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Owen Mann 《国际体育史杂志》2013,30(13):2187-2211
The Cultural Bond? Cricket and the Imperial Mission

Cricket tours provide an excellent insight into the relationship between the colonies and England during the Imperial era. New Zealand has never had much of a cricketing legacy, but the game was still cherished and English tours were enthusiastically followed because they provided a link with ‘home'. Two English cricket teams visited New Zealand in the Edwardian age, the Lord Hawke XI in 1902-03 and the MCC in 1906–07. These tours were intended to be a panacea for a struggling local game while providing an extension of the cultural bonds of Empire. Both tours were rich in Imperial code and ceremony but their impact was lost in translation. The Lord Hawke XI, although all conquering, failed to win the hearts and minds of the New Zealand public because of a series of on-field moments of poor sportsmanship, and the public response to the treatment of the professionals in the team. The MCC team provided a fair challenge to New Zealand team, but lacked the star appeal of the Lord Hawke team, leaving the public somewhat underwhelmed. Both tours exemplify the difficulty in balancing the ideals inherent in the game with the realities of colonial sporting expectation.

Le lien culturel ? Le cricket et la mission impériale

Les tournées de cricket donnent un excellent aperçu des relations entre les colonies et l'Angleterre pendant l'ère Impériale. La Nouvelle-Zélande n'a jamais vraiment eu d'héritage en cricket, mais le jeu était aimé et les tournées de l'Angleterre étaient suivies avec enthousiasme parce qu'elles fournissaient un lien avec la ‘maison’. Deux équipes de cricket anglaises ont visité la Nouvelle-Zélande dans la période Edwardienne, The Lord Hawke XI en 1902-3 et le MCC en 1906-7. Ces tournées étaient destinées àêtre une panacée pour un jeu local combattif en fournissant une extension des liens culturels de l'Empire. Les deux tournées furent riches en signes et cérémonies impériaux mais leur impact fur perdu dans la traduction. The Lord Hawke XI, bien que remportant tout, a échouéà gagner les c?urs et l'esprit du public de Nouvelle-Zélande en raison de leur faible sportivité dans une série d'événements sur le terrain et de la réponse publique au traitement des professionnels dans l'équipe. L'équipe MCC a opposé un défi honnête à l'équipe de Nouvelle-Zélande, mais n'a pas été aussi attractive que celle du Lord Hawke XI, sans parvenir vraiment à combler le public. Les deux tournées illustrent la difficultéàéquilibrer les idéaux inhérents au jeu et les réalités des attentes coloniales.

¿Un vínculo cultural? El críquet y la misión imperial

Las giras de críquet proporcionan una visión excelente de la relación entre Inglaterra y las colonias durante la época imperial. Nueva Zelanda nunca ha gozado de una gran tradición criquetera, pero el juego era apreciado y las giras de equipos ingleses tenían un seguimiento entusiasta, ya que proporcionaban un vínculo con ‘la madre patria’. Dos equipos de críquet ingleses visitaron Nueva Zelanda en la época eduardiana, el Lord Hawke XI en 1902-03 y el MCC en 1906-07. Se pretendía que estas giras fueran una panacea para el débil críquet local, al tiempo que supusieran un refuerzo de los lazos culturales con el Imperio. Ambas giras estuvieron preñadas de ritual y ceremonia imperial, pero su impacto quedó mitigado por problemas de comunicación intercultural. El Lord Hawke XI, aunque lo ganó todo, no pudo conquistar los corazones y las mentes del público neozelandés a causa de una serie de episodios antideportivos en el campo, y de la respuesta del público al tratamiento de los profesionales en el equipo. El MCC supuso un reto limpio para el equipo de Nueva Zelanda, pero carecía del atractivo estelar del Lord Hawke, lo que dejó al público más bien frío. Ambas giras ejemplifican la dificultad a la hora de hallar un equilibrio entre los ideales propios del juego y las realidades del deporte colonial.

