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1951年难民地位公约及其议定书没有明文规定基于性别的迫害也是导致被害人主张难民身份的原因,但我们基于这些国际法文件的基本精神却可以合理地推断出:基于性别的迫害也是主张难民身份的重要理由。所论述的基于性别的迫害,主要是指针对女性的迫害。1951年难民地位公约规定了迫害的五种理由,基于性别的迫害可以分别归入到这五种理由之中。现在国际局势变化莫测,我们对国际法文件的理解需要与时俱进。  相似文献   

This article draws data from an innovative research project tracing former refugee teachers who received teacher training from the International Rescue Committee (IRC) over a 17-year-long education programme in refugee camps in Guinea (1991–2008). The research traced repatriated refugee teachers who had returned to their homes in Sierra Leone and Liberia in an effort to determine the effects of the training they received – particularly whether they were still working as teachers in their post-repatriation lives, or whether they had made use of their training in other ways. Although the research in question focused on all of the former IRC teachers who the research team could trace, the present paper is about the female teachers and their specific situations. Focusing on the women's responses yields the gender-specific conclusions about structural barriers to institutional and societal changes in conflict and post-conflict settings.  相似文献   

以小学六年级和初中一年级学生为被试,进行威廉斯创造性倾向量表和威廉斯创造性思考活动量表的测量,结果发现:(1)小学六年级较初中一年级创造性倾向水平低,但创造性思考活动水平高于初中一年级。(2)男女生在创造性倾向和创造性思考活动方面无显著性别差异。  相似文献   

金陵女子大学独特的教师群体及其矛盾的性别观念形成了一种独特的女性文化教育环境和精英教育的培养目标,在这种教育环境的影响下,金陵女子大学的女学生亦产生了迥异于其他高校学生的性别身份认同和思维方式,从而在民族主义运动和婚恋等个人生活方式的选择上出现了不同的行为取向.  相似文献   

进行人类文明思想及先进文化的传承和创新,是大学的必然使命和本职宗旨。但大学能否完满地履行这些职责,则取决于大学的品质和素养,以及大学是否具有相应的境界和能力。我国现代大学的曲折历程表明,要让大学像大学,还须进行艰苦的努力。其需要做的主要工作为:必须对现实的教育思想和文化进行革新,使其由"读书做官"转变为"使人成人",由"官办官管"转变为"大学自治、教授治校、自主发展、自我完善",让大学是大学,而不是准行政机构或"事业单位"。要实现这样的目标,就需要在国家的层次上改变对大学本质的认识,让大学回归其教育本位,自然地发挥对社会的价值和意义。  相似文献   

党的十六大明确提出实施科教兴国和可持续发展战略的意义,培养创造性人才也是当前教育改革的主题。在校园文化建设中,我们要营造有利于创造性发展的校园文化环境,开展各类校园文化活动,突出实践性、学术性、科技性,健全大学生创造性发展的激励系统,重视教师的主导作用,以促进大学生创造性的发展。  相似文献   

本文从某综合类高校一实例出发,指出人文专业创造力开发存在的两个误区:一是人文专业学生中存在的认识误区;一是教师不分文理专业特点统一施教,从而走入创造力开发的行为误区。针对人文专业创造力开发过程中存在的这两种不同的误区,着重阐述了消除误区的必要性、对策及建议。  相似文献   

流散作家由于无法疏离母国文化,也无法认同居住国文化,处于"无根"的状态。"无根"性的产生有其地缘政治、殖民历史的原因,也有其文化身份、自我认同的原因。对于流散作家来说,流散经历带来"无根"的痛苦,更带来多种文化的体验、精神家园的追求和"根"的建构。  相似文献   


Filmmaking education has never been firmly integrated into schooling and in past years has suffered from cuts to funding for formal and non-formal arts education and youth work. It continues to exist only by drawing on creative industry and cultural consumption practices as well as state funding. In this paper, we explore the filmmaking education contexts we encountered while doing our own pieces of year-long ethnographic research. These contexts import ‘enterprising’ ways of thinking, doing and being from the creative workplace and ‘bedroom culture’. Located across life’s domains, they address enterprising subjects who take pleasure in work, make use of leisure and are always learning. We argue that these filmmaking education contexts support young people to develop their private creative practice and introduce them to the possibility of work in the creative industries but, because of the enterprise culture in which they are entangled, uncritically address these young people as enterprising subjects.  相似文献   

二战后,欧洲难民问题成为联合国及西方国家必须面临并解决的重大社会问题,数百万的难民流亡在整个欧洲大陆,为难民提供临时性救济的各种机构和组织也不断涌现出来。1943年建立的联合国善后救济总署、1951年《关于难民地位的公约》及联合国难民署都对二战后国际难民政策的发展起了不可忽视的作用,但这些国际组织的难民政策具有比较明显的政治色彩,使大多数难民无法充分地得到国际保护。  相似文献   

艾米莉·狄金森在其隐退的人生中,以养花和写诗标识自身的存在,在其园艺与诗艺世界里,通过扮演男、女两种社会性别角色,追求由双性和谐内驱力所创造的艺术人生.本文以狄金森消解传统的男性中心文化的策略为基点,从性别诗学的角度出发,探讨其在园艺人生和诗歌生涯中富于个性的精神追求,揭示其作为一名女性,聪颖地超越时代的局限性,用双性和谐的写作策略,发挥自身主体性和创造性的人生内涵.  相似文献   

