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会展业的蓬勃发展,一方面要求更多具备会展知识、知晓会展业务的会展人才;另一方面,因其所带来的日渐频繁的国际交流要求这些专业的会展人才具备一定的英语知识。对此,在会展英语教学中,如何使用情境教学的方法,旨在培养出既通晓会展专业知识,又能熟练运用英语进行会展操作和交流的复合型会展人才的探索变得尤为重要。  相似文献   

The great exhibition hall of London's Olympia provided a fitting venue for the 1969 Conference and Exhibition of the National Committee for Audio-visual aids in Education. Readers of Audio-Visual Media will be interested to learn that the special 1970 exhibition and conference, which will be coupled with the ICEM's Annual General Assembly and an international conference, will also be located at Olympia.  相似文献   

体验经济已经走入我们的生活。基于学者们对重庆会展品牌研究,结合重庆区位、文化、旅游、产业等环境,提出了重庆会展品牌定位战略;会展品牌与体验经济有着天然的联系,作为会展品牌管理者可以通过创建四种体验类型来进行重庆品牌定位的策略选择。  相似文献   

以第五届桂林国际旅游博览会和第十二届宁波国际服装服饰博览会为例,从译文读者的"期待视野"理论出发,以语言使用和文化转向为切入点,论述国内当前会展资料英译在语法句法、表达地道、地域文化、历史文化等方面存在的问题,并结合会展资料的特点为其英译提供相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

会展英语是会展专业的一门核心课程,随着我国会展业国际化水平的不断提高而日益受到人们的重视。然而,目前会展英语的教育模式尚处于探索阶段,还存在许多问题。目前高职高专会展英语教学存在一些问题,通过分析提出了新形势下提高高职会展英语教学质量的一些建议。  相似文献   

Conclusion Beginning in 1989, the Ministry of Education and the National Science Council of Taiwan have sponsored an international biennial conference organized by different local universities. The purpose of this conference, the International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), is to report educational technology research. After the 1993 conference, it became a regional biennial conference held by different countries in the Asia-Pacific region. ICCE 95 was held in Singapore and ICCE 97 will be in Malaysia. After 1997, ICCE will again become an annual conference to reflect the growing research impetus in the region.In Taiwan, after exporting ICCE to the region, the funding agents continue to support an annual conference with a different name, International Conference on Computer Assisted Instruction (ICCAI). This locally organized conference has been held annually since 1994. As a natural result of these activities and consistent support by funding agents, a growing number of international publications are reporting on the more mature results of educational technology research at international conferences and in journals.Contributors included Jon-Chao Hong, Professor of Industrial Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan; Jihn-Chang Jehng, Associate Professor, Human Resources Management, National Central University, Taiwan; Yu-Fen Shih, Associate Professor, Media and Library Science, Tamkang University, Taiwan; and Gary Chon-Wen Shyi, Associate Professor, Psychology, National Chung- Cheng University, Taiwan.Tak-Wai Chan is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Central University. He is also the President of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education and is an Associate Editor of theInternational Journal of Educational Telecommunications.  相似文献   

课程设置是人才培养的基础。在借鉴和吸收国内外会展专业课程设置先进经验,结合广东会展行业人才需求特征,提出构建凸显会展服务、会展营销双核技能的高职会展专业课程体系。具体课程的设置和学习链路由两模块、三阶段构成。两模块由人文核心素养类课程模块和专业核心技能类课程模块构成;三阶段指职业基本能力训练阶段、专项技能强化训练阶段和工作能力综合训练阶段。  相似文献   

随着中国经济实力的不断增强,翻译,尤其是会议口译的重要性日显突出。本文重点介绍中文背景下的会议口译及其特殊性,力图消除社会对会议口译的普遍误解,区别会议口译与学习外语的关系、会议口译与笔译的关系,明确会议口译中"听辩"与"译"的特殊性与关键点。上述观点对于有效培养实干型译员、做会做好会议口译、促进中外交流具有重要意义。  相似文献   

我国会展业的发展速度在逐年递增,因此,会展业市场上的外语人才出现了供不应求的局面,尤其是高素质的人才比较匮乏.本文基于会展外语的特点从六个方面提出了会展外语人才必备的职业素质.  相似文献   


This paper explores the continuing relevance to education of ideas about art and resistance that Jean-François Lyotard signalled in his curated exhibition in 1985 at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris entitled Les Immatériaux. The exhibition was for Lyotard the ‘staging’ of a resistance at the dawning of an information age that challenged the prioritisation of computerised ‘data’ through the very deconstruction of data as presented in artistic form. While the implications of this event for art exhibitions are still being theorised and debated, it is the insight Les Immat?ériaux provides as pedagogical encounter that is the focus of this article. The paper explores the exhibition in the context of the immateriality of art and develops this argument towards a notion of artistic testimony that then culminates in an analysis for the pedagogical significance of the exhibition in the information drenched, highly networked context of contemporary education.  相似文献   

新形势下廊坊涉外经济的发展更需要"外语+专门知识"的复合型人才,针对廊坊区域经济发展的需求,地方高校宜实行"平台+模块"的日语人才培养模式,在扎实的日语专业知识的基础上,开设语言文化方向、国际商务方向、日英双语方向和会展旅游方向等模块课程。  相似文献   