Kulturelle Bindung? Kricket und die imperiale Mission

Kricket-Reisen eröffnen einen exzellenten Einblick in die Beziehung zwischen England und dessen Kolonien in der Ära des Imperialismus. Neuseeland hatte nie ein umfassendes Kricket-Erbe gehabt, trotzdem wurde das Spiel stets geschätzt und Besuche aus England fanden großen Anklang, da sie eine Verbindung zur ‘Heimat’ darstellten. Im edwardianischen Zeitalter bereisten zwei englische Kricketmannschaften Neuseeland; zum einen die Lord Hawke-Elf im Jahre 1902/03, zum anderen der Marylebone Cricket Club 1906/07. Diese Touren sollten ein Allheilmittel für die hiesigen Probleme des Spiels sein, indem sie eine Erweiterung der kulturellen Verbindung des Empires herstellten. Beide Touren waren durch ausdrucksstarke, imperiale Sprache und Zeremonien gekennzeichnet, deren Bedeutung aber nicht verstanden wurde. Obwohl sie alle Spiele gewann, schaffte es die Lord Hawke-Elf nicht, die Herzen und den Geist der neuseeländischen Öffentlichkeit für sich zu gewinnen, was mit einer Reihe von Unsportlichkeiten auf dem Feld und den öffentlichen Reaktionen in Bezug auf die Behandlung von Profisportlern im Team zusammenhing. Die Mannschaft des Marylebone Cricket Club stellte für das neuseeländische Team eine ansprechende Herausforderung dar, ihr fehlten jedoch die Stars, über die das Lord Hawke-Team verfügte, weshalb das Publikum weitgehend unbeeindruckt blieb. Beide Reisen verdeutlichen die Schwierigkeit, die inhärenten Ideale des Spiels mit den Realitäten der Erwartungshaltung im Kolonialsport übereinzubringen.


Historians have almost universally seen association football in the north of Ireland as a divisive influence. The impacts of sectarian and political tensions on the game have been stressed, alongside the extent to which this sport supposedly feeds into existing divisions. Much of the work carried out has concentrated on the last four decades, though even studies outside this period of widespread civil disorder have highlighted these problems. This paper uses the surviving records of the Ballymena Football and Athletic Club, the local press, census returns and other records to consider aspects of one particular Northern Irish club in the 1920s and 1930s. This short consideration of the players, supporters and shareholders suggests that at least in this case football was successful in bringing together and developing cooperation between men of widely differing political and religious views. While the club was a not a financial success, it was a social and sporting one. The evidence available suggests there was little exhibition of sectarian tension at any level.

Le football en Irlande du Nord dans l'entre-deux-guerres: Ballymena Football and Athletic Club Limited - exclusivité religieuse et politique ou intégration civique

Les historiens ont presque universellement perçu le football en Irlande du Nord sous l'angle d'une influence séparative. L'impact des tensions sectaires et politiques sur le jeu a été souligné, en même temps que la manière dont ce sport est censée s'intégrer dans des divisions existantes. La plupart des travaux effectués se sont concentrés sur les quatre dernières décennies, bien que même les études sur d'autres périodes que celle des troubles civiles aient mis en évidence ces problèmes. Cet article utilise les archives du Ballymena Football and Athletic Club qui ont survécu, la presse locale, des rapports de recensement et d'autres rapports pour reconsidérer les dimensions d'un club particulier d'Irlande du Nord dans les années 1920 et 1930. Ce bref regard sur les joueurs, les supporters et les actionnaires suggère qu'au moins dans ce cas, le football est parvenu à réconcilier et développer la coopération entre des hommes d'origines politiques et religieuses largement différentes. Si le club ne fut pas un succès économique, il en fut un sur le plan social et sportif. Les sources disponibles suggèrent qu'il y a eu peu d'affichage de tensions communautaires à quelque niveau que ce soit.

El fútbol en la Irlanda del Norte de entreguerras. Ballymena Football and Athletic Club Limited: segregación religiosa y política o integración cívica

Casi todos los historiadores han considerado el fútbol en Irlanda del Norte como una influencia segregadora. Se ha subrayado el impacto sobre este deporte de las tensiones sectarias y políticas, así como el grado en que el fútbol se supone que ha alimentado las divisiones existentes. Gran parte de la investigación desarrollada se ha centrado en las últimas cuatro décadas, aunque otros estudios sobre periodos anteriores a esta época de desórdenes civiles generalizados han recalcado estos mismos problemas. El presente artículo utiliza los archivos conservados del Ballymena Football and Athletic Club, la prensa local, registros del censo y otros documentos para analizar aspectos de un club norirlandés en concreto en los años 20 y 30 del siglo XX. Este breve estudio de los jugadores, los seguidores y los accionistas sugiere que por lo menos en este caso el fútbol consiguió integrar y estimular la cooperación entre hombres con creencias políticas y religiosas muy diversas. Si bien el club no constituyó un éxito económico, sí lo fue desde el punto de vista social y deportivo. La información disponible indica que en su seno hubo pocas manifestaciones de tensiones sectarias de cualquier tipo.

