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The purpose of the foregoing articles is to consider a specific approach to education: a systems approach. A school system consists basically of a collection of individuals connected together through the community. The system may be the entire school, the common room, one class, one class plus its teacher, one pupil plus one teacher, etc. The number and types of systems within a school are many, and because education deals with the brains and minds of individuals, it is dealing with the complex probabilistic system in every person and their complex probabilistic inter-relations. It is an environment in which control is apparent, and, therefore, well suited to a cybernetic study using a systems approach.  相似文献   

创新教育是时代赋予民办高校的使命,也是民办高校实现自身发展的必由之路.但是,目前民办高校创新教育的开展存在着诸多困难现行教育政策对民办教育的不公平,创新教育理论与实践经验的缺乏,传统文化和应试教育的负面影响,师资力量的严重缺乏,现行教育教学组织管理体制阻碍,等等.因而,更新教育观念,创造一个宽松的外部环境,大力加强创新师资队伍建设,建立公平公正的公民办教育政策,加大对民办高校资助,努力避免实施创新教育中理论和实践误区等等,是民办高校推行创新教育的可由之径.  相似文献   

Telling stories is an effective way to teach aspects of nearly every task and domain. However, to be effectively remembered, a story must be told in a context that enables the hearer to index it functionally in memory. This occurs naturally when stories are told to students while they are attempting to perform the task being taught. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to engage students in a task while teaching it, so some other context must be found that facilitates appropriate indexing. We argue that this context occurs naturally in a teaching dialog, called an Aesopic dialog, in which the student asks questions and the expert answers with stories. In this dialog, the coherence of the conversation itself provides a context that enables the stories to be usefully incorporated into the student's memory. The widespread application of teaching through Aesopic dialogs requires overcoming the hurdle that experts are scarce and access to them is limited. Our solution to this problem is to broaden access to expert stories through the development of hypermedia systems designed to provide an interaction that emulates, as much as possible, the cognitively relevant aspects of an Aesopic dialog with an expert. We have constructed a number of such story-based teachers, called ASK systems, in domains as diverse as trust bank consulting, Presidential decision-making, and the determinants of a nation's industrial success in global markets.  相似文献   

介绍了德国职业教育体系和高等职业教育现状,分析了德国职业教育的优势和不足,提出了德国职业教育值得我国借鉴的几点启示。  相似文献   

阐述了抓源头是治理学风不正之本,对学风不正的源头因素进行了认真分析。在此基础上,对治理不正学风抓源头工作提出了有效对策。  相似文献   

英国在环境教育上取得的绩效举世闻名。这既源自于英国是环境教育的发源地之一,也得益于其在环境教育上的积极作为。随着时代的变迁,英国不断赋予环境教育多学科的视景与新的意蕴。投射与浓缩在道德教育领域,英国从环境教育的内在特质、道德教育的自身需求、环境教育与道德教育的共同使命等维度,缕析、寻绎、穷究环境教育在道德教育中的应有地位与价值。相应地,环境教育为英国的道德教育注入无限的生机与活力,构筑起一道亮丽的道德风景线,成为推动英国道德教育发展的一条有效途径。  相似文献   


The Ministry of Education of Israel—through its Center of Curriculum Development—commissioned the development and implementation of environmental education curriculum for grades eleven and twelve in the national educational system. The aim of the curriculum was as follows: “This curriculum will deal with the interrelationships between man and his environment and will develop within students the readiness and the capability for personal contribution and social activity towards the improvement of the environment they are living in.” This aim has been translated and crystallized into a new innovative curricular model which, in turn, determines the characteristics, the processes, and the products of the Israeli Environmental Education Project (IEEP). This interdisciplinary, science-, student-, and value-oriented model is based on our contention that environmental education (EE) is problem-oriented education about the environment, in the environment, and for the environment and the human being as part of it, in which the wholistic, interdisciplinary system approach is used for the analysis of issues and the working out of possible alternative solutions. IEEP is currently in the stage of massive development, field testing, and initial implementation.  相似文献   

美国对德国研究生教育模式的继承与超越   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在吸纳德国研究生教育养分的同时,美国根据自己的发展需要,形成了独特的研究生教育模式.该模式的典型特点是:理性主义与实用主义并存的理念、研究生院和研究生助教制的形成.  相似文献   

A training approach emphasizing the specifics of selection and intentionally structured practice experiences is described. The program is as applicable to nonprofessional as to professional training programs. It is proposed that nonprofessionals can be better selected and equally trained. Research is reviewed giving specific selection criteria on personality measures and on initial levels of interpersonal skills as measured from tape recordings of trial group counseling interviews. A specific integrated didactic (feedback) and experiential training approach is described.  相似文献   

从某种意义上说,教师素质的高低决定着一所学校教学水平的高低。在创新教育正成为我国教育改革主旋律的今天,高等职业教育要提高教育教学质量,培养具有综合素质与创新能力的应用型人才,教师必须具备以人为本和重视创新的理念,具备高层次的知识结构和教育综合能力。这是广大教师在新时期面临的新课题。  相似文献   

成人网络教学模式探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络教育的优势与成人教育的特点相结合可谓是相得益彰,这也要求成人网络教育必须建立一种全新的教学模式。重点从管理系统、教学系统、学习系统三个方面对成人网络教育的教学模式进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

培养创新人才是整个教育工作的重要目标。课外活动是在课堂教学之外对学生进行的各种教育活动,它既是课堂教学的延伸,又是一种重要的实践活动。作为整个教育工作的有机组成部分,课外活动在实现教育目标的过程中发挥着独特的作用。本文拟从如何在课外活动中实施创新教育以促进创新人才的培养这一视角,进行一些探讨。一、课外活动中包含的创造性因素1.课外活动有利于磨炼学生的意志力人的意志力是在同困难和挫折作斗争中磨炼出来的。课外活动的性质,决定了教师只起参谋和辅导作用,而要求学生主动参与活动的全过程。例如,要通过一种文艺形式来…  相似文献   

简要说明了学校教育中的创新教育形式和内涵,阐述了在专业课教学中开展创新教育的意义,重点说明了如何在专业课教学中开展创新教育.  相似文献   

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