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社团组织是多元化公共服务体系的重要组成部分。近年来我国各地体育社团组织发展迅速,但其在公共体育服务中发挥的作用还不充分。对公共服务模式的转型和多元化公共服务体系的建设进行思考,分析体育社团在多元化公共体育服务体系建设中的意义。在实证调查研究的基础上,在建设多元化公共体育服务体系视角下,分析我国地方体育社团的现状和面临的问题,提出地方体育社团的发展对策。  相似文献   

浅谈体育游戏在学校体育教学中的价值定位   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
学校传统体育教材内容设置以竞技体育项目为主 ,教材内容多次重复 ;传统体育教学方法突出教师的主导作用 ,而忽视学生的主体作用 ,教学方法枯燥单一 ,很难调动学生积极主动、生动活泼学习体育的积极性。在大力倡导和推行素质教育的今天 ,我们大胆尝试“快乐体育”的教学模式 ,把体育游戏充分地渗透于体育教学中 ,因此 ,有必要高度明确体育游戏在学校体育教学中的价值定位 ,从而更科学合理地提高体育教学质量。  相似文献   

新时期学校体育设施多元化管理模式的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究新时期学校体育工作和社会体育工作对学校体育设施管理模式的影响,并重新构建了学校体育设施管理的原则、目标和模式,对新形式下学校体育工作的改革进行研究并提出有益的设想。  相似文献   

This article discusses possibilities for a critical dialogue between the history of sport, management history, and sport management/organization studies. Many historians of sport will find themselves employed in sport management programmes, and these programmes allow the potential to interpret historical perspectives on sport, as well as historical research methods in sport management. This offers possibilities in terms of research as well. However, if historians are to engage in a research and teaching dialogue with sport management, they must also remain critical of some of the discipline’s (and practice’s) central tenets.  相似文献   

In this paper the authors seek to continue the debate on the development of modern football. They note the support offered by Tony Collins to the long-standing reservations of Graham Curry and Eric Dunning regarding the weaknesses of the revisionist case, which has sought to lessen the influence of public schoolboys on the game’s early years. The authors do, however, offer some correctives to Collins’s thoughts, particularly in terms of the complex Sheffield footballing subculture. Curry and Dunning support the need for more research based on local studies and attempt to gather together current thinking in this area.  相似文献   

本文以体育的社会效益与经济效益为出发点,结合社会融资理论,对往届全运会场馆建设的融资模式进行分析,探索第十一届全运会新的融资方式,以期为我国体育场馆建设的发展提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

Following the seminal works of Norbert Elias, with regard to the ‘civilising process’, modern sports are generally considered by the scientific community as being, on the one hand, a privileged means that has long facilitated and contributed to ‘the control and learning of the self-control of impulses’ and, on the other, as a political device, which has facilitated, by penetrating into the private sphere in a restrained and play-oriented fashion, the state's monopoly of violence. They are also considered to have facilitated the socio-genesis of modern states. But is this link so evident that this ‘new’ social configuration can be considered a new tool at the service of violence control? Acceptance is so strong that one can almost forget the contradictions, at least the questions, which can and should emerge from this proposition. It should in fact face up to criticism on a certain number of concrete points: definition of violence, rejection of the long-term view, sport be strictly considered in the light of the pacification of habits and social control, hooliganism, etc. This introductory article presents a series of reflections which aim to enrich Elias's theory by underlining both its accuracy and its weak points.  相似文献   

为了推进阳光体育运动的开展,文章主要采用抽样调查法对太原市五所重点高中2005级学生2006、2007、2008三年的体育达标情况进行研究,对体育达标各个项目的成绩进行比较,结果显示:随年龄的增长,学生的身体素质及三项体育成绩的达标情况除女生800m外均有不同程度的提高。男生的肥胖率大于女生,而女生的营养不良率明显大于男生,并指出阳光体育运动推动了学生的体育锻炼,起到了一定的积极效应,但同时也暴露出一些问题,应继续加大对阳光体育运动的宣传,积极落实阳光体育运动政策,综合提高学生的身体素质。  相似文献   

从全运会历史和十运会现状看我国竞技体育的发展方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林景  张华 《湖北体育科技》2006,25(4):378-380
全运会与现代竞技体育在中国的发展相辅相成.通过介绍全运会在中国特殊的历史过程,分析其承载的竞技体育所具有的多种功能,结合分析"十运会"在各方面所取得的成绩和面临的诸多问题,预测了全运会将逐步退出历史舞台,阐述了竞技体育必将走职业化和社会化道路.  相似文献   

陈元欣  王健 《体育科学》2011,31(5):20-26
采用文献资料调研、数理统计和比较分析等方法,就我国不同性质体育场(馆)运营状况的部分财务指标进行了比较分析。研究认为,事业场(馆)在经费自给、资产负债率、经营效率、经济效益和税费负担等方面均低于企业场(馆),事业场(馆)的平均人员支出和就业人数均高于企业场(馆),本体收入成为体育场(馆)的主要经营收入。  相似文献   

