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基于将信息通讯技术(ICT)引入课堂的国家行动计划,是瑞典政府为保障学校之间同等水平和质量而实行的独一无二的举措。1992年,瑞典在课程领域开始进行了一场从教学到学习为中心的变革。这一变革过程中,ICT充当了强大的学习工具。有关学校的ICT课题评估提供了强有力的证据:只有完成学校工作体制的变革,引进ICT行动计划,才能充分支持儿童的学习。  相似文献   

基于将信息通讯技术(ICT)引入课堂的国家行动计划,是瑞典政府为保障学校之间同等水平和质量而实行的独一无二举措。1992年采用的国家课程规定了以教学为中心到学习为中心的变革。这一变革过程中,ICT充当了强大的学习工具。并就此促进了这一变革。为有关学校ICT课题评估提供了强有力的证据;只有完成学校工作体制变革,ICT的引进才能充分支持学生的学习。  相似文献   

信息交流技术(ICT)日新月异的发展对瑞典的社会、学校教育、儿童的成长产生着深刻的影响。为此,瑞典政府颁布了《学习的工具--全国中小学信息交流技术计划》,旨在促进瑞典中小学信息化建设,对教师进行信息交流技术的在职培训。政策灵活,职责明确,教育理念正确是这次计划成功的关键因素。  相似文献   

将学校信息化领导力简单视为校长的信息化领导力或学校信息化建设的执行力是当前信息化实践领域的两种典型误区。本文在综合考察国际信息化领导力的研究进展及我国教育信息化建设的现状后,分析了教育信息化和学校信息化的关系,提出了学校信息化领导力的概念和信息化领导的结构,并分析了在中小学中信息化领导力与创新变革的关系。最后,文章还分析了学校信息化建设的动力系统和约束条件。  相似文献   

Part II of 'Promoting Mental Health in School', which follows on from Part I in the December issue, is contributed by C. M. Hulbert, F. Wolstenholme and Dr. Israel Kolvin of the Human Development Unit, Newcastle University  相似文献   

新西兰政府高度重视基础教育信息化工作.本文给出了新西兰基础教育信息化的基本框架,介绍了新西兰基础教育信息化的政策沿革、现状,以及基础设施、教师专业发展等方面的情况.  相似文献   

Super defines career guidance as “the process of helping a person to develop and accept an integrated and adequate picture of himself and of his role in the world of work, to test this concept against reality and to convert it into a reality with satisfaction to himself and benefit to society.” (Super 1957). This much quoted definition highlights two very important foci in career exploration - the development of career self-awareness and the acquisition of an understanding and knowledge of the world of work.  相似文献   

在我国教育信息化从硬、软件的配备阶段发展到注重应用及其效益的阶段,开展有关学校信息技术应用效益研究的必要性和重要性也进一步凸显出来。从效益评估方法入手,全面剖析国外研究机构对于信息技术教育应用效益评估思路和操作步骤,包括对照定量比较、定性评估及不同方法的综合应用,以期对国内开展信息技术教育应用效益评估提供有益的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to share information about the Costa Rican Marine Education Programme in relation to the quality criteria for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Schools. We found that the application of these criteria is feasible, not only to the organisation and management of schools that are looking to become ESD Schools, but also for the analysis of different projects seeking to educate students from the perspective of sustainable development. The way in which the criteria were adapted in this case to the area of teaching and learning proved both easy and effective, following the conceptual document produced by Breiting, Mayer and Mogensen in 2005. We therefore recommend that proposals of this kind be disseminated more widely and more attention be paid to their potential to contribute to education systems. As to the Marine Education Programme, the analysis performed highlighted its pertinence and conceptual orientation, and provided an insight into the methodology applied during its constituent workshops; however, in this case, the approach adopted was not tailored in accordance with quality criteria for ESD.  相似文献   

英国政府一直高度重视国内教育信息化发展规划与投资,多年来形成了一整套较为科学完善的投资发展体系。该文对通过对英国政府2008-2011年度的ICT投资资金从种类划分、项目设计到指导规划所作的分析与介绍,旨在为我国教育指导部门后期的教育技术投资在目标规划、项目设计、指导利用等方面带来一定程度的参考或启示。  相似文献   

