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Education is the backbone for the development of society. With the advent of technology, it is becoming necessary and being used for the advancement of society. Technology is being used for education as being used in other important fields of life. Usage of technology for education can play a big part in bringing improvement in education For this purpose, this research aims to explore the usage and effects of technology for education. While using the survey method, a questionnaire was constructed for data collection. The sample of the study consists of graduate and postgraduate students from both ODL and regular universities and the sample size would be of 300 respondents (150 from each type of university) who were selected by using simple random sampling. The present study concluded that technology is widely used by both regular and ODL students. This study further concluded that ODL students are more dependent on technology as compared to regular students.  相似文献   

The present study examines research trajectories of 20 academic “stars” relative to scholarship in 20 prominent and 7 elite criminology and criminal justice (CCJ) journals. We employ a modest subset of career concepts (frequency, specialization, seriousness, and co‐offending) to identify divergent pathways open to CCJ professionals as they begin work in academe or subsequently shape more mature careers. Findings suggest that research productivity varies depending on the measure utilized (e.g., type of outlet; weighted or unweighted; standardized or unstandardized). Different measures of central tendency provide different snapshots of institutional output. Publication frequencies are found to be far greater among stars employed at Carnegie Research I institutions. Regarding research type‐mix, the stars tend to be more eclectic than specialized, with indications of a relationship between number of articles published and breadth of topic areas. Future directions for research are also discussed.  相似文献   

I.IntroductiontostudyDistanceeducation ,alsoknownasopenandflexiblelearning ,createsneweducationaloppor tunitiesforthosepreviouslyexcludedbygeogr aphicaldistance ,disability ,strictselectiveentrysystem ,financialandtimeconstraints.TheInn erMongoliaAutonomous…  相似文献   

We have developed a teaching‐learning sequence (TLS) on friction based on a preliminary study involving three dimensions: an analysis of didactic research on the topic, an overview of usual approaches, and a critical analysis of the subject, considered also in its historical development. We found that mostly the usual presentations do not take into account the complexity of friction as it emerges from scientific research, may reinforce some inaccurate students’ conceptions, and favour a limited vision of friction phenomena. The TLS we propose begins by considering a wide range of friction phenomena to favour an initial motivation and a broader view of the topic and then develops a path of interrelated observations, experiments, and theoretical aspects. It proposes the use of structural models, involving visual representations and stimulating intuition, aimed at helping students build mental models of friction mechanisms. To facilitate the reproducibility in school contexts, the sequence is designed as an open source structure, with a core of contents, conceptual correlations and methodological choices, and a cloud of elements that can be re‐designed by teachers. The sequence has been tested in teacher education and in upper secondary school, and has shown positive results in overcoming student difficulties and stimulating richer reasoning based on the structural models we suggested. The proposed path has modified the teachers’ view of the topic, producing a motivation to change their traditional presentations. The open structure of the sequence has facilitated its implementation by teachers in school in coherence with the rationale of the proposal.  相似文献   

Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is much more than a didactic or technological issue. On the basis of contemporary approaches to culture, it is both an agent and a barometer of culture: culture influences the appearances, models and contents of ODL, but is influenced itself as well by the ODL phenomenon. Illustration of the point is made through an analysis of the historic roots of ODL in comparison with Europe's contemporary transnational and technology based ODL. The analysis results in an agenda for important cultural issues, such as the institutional character of ODL, its contribution to Europe's competitiveness, the shaping of a European citizenship, and the nature of European ODL in terms of its cultural barriers and cultural assets. The ambiguity of culture typically emerges when looking at language. European transnational, and especially technology based ODL, may be hindered by the multilingual societies of Europe, and remain so as long as language policies are imposed. It is advocated that language policies be replaced with language management, applied in a creative way (eg, by implementing appropriate technical solutions). The final question examined here, is whether these problems and solutions are particular to Europe, or whether there are good reasons for acknowledging the cultural origins, barriers and assets of a wider ODL model.  相似文献   


