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Research focused on Latinas/os in higher education often examines patterns of failure, while neglecting factors that contribute to Latina/o generational familial success. This article focuses on intergenerational strategies taught within college-educated Puerto Rican households that assist in academic achievement and success in higher education. Delgado Bernal theorized pedagogies of the home to explain co-constructed cultural knowledge within Chicana/o households to challenge deficit perspectives. Through analysis of educational oral histories of four college-educated Puerto Rican families, pedagogies of the home are extended. The Puerto Rican college-educated children demonstrate sin pelos en la lengua (without mincing words), contradictions among college completers, and pa’lante siempre pa’lante (always moving forward) as strategies employed in navigating higher education. In rearticulating, pedagogies of the home for the Puerto Rican community, institutions of higher education can better respond to the various experiences of Latinas/os.  相似文献   


One of the biggest forces in primary and secondary education today is the home schooling movement–parents opting to forego sending their children to public or private schools in order to teach them themselves in their own home. As this movement grows, more and more students entering higher education will have been home schooled. This is becoming a market segment that many colleges and universities cannot afford to ignore. The current paper reviews the research which has been conducted on home schooling to answer four questions of importance to college or university officials as they contemplate targeting this group: (1) why do parents home school? (2) what are the characteristics of home schoolers? (3) would home schoolers make good college students? and (4) how could a college or university effectively reach out to home schoolers? By answering these four questions, college and university officials can better decide whether or not they should target home schooled students and, if they do, how to best reach these students.  相似文献   

在辅导员工作中渗透对大学生“三自”能力的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
辅导员工作不是简单的劳动,也不是纯粹的管理,其中蕴含着多种教育因素。如何把管理过程内化为学生的自我教育过程,在管理中渗透对大学生"三自"能力的培养,是辅导员工作的内在要求。辅导员应帮助学生认识社会,培养学生的自理能力,同时增强学生的主体意识,培养学生的自学能力以及提高学生的自觉性,培养学生的自律能力。即要让学生"学会生活","学会学习","学会做人"。  相似文献   

高职教育的培养目标决定高职生应具备职业技术素质和人文素质,加强高职生人文素质教育关系到高职校的生存和发展,是培养高职生健全人格、创造性思维、文明意识的需要.确定“以人为本“的教育理念、提升校园文化品位、提高教师的人文素质是加强高职生人文素质教育的有效途径.  相似文献   


Historically, community colleges and those they serve have been relegated to the margins of academe. Community colleges’ critics argue that students starting at two-year institutions are less likely to earn bachelor’s degrees and have lower student outcomes. This CCJRP Exchange Article draws upon counternarratives in highlighting multiple truths of the community experience through use of scholarly personal narratives (SPN) of those that moved in, through and out the community college to the PhD. The faculty member and doctoral students reflect on how their community college experiences influenced their career trajectories. Further, implications for community college practice, policy, and research are shared as the authors make a case for applying SPN in an effort to see community colleges as sites of deep growth that have lasting effects on the personal and professional lives of their students.  相似文献   


This paper presents research on movements involved in the lives of international university students and their accompanying family members. Located in the framing of new empiricisms and new materialisms, a posthumanist approach is offered as a way to move beyond the limitations of a focus on the educational mobilities of individualised self-contained student subjects. The research this paper draws on engages a diffractive visual methodology involving interview encounters with women who each moved from Iran to Australia together with their partner and children. A materialist feminist approach enables the consideration of how a variety of entangled movements and animated affects shape the lives of international student families. The utility of this approach becomes the inspiration for thinking through the concept of ‘intra-active becoming in movement’. This brings a refreshed set of practices for designing higher education experiences for international students that resists the divisiveness of binary oppositions in Western thought.  相似文献   


This article explores how care and space shape doctoral becoming. We extend previous higher education research that has critically examined the spatial arrangements of postgraduate study to explore how doctoral students negotiate both study from home and care-work responsibilities. The article draws on collaborative autoethnographic texts created by the authors to understand the ways in which care shaped their decisions about study spaces. We identify both exclusions and disadvantage in these accounts, at the same time as we discern wilfulness in the ways the contradictory positions of postgraduate student and caregiver were negotiated. We conclude the article by arguing that educational spaces are involved in the maintenance of academic norms that position care-work as invisible and out-of-place/space. Despite this, the creation of productive home spaces that facilitate both care and doctoral work remain possible.  相似文献   


Although engineering educational endeavours are often described with regard to how well they prepare students to meet national or global engineering concerns, the purpose of this paper is to show how those efforts can also serve the larger educational goals of the educators themselves as they develop learning experiences for their students. This paper describes the reflections of four engineering educators who used a research-based ‘Pedagogy of Larger Concerns’ (PLC) as a conceptual lens for examining important aspects of their courses. A PLC is a set of teaching conceptions that was identified in a study exploring the thinking of outstanding professors in order to improve our understanding of the basis of their effectiveness.  相似文献   

重大疫情下加快加强大学生价值观教育具有重要现实意义,主要体现在引领大学生抵御思想冲击,强化意识形态风险防范意识;坚定政治立场,强化理想信念宗旨意识;加强道德自律,提升个人道德修养意识;关怀生命意义,葆有生命自然敬畏意识等。通过网络问卷调研,运用词频分析法分析发现重大疫情对大学生价值观带来了不容忽视的冲击与挑战,并提出为应对重大疫情,应构建"多维同育"的育人途径、"双向并育"的育人方式和"各方促育"的育人保障"三位一体"的大学生价值观教育的实施体系。  相似文献   