提高学生的素质是信息技术教学新课程改革的重要内容和目的。然而,当今学生普遍认为,本应内容丰富、课堂活跃的信息技术课变得枯燥乏味、照本宣科.致使学生沉迷网络游戏、交网友。造成这样的主要原因是由于教师对该课教学重视度不够,未能积极探讨寻找适合中学生心理及成长环境的教学模式。  相似文献   

一、信息技术在口语教学中应用的实践 1.基于信息技术基础上口语教学环境的设置 多媒体技术对文本、图形、静止图像、声音、动画和视频等信息具有集成处理的能力,使教学手段趋于全方位、多层次,创造一个更适合学生学习口语的开放的探索式的学习环境.  相似文献   

ICT的发展为教育带来了巨变,为教师的能力标准提出了新要求。面向教师的ICT标准研究已经成为世界各个国家关注的热点问题,我国在2004年也适时地推出了《中国教师教育技术能力标准(试行)》。文章就中美英日四国的ICT标准从不同维度进行了比较、分析,并对我国面向下一代教师的ICT标准发展提出了几点启示。  相似文献   

一、培养学生高效获取信息和评价信息的能力. 中学信息技术课的教学,要根据教材,选择适当内容,通过创设情境,激发学生自主探索的愿望,提出学习任务要求,提供学习资源以及学习建议,让学生利用网络提供的资源以及问题、情境进行自主探索和合作交流,培养其综合处理信息能力.  相似文献   

第一条 为落实《国务院关于建立健全普通本科高校、高等职业学校和中等职业学校家庭经济困难学生资助政策体系的意见》(国发[2007]13号),加强中等职业学校国家助学金(以下简称国家助学金)的管理,确保资助工作顺利实施,制定本办法。  相似文献   

ICT和教师专业发展——瑞典案例介绍及理论框架   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
作为技术支持的教师专业发展(TETPD)国际比较研究的一部分,本文介绍了瑞典部分的背景、理论框架以及设计,关注的焦点是ICT与教育领域的教师专业发展(TPD)。其中,ICT被看作是一项能够支持教与学实践的技术。本文进一步的目的就是从两个维度为瑞典的多重个案研究提供一个框架:第一个维度是关于教师专业发展的权属和管理问题,既包括由上而下的政府项目,也包括由下而上由参与者推动的计划;第二个维度是关于教师专业发展的方法或者模式问题,既包含传统的面对面模式,也包含在线学习模式。通过该框架,我们选出了四个使用ICT进行教师专业发展的项目作为案例,并将其与关于TPD模型和项目的不同观点,以及Villegas-Reimers对TPD的新观点联系起来。最后,本文还讨论了这些项目在支持教与学中的ICT应用方面的意义和前景。  相似文献   

The transformative use of ICT (information and communication technology) in the educational setting is demanding continually assessing bottlenecks and conducive conditions with the aim of consolidating the pre-conditions and to dry the drawbacks from their root. As a result, this qualitative research approach employed to explore enablers and barriers of using ICT in initial teacher preparation in the context of JU (Jimma University), Ethiopia. The study employed in-depth interviews with student teachers and teacher educators. Participants' perception of ICT as a vehicle for quality learning and multiple access to ICT use pointed as supportive conditions. Whereas, mismatch of methodologies being used in teacher education and schools, resource constraints, marginalizing teacher education program, unsuccessful experience of learning via ICT, and lack of clear directive and expertise on the use of ICT were some of the major issues forwarded by the participants. Redesigning of the teacher education program in the way of using ICT is clearly indicated, the system that forces and reinforces the use of ICT in place is among the recommendations forwarded.  相似文献   

The study reported here is based on the results of two international studies: IEA's Second Information Technology in Education Study (SITES) Module 2, focusing on innovative pedagogical practices at the classroom level, and OECD/CERI Case Studies of ICT and Organizational Innovation, focusing on ICT related innovations at the school system level. In the paper we analyze the data collected in ten innovative schools in Israel which have incorporated ICT in unique ways and have succeeded in devising innovative classroom pedagogies and school system changes. The major research questions addressed are: (a) What levels of innovation were observed in the participant schools, and in which domains? (b) How does the level of innovation in the various domains vary among and within schools? (c) What correlation patterns among levels of innovation in the various domains can be identified? The results of ten comprehensive case studies of exemplary schools in Israel were analyzed by mean of the innovation analysis schema developed by us for characterizing ICT-based educational innovations.  相似文献   

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