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Based on the multivariate framework of student attrition developed by leading researchers in the field of distance education and instructional technology, this study centers on a method of assessing the ability of a student to complete a distance learning course. The focus of the investigation is construction and validation of a brief survey instrument to identify at‐risk students enrolled in Web‐based and videoconferencing courses.  相似文献   

The relationship between gender and mathematical achievement was investigated. The subjects were Norwegian elementary‐school third graders (440 girls and 480 boys). The boys had higher total test scores than the girls, but the effect size was small. On subskills, boys performed better than girls in numeracy, mental arithmetic and measurement problems. Marked differences between the sexes were found at the extreme tails of the distribution. Among the 10% scoring highest on numeracy, there were nearly twice as many boys as girls, while among the lowest 9% there were two and a half times as many girls as boys.  相似文献   

Attributional rules that govern students’ self‐presentation tactics in school situations are presented. Recent research is reviewed that shows how children learn to strategically manipulate their teachers’ and classmates’ social responses toward themselves by varying their public accounts of achievement failures and successes. The implications of changing social dynamics on students’ achievement motivation and school behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Peer collaboration has been supported in research as an effective instructional strategy. However, education researchers lack a full understanding of the types of scaffolding that take place in peer groups. Little research is available that documents what happens during the small group interactions. This case study took place in one teacher’s multi‐age primary classroom in the southeastern region of the USA. It examined how elementary students provided scaffolding to one another during collaborative classroom activities. Specifically, this investigation explored the ways in which elementary students provide assistance to one another during academic tasks and examined the status of the children, in terms of more or less capabilities, during the collaborative events. Vygotsky asserts that for learning to occur, assistance must be provided by a more capable person. The research findings suggest that peers provide scaffolding for one another in various ways. In this investigation, these primary students utilized questioning, providing feedback, and instructing as the primary methods of scaffolding during the learning experiences. This study also supports assertions that when students are allowed to pose questions and provide feedback to one another during peer collaboration, they help to establish instruction in their zone of proximal development.  相似文献   

This paper examines how a game‐like 3D Multi‐User Virtual Environment (MUVE), Quest Atlantis (QA), is used in an after‐school programme to engage a group of 14 academically at‐risk primary students in their learning. It adopts an activity theoretical perspective to identify the disturbances and contradictions during the implementation of the after‐school programme. Based on the analysis of these disturbances and contradictions, the main findings highlight: (1) the importance of the less visible social mediators – the rules, community, and division of labour – in the programme; (2) the pivotal role of the teacher; and (3) the role of QA as both a tool and an object to the students. The findings suggest the importance of the social context where information and communication technology (ICT) is used and the possible use of its engaging elements to first extrinsically motivate these students in their learning.

Eine theoretische Perspektive: Aktivität in Richtung des Designs eines ICT verbesserten ausserschulischen Programms für Risikostudenten

Dieses Papier prüft, wie eine spielähnliche 3D‐Multibenutzer Umgebung (MUVE), “Quest Atlantis (QA)” bei einem außerhalb der Schule benutzten Programms verwendet wird, um eine wissenschaftlich gefährdete 14‐er Studentengruppe in ihrem Lernen anzusprechen. Die Analyse auf Basis der Störungen und Widersprüche zeigt die (1) Wichtigkeit von weniger sichtbaren Sozialmediatoren – die Regeln, die Gemeinschaft und Arbeitsteilung – im Programm, (2) die entscheidende Rolle der Lehrer und (3) die Funktion des Spiels QA sowohl als Werkzeug als auch als Gegenstand für die Studenten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Wichtigkeit des sozialen Kontexts wo Informations‐ und Kommunikationstechnologie (ICT) benutzt und gebraucht werden und der mögliche Gebrauch seiner verbindenden Elemente erstmals von außen motivieren das Lernen dieser Studenten.

Perspective théorique sur une activité visant à la conception d’un programme extra scolaire renforcé par les TICE et destiné aux élèves en difficulté

Cet article examine comment on utilise un environnement virtuel à utilisateurs multiples (MUVE) Quest Atlantis (QA) en 3D dans un programme extra scolaire pour impliquer dans leur apprentissage un groupe de 14 élèves en difficulté scolaire. On a adopté une perspective théorique de l’activité pour identifier les troubles et les contradictions rencontrés pendant la mise en place de l’activité extra scolaire. En se fondant sur l’analyse de ces troubles et contradictions, les résultats obtenus font principalement ressortir: (1) l’importance des médiateurs sociaux moins visibles comme_les règles, le groupe, et la répartition des tâches_dans le programme; (2) le rôle central de l’enseignant et (3) le rôle de QA à la fois comme outil et comme objet pour les élèves. Ces observations font apparaître l’importance du contexte social là o[ugrave] on utilise les technologies de l’information et de la communication et le recours possible à leurs facteurs d’implication pour commencer de l’extérieur à motiver ces élèves pour leur apprentissage.

