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在加拿大的动物王国中,浣熊被人宠坏了,经常跑到居民家里偷吃的。这还不算什么,如果它觉得你家很好,便会在此安家落户,生儿育女,干脆赖着不走了。陈先生刚搬到多伦多不久,就遇到了这种令人头疼的事,以下是陈先生的自述。  相似文献   

本文介绍了问题解决教学的指导思想,及加拿大问题解决教学的有关情况,如师资培训、教材、问题解决的原则,及问题解决课堂教学过程,可供参考.  相似文献   

In Canada we call Grades Ten,Elevenand Twelve high school and it is very similarto Chinese middle school in many ways.Stu-dents go to school,but many wish they didn’thave to.  相似文献   

加拿大校本课程开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对加拿大安大略省校本课程开发个案的研究,折射了加拿大校本课程开发的轨迹以及阻碍加拿大校本课程开发的消极因素。  相似文献   

加拿大高等教育的突出特征主要表现在:重视国际交流与合作;大学具有较大的办学自主权;高等职业教育发达;校际间合作办学比较普遍;以人为本的办学理念得以充分体现.  相似文献   

从17世纪的新法兰西时期到19世纪末,加拿大社会福利一直处于早期的救济和慈善阶段,涉及的范围相对较窄,甚至在法语地区主要由教会开展救济和慈善活动。尽管当时的加拿大还远远谈不上有效的社会福利制度,但是在欧洲传统,主要是英国、法国两国的社会政策传统影响下,加拿大在救助孤儿、流浪者、穷人和老人以及工伤赔偿等方面都有了一定的发展,这些为加拿大全覆盖社会福利制度的建立奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

In July 2005,Canada became the fourth country in the world,after the Netherlands,Belgium,and Spain,to legalize same-sex marriages nationwide.This new legal status for gays and lesbians has been a controversial issue in Canada,both in the public and in Parliament.This article provides a historical and legal overview of same-sex marriage in Canada.It outlines briefly the legal process of same-sex marriage in this country.  相似文献   

2007年10月3日至14日,傅正泰校长率北京城市学院一行8位教师访问了加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学、西蒙费舍尔大学、多伦多大学。针对城市研究的主要内容、专业建设、课程设置、教材及科研等问题与上述3所大学的相关专家进行了广泛深入的交流,并就教学与科研项目等具体问题进行了沟通与探讨。11月8日,就访问中得到的启示和的收获,学校召开研讨会,现将各位对城市研究的思考综述如下。于岩(应用技术学部硕士/讲师)按照本次出访的目的,首先要非常清晰地界定相关领域。第一,城市规划(Urban Planning):这是一门专门的学科,最初是从属于建筑学的纯粹工程技术学科。伴随着20世纪初西方国家城市化的逐渐展开,美国哈佛大学于1900年最早设立了城市规划学系。演变到今天,已经发展成为多学科的综合科学,包括社会学、地理学、经济学、政治学、心理学、建筑学、历史学、环境学等几乎所有学科。英美国家在大学本科阶段一般不设立城市规划专业,只开设硕士、博士课程。由于城市规划是一项政府行为,是从政府角度为实现城市健康和谐和可持续发展而对城市发展方方面面的研究和规划,该专业的政策性和技术性较强,研究成果一般用于政府决策。该学科的入学学生一般为理科背景...  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review published studies of the English literacy of children in Canada who are English language learners (ELLs) with the goal of understanding the reading development of ELLs and characteristics of reading disabilities (RD) in this population. Phonological processing, syntactic awareness, and working memory of ELLs with and without RD were compared to that of native English‐speaking (L1) students with and without RD. Our review found that ELLs with RD experienced reading difficulties similar to those of L1 students with RD. On the basis of the evidence, ELLs are not at greater risk for RD than their native English‐speaking peers. We propose that the diagnosis of a reading disability can be made in a similar manner in both ELL and L1 students.  相似文献   

The financial crisis in the Canadian higher education system has led to marked growth in the use of part-time faculty, whose interests and powers are strongly differentiated from those of the full-time faculty. The reasons for the differential power and divergent interest between the two are to be understood in the context of corporatist responses to the state in crisis. Under continuing financial strigency, the university administration negotiates concessions with the collegium of full-time faculty to satisfy their corporate interests and maintain the stability of the system. Part-timers, excluded from the collegium, remain peripheral to these corporatist arrangements, their marginalization being strongly related to ideological structures that originate from and entrench the dominant power and status of the full-time faculty.  相似文献   

加拿大教育法庭制度是为保障学生特别是有特殊教育需要的学生之平等受教育权而设立的,在保护学生的平等受教育权方面发挥了重要作用。由于学生受教育权的保障涉及学校的办学自主权以及教育教学专业性事务,对其进行司法审查在我国常常引起较大的争论。本文主要分析加拿大教育法庭的性质、受案范围、特点、运作机制等,希望对建立我国学生的受教育权救济制度有所裨益。  相似文献   

Recent education policies focus on making youth pathways more transparent while addressing skills shortage. However, there appears to be ambivalence about the target audience for ‘new vocational’ programmes in secondary schools and how they should be organized. This paper begins from the observation that Canadian policy‐makers, like those in other countries, have shown increasing interest in bringing vocational and academic tracks into closer alignment. However, drawing on empirical data from a number of case studies of high school apprenticeship, we argue that persistent tensions in educational policy and practice can be explained by the legacy of the historical development of high school vocational education, the ambivalent position of vocational education in the ‘knowledge‐based economy’ and the competing interests of different partners. We conclude that greater awareness of the distributional issues that underlie vocational education policies is needed.  相似文献   

加拿大教育硕士专业学位教育及其特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以加拿大七所大学教育硕士研究生培养方案为基础,较为详细地考察了加拿大教育硕士专业学位研究生教育的培养过程,即培养目标、招生对象、入学标准、培养路径、专业和课程设置、论文要求、培养方式以及指导教师等方面的状况,并分析了加拿大教育硕士研究生培养的特色与优势所在.  相似文献   

论加拿大魁北克民族问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
加拿大魁北克问题是世界民族问题热点之一。章阐述了魁北克问题产生的历史背景,魁北克问题如何构成加拿大民族问题的焦点,魁北克民族问题的进程及其与美国族际问题之不同,魁北克问题的族裔语言象征,以及魁北克问题目前情形。  相似文献   

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