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Keddie , N. (ed.) (1973). Tinker, Tailor …The Myth of Cultural Deprivation. D'Arcy , P. (1973). Reading for Meaning. Volume 1. Learning to Read. Mc Cullagh , S. K. (1973). The Pirate Dramatic Readers 1–10. Mc Cullagh , S. K. (1973). The Pirate Reading Scheme Handbook.  相似文献   

Downing , J. (1973). Comparative Reading. Rosen , H. and C. (1973). The Language of Primary School Children. Various Authors . (1973). Listening and Reading. Stage 1. The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids. Lion at School, Adventures of the Little Wooden Horse. The Thingummyjig. The Iron Man. Shadrach. Stage 2. The Balaclava Story. The Cave of the Cyclops. Return to Air. Robinson Crusoe. The Poltergoose. James and the Giant Peach. Stig of the Dump. Stagg , S. A. (1973). Spellaway One. Spellaway Two.  相似文献   

This essay consists of an examination of the work of three thinkers who conceive of liberal education primarily in teleological terms, and, implicitly if not explicitly, attempt to offer some answer to the question: what does it mean to be fully human? John Henry Newman, T. S. Eliot, and Josef Pieper developed their understanding of liberal education from their own intellectual and religious experience, which was informed by a specifically Christian conception of the place of education in a fully developed human life. I suggest that the strength of their understanding of liberal education derives from its connection to the various small cohesive religious communities to which they were connected. Nonetheless, this insularity was also the primary weakness because each writer ended universalising what was in fact a particular and unique cultural and religious experience instead of providing convincing proof of a single human nature with a single telos. I will contrast this teleological conception of liberal education with that of Michael Oakeshott and his student Kenneth Minogue, both of whom wrote about education in a post‐religious era in which the earlier consensus had completely broken down. They both celebrated the variety of practices which human beings have invented for themselves over the past several centuries (and past several millennia), and did not appear to suffer from the lack of any unifying single human telos. I will suggest that their understanding of practice insulated them from the need for a single unifying telos.  相似文献   

Lawrence , D. (1973). Improved Reading Through Counselling. Johnson , T. D. (1973). Reading: Teaching and Learning. Dean , J., and Nichols , R. (1974). Framework of Reading.  相似文献   

Sesame Street, the Children's Television Workshop's pioneering educational television series for preschoolers, has become an international—as well as an American—institution. Licensed versions, adaptations, and coproductions of the series have been seen in approximately 115 countries. Children in 65 countries have viewed the series in its English-language form. In addition, the program has been coproduced in 13 other languages for broadcast in 50 countries. Each local adaptation ofSesame Street is unique, reflecting the varying educational, social, and cultural needs of children from country to country. This article documents the spread ofSesame Street—and the CTW research and development model—abroad, and includes several case studies of different foreign adaptations ofSesame Street.He works withSesame Street coproductions worldwide, providing onsite consultation through all phases of project development and production.  相似文献   


As we speak about time in the context of everyday life, we have no problem with what we mean by time. We take time as given. Different kinds of theories of development rely on the ordinary concept of time. Time is a sequence of instants, and we are moving along from the past to the future, from birth to death. Moving in time also means development. It does not take into account how a human being is in the time. It flattens our view of human life and cannot describe our manifold being. According to theories of development, if a child does not behave in a certain instant as the theories expect, there must be a problem with that child or she has not developed as well as others.

Heidegger uses terms like time-space, temporality and ecstases of time. The question of time is of the same kind as the question of Being. We are in the world and in time in the same way. We all have experience of time, how it sometimes goes quickly and sometimes very slowly. Time is not experienced as moments one after another. It is time-space. Time-space means that time has three dimensions and it consists of the ecstatical opening up of the future, the past and the present. In this article, I will open up the question how the traditional understanding of time and the ecstatic understanding of time understand children differently. What does it mean that little children live exclusively in the present?  相似文献   