大学生返乡创业是拓宽大学生就业的有效渠道,引导和鼓励大学毕业生返乡创业,对于缓解当前就业压力、助力乡村振兴具有重要意义。目前,大学生自主创业中存在返乡创业及涉农比例低、淘汰率高的"两低一高"现实挑战,成效不明显。通过对浙江省8所本专科高校的1443名在校大学生的实证调查,探讨个体因素、教育因素、政策因素和环境因素等四个维度分别对大学生返乡创业的影响,提出要注重大学生返乡创业意识与能力培养,不断完善大学生返乡创业配套政策,进一步健全大学生创新创业教育体系,营造良好创业支持环境等针对性举措,以求促进大学生积极返乡创业,将创业设想变为现实,为打造大学生返乡创业模式提供"浙江方案"。  相似文献   

In 1898, students at the University of Toronto founded Torontonensis, the university’s first yearbook. Fashioned as a remembrance of university, from its inception the yearbook was fraught with conflict and contestation particularly around how male students were represented and how their college experiences were made, and not made, meaningful. The vociferous debates that ensued in campus newspapers, particularly among the graduating classes, fractured the ostensibly smooth recounting of this ‘souvenir remembrance’, bringing into question who is allowed to ‘speak’ on behalf of whom and what it is acceptable to ‘say’. The authors enquire into the way university yearbooks served to construct normative definitions of what constituted ‘students’, ‘student cultures’ and forms of gendering within the educational landscapes in which they were enmeshed. Through an examination of Torontonensis, they highlight the multiple and often contradictory meanings and constructions of the student yearbook from the perspectives of their producers, subjects and audiences.  相似文献   


Educational spaces have long provided opportunities for politicisation and activism. However, research into the processes through which students become politicised can often focus on participation in recognised forms of political action, thereby ignoring the multiple factors active in developing a political consciousness. This paper draws on narrative interviews with feminist women to consider the importance of education to their experience of becoming feminist. It considers how, for a particular group of women who were all students or recent graduates of non-STEM disciplines, academic feminism formed an important part of their narrative of becoming feminist. Each of the women referred to having a long-standing feminist inclination, instinct or feeling and indicated that studying academic feminism offered them the tools for reflecting on and articulating this.  相似文献   


In recent decades children’s rights to exercise choice in educational settings have slowly gained currency. Children’s rights advocates highlight the role of choice in empowering children to become critical and productive citizens. However, in this paper, the role of choice in interactions between teachers and students is problematised. Using Foucault’s notion of governmentality, the paper explores 15 teachers’ use of choice in classrooms and considers how ‘student choice’ can, far from empowering children, be used as a way of reinforcing extant adult-child power relations. The paper argues that students are often responsibilised to exercise choice wisely in order that they find themselves in a position in which they can enjoy everyday classroom privileges disseminated by the educator. When used this in way, the strategy of affording students ‘choice’ can frame students’ transgressions as individual failings to conform. The paper concludes that practitioners who advocate children’s rights need to reflect on the relationship between notions of choice and institutional power relations in order to ensure choice is used in a way that leaves space for power relations to be challenged by the students being asked to ‘choose’.  相似文献   

This paper examines theoretical linkages between Anzaldua’s borderland scholarship, in particular the notion of mestiza consciousness, and participatory action research. Two studies with high school and college co-researchers falling along different points of the PAR spectrum are described to illustrate these conceptual linkages. Points in the process including critical decisions in crafting questions and conducting actions, reflections on who are the knowledge holders and producers, and struggles with responsibilities and vulnerabilities doing this work, are discussed through a lens of mestiza consciousness.
Jennifer AyalaEmail:


Approximately two-thirds of community college students nationwide are considered to not be ready for the demands of college and are therefore required to enroll in at least one developmental education course. Unfortunately, researchers have found that enrollment in developmental classes often has adverse effects on community college students and that developmental courses are time-consuming and often result in delay or prevent the completion of a degree. With a significant number of underprepared community college students, it is important to develop effective methodologies to help students acquire the skills that they will need to succeed in college and future employment. It is also important to determine how a student’s experience impacts academic progress, as well as motivation to continue in college credit courses. Unfortunately, a limited amount of research exists on the use of Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) in developmental reading courses at the community college level. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of a computer-based reading intervention, MindPlay Virtual Reading Coach, on the reading and spelling achievement of community college students, and to explore whether or not students’ perceptions and attitudes changed after participation in this program. Findings demonstrated statistically significant results in both reading and spelling, as well as an increase in reading enjoyment.  相似文献   

阐述了说课是培养师范生教学技能、教学技巧的最有效方法,是课堂教学最优化设计的一种表现形式,是师范生分析自己教学行为走向教育自觉实践的重要途径.说课促使师范教育由"专业型"向"素质型"、"学习型"向"研究型"的转换,适应了现代师范教育的需要.同时,就"如何使说课更有感染力"给出了几条建议.  相似文献   

聋人大学生就业问题、影响因素及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
聋人大学生就业是一个重要的社会问题。本文对当前聋人大学生就业存在的问题进行研究,分析影响聋人大学生就业的因素,并提出国家和社会更好地承担起责任,高校要为聋人大学生就业着想,聋人大学生要树立强烈的就业意识等具有较强针对性的对策。  相似文献   

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