Una perspectiva teórica sobre una actividad conduciendo a un programa posescolar apoyado por las TICs dedicado a los alumnos «en peligro»

Este artículo examina como se utiliza un entorno lúdico virtual en 3D, Quest Atlantis (QA) para usuarios multiples (MUVE) dentro de un programa posescolar para incentivar a un grupo de alumnos «en peligro» para que aprenden. Se adoptó una perspectiva teórica activa para identificar los trastornos y contradicciones encontradas durante la implantación del programa posescolar. Basandose en el análisis de esos trastornos y contradicciones, los principales resultados han destacado (1) la importancia de los mediadores sociales menos visibles, las reglas, la comunidad y la división del trabajo_dentro del programa (2) el papel fundamental del profesor y (3) el papel de QA a la vez como herramienta y como objeto para los alumnos. Esas observaciones resaltan la importancia del contexto social cuando se usan las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) y el posible uso de sus elementos cautivadores para dar a esos alumnos el primer incentivo externo de su aprendizaje.  相似文献   

Many students with Attention‐Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) present with behavioral problems that are particularly evident in out‐of‐class settings (in the lunch room, on the playground, during field trips and special assemblies, etc). Barkley's (1997 Barkley, R. A. 1997. Defiant children: A clinician's manual for parent training. 2nd ed., New York: Guilford Press.  [Google Scholar]) technique has been known to help parents handle ADHD children's behaviors in out‐of‐home situations, and so its effectiveness to reduce problems in out‐of‐class settings was investigated with 65 teachers of male students previously diagnosed with ADHD. ANOVA revealed that Barkley's technique was effective in reducing the students' behavioral problems in out‐of‐class settings. This technique is easy to administer and school psychologists will likely find it useful in assisting teachers to handle ADHD students' behavioral problems.  相似文献   

The study examines the professional development of junior-high-school teachers participating in the Israeli “Katom” (Computer for Every Class, Student and Teacher) Program, begun in 2004. A three-circle support and training model was developed for teachers’ professional development. The first circle applies to all teachers in the program; the second, to all teachers at individual schools; the third to teachers of specific disciplines. The study reveals and describes the attitudes of science teachers to the integration of laptop computers and to the accompanying professional development model. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight science teachers from the four schools participating in the program. The interviews were analyzed according to the internal relational framework taken from the information that arose from the interviews. Two factors influenced science teachers’ professional development: (1) Introduction of laptops to the teachers and students. (2) The support and training system. Interview analysis shows that the disciplinary training is most relevant to teachers and they are very interested in belonging to the professional science teachers’ community. They also prefer face-to-face meetings in their school. Among the difficulties they noted were the new learning environment, including control of student computers, computer integration in laboratory work and technical problems. Laptop computers contributed significantly to teachers’ professional and personal development and to a shift from teacher-centered to student-centered teaching. One-to-One laptops also changed the schools’ digital culture. The findings are important for designing concepts and models for professional development when introducing technological innovation into the educational system.  相似文献   

A significant body of work has emerged over the last 10 years investigating the experiences of international university students. These studies have covered various challenges faced by some groups of international students relating to culture, language and integration and have been prompted by the increase in international students studying in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. A smaller strand of research has also begun to focus on the experiences, perspectives and reactions of academic staff who have seen the composition of their cohorts change substantially over recent years in terms of numbers of international participants. This article reviews relevant literature in this field, reporting on a questionnaire study based at two UK post‐92 universities. Respondents associated a range of traits with international students and suggested that the increasing number of international students enhanced the environment, but also required a higher level of support. This study also found that staff resorted to informal methods when developing means of adapting their practices to the increasing number of international students, preferring discussion with colleagues and students themselves to formal development programmes or advice from specialist departments such as student support. The article concludes that in order to encourage diversity in a meaningful way, universities need to recognise the challenge of increased numbers of international students and support staff accordingly.  相似文献   


As part of a study of the life‐cycle of inner‐city schools, the achievement of elementary school students (on MAT6 and TEAMS tests) who had teachers trained in a classroom management program in one school were compared with students in a comparison school during a four‐year period. Students at Madison Elementary School showed statistically greater achievement gains on both nationally normed achievement tests (MAT6) and on state criterion‐referenced achievement battery than students at the comparison school in each of three years. The overall effect size due to program treatment on the MAT6 test scores was large, ranging from .43 (1986–87) and .83 (1987–88) during intervention to .73 (1988–89) after intervention. Similar results were found in the TEAMS test associated with the program intervention with overall effect size of 1.02 (1987–88) and .78 (1988–89) in mathematics, .68 and .77 in reading, and .59 and .77 in writing for the respective years. On measures of learning environment, in a post hoc analysis (1990–91), students at Madison perceived their environment to be significantly more positive than comparison students. Teacher and principal interviews during and after the intervention periods provided contextual guidance for the findings.  相似文献   

This article focuses on 40 elementary school teachers' efforts to involve their students in social justice-oriented service-learning experiences and the struggles and support they encounter in doing so. The service-learning activities described here begin with student interest and initiative and focus on advocacy and concerted efforts to right unjust situations. With teacher support and guidance, students consider multiple perspectives and challenge the status quo. At times they accomplish their aims; in other cases, success is found in students learning valuable life lessons about the skills and long-term effort needed to effect change. Struggles with state mandates, required curriculum, colleagues, and parents are discussed, as well as the creative and subversive measures teachers use to address these challenges.  相似文献   