This study examines the multidimensional and hierarchical structure of achievement goal orientation measured by the Inventory of School Motivation. The instrument consists of eight different scales with 43 survey items (ranging from three to seven items each). Each scale reflects one of eight specific dimensions: task, effort, competition, social power, affiliation, social concern, praise, and token. The study also examines the ability of these eight first‐order factors to define four general second‐order factors—mastery, performance, social factors, and extrinsic factors—as well as one third‐order factor, general motivation. Participants came from seven different cultural groups in high schools in Australia (n = 4,787), Hong Kong (n = 697), the United States (n = 2,660), and Africa (n = 819). Nested confirmatory factor analyses support a multidimensional, hierarchical school motivation construct. The model was invariant across cultural groups. The findings provide a strong theoretical structure and tool for further school motivation research.  相似文献   

Melnik , A. and Merritt , J. Eds. (1972). Reading: Today and Tomorrow. Paull , M. E. and Haskell , S. H. (1972). Training in Basic Cognitive Skills. Reeves , J. Ed. (1973). A Golden Land. Morris , R. (1973). Success and Failure in Learning to Read.  相似文献   


During 1931–1933 several BBC radio broadcasts invited listeners to participate in what would now be termed ‘citizen science’ experiments. Scientists broadcast on a research topic, and asked for relevant data and observations from listeners. Most of these broadcasts were part of the Science in the Making series. Topics investigated ranged across natural history, meteorology, auditory perception, dreams and social science. One Science in the Making broadcast resulted in an article in a refereed academic journal. This article describes these broadcasts, the listeners’ role, and the outcomes of the series. It situates them in the context of the BBC’s adult education provision, and examines their educational and scientific contributions. Although the broadcasts were considered successful, they were short-lived. The article investigates reasons for this. It also looks at the reasons for the demise of inter-war adult education provision at the BBC during the later 1930s.  相似文献   

Recent evaluations of the state of higher education have suggested that students must not only learn subject matter content but must be able to think with it. Professors in tertiary education expect that their students will come equipped to handle certain kinds of information and certain kinds of learning tasks. To describe their expectations, faculty use phrases such as the ability to think logically, or to do independent work, or to use abstract terms. But to what extent do they suppose that their students will be able to think? In a study of some learning tasks in the university, professors from three universities and six different disciplines, representatives of the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities, pure and applied, were interviewed. Faculty expectations of students’ ability to think logically, independently, and abstractly were analysed to show consistencies and differences across disciplines.  相似文献   

STUDIES IN INTERPRETATION. Edited by Esther M. Doyle and Virginia Hastings Floyd. Amsterdam: Rodopi N.V., 1972 (also available at the SCA National Office) pp. 362. $22.00; paper $15.50.

THE MAKING OF HOMERIC VERSE: THE COLLECTED PAPERS OF MILMAN PARRY. Edited and with an Introduction by Adam Parry. Oxford: Claredon Press, 1971; pp. lxii+483. $19.25.

THE PERCEPTION AND EVOCATION OF LITERATURE. By Leland H. Roloff. Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1973; pp. 376. $7.50.

INTERPRETATION: AN APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF LITERATURE. By Joanna H. Maclay and Thomas O. Sloan. New York: Random House, 1972; pp. xv+398. $8.95.

THE SPEECHES IN VERGIL'S AENEID. By Gilbert Highet. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1972; pp. ix+380. $14.50.

FILMGUIDE TO La Passion De Jeanne D'Arc. By David Bordwell. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973; pp. vii+83. $5.00; paper $1.75.

FILMGUIDE TO The Grapes of Wrath. By Warren French. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973; pp. vii+87. $5.00; paper $1.75.

FILMGUIDE TO 2001: A Space Odyssey. By Carolyn Geduld. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973; pp. vii+87. $5.00; paper $1.75.

FILMGUIDE TO Psycho. By James Naremore. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973; pp. vii+87. 55.00; paper $1.75.

FILMGUIDE. TO The General. By E. Rubinstein. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973; pp. vii+83. $5.00; paper $1.75.

FOCUS ON THE BIRTH OF A NATION. Edited and with Introduction by Fred Silva. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1971; pp. vii+184. $5.95; paper $2.45.

THE PEOPLE'S FILMS: A POLITICAL HISTORY OF U.S. GOVERNMENT MOTION PICTURES. By Richard Dyer MacCann. Introduction by A. William Bluem. New York: Hastings House, 1973; pp. xviii+238, $11.50; paper $6.75.