This study takes the perspective of an equipment vendor that is providing training on its equipment. The study shows that the total cost of Remote Access Distance Learning (RADL), training provided over a voice and data network, is higher than the total cost of classroom‐based training (CBT). However, the profits from RADL are higher than the profits from CBT, since it is possible to charge students a higher price for RADL than for CBT.  相似文献   

In this study we report some of the outcomes of a study of professional learning that took place in cross school partnerships as they worked towards promoting creativity in schools. The methodology developed by Engeström and his colleagues at The Centre for Developmental Work Research in Helsinki was adopted. This form of intervention involves the preparation and facilitation of workshops in which the underlying structural contradictions that are in play in emergent activities are highlighted and articulated in such a way that participants may engage with what may otherwise remain hidden and unexamined tensions. This approach is based on the writings of the early 20th‐century Russian school of social scientists—Vygotsky, Luria and Leontiev. A principal claim is that the development of creativity requires tools and contexts for such innovatory forms of practice. This study suggests that this claim is a partial representation of the development of creative activity.  相似文献   

BIOGRAPHY Dixie Demagogues by Allan A. Michie and Frank Rhylick. New York: The Vanguard Press. 298 pp. $2.50.

Elbert Hubbard: Genius of Roycroft by David Arnold Balch. Illustrated. Frederick Stokes. 320 pp. $2.50.

The Great Debureau by Francis Kozik. Farrar and Rinehart. 376 pp. $2.75.

EDUCATION Classroom Administration and Pupil Adjustment by Charles Myron Reinoehl and Fred Carleton Ayer. The Appleton-Century Series in Administration. Appleton-Century Co. 525 pp. $2.75.

Fundamentals of Democratic Education by Robert Ulich. The American Book Co. 362 pp. $2.25.

Fun with Words; With Tongue and Pen, Words and Their Use; Better English Usage. A Series of books in Step by Step in English for the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grades by Frederick H. Bair, Elma Neal, Inez Foster, and Ollie P. Storm. Illustrated. Mac-millan Co. 242; 271, 299; 296 pp. 80 88 96 96.

Newer Instructional Practices of Promise. The Twelfth Yearbook of The Department of Supervisors and Directors of Instruction. National Education Association. Published by the N.E.A., 1201 16th street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 379 pp.

Preface to an Educational Philosophy by I. B. Berkson. Columbia University Press. 250 pp. $2.50.

Reading and the Educative Process by Paul Witty and David Kopel. Ginn and Company. 366 pp. $2.50.

The Development of Certain Motor Skills and Play Activities in Young Children by Theresa Dower Jones. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York. 980 pp. $1.85.

The Development of Education in the Twentieth Century by Adolf E. Meyer. 393 pp. $2.75.

Your Career in Agriculture by Homer P. Anderson. Illustrated. E. P. Dutton and Co. 285 pp. $2.00.

FICTION No Arms, No Armour by Robert Henriques. Farrar and Rinehart, Inc. 373 pp. $2.50.

Precious Bane by Mary Webb. E. P. Dutton and Company, Inc. 320 pp. $1.00.

The Criminal C.O.D. An Asey Mayo Mystery by Phoebe Atwood Taylor. W. W. Norton. 288 pp. $2.00.

GENERAL LITERATURE A Mary Webb Anthology selected and edited by H. B. L. Webb. Illustrated. E. P. Dutton and Co. 253 pp. $3.00.

Body, Boots and Britches by Harold W. Thompson. J. B. Lippincott Company, 524 pp. $3.50.

Chip Off My Shoulder by Thomas L. Stokes. Princeton University Press. 561 pp. $3.00.

Figures of Transition: A Study of British Literature of the End of the Nineteenth Century, by Granville Hicks. The Macmillan Company. 315 pp. $2.50.

TRAVEL Finland: Land of Heroes by Toivo Rosvall. Illustrated. E. P. Dutton and Co. 272 pp. $2.50.

Sailing the Sulu Sea: Belles and Bandits in the Philippines by Rear Admiral David Potter (S.C.) U.S.N. E. P. Dutton &; Company. 310 pp. $3.00.

