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This paper investigates the complex history of the taekwondo sport uniform. Although the uniform is an outward symbol of South Korea’s most popular martial art and national sport, few researchers have elucidated the uniform’s history. From studies into martial art uniforms, and the taekwondo uniform in particular, it is discovered that the tradition of wearing white trousers and jacket began with judo in the nineteenth century. This tradition was carried over to karate and other Japanese martial arts in the early twentieth century. After the liberation of the Korean peninsula from Japan, the taekwondo uniform began to evolve from its Japanese progenitors. The first important changes to the taekwondo uniform were implemented by Hwang Gi, who altered it to meet a traditional Korean clothing style. The 1970s saw the second important transformation to the uniform, whereby it became exclusively regarded as sports attire. However, since the 1970s, the taekwondo uniform did not account for traditional Korean clothing styles, and it faced several criticisms. Recent changes to the World Taekwondo Federation’s poomsae uniform have addressed these problems. The distinctiveness of the new uniform will further distinguish it from its Japanese counterparts, and help to promote the true identity of taekwondo, as well as Korean culture, worldwide.  相似文献   

中韩两国武艺教育理念的对比与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对中国、韩国两国武艺教育理念的对比分析,阐述中华武术的发展必须借鉴和学习韩国跆拳道的教育理念,加强武术的社会化、现代化、人文化的理论探索与研究,解放思想,实事求是,并认真贯彻武术文化的传播,这是复兴武术文化的必经之路。  相似文献   

The founding of the Korean Women Taekwondo Federation means the fetal movement of women taekwondo in Korea and it can be said to have been quite significant in that it increased women's confidence in their statuses and activities in the environments of the times when women's social activities were increasing. The development of women taekwondo competitions began in earnest when the first women taekwondo hall in the world was opened as a result of passionate activities of early female taekwondo practitioners and the first taekwondo club was established in Ehwa Woman's University. Women's aspiration towards the challenge to the Olympic Games as well as international competitions is gradually increasing through the expansion of the base of women taekwondo. The status of women taekwondo in Korea that has been enhanced through challenges to various international competitions thus far beginning with the single taekwondo championship of foreigners in Korea in 1968 can be said to have contributed to the enhancement of the status of Korea as the birthplace of taekwondo and it is considered that women taekwondo could have continuously developed through diverse taekwondo championships by age held with women's steady effort and the expansion of the base of women taekwondo instructors.  相似文献   

苏建波 《体育科技》2010,31(4):26-30
采用文献资料、访问、逻辑分析,对武术爱好者和学生进行随机调查。从跆拳道礼仪和中华武术的武德教育之间的道德礼仪动作、宣传力度、场地设施等方面。跆拳道推崇"礼始礼终"的尚武精神。其宗旨是"礼义廉耻、忍耐克己、百折不挠"。跆拳道给人们留下的较深印象是,跆拳道练习者始终是在的场合行礼鞠躬,这是因为跆拳道练习者始终把"礼"作为训练内容,强调"礼始礼终"。武德是从事武术活动的人,在学习武术过程中及在社会活动中所应遵循的道德规范和所应有的道德品质。它是调整人与人之间、人与社会之间关系的行为规范的总和,以强身健体、防身自卫、修身养性为目的。在当今的武术训练中,武术只留下一抱拳礼仪。中华武术先要有武德才能让武术立于不败之地,发扬民族自强不息的精神,冲破单一狭隘的道德意识,构成了中华武术尚武崇德的民族精神。通过对跆拳道礼仪和中华武术的武德教育的对比揭示了学习武术武德教育中存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策与建议,更好的发扬中华武术武德教育。  相似文献   

武术套路创编的依据与原则   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
探讨武术套路创编的依据和原则,认为武术套路创编的依据不能脱离武术的本质特征,保持武术的本质特征是武术继承的关键;武术的功能是武术赖以发展的源泉,武术套路创编的原则应根据武术的功能来确定。  相似文献   

Wushu, also known as Kung Fu, is a traditional Chinese martial art. It also symbolises the strength of the Chinese and their pride in their history. Wushu came to be associated with Chinese nationalism after China's various defeats at the hands of foreign imperialist powers at the turn of the twentieth century. This relationship has been further strengthened through martial arts films. In the first half of the twentieth century, martial arts films helped to construct national identity among the Chinese. They also facilitated the development of Wushu, making it a symbol of indigenous virtue and strength. From the late 1960s, influenced by a defensive strain of nationalism, Chinese film-makers began to adopt a new approach to the portrayal of Wushu. Martial arts films were endowed with political and cultural significance, and evolved as a unique representation of Chinese nationalism. Several decades later, martial arts films still retain at their core a sense of ‘Chineseness'. From Bruce Lee's Fist of Fury to Donnie Yen's IP Man, Chinese martial arts films have demonstrated not only the important place of Wushu in Chinese nationalism, but also the influence of nationalism on Chinese cinema.  相似文献   