This study examined performance of Master’s‐level students in an online course in Cognition, Learning and Assessment and compared it with the performance of students in a face‐to‐face classroom setting of the same course (N = 70). Data were collected from six sections of the course over a two‐year period. The same professor taught all sections. Identical final exams plus two common assignments were used to determine whether there were differences in performance. An analysis of covariance, with graduate record exam scores as the covariate, was applied using each of the dependent variables. Students in the face‐to‐face class scored significantly higher on two out of the three measures.  相似文献   

This essay discusses the life and work of Elise van Calcar (1822–1904), a writer and maternal feminist who introduced Froebel’s kindergarten in the Netherlands. Van Calcar also was the leader of a Christian branch of spiritualism. The focus is pointed at parallels between her reading of Froebel and of ‘messages’ from spirits in the ‘other world’ with whom she claimed to be in touch during spiritualist séances. Both Froebel’s Romantic pedagogy and spiritualism put emphasis on harmony and synthesis. Each of her projects was an attempt to transcend the dichotomy between the public and the private. Spiritual motherhood ruled the kindergarten and non-conformist religion, alternative medicine and Froebel training were practised at home. Both the kindergarten movement and spiritualism made her promote a ‘natural’ approach. Yet, she never stopped warning of the danger of leaving a child’s moral development to nature. Like a garden a child had to be worked upon.  相似文献   

To understand the development of educational research traditions, it is essential to scrutinize the internal dynamics of the theoretical and methodological developments within the community of scholars working in the area as well as the social needs that are served by such research. The adoption of qualitative approaches to the study of learning and instruction thus mirrors a complex pattern of changes in the role and use of education as a social resource in modern society. On the Scandinavian scene, the past decades have seen a rapid increase in interest in qualitative research and in philosophical positions such as hermeneutics and phenomenology that imply a qualitative approach to studying phenomena. It is argued that qualitative research is now well established, and that it is essential to further demonstrate its value to shed light on education as a social activity.  相似文献   

Why should computers be used in primary schools and what roles have they come to play in the classroom? This paper describes an investigation into UK primary teachers' perceptions and use of computers in the classroom. The responses collected illustrate the existence of two broad groups of teachers. Those who adopt a computer awareness perspective and those who believe that the computer should be used as a means to facilitate and enhance teaching and learning. Furthermore, the responses suggest an association between teachers' beliefs about computer use and teachers' patterns of actual computer use and thus demonstrate that educational innovations are primarily and intrinsically realized in our way of thinking before they become practice. Yet, this way of thinking may be formed not only by teachers' interpretations of official orders and requirements but also by their knowledge of information technology (IT) and their comprehension of what teaching and learning is about.  相似文献   

This research investigated differences in delinquent activities and the reputational orientations of at‐risk and not‐at‐risk male and female adolescents. Initially, we sought to establish that adolescent males and females differed in these respects. This was found to be the case: males (n = 722) scored significantly higher than females (n = 738) on seven self‐reported delinquency variables and on eight reputation enhancement variables pertaining to social deviance, non‐conforming reputation, and power/evaluation private identity. When a sample of 31 at‐risk females was subsequently pair‐wise age matched with 31 not‐at‐risk females, at‐risk females scored significantly higher on all delinquency variables other than school misdemeanors. These at‐risk females also scored significantly higher on four reputation enhancement variables relating to social deviance and non‐conformity. Given that at‐risk females did not differ from their not‐at‐risk counterparts in level of involvement in school misdemeanors, we sought to determine whether this was also the case for at‐risk and not‐at‐risk males. An age‐matched sample of 91 pairs revealed that at‐risk males reported significantly higher involvement than not‐at‐risk males in all aspects of delinquency, including school misdemeanors. They also sought a more non‐conforming reputation. To explore the relationships between delinquency and reputation enhancement, a canonical correlation analysis was performed. All findings are discussed in the light of reputation enhancement theory.  相似文献   

Integration of inquiry-based approaches into curriculum is transforming the way science is taught and studied in undergraduate classrooms. Incorporating quantitative reasoning and mathematical skills into authentic biology undergraduate research projects has been shown to benefit students in developing various skills necessary for future scientists and to attract students to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines. While large-scale data analysis became an essential part of modern biological research, students have few opportunities to engage in analysis of large biological data sets. RNA-seq analysis, a tool that allows precise measurement of the level of gene expression for all genes in a genome, revolutionized molecular biology and provides ample opportunities for engaging students in authentic research. We developed, implemented, and assessed a series of authentic research laboratory exercises incorporating a large data RNA-seq analysis into an introductory undergraduate classroom. Our laboratory series is focused on analyzing gene expression changes in response to abiotic stress in maize seedlings; however, it could be easily adapted to the analysis of any other biological system with available RNA-seq data. Objective and subjective assessment of student learning demonstrated gains in understanding important biological concepts and in skills related to the process of science.  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - One of the most significant phenomena among students at risk is low resilience. However, very little is known about teacher-related factors that affect...  相似文献   

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