This Way Southward: A Journey Through Patagonia And Tierra Del Fuego by A. F. Tschieffely. Illustrated. W. W. Norton. 354 pp. $3.50.  相似文献   

Using teaching cases in professional education programs has gained increased attention in the past several decades. While the use of teaching cases has been an important part of social work education, the majority of current casebooks focus on micro or direct practice issues and settings. Over the past forty years only four major casebooks have focused exclusively on the macro practice of social work. This analysis of case‐based learning is divided into the following components: 1) the search for practice wisdom emerging from analyzing cases within the context of management knowledge and skills, 2) case discussion in the classroom, including student and instructor preparation, case selection and integration into the course, case debriefing, student‐designed cases, and conceptual frameworks for teaching management, 3) a conclusion that identifies the benefits and limitations of case‐based learning.  相似文献   

Following the first significant research into Indigenous methods of learning, it was argued that Indigenous students could learn western knowledge using Indigenous ways of learning. Subsequent research contradicted this finding to take the position that Indigenous students must learn western knowledge using western methods and so this set the scene for the development of a pedagogy where Indigenous students could learn how to learn. Theorists in Indigenous education began to search for a metalanguage. Crosscultural theorists have perceived this metalanguage in terms of an explicit and transparent pedagogy while critical theorists want Indigenous students to develop their own ways of speaking and writing and to be conscious of how they do this. However, I take the position in this paper that there is already a metalanguage at work in‐between the student and the teacher in the classroom although it is often obscured from consciousness in the effort to articulate valid, quantifiable outcomes.  相似文献   

In the distance teaching institutions where e‐learning initiatives are underway and where the planners and administrators grapple with effective adoption and deployment of technology‐enabled education, faculty attitude and motivation assume considerable significance. Attitudinal pre‐dispositions and institutional and allied barriers (including appropriate policy initiatives) are assumed to play a crucial role in making an effective shift from traditional distance education delivery to web‐enabled education and training. Such issues are especially critical to single mode mega universities like the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). This article reports the findings of a study conducted to examine the attitudes of faculty members from IGNOU towards e‐learning, and to identify barriers and motivators of e‐learning adoption and use. IGNOU, with about 1.5 million students scattered over 32 countries, has been offering e‐learning programs for almost a decade. The findings suggest that extensive use of computers and email has a high relationship with positive attitudes towards e‐learning. The most significant barriers perceived by the faculty included poor internet access by students and lack of training on e‐learning, followed by institutional policy on and instructional design for e‐learning. The important motivators included personal interest to use technology, intellectual challenge, and sufficient provision for technology infrastructure.

L'E‐Learning dans une Mega Université Ouverte: les attitudes du corps enseignant, les barrières et les facteurs de motivation

Dans les institutions d'enseignement à distance où des initiaitves de mise en place de l'e‐learning sont en cours et où les planificateurs et les administrateurs luttent pour faire adopter et lancer des formations assistées par la technologie, l'attitude et la motivation des professeurs revêtent une signification considérable. On a tendance à penser que les attitudes acquises et les barrières institutionnelles ou autres (y compris les choix de politiques appropriées) jouent un rôle crucial pour effectuer le passage d'une distribution traditionnelle de l'enseignement à distance vers un enseignement et une formation assurés grace à Internet. Ces questions ont une importance critique particulière dans les mega universités «univoques» comme l'Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). Le présent article communique les résultats d'une enquête menée auprès des enseignants dans plusieurs facultés de l'IGNOU et portant sur leur attitude vis à vis de l'e‐learning et sur les facteurs de blocage ou de motivation par rapport à l'adoption et à l'usage de l'e‐learning. Cette université qui compte environ 1,5 millions d'étudiants répandus dans 32 pays, offre des programmes d'e‐learning depuis près d'une décennie. A ce stade, cette enquête est primordiale et les résultats permettent de penser que l'usage très répandu des ordinateurs et du courrier électronique a influé fortement sur les attitudes positives vis à vis de l'e‐learning; quant aux obstacles les plus marquants que notent les professeurs, on relève un mauvais accès à Internet pour les étudiants et le manque de formation pour l'e‐learning suivis par les politiques institutionnelles et la conception des cours en fonction de l'e‐learning. Au nombre des facteurs de motivation importants on relève l'intérêt personnel pour l'emploi de la technologie, le défi intellectuel et la mise en place de moyens suffisants pour une infrastructure d'enseignement assisté par l'informatique.