Udo Moenig  Minho Kim 《国际体育史杂志》2018,35(15-16):1531-1554

The popular discourse about Asian martial arts has often been surrounded by an aura of esotericism, so pervasive that it even influenced the academic discussion to some degree. Moreover, nationalistic motives to promote certain martial arts narratives often prevail. This article focuses on the frequently flawed philosophical and historical discourse surrounding the Asian martial arts. In particular, this study concentrates on the academic discussions of the Japanese and Korean martial arts, and the search for a philosophical framework compatible with historical narratives. The Japanese created a romantic but also nationalistic martial arts narrative that aligned with the ideals of the Meiji Restoration. This romanticized image was naively accepted in the West, often imported along with esoteric ideas of the East. And, as most modern Korean martial arts originated in Japan, the Korean martial arts discussion aligns with that of Japanese martial arts, and this alignment has been a point of heated dispute. Discussions of Korean martial arts reflect a search for a definitive identity of the Korean martial arts community as well as the desire to establish a martial arts tradition independent of those of Japan as well as China. However, the discourse has often been influenced by western, albeit biased and perhaps faulty, historical views, and ideas about martial arts traditions.  相似文献   

文章通过分析东方文化意义中的"道"与跆拳道之"道"的关系,诠释了跆拳道中所体现的"道"的涵义,并对其相关的思想内涵进行了探讨。研究表明:跆拳道是以手脚技术为进攻武器的东方武艺。从伦理道德层面来看跆拳道,最突出的就是跆拳道的"道"中蕴涵着许多礼仪等伦理元素,这对于传播东方伦理道德思想具有积极的教育意义。  相似文献   

时至今日,武术仍未能很好地进入校园,其原因何在,如何从柔道、跆拳道、空手道的成功现代化和国际化当中寻求启发,成为紧迫论题。主要运用文献资料法,基于对学校武术历史、现状的反思和日韩武技现代化的启示,对我国学校武术的根本问题和根本方略做出探讨。研究认为,学校武术开展的现状不能实现中华民族赋予它的文化使命,日韩武技现代化的经验可为我们提供启示——将传统意义上的搏杀武技改造为一项现代文明搏击项目,该项目需满足几个趋势保证安全文明化、保持技击本质性、具有游戏趣味性、彰显民族独特性。在此基础上,做出武术以太极推手形式进入校园的提案。  相似文献   


Taekkyeon, a Korean traditional martial art focussing on the harmony of the individual and community has been listed as the first martial art of the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2011. Though taekkyeon involves competitive elements as a martial art, taekkyeon masters and practitioners have emphasized its natural and playful characteristics, with connecting the peace of the inner self and the unity of the community. The increasing demand on the preservation and promotion of taekkyeon as an intangible cultural tradition has involved the intertwined processes of heritagization and institutionalization. This paper identifies and conceptualizes the two development processes of preserving and promoting taekkyeon.  相似文献   

高涛 《体育科技》2010,31(4):31-37
运用实地考察法、访谈法、比较分析法对当前我国大众武术发展模式和大众跆拳道发展模式进行比较分析,认为体育行政部门和跆拳道组织对大众跆拳道高效、有序的组织管理和支持推广,适应现代社会生活人们健身、修身、娱乐需求的发展理念,适应体育大众化、产业化发展的道馆式传播实体和经营模式,全面、规范、明确的段位制度是大众跆拳道发展模式成功的经验。而与之相比,大众武术缺乏国家体育行政部门的有力支持和组织管理,处于民间自发的状态,习武谋生的陈旧观念以及乏竞争力、难以适应体育大众化、产业化发展的馆校传播实体;技击、套路分离的段位制度等制约了大众武术的发展。  相似文献   

峨眉武术是中国著名的地域性武术流派之一.历史上的峨眉武术曾受到来自中原的少林武术的深远影响。本文试图从各种文史记载和武术典籍中寻找在峨眉山武术发展中的少林武术的影子,证明历史上来自中原的少林武术对峨眉武术的形成和发展起到了巨大的促进作用,峨眉武术也正是通过学习和吸收少林武术,并在巴蜀地域文化的影响下,形成了自己独特的风格特点。  相似文献   

尹蓉  陈新雄 《体育科研》2016,(5):62-65,76
成龙的功夫电影在继承李小龙式武打片后,又创造了中国武打片的新样式。成龙的功夫是从戏校中学来的,所以其功夫电影中的“打”与中国戏曲武戏的“打”关系密切,显示出杂糅百家、趣味盎然的风貌,其结局也具有戏曲大团圆的特点。成龙将戏曲武打技巧搬上大银幕,使“打”在新时代和跨国际中不断发展,这对未来中国电影的民族化发展有着重要价值。  相似文献   