Fußball in Nordirland zwischen den Weltkriegen: Ballymena Football and Athletic Club Limited – religiöse und politische Exklusivität oder bürgerliches Mitwirken

Historiker haben Fußball in Nordirland fast übereinstimmend als trennenden Einfluss wahrgenommen. Neben dem Umfang, in dem sich dieser Sport vermutlich auf die bereits vorhandene Spaltung auswirkt, wurde das Einwirken von konfessionsgebundenen und politischen Spannungen auf das Spiel untersucht. Ein großer Teil der durchgeführten Forschung konzentrierte sich auf die letzten vier Jahrzehnte, obwohl auch Studien außerhalb dieser Periode des weitverbreiteten bürgerlichen Widerstands diese Probleme hervorgehoben haben. Diese Abhandlung verwendet noch existierende Aufzeichnungen des Ballymena Football and Athletic Clubs, der lokalen Presse, Volkszählungsberichte und weitere Aufzeichnungen, um die Erscheinung eines ausgewählten nordirischen Klubs in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren nachzuvollziehen. Diese kurze Betrachtung der Spieler, Unterstützer und Anteilseigner lässt vermuten, dass Fußball, zumindest in diesem Fall, erfolgreich darin war, Männer mit äußerst unterschiedlichen politischen und religiösen Ansichten zusammenzubringen und ihre Kooperation zu fördern. Während der Klub kein finanzieller Erfolg war, so war er es doch in sozialer und sportlicher Hinsicht. Das verfügbare Material deutet darauf hin, dass konfessionelle Spannungen auf den verschiedenen Ebenen kaum sichtbar wurden.


National identity is one of the most contentious issues in Taiwan. This paper examines the relationship between the staging of the 2001 Baseball World Cup (BWC) and wider issues such as that of Taiwanese nationalism and broader sociopolitical values in Taiwan. It attempts to explain the impact on Taiwanese nationalism of hosting such a sports mega-event. The paper argues that baseball in general, and the 2001 BWC in particular, was a political vehicle utilised by the ‘new’ government to promote social integration/national identity; and it evaluates the responses of the Taiwanese to baseball used for this purpose.

Taiwan et la Coupe du Monde de baseball de 2001 : l'impact national d'un événement sportif mondial

L'identité nationale est l'un des questions les plus litigieuses à Taïwan. Cet article examine les relations entre l'accueil de la Coupe du monde de base-ball 2001 (BWC) et d'autres aspects plus généraux comme ceux du nationalisme taïwanais et plus largement des valeurs sociopolitiques à Taïwan. Il tente d'expliquer l'impact de l'accueil d'un tel méga-événement sportif sur le nationalisme taïwanais; L'article soutient que le base-ball en général et la coupe du monde de 2001 en particulier furent un véhicule politique utilisé par ‘le nouveau’ gouvernement pour promouvoir l'intégration sociale et l'identité nationale et il évalue les réponses des Taïwanais dans le base-ball à cette fin.

Taiwan y el Mundial de Béisbol de 2001: impacto nacional de un acontecimiento deportivo mundial

Una de las cuestiones más controvertidas en Taiwan es la de la identidad nacional. Este artículo examina las relaciones entre la celebración del Mundial de Béisbol de 2001 y otros aspectos más generales como el nacionalismo taiwanés y los valores sociopolíticos en Taiwán. Intenta explicar el impacto que tuvo sobre el nacionalismo taiwanés el hecho de albergar un acontecimiento deportivo de este nivel. El artículo postula que el béisbol en general, y el Mundial de 2001 en concreto, fueron un instrumento político utilizado por el “nuevo” gobierno para promover la integración social y la identidad nacional, y valora las respuestas de los taiwaneses al uso del béisbol con este propósito.

Taiwan und die Baseball Weltmeisterschaft 2001: Der nationale Einfluss einer Weltsportveranstaltung

Die nationale Identität ist eine der umstrittensten Angelegenheiten in Taiwan. Diese Arbeit untersucht die Beziehung zwischen der Ausrichtung der Baseball Weltmeisterschaft (BWC) im Jahre 2001 und weitreichenderen Problemfeldern wie dem des Nationalismus und allgemeineren soziopolitischen Werten in Taiwan. Es wird versucht, den Einfluss eines derartigen sportlichen Großereignisses auf den taiwanesischen Nationalismus zu erklären. Die Abhandlung zeigt, dass Baseball allgemein, besonders aber die Weltmeisterschaft 2001 als politisches Werkzeug von der ?neuen” Regierung benutzt wurde, um die soziale Integration/nationale Identitätsstiftung voranzutreiben. Darüberhinaus werden die Reaktionen der Taiwanesen auf den zu diesem Zweck verwendeten Baseballsport untersucht.


The development of sport in Ireland was, contrary to some arguments, highly influenced by English examples and Anglo-Irish institutions. Trinity College and prestigious Irish schools did have an impact, as did the number of Irish students sent to England for public school or university education. Athleticism was evident in Ireland as it was in England. Although the development of soccer did follow a slightly different trajectory from other sports, as was also the case in both England and Scotland, this does not mean that it departed from this broad evolutionary model of Irish sport. Yet this was Ireland: and Ireland was different. As opposition to British rule intensified, forms of sporting participation took on more and more of a national symbolism. The outcome was the emergence of a very potent form of athleticism: an Irish athleticism for an Irish people.