通过了解案例教学法的含义、特点,并且和《体育公共关系》课程教学相结合,分析案例教学法在体育公共关系教学的作用和运用方法,以及应用体育公共关系课案例教学方法的实质、特点和应注意的问题,改进体育公共关系的课堂教学,促进学生的体育公关理论向实践的转化,提高学生体育公关技能。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法,本文在论述群众体育公共政策执行的六大要素基础上,分别从政策执行主体、政策执行客体、政策执行资源、政策执行制度、政策执行环境五个方面分析了群众体育公共政策执行的阻碍,最后提出了相应对策,以期使群众体育公共政策执行效率能进一步得到提高。  相似文献   

通过对云南第8届少数民族传统体育运动会开展的现状和存在的主要问题进行分析研究,揭示问题的深层本质内核,以期寻云南少数民族传统体育未来发展的结构体系,为传承和进一步发展我省少数民族传统体育;推动全民建设活动的进程提供客观理论依据。  相似文献   

体育强国建设背景下中国冰雪运动公共政策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以体育强国建设对我国冰雪运动发展的统摄作用为切入点,分析我国冰雪运动发展的新时代背景及存在短板。提出:以体制改革和科技助力的方式提升冰雪运动竞技水平;以科学规划和丰富类型的方式拓展冰雪运动场地供给;以业态均衡和服务大众的方式打造冰雪运动产业链条;以主体建设和注重青少年普及的方式夯实冰雪运动大众基础。应彰显2022年北京冬奥会重大事件的引领作用,全面发挥冰雪运动的辐射作用。厘清政府、社会和市场在发展冰雪运动中的作用:在“放、管、服”改革趋势下,政府应扶持全国性冰雪运动协会发挥其在标准和政策制定、赛事推广、人才培养、对外交流等方面的作用,在全国范围内启动层次化、社会化、市场化融合发展模式,通过购买服务、委托代理、合作治理等方式与社会组织共同创办多元化的冰雪活动;在社会方面,应通过网络化、层级化、基层化的冰雪运动社会组织强化社会治理能力,使有组织的冰雪运动深入基层;在产业方面,应以产业融合方式重点构建冰雪运动服务型产业业态,塑造创新型产业品牌,促进其高质量发展。  相似文献   

Of all periods in the history of British tennis, arguably the inter-war years were the most significant and tumultuous. Officials recommenced activities with an ultimate goal of restoring British prowess at an international level. This paper aims to assess the long-term effectiveness of the LTA’s efforts in these regards. It was far from straightforward. After several years of lacklustre performances, a group of reformers staged a mutiny that culminated at the turbulent 1922 AGM, where they unseated several incumbent councillors. Yet they failed to shift significantly the balance of power away from the ageing establishment figures they had targeted. Nevertheless, a period of self-reflection followed, and the partially reformed LTA responded by refocusing its efforts on two key areas: the development of coaching-professionals and of tennis in the public schools. However, it was evident that deep-rooted antipathy towards the promotion of a more modern, American-inspired, performance-oriented, 'professional' mentality among players, and fears over the concomitant erosion of amateurism, underpinned the LTA’s reluctance to increase access and develop talent among those outside of the upper-middle class. Fred Perry’s exploits offered a temporary respite from some of the criticism, but ultimately merely proved to mask the LTA’s staunch conservatism during this period.  相似文献   

秦炜棋  郑玉  谢烽 《体育科技》2012,33(1):36-39
采用文献资料、专家访谈、现场观察及逻辑分析等方法,对参加广西第十二届运动会青少年武术套路比赛的运动员、教练员及体育局官员进行访谈,调查广西竞技武术后备人才的培养现状,指出影响后备人才发展的问题,从而提出相关的对策和建议。  相似文献   

谭华 《体育学刊》2006,13(3):9-11
对毛瑞斯博士的新作《民族之魂:中华民国时期的体育》进行了评述。毛瑞斯博士用民族主义理论来解析中华民国时期的体育,认为Tiyu对现代中国和现代中国人的形成有重要的作用,这为我国的体育史和体育理论研究提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Tourism and sport are two phenomena that rapidly expanded at the end of the nineteenth century. The latter is often viewed as a service in a system structured by the former, in the way tennis courts or golf courses are established near hotel facilities. Yet, the development of outdoor sports reveals that a tourist territory can be defined by its sports function. Through the example of mountaineering in the French Pelvoux massif, we are going to show that a physical activity may have a major role in determining tourist territories and the local economic growth. This research paper investigates, chronologically and geographically, the expansion of mountaineering in the Pelvoux massif and its spin-off effects on touristic amenities, especially in the development of hotel services, town-and-country planning and communications. This demonstration is based on archives from several alpine societies – the French Alpine Club, the Society of Dauphiné Tourists and the Touring Club de France – as well as on monographs published by mountaineers.  相似文献   

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