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远程教育的全球化趋势——论远程教育系统(四)   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
开放与远程教育的全球化趋势和现状,在趋同与一体化的同时,多元化与多样化是全球化中同时并存、相辅相成的两大趋势,中国加入世贸组织后,人才共享、教育共享将加速中国的现代化进程,同时使我们对人类明的进步作出更大的贡献。  相似文献   

远程教育系统的竞争和合作—论远程教育系统(三)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
集中论述远程教育系统和院校间的竞争和合作,尤其是单一模式的远程教学大学与同时开展传统校园教育和远程教育的双重模式大学相互间接吻九合作关系,同时还探讨与此相关的论题。  相似文献   

远程教育系统的设计和规划:论远程教育系统(二)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先,对远程教育系统和传统教育系统进行比较,探讨这两种教育系统在构成因素、结构和功能特征上的主要差异。进而提出了一个进行远程教育系统设计和规划的理论框架和实施方案,指出了学生信息的分类、收集及其在系统设计和规划中的应用,以及面对课程和面对学生的设计规划内容。  相似文献   

对远程教育系统的结构要素和功能特征进行分析,特别是对远程教育这类开放社会系统的两个主要的运行子系统:课程和学生子系统进行分析,并指出,以英国开放大学和中国广播电视大学为主要代表的独立设置的远程教学大学成为20世纪下半叶远教育发展的主流模式,进而论述了主流模式远程教育系统及其课程,学生,管理和后勤子系统的特征,。  相似文献   

A number of issues in contemporary distance education are reviewed from the perspectives of distance education as practice and as a field of study. In the practice of distance education, government agendas are supplanted by institutional agendas, the clientele shifts from undergraduate second‐chance learners to fee‐paying postgraduates, and the models and methods are under challenge by the online revolution. As a soft–applied field of study, distance education research is susceptible to externally set agendas and prone to external criticism. Distance educators need to address these externally defined issues in terms that speak to its critics.  相似文献   

自1997年开始招收培养教育硕士,我国教育硕士的招生和培养工作取得了显著成绩。但在发展过程中,还存在需要改进的地方。本文概述和分析了教育硕士的课程设置及其建设取得的成绩和问题。  相似文献   

现代远程教育对电大教师的素质提出了新的要求,电大教师在教育中要成为学生的指导者、管理者和教学的监督者。当前基层电大教师队伍存在如下问题:整体规模小;师资力量不足;队伍结构不合理;专业实践能力薄弱;教育观念陈旧;科研气氛不浓等。应该加强管理、建立有效的激励机制和科研培训制度来适应现代远程教育对教师的高素质要求。  相似文献   


The development of distance education (DE) over the last 40 years is compared with the evolving content of the Distance Education journal during the same period. DE in general has been described as encountering a series of crossroad decision points, and as identifying numerous optimistic horizons beyond them. The decisions made and horizons sought have not always been prudent, however, and the journal’s critical approach and logical sequence of priorities have encouraged DE to avoid ill-considered options. Currently, the journal is challenged with helping the field to overcome mainstream educators’ lack of awareness of the traditional DE literature, media, and methods, and negative reactions to the effects of the massive open online course (MOOC). The approach taken by the journal during its first 40 years will help to overcome such problems and to keep the field on track.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a new learning environments instrument designed to aid investigators and practitioners in measuring and researching the psychosocial learning environment in post-secondary distance education. Using a three-stage approach, the Distance Education Learning Environments Survey (DELES) was developed, field-tested with 680 distance education students, and then validated. The DELES has 34 items allocated to six scales: (1) Instructor Support; (2) Student Interaction and Collaboration; (3) Personal Relevance; (4) Authentic Learning; (5) Active Learning; and (6) Student Autonomy. An additional scale of Enjoyment was included in this study to explore associations between the psychosocial learning environment and student affective traits. Each learning environment item had a factor loading of at least 0.50 with its own scale, and less than 0.50 with all other scales. The alpha reliability coefficient for each scale ranged from 0.75 to 0.94. Simple correlations between Enjoyment and the DELES scales ranged from 0.12 to 0.31, with the scale of Personal Relevance having the strongest correlation with Enjoyment when all other scales were mutually controlled. The DELES, an online instrument that can be utilized by students at any location, eliminates data transfer errors and does not allow for non-responses, adding to the overall validity of the instrument. The development of DELES relied extensively on literature pertaining to high-quality distance education and expert content validation techniques. It treats distance learning as having a distinct social-psychological climate unlike those found in other post-secondary classroom environments.  相似文献   

远程教育中学习不再受时间和空间的限制,使用技术促进学习互动和获取信息;随着学习者需求多样化,这种基于技术的学习急剧增加;然而,找到一个适合的学习支持系统(LPSS)以方便课程学习,仍然是一个很大的挑战.通过相关文献查阅,梳理了学习支持系统(LPSS)的构成要素、功能、发展历程、发展趋势以及现状,全面分析得出系统实现存在...  相似文献   

对于远程教育实质的探讨 ,既可以从远程教育的历史发展来研究 (远程教育的社会实质 ) ,也可以从远程教育的基本矛盾来研究 (远程教育的一般实质 )。由此出发 ,本文考察了“工业化理论”和“晚现代性理论”、“交互影响距离和学习者自主理论”和“有指导的教学会谈理论”等。在此基础上尝试着给出了一个新的远程教育定义  相似文献   

王浩宇  郭晋华 《成人教育》2012,32(10):72-74
此研究对空中教育的缘起、空中教育的特色与传媒进行了探究,进而从这两个方面分析了空中教育的发展。同时,针对台湾地区的"空中商业专科学校"、"空中行政专科学校"、"国立空中大学"三所学校的早期教育发展模式进行了阐述。  相似文献   

纷纷扬扬的清华大学网络学院退出远程专升本学历教育和湖南大学网络学院集体作弊事件,经过一年多的媒体热炒,如今正在成为一段逐渐被人淡忘的云烟往事.不过,令人深思的是这两个轻易被人们放过的不寻常现象,其实还有许多耐人寻味的问题尚未被人们厘清:国内这两个著名211院校在远程教育方面出现的问题,使我们对著名大学致力于远程精英教育的能力提出了质疑,对远程精英教育这个曾令我们为之激动、鼓舞的梦想的如此脆弱感到惆怅.……  相似文献   

解读距离:远程教育的优势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
远程教育是针对传统“面对面”教育存在的局限而产生、发展起来的一种教育形式。“距离”是远程教育产生和存在的基础,是远程教育所有优势的来源,因此“距离”不应成为远程教育刻意弥补的“缺陷”,而应作为亟待深入挖掘的潜力来开发和利用。  相似文献   

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