This article draws on an ethnographic study that consisted of in-depth case studies of eight Sudanese young people of refugee background living in rural Australia. Prompted by concern over deficit views of young refugees that pervade educational literature, we aimed to understand what facilitates their successful resettlement into Australian rural communities. We were particularly interested in understanding the strengths, resources and capital they draw upon and generate through their participation in out-of-school social and learning contexts, as well as within family and community networks. Here, we focus on one of the study's participants, Samir. We highlight how his mother was instrumental in providing a safe and secure home environment where significant bonding capital was generated, as well as how she facilitated her son's participation in community and ethnic networks, thus enabling him to acquire bridging and linking social capital. We conclude by discussing the implications for schools and for research.  相似文献   

John Bremer 《Interchange》1973,4(2-3):12-18
Professional training institutions are under pressure, but there is no clear definition of the teaching role, nor can teaching be seen as a profession. The central principle of professional training, therefore, must be the present impossibility of professional training, particularly if it is considered in isolation from the whole educational structure.
Résumé Les établissements de formation professionnelle sont l'object de pressions, mais il n'existe aucune définition précise du rôle de l'enseignement, lequel ne peut être perçu comme une profession. Par conséquent, le trait dominant de la formation professionnelle doit être la présente impossibilité de la formation professionnelle, en particulier si on la considère isolément de la structure globale de l'éducation.


While existing research has shown the importance of the three interrelated domains of the wider policy, the school and home/community environments in the development of quality education for learners, this literature does not fully capture the experiences of the refugee population. In this article we focus on a group of Syrian refugees who came as part of the first large cohort that was welcomed in the UK in December 2015. We adapt Tikly’s quality education frameworks and develop a model that highlights not only the importance of the three intersecting environments, but also the specific inputs/processes that are critical to achieving quality education for refugees. In so doing, we stress the critical role of English as a tool for refugee children’s inclusion and integration in schools. Consequently, the contribution of the paper is an understanding of the inputs/processes that are key to the development of quality education for migrant/refugee children.  相似文献   

乡镇中小学生创造性思维的发展与教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用图形创造性思维测验考察了乡镇 3~ 8年级中小学生创造性思维能力的发生发展状况 ,结果发现乡镇中小学生创造性思维的发展不存在性别差异 ,表现出先下降 ( 3~ 5年级 )后上升 ( 6~ 8年级 )的发展趋势。讨论部分对不同年级学生的创造性思维的表现形式和发展水平进行了深入分析 ,并为正确认识和对待乡镇中小学生创造性思维及相应的教育实践提出了建议。  相似文献   

宋代流民与流民救助   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于自然灾害、战争和土地兼并等原因,宋代出现了一些无家可归、四处流浪的流民。为使这些流民尽快返回家园,安居乐业,宋朝采取了多种措施对他们进行救助,起到了较好的社会效果,并对后世产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

This paper reports the development and validation of a short Use of Creative Cognition Scale in Studying (UCCS) that was inspired by the Cognitive Processes Associated with Creativity (CPAC) scale. In Study 1, items from two of the six subscales of the CPAC were excluded due to conceptual and psychometric issues to create a 21-item CPAC scale, which was administered to 517 university students. Exploratory factor analysis revealed that the 21-item CPAC scale is unidimensional. Five items were selected to create the new unidimensional UCCS. In Study 2, 696 students completed the UCCS and a set of scales measuring related constructs. Confirmatory factor analysis corroborated the unidimensional structure of the scale. The scale correlated positively with measures of flow, trait intrinsic motivation, adaptive metacognitive traits and positive affect, it correlated negatively with negative affect, and it did not correlate with core maladaptive metacognitive traits. The findings indicate that the scale is a valid and reliable tool for research and monitoring.  相似文献   

中国流民问题是超越社会制度而存在的一大社会问题,近代中国社会经济结构的转型,频繁的天灾人祸,产生了大量流民,他们为了生存流向城市,给近代城市的崛起带来了重要影响。流民的涌入促进了近代中国城市经济的快速发展,加快了城市化的进程,冲击了农村的封建传统。但大量流民的存在给城市后期发展又带来了一系列负面影响,城市化进退维艰,流民现象逐渐发生病变,并成为各种社会病的总源头。  相似文献   

大学生创新能力总体状况调查分析   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
对江苏地区426名大学生的统计分析表明:中国大学生的智力水平达到极优秀,但是在创造力倾向上则属于中等偏上水平;中国大学生在文、理、工三学科之间,无论是在智力上,还是在创造力倾向上,都没有明显差异,但是在学科内部,文科学生在这两方面的差异明显大于理、工科学生。经过大学四年的教育,虽然大学生的创新能力(知识文化除外)没有明显提高,但是他们之间的差异明显缩小。  相似文献   

When politicians discuss Italy's position in terms of achieving equality between men and women, the school environment is rarely called into question or mentioned. This is despite the fact that gender inequality remains a prominent feature of the Italian education system. The reason for this failure to perceive the problem, and the consequent lack of investment in policies for gender equality in education, derives from a massive misunderstanding: school is perceived by the public and the political class as one of the few environments within the highly sexist Italian social fabric in which equality has been achieved. On closer examination, however, it is clear that the Italian school is merely the image of a sexist society which in turn acts as the driving force for a traditional and stereotypical view of male and female roles. This article will discuss this perspective and investigate three areas of education that are problematic in gender terms: gendered educational choices; sexist stereotypes transmitted through textbooks; and the lack of adequate training for teachers.  相似文献   

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