Les mystères de la Trinité : Université, Ecoles d'élites et Sport en Irlande

Contrairement à certaines affirmations, le développement du sport en Irlande a été fortement influencé par des exemples anglais et des institutions anglo-irlandaises. Le Collège de la Trinité et de prestigieuses écoles irlandaises a eu un impact, tout comme les nombreux étudiants irlandais envoyés en Angleterre dans les établissements privés ou les universités. L'idéologie d'Athleticism étaient naturels en Irlande tout comme ils l'étaient en Angleterre. Bien que le développement du football y ait suivi une trajectoire légèrement différente d'autres sports, ainsi que ce fut aussi le cas en Angleterre et en Ecosse, cela ne veut pas dire qu'il ait échappé au modèle évolutif plus large du sport Irlandais. Pourtant c'était l'Irlande, et l'Irlande était différente. Alors que l'opposition aux règles britanniques s'intensifiait, des formes de pratique sportive relevèrent de plus en plus d'un symbolisme national. Le résultat fut l'émergence d'une forme très puissante de sport: un sport irlandais pour les Irlandais.

Misterios trinitarios: universidad, escuela de élite y deporte en Irlanda

El desarrollo del deporte en Irlanda estuvo muy influenciado por experiencias inglesas e instituciones angloirlandesas, contrariamente a lo que algunos han argumentado. El Trinity College y las escuelas irlandesas más prestigiosas dejaron su huella, así como los numerosos estudiantes irlandeses enviados a escuelas públicas y universidades de Inglaterra. El apego a la cultura física estaba tan presente en Irlanda como en Inglaterra. Si bien el desarrollo del fútbol siguió una trayectoria un poco diferente al de otros deportes, como también ocurrió en Inglaterra y en Escocia, esto no significa que se apartara de este amplio modelo evolutivo del deporte irlandés. Pero esto es Irlanda, e Irlanda es diferente. A medida que se acentuaba la oposición a la dominación británica, las formas de participación deportiva fueron adoptando un simbolismo nacional cada vez mayor. El resultado fue el surgimiento de una forma de cultura física muy potente: una cultura física irlandesa para los irlandeses.

Dreifaltige Mysterien: Universität, Eliteschulen und Sport in Irland

Entgegen einiger Argumentationen wurde die Entwicklung des Sports in Irland stark von englischen Vorbildern und anglo-irischen Institutionen gelenkt. Das Trinity College und prestigeträchtige irische Schulen übten ihren Einfluss aus, ebenso wie diejenigen irischen Studierenden, die nach England geschickt wurden, um dort an einer Public School oder Universität ausgebildet zu werden. Leichtathletik war in Irland ebenso bekannt wie in England. Ebenso wie in England und Schottland nahm die Entwicklung des Fußballs einen von den anderen Sportarten abweichenden Verlauf. Dennoch bedeutete dies keinen Widerspruch zum allgemeinen evolutionären Modell des irischen Sports. Aber dies war Irland; und Irland war anders. Als sich der Widerstand gegenüber der britischen Herrschaft verstärkte, erhielten Formen sportlicher Betätigung zunehmend einen Charakter nationaler Symbolik. Das Ergebnis war die Entstehung einer sehr mächtigen Art der Athletik: einer irischen Athletik für ein irisches Volk.


《Sport in History》2013,33(4):570-587
This article concerns the project put forward in the late 1980s to create a third type of Olympic Games in the French Pyrenees. The idea consisted of organizing a gathering for new outdoor sports (climbing, mountain biking, rafting, canyoning, hang gliding, paragliding, skateboarding, etc) designed as a third Olympic event: the Spring Games (the Jeux de Printemps in French). The whole project was entitled: Pyrénées: Laboratoire de l'Olympisme (literally, Pyrenees: Laboratory of the Olympic ideal). This study, based on written documents and oral accounts, provides details of the nature of the project and the major actors. Complications in the local organization of the programme caused it to end prematurely, and only a first event took place under the name of the Pyrenean Games of Adventure in 1993 on the boundary between France and Spain (Jeux Pyrénéens de l'Aventure or los Juegos Pirenaicos de la Aventura).  相似文献   