THE POLITICS OF BROADCAST REGULATION. By Erwin G. Krasnow and Lawrence D. Longley. New York: St. Martins Press, 1973: pp. vii+150. $8.50.

THE POLITICS OF BROADCASTING: ALFRED duPONT‐COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY SURVEY OF BROADCAST JOURNALISM: 1971–1972. Edited and with Introduction by Marvin Barrett. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1973; pp. vi+247. $5.95.

THE MASS MEDIA: STUDIES IN CONTEMPORARY EUROPE. By Stuart Hood. London: The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1972; pp. 96. Paper $2.75.

PEACE MOVEMENTS IN AMERICA Edited and with Introduction by Charles Chatfield. New York: Schocken Books, 1973; pp. xxxii+ 191. $7.50; paper $3.95.

SOCIAL CONFLICT AND SOCIAL MOVE. MENTS. By Anthony Oberschall. Englewood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1973; pp. xi+371. $9.95.

A MINORITY OF MEMBERS: WOMEN IN THE U.S. CONGRESS. By Hope Chamberlain. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1973; pp. ix+374; $10.00.

WOMEN AND THE “EQUAL RIGHTS” AMENDMENT: SENATE SUBCOMMITTEE HEARINGS ON THE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT, 91st. CONGRESS. Edited by Catherine Stimpson in conjunction with the Congressional Information Service, Washington, D.C. New York: R. R. Bowker Company, 1972; pp. xvi+538. $12.95.

AN INTRODUCTION TO QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR HISTORIANS. By Roderick Floud. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1973; pp. ix+220. $7.50.

THE MIND OF ADOLF HITLER: THE SECRET WARTIME REPORT. By Walter C. Langer. Foreword by William L. Langer. Afterword by Robert G. L. Waite. New York: Basic Books, 1972; pp. x+269. $10.00.

WIE HITLER SPRACH UND SCHRIEB: ZUR PSYCHOLOGIE UND PROSODIK DER FASCHISTISCHEN RHETORIK. By Cornelius Schnauber. Frankfurt (M): Athenäum Verlag (Schriften zur Literatur, 20), 1972; pp. x+149. Paper 12.80 DM.

BELIEF, LANGUAGE, AND EXPERIENCE. By Rodney Needham. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1973; pp. xvii+269. $10.00.

LAW, LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION. By Walter Probert. Foreword by Harold P. Lasswell. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 1972; pp. xxviii+376. $13.50.

LANGUAGE: CONCEPTS AND PROCESSES. Edited by Joseph A. DeVito. Englewood‐Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1973; pp. xii+307. $8.95: paper $4.95.

COMING TO TERMS WITH LANGUAGE: AN ANTHOLOGY. Edited by Raymond D. Liedlich. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1973; pp. xi+289. Paper $4.95.

THE MODIFICATION OF LANGUAGE BEHAVIOR. Edited and with Introduction by Benjamin B. Lahey. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 1973; pp. xiii+322. $11.95; paper $6.95.

CONFLICT RESOLUTION THROUGH COMMUNICATION. Edited by Fred E. Jandt. Foreword by Gerald R. Miller. New York: Harper &; Row, Publishers, Inc., 1973; pp. xv+473. Paper $5.25.

NEW TECHNIQUES OF PERSUASION. By Gerald R. Miller and Michael Burgoon. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1973; pp. vii+120. Paper $2.50.

THE HUMAN TRANSACTION: FACETS, FUNCTIONS, AND FORMS OF INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION. By R. Wayne Pace and Robert R. Boren. Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresnun and Company, 1973; pp. xvii+398. $5.95.

FACE TO FACE: THE SMALL GROUP EXPERIENCE AND INTERPERSONAL GROWTH. By Gerard Egan. Monterey, California: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1973; pp. viii+162. Paper $3.50.

COMMUNICATION IN PULPIT AND PARISH. By Merrill R. Abbey. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1973; pp. 237. $7.95.

BASIC READINGS IN COMMUNICATION THEORY. Edited and with Introduction by C. David Mortensen. New York: Harper &; Row Publishers, 1973; pp. vii+358. Paper $4.95.