刘红 《昆明大学学报》2007,18(A01):71-74
会展业在我国是一个发展势头强劲的新兴产业,其较强的产业带动性受到了各有关部门的重视,使其得到了较快的发展,本文通过分析项目控制的意义,讨论了会展项目控制管理的目标及重要性;提出了将企业项目质量控制理论有机地运用到会展项目管理中来的思路,阐述了在会展项目管理过程中,管理者应以计划中拟订的目标为依据,根据内部和外部的变化对项目实施的各个环节进行有效控制,及时调整和改变策略。它不仅能保证计划如期高效的完成,而且能有助于管理者在计划的实施过程中,及时发现问题,采取相廊措施进行调节.从而避免造成更大的损失。  相似文献   

糖酒会作为全国性、规模大的商品交易会,是糖酒食品商家展示产品、招商、提升企业形象及展示承办城市形象的重要窗口,同时也是各大企业一个很好的展现平台。如何在提升自身能力、打造海内外品牌会展的同时,做好营销,顺应数字化营销的潮流,以此来增强展会的竞争力,是摆在糖酒会面前亟待解决的问题。本文论述了数字化营销的基本内涵,结合其他展会数字化营销的方法,对全国糖酒商品交易会数字化营销的现状进行了深入分析,并针对糖酒会的数字化营销存在的不足之处提出建设性的建议。  相似文献   

在中共"三大"召开前后,瞿秋白做了大量出色的工作:会前,率先提出建立反对帝国主义联合战线的观点,为中共三大制定国共合作政策做思想舆论准备;参与三大筹备和部分会务工作,负责起草三大的党纲草案,参加党章的修改工作,并担任会议的翻译,为大会的胜利召开做出了贡献;会中,就起草《中国共产党党纲草案》和共产国际"四大"的情况向大会作了报告,积极主张同国民党合作,给予了马林全力的理解和支持;会后,为实现中共三大确定的国共合作政策,致信季诺维也夫和积极参加国民党一大及国民党改组试点工作,为促成和实现三大确立的国共合作政策发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to describe the sources of information on foreign education systems and credentials by means of which the various higher education institutions of the United States reach decisions as to the admission of foreign students and the granting of equivalences for degrees earned abroad. The information is derived from a number of sources, particularly from such national volunteer and professional associations as the American Association of Collegiate Registrars (AACRAO) including a linkage which it maintains with the Agency for International Development (AID), the National Council on the Evaluation of Foreign Educational Credentials (The Council), the National [Association of Foreign Student Affairs (NAFSA), the National Liaison Committee on Foreign Student Admissions (NLC), and the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). The article further explains how each of these organizations reaches decisions as to the value of given foreign credentials and makes its judgments and recommendations known to those who, in general, need this information, and to specific institutions which request specific information for specific purposes. In the final analysis, the organizations in question are purely advisory; the specific decisions with regard to specific students enrolled in specific higher education institutions are the sole purview of the institutions in question.  相似文献   

This article examines the way in which curriculum renewal in English teaching in the late 1960s was brought about largely through the democratic process of teacher participation. It describes the role that the newly formed National Association for the Teaching of English (NATE) played in creating the process in conjunction with American colleagues from the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) at the 1966 Dartmouth Conference. The author, who participated in this event, describes the values debated at this conference which underpinned reform and which were subsequently tested out and implemented in England by practitioners in schools, supported by NATE local branches. He asks the reader to consider the ways in which this process of reform differs from the ways in which processes of curriculum change are currently structured.  相似文献   

美国远程教育学会USDLA于2013年4月在密苏里州圣路易斯市召开了2013年会,会议主题为远程教育:一个开放的新纪元。通过介绍了美国远程教育、远程教育学会及该年会概况,并重点对本次会议内容进行了系统地分析.包括网络课程建设、教师能力与发展、远程教育有效管理、质量保证和远程教育中的相关技术与工具等方面内容,呈现出美国远程教育的未来趋向,并给出启示。以期能够对国内远程教育领域的相关研究提供思路和指导.促进中国远程教育的发展。  相似文献   

举世瞩目的 2010年上海世博会,引起了亿万中国人民的热情关注。它不仅是世界博览会历史上的一件大事,更是占世界六分之一人口的中国人民心目中的盛事,参观人数创下了历届展会之最。而参观世博会的人群中,绝大多数是青少年和在校大学生,这种盛世展会必将对大学生思想政治教育产生巨大的影响。  相似文献   

上海的会展业持续发展。经济环境竞争力和旅游产业环境竞争力两个方面的因素影响了会展业竞争力。超大城市的会展业发展更取决于城市整体经济发展,而与旅游业相关较小。上海应继续发挥和强化经济环境竞争力优势;积极开拓外资渠道和形式;增强会展业与旅游业之间协调性;利用创新思想发展酒店业。  相似文献   

一般认为,动词或动词性短语是形成整个句子所要表达事件内在时间结构的重要基础。从认知语言学的角度,用动词或动词性词语来描述事件或状态,解释句式运用的现象,特别是对汉语教学,尤其是对外汉语教学,无疑有着十分现实的意义。  相似文献   

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