Background: The school setting is the ideal environment for encouraging students to adopt health-promoting behaviours (Chong, McCuaig and Rossi, 2018, “Primary Physical Education Specialists and their Perceived Role in the Explicit/Implicit Delivery of Health Education.” Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education 9 (2): 189–204. doi: 10.1080/25742981.2018.1452163). Schools are actively supporting the implementation of health education (HE) initiatives, and the potential contribution of physical education (PE) to these initiatives is recognised in a number of countries (Gray, MacIsaac and Jess, 2015, “Teaching ‘Health’ in Physical Education in a ‘Healthy’ Way.” Retos 28 (1): 165–172; Haerens, Kirk, Cardon and De Bourdeaudhuij, 2011, “Toward the Development of a Pedagogical Model for Health-Based Physical Education.” Quest 63 (3): 321–338. doi: 10.1080/00336297.2011.10483684). One of the biggest challenges faced by PE teachers is the assessment of student learning in the area of health (Bezeau, 2019, “L’accompagnement d’enseignantes en éducation physique et à la santé visant l’optimisation de leurs pratiques évaluatives en éducation à la santé.” PhD diss., Université de Sherbrooke; Turcotte, Gaudreau, Otis and Desbiens, 2010, “Les pratiques pédagogiques d’éducateurs physiques du primaire en éducation à la santé.” In Éducation à la santé, edited by Claire Isabelle, Louise Sauvé, and Monique Noël-Gaudreault, 717–738. Montréal: Revue des sciences de l’éducation). These challenges highlight the need for professional development that meets the needs of PE teachers in regard to the health component, in particular in terms of assessment practices (Turcotte, 2010, “Problématisation: l’éducation à la santé et l’éducation physique.” In Faire équipe pour une éducation à la santé en milieu scolaire, edited by Johanne Grenier, Joanne Otis, and Gilles Harvey, 25–48. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec). However, teachers report that the professional development provided to better integrate health into PE is ineffective (Alfrey, Cale and Webb, 2012, “Physical Education Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development in Health-Related Exercise: A Figurational Analysis.” European Physical Education Review 18 (3): 361–379. doi: 10.1177/1356336X12450797; Makopoulou and Armour, 2011, “Teachers’ Professional Learning in a European Learning Society: the Case of Physical Education.” Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 16 (4): 417–433. doi: 10.1080/17408989.2010.548060). In order to optimise assessment practices in HE, the development of training methods that answer the real needs of PE teachers constitutes a potential solution to this problem. In this study, two PE teachers were supported in the operationalisation and appropriation of an innovative problem-solving process aimed at optimising their assessment practices in HE.

Objectives: The objectives of this article are to describe: 1) the operationalisation of strategies established by the participants targeting their assessment practices in HE, and 2) the evolution of these practices.

Method: A collaborative action research (CAR) approach was taken, and four methods of data collection were used: 1) individual interviews; 2) group interviews; 3) participant observation, and 4) logbooks. The data was collected over a 12-month period, overlapping two school years, and then analyzed through content analysis.

Findings: Results suggest that, despite the planning and implementation of strategies considered effective by the participants, their assessment practices in the gymnasium progressed very little, while their practices outside the gymnasium evolved considerably.

Conclusion: If we want to optimise assessment practices in HE, or teaching practices in general, we must put aside the question ‘why,’ and focus on ‘how’ to meet the challenges related to the implementation of this type of professional development. Bringing real change to teaching practices is a long process that requires an investment of time and effort from teachers, and starts with the optimisation of practices outside the learning environment.  相似文献   


P. Arnaud (ed.), Les Athlètes de la République: gymnastique, sport et idéologic republicaine 1870–1914 (Toulouse: Editions Privat, 1987). Pp.423. FF175. ISBN 2–7089–532330.

P. Arnaud and J. Camy (eds.), La naissance du mouvement sportif associatif en France: sociabilitiés et formes de pratiques sportives (Lyons: Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 1986). Pp.422. FF 128. ISBN 2–7297–02938.  相似文献   

Books reviews     

J. Neils (ed.), Goddess and Polis: The Panathenaic Festival in Ancient Athens (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993). Pp. 227, 24 colour plates, 170 b&w illus. $49.50 (£37.50) cloth; $19.95 (£13.95) paper. ISBN 0–691–03612–8 (cloth); 0–691–00223–1 (paper).

Steven H. Lonsdale, Dance and Ritual Play in Greek Religion (Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993). Pp. xxi + 352. Illustrations, bibliography, indexes. $39.95. ISBN 0–8018–4594–7.

Ramachandra Guha, Spin and Other Turns: Indian Cricket's Coming of Age (London: Penguin Books, 1994). Pp. xii + 158. Rs 100. ISBN 0–14–024720–3.

Robert Mechikoff and Steven Estes, A History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education: From the Ancient Greeks to the Present (Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown, 1993). Pp. 391. $29.50. ISBN 0–697–12159–3. Elliot J. Gorn and Warren Goldstein, A Brief History of American Sports (New York: Hill and Wang — Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1993). ISBN 0–8090–1561–7. Pp. 290. $11.95.

Richard O. Davies, America's Obsession: Sports and Soceity since 1945 (Orlando, Florida: Harcourt Brace, 1994). Pp. 274. $16.00. ISBN 0–03–073332–4.

Ted Vincent, The Rise and Fall of American Sport: Mudville's Revenge (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1994). Pp. 358. ISBN 0–8032–9613–4.

Leonard Koppett, Sports Illusion, Sports Reality: A Reporter's View of Sports, Journalism and Society (Urbana and Chicago: University of Ilinois Press, 1994) paperback reprint of book originally published in 1981. Pp. xiv + 296. ISBN 0–252–06415–1.

