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大学生自杀的预防和干预研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对我国目前大学生自杀现象不断增加的现状,参照自杀动力理论、自杀行为的发展过程、自杀人群的特征以及一些共同的线索和暗示提出一套有效的预防和干预措施,对于促进大学生健康人格的培养,最大限度地降低该人群自杀率是十分必要的。  相似文献   

In this article, I argue that poetic inquiry is a valuable method for producing knowledge that complements current research into ‘what works’ in reintegrating young people into secondary education. Researching ‘what works’ and ‘finding effects’ leads to insight into which interventions and tools are the focus of the research, and effectiveness is the goal. In contrast, poetic inquiry shifts the focus from the tools and interventions to the young people and their experience of their situation, the system, and opportunities. The goal is a more general understanding, rather than an assessment of effectiveness. I argue that as a qualitative research method, poetic inquiry can evoke emotion and illuminate the polyvocality of experience, which is important when understanding these young people. By use of poetic examples, the article demonstrates how the young people have pronounced experiences of deficiency, uncertainty, failure, but also of hope, certainty, and belonging.  相似文献   

The philosophical foundation for teaching art criticism in schools has been dominated by formalist and expressionist aesthetics, while from a practical point of view it has been influenced by art criticism models that emphasise observation and linguistic practices. Instead of asking students to observe an artwork and make verbal or written statements, George Geahigan proposed an inquiry‐based art criticism learning model that engages students in personal response, research, and aesthetic concept and perceptual skill acquisition activities. Using inquiry‐based art criticism as a foundation for curriculum development and connecting the model to authentic situations in schools, the present study investigated the effectiveness of the model on student learning. Fifteen secondary school teachers were invited to participate. Eight teachers taught the experimental group (n=85) with inquiry‐based curriculum plans and the other seven teachers taught the control group (n=82) with their own school curriculum plans. Students of both groups were asked to write an art criticism essay before and after the implementation of the curriculum plans. The results demonstrated that the overall improvement of the experimental group after one academic year was significantly greater than that of the control group. This article reports on the theoretical framework, methodology and results of the study. It was found that the inquiry‐based approach was a successful strategy in improving students’ skills in analysing, judging and using aesthetic and contextual knowledge in art criticism writing. The discussion focuses on the improvements that were made in the art criticism essays of the experimental group.  相似文献   

2001年,我国正式启动了以《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》为标志的新一轮基础教育课程改革。大力提倡培养学生的独立性和自主性,引导学生质疑、调查、探究。探究学习模式成为我国新一轮基础教育课程改革的重点之一。本文首先阐述了在中学体育课学习中采用探究学习模式的意义。其次,从让学生真正成为学习的主体,让学生在创造性活动中学习,加强中学体育教师素质培养等方面,对如何在中学体育教学中应用探究学习模式提出了自己的建议和看法,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

信念是高校青年的重要精神支柱.做好理想信念教育,对于传播社会主义核心价值理念,确立科学的世界现、人生现和价值观具有重要意义.当代高校“80后”、“90后”青年(包括青年教师与大学生)理想信念受文化背景的影响,经历了与社会整体的主流价值观统一、分离和相对独立的发展过程,要进一步确立并巩固青年一代崇高的理想信念,就必须切实加强社会主义核心价值观教育,做到“四个始终坚持”、落实“四项结合”,重点加强大学精神教育.  相似文献   