E Lernen an einer ‘Mega Open University’: Einstellung des Lehrkörpers, Barrieren und Ermutigungen

In den Fernlehreinrichtungen, in denen e‐learning Initiativen üblich sind, und wo die Planer und Verwalter mit wirksamer Adoption und dem Einsatz von technisch möglicher Unterrichtstechnik ringen, gewinnen die Einstellungen der Fakultät und Motivationen beträchtliche Bedeutung. Man kann annehmen, dass Voreinstellungen und institutionelle und artverwandte Hemmnisse (einschließlich entsprechender Politikinitiativen) eine entscheidende Rolle beim Umstieg von traditioneller Fernlehr‐Kommunikation zu web‐aktiver Bildung und Ausbildung spielen. Solche Streitfragen sind besonders kritisch bei ‘single mode mega’‐Universitäten wie der Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). Dieser Artikel berichtet über die Ergebnisse einer Studie über die Einstellungen verschiedener Fakultäten von IGNOU in Bezug auf ihre Einstellung zu e‐Learning, verschiedenen Barrieren und auch Motivationen zur Einführung und Verwendung von e‐Learning. Die Universität mit etwa 1,5 Millionen Studenten, die über 32 Ländern verteilt sind, hat seit fast einem Jahrzehnt e‐Learning Programme angeboten. Eine Studie dieser Art ist entscheidend auf dieser Entwicklungsstufe: Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass weitreichende Verwendung von Computern und E‐Mail‐Einrichtungen hohe Beziehung zu positiver Einstellung zu e‐Lernen hatte. Die am deutlichsten wahrgenommenen Hemmnisse ergaben sich durch geringe Internetnutzung von Studenten und Mangel an Ausbildung in e‐Learning, gefolgt von institutioneller Politik und Fehlen von beispielhaften e‐Learning‐Programmen. Die wichtigen Motivatoren schlossen persönliches Interesse zur Nutzung von Technik, intellektuelle Herausforderung und ausreichende Möglichkeit zur Nutzung von CMC Infrastruktur ein.

El e‐Learning dentro de una mega Universidad Abierta: las actitudes del cuerpo docente, las barreras y los incentivos

Dentro de las instituciones de educación a distancia donde iniciativas de e‐learning están en curso, mientras que los administradores y técnicos de planifiación están afrontando la problemática de una adopción efectiva y del despliegue de una educación asistida por la tecnología, las actitudes y la motivación del cuerpo docente están asumiendo una fuerte relevancia. Se supone que las actitudes preexistentes y las barreras institucionales y otras semejantes (incluso la elección de políticas adecuadas) desempeñan un papel decisivo en una transición efectiva del modo tradicional de distribución de la educación a distancia hacia cursos y formaciones asistidos por la web. Esa problemática es particularmente crítica dentro de las mega universidades de modo único como la Universidad Nacional Abierta Indira Gandhi (IGNOU). Este artículo presenta los resultados de una encuesta sobre el cuerpo docente que se hizó en varias Facultades y departamentos de la IGNOU sobre las actitudes acerca del e‐learning y las diferentes barreras y incentivos para su adopción y uso. Esta universidad con casi 1,5 milliones de estudiantes diseminados en más de 32 países ha sido ofreciendo programas de e‐learning desde hace casi una década. En esta fase este tipo de investigación es fundamental; y los resultados nos permiten pensar que el uso extensivo de los ordenadores y del correo electrónico está fuertemente vinculado a actitudes positivas acerca del e‐learning; entre las barreras más destacadas, los profesores mencionaban el malo acceso de los estudiantes a Internet y la falta de formación para el e‐learning seguidos por las políticas institucionales y el diseño curricular para ese mismo e‐learning; entre los incentivos fuertes destacaban el intérès personal en el uso de la tecnología,el desafío intelectual y los recursos suficientes para una infraestructura destinada a la enseñanza asistida por ordenador.  相似文献   

If I lose my key in Canada, for instance, and I search for it in the United Kingdom, how long will I take to find it?