COMMUNICATING INTERPERSONALLY: A READER. Edited by R. Wayne Pace, Brent D. Peterson and Terrence R. Radcliffe. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., 1973; pp. xi+272. Paper $4.95.

CONCEPTS IN COMMUNICATION. Edited by Jimmie D. Trent, Judith S. Trent and Daniel J. O'Neill. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1973; pp. xii+319. Paper $5.25.

THE STUDY OF HUMAN COMMUNICATION. By Nan Lin. Indianapolis, Ind.: The Bobbs‐Merrill Company, Inc., 1973; pp. xiii+247. Paper $3.25.

GUERRILLA THEATRE: SCENARIOS FOR REVOLUTION. By John Weisman. New York: Anchor Press, 1973; pp. 216. Paper $3.50.

STAGE DESIGN THROUGHOUT THE WORLD SINCE 1960. Edited by René Hainaux and Christiane Fraipont with technical advice by Yves‐Bonnat. Foreword by Paul‐Louis Mignon. New York: Theatre Arts Books, 1973; pp. 239. $39.95.

EDUCATIONAL THEATRE MANAGEMENT. By John E. Clifford. Skokie, Illinois: National Textbook Company, 1972; pp. 236. $9.95.  相似文献   

The learning cycle is a method of teaching—it is also a curriculum organization principle and is derived directly from the mental functioning model invented by Piaget. Although Jean Piaget contributed to the formation of the learning cycle (Piaget, 1973), its present structure has to be attributed to Dr. Robert Karplus and the persons who developed the materials of the Science Curriculum Improvement Study (SCIS). It was through the SCIS activities that many of us learned how to develop curricula and teach with the learning cycle. The learning cycle is built upon the premise that three distinct phases are necessary in developing understanding of a concept, that those phases have a definite sequence, and each phase has a definite structure or form. The research done in testing the form variable has already been reported in this journal (Renner, Abraham, & Birnie, 1985). This report explores whether or not each learning-cycle phase is necessary in learning a concept.  相似文献   

In the hit BBC TV drama Life on Mars Sam Tyler had an accident and woke up in 1973. Is he mad, in a coma or actually back in time? As the drama unfolds he experiences a world without performance audits but also one without the safeguards for arrest, detention and the interviewing of suspects mandated by the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (1984). The acclaimed series has led to flights of nostalgia, not least for a world in which police could get on with ‘real policing’ without ‘unnecessary’ paperwork. In this article, we will metaphorically go back in time to contemporary and historical practices of headship in English schools. If a headteacher from 2009 were to wake up in 1973 what would they understand about their work, what would be the same, what would be different? What taken‐for‐granted current practices might get them into trouble, what might frustrate them – and what might delight them that they would bring back to the current job if they could? Mobilising Bourdieu’s thinking tools, we will examine these questions through an analysis of published and unpublished texts produced by heads about their work.  相似文献   

Different instructional programs were developed for three mathematics aptitude item formats to determine the relative susceptibility of each to special instruction. Subjects were male and female high school junior volunteers in 12 schools. In the seven weeks between a pre- and posttest, experimental Ss received 21 hours of instruction for one of the three formats; control Ss received no special instrucion. Each of the three formats was found susceptible to instruction directed toward it. The complex formats were most susceptible. Female Ss were slightly less able mathematically at the outset and benefited less from instruction than males. Mean gains of nearly a full standard deviation for groups instructed for the complex formats were considered to be of practical consequence.  相似文献   

This paper is reprinted from Israel Scheffler's Reason and Teaching (Bobbs-Merrill, 1973). It is the first of a number of classic paper which Science & Education will reprint in forthcoming volumes. These are being reprinted because their arguments still warrant attention and they are increasingly inaccessible to a good number of subscribers.  相似文献   

Smith , F. (1973). Psycholinguistics and Reading. Glynn , D. M. (1972). Dominoes. Stott , D. H. (1972). Flying Start Learning-to-Learn Kit.  相似文献   