International concern about youth suicide has led to a growing consensus that schools are a potentially important location for suicide prevention efforts. The present study investigated the experiences and perceptions of teachers regarding a role in youth suicide prevention through semi-structured interviews which were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Three themes are reported which contribute to an understanding of the construction of teacher efficacy in relation to a role in suicide prevention: baseline mastery, threats to efficacy and tension between personal and professional identities. The results indicate a mix of positive and negative experiences relating to personal, process and systemic factors. Positive elements were associated with the pastoral role. Negative experiences related to referral pathways and broader systems of care. Implications for the development of school-based suicide prevention programmes and for conceptualising processes of change in school systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Participation in inquiry-based science education, which focuses on student-constructed learning, has been linked to academic success. Whereas the benefits of this type of science education are evident, access to such high-quality science curriculum and programming is not equitable. Black and Latino students in particular have less access to supplementary science programming, and fewer opportunities to engage in inquiry-based education. This paper describes outcomes associated with an inquiry-based out-of-school time science education program, Nuestro Futuro: Applied Science Education to Engage Black and Latino Youth (NFASE), which sought to build the capacity of middle school students of color to ‘think’ like health scientists from diverse disciplinary perspectives. The program was designed with the intent of (1) improving student attitudes toward and motivation for science and (2) increasing active and engaged citizenship (AEC). NFASE students explored health inequity and the social determinants of health locally and engaged in developing health promotion, outreach and education efforts targeted to their peers, parents/families, and community. Interest in the program was high overall, but implementation was not without challenges. Although evaluation outcomes indicate that there were no statistically significant changes in science-related attitudes or motivation, students reported significant increases in neighborhood social connection, as well as overall AEC.  相似文献   

This ethnographic case study examines how Black educators at an urban middle school enacted critical place pedagogies in order to create a sense of community – that is, a sense of belonging to the place of school – and mutual nurturing between people and space in an attempt to transform how their Black males experienced school. Educators at Starks Middle School did this in order to subvert the failure narrative that describes negative schooling experiences and the ultimate failure of Black boys across this nation. Place pedagogies of Starks Middle School – the signs, symbols, text, pictures, and affirmations used to educate, encourage, and inspire students – were enacted in order to reimagine school space for their Black male students.  相似文献   

毛泽东非常重视对青年的培养教育工作,提出了要使青年树立正确的世界观,要努力引导青年学习科学文化知识,要使青年和工农相结合,要使青年到实践中接受锻炼,要对青年进行艰苦奋斗教育等一系列方针和方法。这些方针和方法对我们做好今天的青年工作仍然具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

结合国内外高校研究生教育的现状,针对普通高校研究生教学中存在的问题,提出了多角度、多种方法协同培养的教学设想,以最大限度地挖掘学生的潜力,培养研究生的创新意识和创新技能,该教学模式对培养研究生的自主学习意识和探索能力将起到很好的引导作用。  相似文献   

Pre‐service teacher education in England has been essentially school‐based since 1992. The article offers a critique of this design from the perspective of a practitioner and researcher working in one of its most influential schemes. The fundamental problem described concerns an impoverished understanding of experience that underpins how beginning teachers are intended to learn in schools. The problem is not one of evaluating experience as adequate in terms of exemplary practices, but about the capacity within the teacher education system for critically examining the meaning of experience in order to develop professional knowledge. The article suggests that the ontological and epistemological dimensions of experience need to be brought into a dialogue if the potential of experiential learning for pre‐service teachers is to be realised.  相似文献   

专业学位硕士研究生校企合作培养案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,专业学位硕士招生规模不断扩大,但对其培养还缺乏经验。为了对专业学位硕士特别是工程硕士培养进行探索,通过对专业学位硕士校企合作培养案例的效果满意度调查,分析和总结了合作培养出现问题的原因及取得良好培养效果的必要因素:企业研发方向与学生培养方向一致,导师进入企业指导,有合作科研项目支持。  相似文献   


This article discusses ethical issues involved in facilitating the research of young people on controversial issues. This article considers the potential ethical dilemmas of teachers facilitating a particular form of activism – youth participatory action research (YPAR). We consider how teachers foster school-wide conversations on difficult issues and support students who wish to take a critical stand on issues of race, class and gender. The article also discusses how to scaffold the exploration of topics that require emotional maturity and might lead to shifts in beliefs that run counter to the values of one’s family.  相似文献   

In the European Union (EU) context, learning abroad mobility (LAM) also includes non-formal learning activities. Young people can participate in LAM whether they are in tertiary education or not. Nevertheless, studies focusing on the participation of out-of-higher-education (Out-HE) youth in LAM are often scarce. The current study aims to explore the role of several sociodemographic factors in participation in LAM among Out-HE youth, based on the analysis of a large-scale survey conducted across EU member countries. Findings show that Out-HE youth is less likely to participate in LAM than the youth in higher education as expected. However, some socioeconomic factors, such as gender and age, play different roles among Out-HE youth and the youth in higher education in old (EU15) and new member countries (NMS) of the EU.  相似文献   