优秀散打运动员上下肢有氧、无氧能力的特征及训练   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对优秀散打运动员上下肢有氧、无氧能力的特征进行了研究。结果表明:优秀散打运动员无氧和有氧代谢能力都有较高的要求,提示构建优秀散打运动员专项体能训练量化的指标体系以及训练工作应注意相关指标的应用。通过对优秀散打运动员与其它运动项目运动员有氧、无氧代谢能力和PWC170值的比较分析,为散打运动员向相似的对抗类项目如跆拳道、拳击、柔道、摔跤转型以及科学选材提供理论依据。  相似文献   

文章基于中华武术“抱拳礼”和跆拳道“鞠躬礼”的不同文化基础对两种礼仪进行了分析,从礼仪文化内涵、礼仪文化价值观以及礼仪在训练和比赛中的表现三个维度进行了比较,最后,指出了中国武术礼仪发展的几点启示:关注人的精神价值;实现礼教与德教的结合纳礼入则;以赛促德,在武术实践中融入更多的礼教文化元素.  相似文献   

免费义务教育政策对武术馆校的负面影响及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料、问卷调查等方法,对比分析了实施免费义务教育前后武术馆校的生源状况、收费状况、收费方式以及经营内容等的变化,探讨了免费义务教育对武术馆校产生的负面影响。认为政府应改进当前的免费义务教育政策,加大对武术馆校管理的力度,促进武术馆校经营管理体制科学化。  相似文献   

Capoeira, the Brazilian dance and martial art, is now taught in many countries outside Brazil. Reflections on a year's fieldwork on capoeira teaching in the UK are used to make educational ethnography anthropologically strange. Issues of locality, noise, uncertainty and bodily contact are explored in a reflexive way.  相似文献   

赵珍 《湖北体育科技》2006,25(6):707-708,715
武术传统训练理论在历史文化的视野中,它是最富有民族特色的健身术和养生术的理论.历史悠久,蜚声世界,几千年来流传不息,不仅盛行于国内,近年来欧美、日本、东南亚等国家也逐步开展起来,深受人们的喜爱,这是对传统武术训练理论的充分肯定.在流传过程中,它经历了3个阶段:原创期、轴心期和传承期.而它的生成途径构成了内生型传统武术训练理论与外源型传统武术训练理论2大类别.为今日的现代武术训练理论奠定了很好的基础.  相似文献   

武术古籍是中国传统武术文化东传朝鲜半岛的重要载体,在中朝武艺交流过程中扮演了极为重要的角色。为探明中国武术古籍在朝鲜半岛传播的时间、路径、背景及产生的影响,在归纳中国武术古籍代表书目的基础上,对古代中朝史料展开文献学分析和历史考证,并通过韩国相关数据库以及朝鲜《武艺图谱通志》所列参考书目,检索朝鲜正史与经籍所涉中国武术古籍的信息。研究表明,壬辰倭乱爆发后,朝鲜为改变武备废弛、兵力羸弱的不利局面,通过赐书、赠书、购书等途径慕求中国武术书籍,购书是中国武术古籍东传朝鲜半岛的主要渠道。绝大多数中国武术书籍于16世纪末期至18世纪末期东传朝鲜半岛,对朝鲜武艺发展影响深远,促进了明清武艺在朝鲜半岛的传播,奠定了朝鲜武艺发展的理论基础,推动了中朝两国的武艺交流。中国武术古籍在朝鲜半岛的传播,是在以中国传统武术文化为中心的东亚武艺圈内发生的文化转移现象,亦是中国传统武术文化博大精深、泽被四方的历史见证。  相似文献   

从经验心和超验心看中华武术与传统文化的会通   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
乔凤杰 《体育学刊》2005,12(3):73-76
中国古人的实用理性,以及把所有领域事情全部纳入做人视阈的思想观念,使传统文化对中华武术产生了巨大的影响。传统文化对中华武术的影响,可从经验心与超验心两个层面进行思考:传统文化各家所推崇的超验心的具体表现,如儒家的道德规范、道家的为人策略与养生技术、佛家的禅定方法、兵家的作战思路等.对于传统武术来说,乃是可以提升习武者主体经验心的最佳方法论;传统文化各家之开发与彰显超验心的方式,乃是传统武术构筑与提升其功夫境界的基本思路。阐释了传统文化对中华武术影响的现代意义,并对中华武术发展中某些敏感的现实问题进行了深刻的思考。  相似文献   

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