Gilbert Andrieu, Force et beauté. Histoire de l'esthétique en éducation physique (Bordeaux: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 1992). Pp. 252. FF150. ISBN 2–86781–125–2.

Charles Fountain, Sportswriter: The Life and Times of Grantland Rice (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993). Pp. 327. $25.00. ISBN 0–19–506176–4.

Peter Levine, Ellis Island to Ebbets Field: Sport and the American Jewish Experience (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992).

Charles S. Prebish. Religion and Sport: The Meeting of Sacred and Profane (Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Press, 1993). Pp. xix + 243. ISBN 0–313–28729–5.

Tom Derderian, Boston Marathon: The History of the World's Premier Running Event (Champaign: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1994). Pp. xxvi + 606. $21.95 (paperback). ISBN 0–87322–491–4.

Kevin McAleer, Dueling, The Cult of Honor in Fin‐de‐Siècle Germany (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994). Pp. 268. $24.95. ISBN 0–691–03462–1.  相似文献   


A project approved by the Philippine Olympic Committee (POC), the Indigenous Tribal Games (ITG) advocates for indigenous empowerment through traditional sports. To accomplish this, a requisite for participating in the ITG is belonging to any indigenous group. Since the audience includes non-indigenous spectators, bringing indigenous players to the fore transports the ‘Other’ to the colonizer’s consciousness that the indigenous player can not only play, but even excel, in Olympic-patterned sports. This article focuses on two ITG competitions participated in by 43 Iraya-Mangyan players of Abra de Ilog and Puerto Galera, Mindoro (2013 and 2014). The findings suggest that ITG enabled a space for the players’ performative (dis)play. Transgressions through neocolonial impositions were necessary in awakening the players’ indigenous consciousness. The ITG advocates sought to empower their contested and tentative performative identities but it has also led to their disempowerment; that is, their ‘inclusion’ has unwittingly, yet also forcibly, ‘excluded’ them.  相似文献   


A growing concern for the establishment of a national system of education was clearly evident in France during the last decades of the eighteenth century. Physical education was afforded an important role in the educational projections of the period. Beginning with La Chalotais' Essai d'éducation nationale (1763) authors began to express more and more support for the inclusion of a comprehensive program of physical education. Gabriel Coyer's De l'éducation publique (1770), Louis Philipon de la Madelaine's Vues patriotiques sur l'education du peuple (1783) and De l'éducation des collèges (1784), and Jean Ver dier's Maison d'éducation physique et morale (1772) and Cours d'éducation à l'usage des eleves (1777) all contributed significantly to the concept that physical education must constitute an important and integral part of any comprehensive and viable plan for national education. Among the most important deliberations of the various French revolutionary assemblies between 1789 and 1795 were those dealing with education as a concern of the state. Legislators tried valiantly to establish a sound national plan for education. The educational reports and projects presented to the various revolutionary assemblies by Talleyrand, Condorcet, Lepelitier, Lakanal, Romme, and Daunou are usually considered by educational historians to be the most significant. Each of these specified that due attention must be devoted to physical education for children and youth. The proposals, the decrees and the debates which they precipitated did much to attract attention to the importance of the subject. It seems most likely that the period from 1763 to 1795 in France witnessed the establishment of a precedent in modem times for the concept of state concern and support for physical education.  相似文献   


The transient oxygen uptake (VO2) response during the initial phase of exercise was investigated in 28 children (mean age ± SD = 10.2 ± 2.28 years) during constant load submaximum bicycle ergometer exercise (mean power output ± SD = 56 ± 4.0 watts; mean VO2 ± SD = .92 ± .141 [mdot] min-1). The VO2 half-time (VO2 - t½) averaged (± SD) 34.8 (± 12.70) sec which is similar to that observed in adults. Examination of the VO2-t ½ response as it related to age (7 to 14 years) showed that younger children attained steady-rate VO2 more quickly than older children (r = .77 between age and VO2-t½, P < .05). Body size, maturational level, exercise intensity, cardiorespiratory factors, and anaerobic potential are suggested as possible factors accounting for the positive age vs VO2-t ½ relationship.  相似文献   

International sporting associations (ISAs) like the International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA), the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) have throughout the twentieth century promoted political neutrality as a source of autonomy. With FIFA and the IOC’s official adherence to the United Nations’ human rights conventions in 2017, FIA remains one of the few large ISAs where neutrality is not underpinned by a corrective on human rights. However, this position is in conflict with the ethical obligations FIA contracted when it was given full recognition by the IOC in 2013. To discuss this problematic, this paper draws upon J.S. Mill’s On Liberty and the concept of ‘inaction’ as a source for ways in which the FIA might reconsider its current stance.