Experiences of maltreatment during childhood and the emergence of sexuality during adolescence are both critical developmental issues that intersect in meaningful ways, yet the two are often isolated from each other in practice. Despite the prevalence of childhood maltreatment, sexuality education does not accommodate young people with trauma histories. This results in curricula and content that ignore the particular needs and experiences of a proportion of students in sexuality education classrooms. Trauma interventions commit a similar oversight by neglecting the prospects for positive, growth-promoting sexual experiences and relationships among young people who have been abused. The failure to account for young people's resilience in the sexual domain results in treatment approaches that emphasise sexual risks (e.g. revictimisation) and problem behaviours to the exclusion of guidance in cultivating positive sexualities. Consequently, many forms of sexuality education and maltreatment interventions may be of limited effectiveness and relevance in promoting the future sexual well-being of young people with histories of trauma. To redress this gap, we advocate for trauma-informed sexuality education, an approach that acknowledges past experiences of abuse, the promise of resilience, and young people's right to positive sexualities.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings of a case study carried out in two elementary mainstream schools in Turkey. The main aim of the study was to investigate the role of identification and school management within the process of educating students with learning disabilities in mainstream schools. Interviews with stakeholders, observations and documentary analysis yielded the following broad themes: (a) referral and identification was often carried out with little consideration of preventive and holistic approaches; (b) identification based on narrow assessment guided the educational content, influenced school climate and teacher practices and (c) school management bodies assumed little responsibility to plan, coordinate and evaluate the education provided to students with learning disabilities. Outcomes of this study can guide good practice and policy regarding identification and school management in Turkey as well as other countries going through similar processes in terms of educating students with learning disabilities in mainstream schools.  相似文献   

试论高校体育课中的探究式教学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高校体育课实施探究式教学,其效果明显优于传统教学法。体育课探究式教学改变了传统教学法统一化和单一化的单向传习模式,其基本教学程序应为:创设情境,提出问题;搜集资料和信息;引出假设,进行实验探究,论证;整合、归纳、迁移、应用。  相似文献   

This paper reports insights into the nature and practices of inclusive schools in India using a case study methodology. Being a signatory of the Salamanca Statement, the Government of India has undertaken to implement an inclusive system of education in schools. An initial survey conducted to identify sample inclusive schools showed that inclusive education is being adopted by many schools on a superficial level. In fact, it was found that the term ‘inclusive school’ was more of an ornamental name used to create an impression of inclusion. Deliberations with the managements and teachers of these schools revealed that the concept was being adopted and implemented in Indian mainstream schools albeit in the absence of any clearly defined ideas on the subject. An in-depth exploration was undertaken into the inclusive practices followed in two case-study schools. Interviews were conducted with the school heads, class teachers, students and their parents. This was accompanied by observations of the practices followed by the so-called inclusive schools. Data thus collected were analysed using qualitative analysis. Results of the study demonstrate lack of resources, infrastructure, teaching practices, curricular and co-curricular activities which if incorporated would actually bring about inclusive practices beneficial to students of diverse needs. The paper concludes with policy proposals with respect to a clear definition of the concept of inclusive education and the various provisions that should be made available in the inclusive schools.  相似文献   

This article explores the mixed fortunes of historical inquiry as a method in educational studies and exposes evidence for the neglect of this method in religious education research in particular. It argues that historical inquiry, as a counterpart to other research methods, can add depth and range to our understanding of education, including religious education, and can illuminate important longer‐term, broader and philosophical issues. The article also argues that many historical voices have remained silent in the existing historiography of religious education because such historiography is too generalised and too biased towards the development of national policy and curriculum and pedagogical theory. To address this limitation in educational research, this article promotes rigorous historical studies that are more substantially grounded in the appropriate historiographical literature and utilise a wide range of original primary sources. Finally, the article explores a specific example of the way in which a historical approach may be fruitfully applied to a particular contemporary debate concerning the nature and purpose of religious education.  相似文献   

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