This paper argues that problems in education are caused by non‐professional teachers who are employed when trained teachers move in search of promotion friendly activities or financially rewarding duties. This shift of focus means that policy makers in education act without adequate professional guidance. The problems in education, therefore, result from demands made on mainstream education based on misconceptions about what education can offer.

It is argued that the implementation of e‐learning in education faces the risk of developing on the basis of unproven theories. This scenario increasingly sees the replacement of formal education activities in institutions of learning with non‐formal and informal education practices. Given that the contents and influences of non‐formal and informal education are not under the control of the teacher, the experiences that learners bring to education settings are increasingly difficult to manage. The paper proposes that by integrating e‐learning in teacher education and rewarding ‘good teaching’, there is a potential for a successful e‐learning revolution in education.  相似文献   

Slovenia has introduced the Matura, an external examination taken at the conclusion of higher secondary education. This examination has two distinct purposes: to certify completion of secondary education and to replace all entrance examinations that might be required for selection and matriculation. As Slovenia was the first country in central and eastern Europe to introduce an external examination at the interface of secondary and higher education, its experience might serve as an example to other countries in the region wishing to move in a similar direction. This article describes the new examination that has been successfully administered in Slovenia since 1995, its structure, and the impact it has had on the education system, particularly on higher education, Matura results determining admission to course programmes.  相似文献   

This paper examines capacity development in education in fragile contexts. This is a current concern for donors and development partners, but there has been little work on the nexus between capacity, education and fragility. The paper examines the concept of fragility and the particular problems in education associated with fragile contexts. The key argument – and tension – is that the focus should be on restoring state functions, yet this may be in a context of severe difficulties for donor agencies or NGOs of aligning with the government. The paper outlines some of the choices to be made in deciding on a focus for capacity development in education, examining the levels for intervention (individual, organisational, cultural and political) and the different sectors (administration and education institutions). It provides examples of the different sorts of areas in capacity development in education arenas that would address specific features of fragility, but draws attention to the need for research and indicators of the different impact of these strategies. The paper concludes with an analysis of what appears to be necessary to ensure that capacity development efforts are sustainable.  相似文献   

Integrating e‐Learning in their educational delivery and support processes is one way of strategy formation higher education institutions can deploy to respond to their changing environment. In this article, the focus of such a strategy formation is on three strategic choices: traditional, face‐to‐face, campus‐based education (back‐to‐basics), flexible on‐campus delivery of education (stretching‐the‐mould) or anytime, anywhere education (worldcampus). Results of a quantitative study showed that higher education institutions with a worldcampus strategy differ from higher education institutions with a back‐to‐basics strategy because they have a stronger focus on ‘increasing access,’ ‘offering logistic flexibility,’ and ‘use of ICT for income generation.’ By doing so, these higher education institutions aim to respond to an environment that is becoming increasingly market‐oriented and competitive.  相似文献   


Although many adult basic education programs offer distance learning (DL) for GED (General Educational Development) and English as a Second Language learners, this topic has received little scholarly attention. This article examines the availability, usage, and effectiveness of DL for rural GED candidates in Pennsylvania; students' demographic and educational characteristics and participation patterns; and the perceived advantages and disadvantages of DL for students and education providers. Data sources included records of 24,143 rural GED students in state-funded programs; GED test takers' demographic survey data; interviews with DL educators and students; and a survey of non-state-funded DL providers. The results show that 4% of rural GED students—primarily young, White, low-income women—participated in DL. Rural DL students were as likely to pass the GED Tests as face-to-face learners. Key advantages and disadvantages of DL for rural GED students are discussed. The study signals great potential and need for expanding DL in rural regions.  相似文献   

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