Abbreviations: IOC (International Olympic Committee); FIA (Federation Internationale de l'Automobile); FIFA (International Federation of Football Associations); ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross); ISA (International Sporting Associations); UEFA (Union of European Football Associations)  相似文献   


The making of the 2007 Pan-American Games, held in the city of Rio de Janeiro, marked the beginning of the long transformation that this city would undergo in connection to sports mega-events. This paper revisits how the 2007 Pan-American Games were largely produced under the promise that its legacies, particularly the infrastructural ones, could be effectively mobilized in order to strengthen the chances of bringing the Olympics to Brazil for the first time. Whereas this rhetoric has proven somewhat successful in helping the city to secure the right to host the 2016 Olympics, the alleged connection between both events has shown to be much more limited than its proponents had initially advertized. In reality, most of the venues constructed for the Pan-American Games had to be thoroughly renovated for the Olympics, while some of them presented structural problems and/or failed to meet the standards imposed by international sports federations.  相似文献   


It has previously been suggested that the respiratory compensation point (RCP) and critical speed (CS) parameters are equivalent and, therefore, like CS, RCP demarcates the boundary between the heavy- and severe-intensity domains. However, these findings are equivocal and therefore must be interpreted cautiously. Thus, we examined the relationship between CS and RCP across a wide range of subject fitness levels, in an attempt to determine if CS and RCP are equivalent. Forty men and 30 women (age: 23.2 ± 2.5 year, height: 174 ± 10 cm, body mass: 74.1 ± 15.7 kg) completed an incremental and four constant-speed protocols on a treadmill. RCP was determined as the point at which the minute ventilation increased disproportionately to CO2 production and the end-tidal CO2 partial pressure began to decrease. CS was determined from the constant-speed protocols using the linearized 1·time?1 model. CS and RCP, expressed as speed or metabolic rate, were not significantly different (11.7 ± 2.3 km·h?1 vs. 11.5 ± 2.3 km·h?1, p = 0.208; 2.88 ± 0.80 l·min?1 vs. 2.83 ± 0.72 l·min?1, p = 0.293) and were significantly correlated (r2 = 0.52, p < 0.0001; r2 = 0.74, p < 0.0001, respectively). However, there was a high degree of variability between the parameters. The findings of the current study indicate that, while on average CS and RCP were not different, the high degree of variability between these parameters does not permit accurate estimation of one from the other variable and suggests that these parameters may not be physiologically equivalent.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Sport in History》2013,33(2):128-149

Peter Bishop, Tranmere Rovers Football Club, Images of England Series, Stroud: Tempus Publishing Limited, 1998, Pp. i+128., Paperback ISBN 0 7524 1505 0.

Timothy J. L. Chandler and John Nauright (Eds.), Making the Rugby World: Race, Gender and Commerce London: Frank Cass Publishers, 1999, Pp. 256, hardback £42.50, ISBN 0 7146 4853 1, paperback £16.50, ISBN 0 7156 4411 0. Reviewed by Martyn J. Powell

Fan Hong, Footbinding, Feminism and Freedom: The Liberation of Women's Bodies in Modern China, London: Frank Cass, 1997, Pp. xiv + 342. $54.50 hardback and $26.50 paperback, ISBN (hardback) 0 7146 4633 4 and ISBN (paperback) 0714643343. Reviewed by Susan Zieff

J. A. Mangan, (ed.), Sport in Europe: Politics, Class, Gender. London: Frank Cass, 1999, Pp. 268 + ix. ISBN 0-7146-5 (cloth) £45, 0-7146-8005-2 (paper) £25. Reviewed by Tony Collins

R. Potts and P. A. Croxson, Bibliography of Model Yachting London: The Curved Air Press, 1999, £12, Pp. 149, ISBN 1 873148 10 0. Reviewed by Richard William Cox

Samuel O. Regalado, Viva Baseball! Latin Major Leaguers and Their Special Hunger, Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 1998, Pp. 224, $16.95, ISBN 0-252-02372-2. Paperback. Reviewed by S.J.S. Ickringill

James Riordan and Arnd Krüger (eds.), The International Politics of Sport in the 20th Century, London and New York: E. & F. N. Spon, 1999, £17.99, Pp. x + 254, ISBN 0-419-21160-8. Reviewed by Peter J. Beck

Peter J. Seddon. (Comp.), A Football Compendium: An Expert Guide to the Books, Films and Music of Association Football Boston Spa: The British Library, 1999, £30, Pp. Xvi + 815, ISBN 0-7123-1118-1. Reviewed by Richard William Cox

Alan Tomlinson, The Game's Up: Essays in the Cultural Analysis of Sport, Leisure and Popular Culture Aldershot and Vermont, USA: Arena, Ashgate Publishing, 1999, Pp. xvi + 306, ISBN 1-85742-248-1 (hbk) £45.00 1-8742-249-X (pbk) £19.95. Reviewed by Peter J. Beck  相似文献   


