ritualisierter Ausdruck einer spezifisch christlichen Schuldkultur zu den grundlegenden Sozialisationserfahrungen und zur allt?glichen Fr?mmigkeitspraxis vieler Menschen. Dieser Beitrag versucht deshalb zun?chst, die Vorgeschichte und die Geschichte der christlich-katholischen Beichte zu skizzieren. Beim Blick auf die wichtigsten Merkmale und Elemente der Beichte zeigt sich dann geradezu paradigmatisch, wie unter liturgisch geregelten und historisch sich wandelnden Bedingungen gesellschaftliche Normen, religi?se Vorschriften, rhetorische Traditionen und individuelles Erleben ineinander greifen. Eine Skizze zu wichtigen Wirkungen und Funktionen des Instituts Beichte bekr?ftigt schlie?lich noch einmal ihre sozialisatorischen Effekte und erweist darüber hinaus die ihr zugrunde liegenden Widersprüche und Paradoxa menschlicher Selbstreflexion: Widersprüche, die im traditionellen p?dagogischen Diskurs als Grundprobleme der Bildungstheorie behandelt werden.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag berichtet über einige übergreifende gesellschaftliche Rahmenentwicklungen im Bereich von Kindergarten und Grundschule (Schülerzahlen, mütterliche Erwerbst?tigkeit, Alleinerziehende. Gestaltungsautonomie) und diskutiert die m?glichen Auswirkungen dieser Entwicklungen auf zukünftige Ver?nderungen im Bereich von Kindergarten und Grundschule sowie die Verzahnung dieser beiden Bereiche.
Summary Development in Kindergarten and Primary School The article considers some general societal structural developments in the areas of kindergarten and primary school (number of students in the classroom, maternal employment, single parenting, school autonomy). It also discusses the possible effects of these developments on future changes in the areas of kindergarten and primary school, as well as the integration of these two sectors.

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