Colin Ward (1924–2010) was an anarchist and educator who, together with Anthony Fyson, was employed as education officer for the Town and Country Planning Association in the UK during the 1970s. He is best known for his two books about childhood, The Child in the City (1978) and The Child in the Country (1988). The book he co-authored with Fyson, Streetwork. The Exploding School (1973), is discussed in this article as illustrating in practical and theoretical terms Ward’s appreciation of the school as a potential site for extraordinary radical change in relations between pupils and teachers and schools and their localities. The article explores the book alongside the Bulletin of Environmental Education, which Ward edited throughout the 1970s. It argues that the literary and visual images employed in the book and the bulletins contributed to the powerful positive representation of the school as a site of potential radical social change. Finally, it suggests that “fleeting pockets of anarchy” continue to exist in the lives of children through social networking and virtual environments that continue to offer pedagogical possibilities for the imaginative pedagogue.  相似文献   

Background: This paper discusses teachers’ perspectives on learning networks and their motives for participating in these networks. Although it is widely held that teachers’ learning may be developed through learning networks, not all teachers participate in such networks.

Purpose: The theme of reciprocity, central to studies in the area of learning in networks, is often approached from a rational exchange perspective. This study attempts to extend this approach with reference to the concept of symbolic interactionism. The study was guided by the following research question: What is the relationship between teachers’ perceptions of learning networks and their motives for participation or non-participation in these networks?

Design and methods: In order to address this research question, semi-structured interviews among 25 teachers in secondary education in the Netherlands were carried out. The semi-structured interviews consisted of three parts: background information, perspectives on learning networks and personal experiences with those networks. Data were analysed qualitatively and analyses consisted of within-case analysis, and cross-case analysis of interview fragments. Three themes were considered: (1) perspectives on learning networks, (2) motives for participation perceived as rational exchange, (3) motives for participation perceived as related to social order.

Findings: The findings are presented around these three themes. Each theme is discussed in relation to relevant aspects from the literature. Findings indicated that teachers perceived learning networks to be organised both within-school and outside school, and mostly focused around specific content knowledge. Reasons for participation or non-participation were related to rational costs and rewards (such as time, technology, self-efficacy); in symbolic motives (such as joy, sharing and mutual understanding), and also in a sense of meaning that resulted from networking activities.

Conclusions: We conclude that, in addition to social exchange motives, the data suggest that symbolic aspects of communication and interaction play an important role in considerations for participation in learning networks. This may be described in terms of four ‘types’ of networking teachers: the Community focused networking teacher, the Locally focused networking teacher, the Not-yet-networking teacher, and the Non-networking teacher. It is hoped that these exploratory findings could be helpful in supporting the development of learning networks for all teachers.  相似文献   

This study investigated sex differences on the WISC-R subtests for retarded males and females who were matched in terms of WISC-R Full Scale IQs. The sample consisted of 126 children and youth (63 females, 63 males) ranging in chronological age from 7–3 to 8–3, with a mean CA of 7–8. Each subject was matched in terms of Full Scale IQ score. A 2 × 10 analysis of variance with repeated measures on a single factor was used to analyze the data. Students' T and Fisher's F ratios were calculated, and differences between subtest means were analyzed by Newman-Keuls test for sample effects. Evidence from the investigation indicated that a significant interaction effect existed between sex and subtest scores.  相似文献   


Previous research has shown that children and adolescents can progress in the stages of moral judgment. However, in the case of adults, Kohlberg (1973) suggested there might be crystallization after the age of 25.

The purpose of this study was to establish whether the structure of moral judgment of adults could be systematically encouraged toward change. Thirty‐six adults (three groups) enrolled in an adult sexology course were assessed to determine stage level at the beginning of the course, and post‐tested at the completion of the course. Four dilemmas were used: two for general moral judgment, and two for sexual moral judgment. During the 45‐hour course, subjects were systematically introduced to arguments of a higher stage, and discussions focused on the axiological aspects of the adults’ sexual life.

Results show that there was a significant increase in the scores at the post‐test, both in general and in sexual moral judgments; subjects over 25 also increased their scores, thus indicating that the structure of moral judgment is not crystallized after that age. The existence of a differential between general and sexual moral judgments was also corroborated.

Implications with regard to the use of the ‘+1 stage’ technique for adult education, and more particularly for adult sexual education, are discussed.


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