This paper analyses the introduction of statistics in the field of gymnastics and its effect on the institutionalisation of physical education as a fully fledged academic discipline. Soon after Belgian independence, Adolphe Quetelet's research already resulted in large-scale anthropometric statistics – indeed, he developed an index that is still being used and is better known under the name of the body mass index. His insights were applied by promoters of gymnastics who wanted to make physical education more scientific. Thus, Clément Lefébure, director of the Ecole Normale de Gymnastique et d'Escrime in Brussels, set up a comparative experiment (with pre- and post-test measurements) by which he intended to show that the ‘rational’ method of Swedish gymnastics produced much better results than the ‘empirical’ method of Belgian/German Turnen. Lefébure's experiment, which was cited internationally but which was also strongly contested by opponents, was one of the factors that led to Swedish gymnastics being officially institutionalised in 1908 at the newly founded Higher Institute of Physical Education of the State University of Ghent, the first institute in the world where students could obtain a doctoral degree in physical education. Although it rested actually on very weak scientific foundations, the bastion of Swedish gymnastics built in Belgium in that pre-war period collapsed only in the 1960s. From then on, sport science could develop fully within the institutes for physical education.  相似文献   


Sport historians rarely use works of art as sources for their research. The main challenge they face is the difficulty to draw information and insights from the paintings that lie beyond what is apparent at first glance. This paper introduces the art historical methodology of iconological analysis that is of benefit to sport historians. This three-step approach is a tool for interpreting art works and contextualizing them with relevant biographical and societal information that influenced the artist’s life and work. The art work analyzed in this paper is the painting ‘Sports Allegory/The Crowning of the Athletes’ by Pierre de Coubertin’s father, the artist Charles Louis Frédy de Coubertin (1822–1908). This painting was chosen because of its relevance and importance to Olympic history. Up to now this piece has not been critically analyzed in sport history, and hence hardly any documentation on it can be found.  相似文献   


The study empirically tested the postulate of the Developmental Model of Sport Participation (DMSP; Côté, J., Baker, J., & Abernethy, B. (2007). Practice and play in the development of sport expertise. In R. Eklund & G. Tenenbaum (Eds.), Handbook of sport psychology (pp. 184–202). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley) that diversified childhood self-led sport play will beneficially affect future, adolescent intrinsic motivation. Participants were 178 elite youth athletes (age 15.3?±?1.5 years) from several game and non-game sports; 117 were members of the federal state or national junior squad in their respective sport. A questionnaire measured current (adolescent) intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of the youth athletes using the Sport Motivation Scale (Pelletier, L. G., Fortier, M. S., Vallerand, R. J., Tuson, K. M., Brière, N. M., & Blais, M. R. (1995). Towards a new measure of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and amotivation in sports: The sport motivation scale (SMS). Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 17, 35–53) and their earlier volume of childhood engagement (through 12 years) in coach-led practice and self-led play in their respective main sport and other sports. Analyses revealed that adolescent intrinsic motivation was not significantly correlated with earlier childhood self-led sport activities, self-led play in particular, or childhood sports diversification. Furthermore, considering all different types of childhood sport activities together in multiple regression analyses, they did not provide meaningful explanatory power regarding adolescent intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. In summary, the results did not provide support for the postulate of the DMSP among elite youth athletes. The findings suggest that future research may seek to enable more robust empirical substantiation of the DMSP postulate.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(4):457-475

In 1948, the seventh Olympic Art Competitions took place in London. The fact that such artistic competitions were conceptualized by Pierre de Coubertin and formed part in the Olympic program in the first half of the twentieth century is not commonly known. And although international sport historians researched different aspects of the Olympic Art Competitions since the 1980s, they have not sufficiently addressed possible artistic influences for such a concept and therefore treat them as a matter of fact. Particularly the fact that Pierre's father, Charles Louis Frédy de Coubertin (1822–1908), had been a famous painter at his time is overlooked up to now. This article traces the artistic background of the father and illustrates how his profession as Fine Art Salon painter influenced Pierre de Coubertin's concept of the Olympic Art Competitions. Subsequently, the paper compares organizational elements of the Fine Art Salons with those of the Olympic Art Competitions and unveils interesting parallels. Concerning the sources used, this article draws on art history sources as well as on unpublished material which was discovered in the archives of the descendants of the Coubertin family.  相似文献   


This study was designed to determine the effect of variations in knee angle upon static leg strength of adult males when tested in the semi-erect position. Maximum strength readings were taken at five knee angles which were varied in a Latin square sequence in the range of 115°-164°. Application of a Type II mixed analysis of variance design and a Scheffé multiple comparison test revealed no significant differences in performances (p > .1) when knee angles were between 135°-164°. Knee angles between 115°-134° gave significantly lower leg strength scores (p < .1).  相似文献   

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