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奥运会为中国体育政策的发展留下了宝贵遗产,特别是北京冬奥会的申办和筹备不仅加快了大众参与冰雪运动的相关政策制定及议程落实,也进一步丰富了奥运遗产的积淀。我国体育政策正在构建“多元的”“现实主义的”奥运话语体系,相比北京夏奥会,冬奥会的政策遗产更清晰,也更具可持续性。采用内容分析法和扎根理论,选取与2008年北京夏奥会和2022年北京冬奥会相关的国家层面体育政策(2001—2021年)进行分析,阐述北京夏冬奥运会影响我国国家体育政策的演进历程及时代特征的逻辑关系。研究认为,以北京夏冬奥运会为导向的国家体育政策演进呈现出3个特色鲜明的时代特征:北京夏奥会促进体育功能价值逐渐扩大(2001—2008年);北京夏奥会助力体育强国战略的开启(2009—2014年);北京冬奥会推动体育在国家经济社会发展的多元价值升级(2015—2021年)。  相似文献   

The management of the Olympic Games has changed significantly since the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games. The introduction of commercialisation probably saved the Olympic Games from a fateful crisis. It brought financial stability and attracted cities to bid for the Games. On the other hand, the impact of hosting the Olympic Games increased as more stakeholders became involved in its management. In addition, the global community became concerned about environmental issues. Global organisations including the International Olympic Committee (IOC) were required to take actions towards sustainable development. In this context, the debate regarding the Olympic legacy became of interest among stakeholders and researchers. The IOC introduced indicators to measure impact and legacy, which is now referred to as Olympic Games Impact (OGI). However, there are some issues in the current OGI study. This paper aims to suggest a theoretical approach which would contribute to solve the issues by focusing on sustainable sport legacy as an example. The proposed theoretical approach is focusing on event objective and analysing the relationship between sport policy and sport legacy development concentrated on the process and opportunity rather than the outcome.  相似文献   

环境保护,是全球生态环境变化的客观要求,也是奥林匹克运动体现人与自然和谐平衡发展的表示,本文分析体育运动过程中产生的大气、水、噪声等环境污染问题的基础上,探讨了实现体育运动可持续发展的外部环境、实践基础、理论依据和国际奥委会的政策导向,奥林匹克运动与环境保护相结合,能更好实现奥林匹克运动的可持续发展。  相似文献   

论奥运会对举办城市和国家的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
奥运会对举办城市和国家有着深刻的影响。在奥运会初创阶段,这种影响主要限于体育领域。随着二战以后冷战格局的形成,20世纪80年代以来市场营销机制的引入及近年来对可持续发展的关注,政治、经济和环境等维度也进入奥运会的影响领域。本文以悉尼2008年奥运会为案例,对上述影响进行了具体分析。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等,梳理了法国巴黎百年奥运会的创意历史,分析了2024年巴黎奥运会“破墙”办赛的举措,认为:打破奥运会“观赛场地”之墙,开幕式推动城市再生;打破奥运会“超额开支”之墙,多项措施降低举办成本;打破奥运会“碳排放”壁垒,增强奥林匹克对可持续发展目标的推动;打破奥运会“传统竞技”之墙,更新运动项目促进奥运会年轻化。基于此,探讨了2024年巴黎奥运会所面临的风险挑战,提出2024年巴黎奥运会“破墙”办赛的启示:奥运会融入历史文化,推动城市再生;奥运会遵循环境保护准则,推动可持续化发展;增设新潮运动项目,推动奥运会年轻化发展;利用奥运会,增加对特殊群体的关注。  相似文献   

本文主要通过文献资料法,从健美操为进入奥运会的艰辛历程出发,结合健美操自身项目特点、奥运会自身项目设置要求等方面展开论述。提出:健美操项目不应将进入奥运会作为自身发展的唯一目标,进入奥运会并不一定会给健美操带来较大发展。既然健美操进入奥运会困难重重,路途坎坷,不如转变思想,将目光投入到大众健美操在社会发展的影响力上,利用健身健美操的发展,在奥运会门外为健美操开辟一片发展天地,从而促使健美操健康、可持续发展。  相似文献   

South Korea has often been considered a successful host nation after the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games and their apparent positive economic, cultural, social and environmental legacies. The purpose of this essay is to offer an analysis of economic growth as a consequence of earlier Olympic Games and to extrapolate to the 2012 London Olympic Games and beyond to the forthcoming 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. It is the intention of this essay to examine previous studies, economic indices of world banks and reports of each Organising Committee of the Olympic Games (OCOG). The hypothesis is that the Olympic Games have not positively influenced the economic growth of the host nations. The essay explores this conclusion with reference to London 2012. The essay will reveal past negative influences of the Olympic Games and ask the International Olympic Committee (IOC): ‘What is the IOC's responsibility to the host city after the Games?’ Finally, the essay will propose and recommend an economic tool to the IOC to ensure sustainable outcomes after the Games.  相似文献   

美国男篮在里约奥运会上实现了奥运会三连冠伟业,为深层次、多方面的分析美国男篮夺冠的因素,本文采用文献资料法、数理统计法等研究方法对2016年里约奥运会男篮决赛进行分析与研究。研究结果表明:美国男篮的整体实力远在对手之上;在进攻能力上,其投篮命中率以及助攻数处于较大的领先优势;其在防守端的各项数据也处于绝对领先优势。建议加强内线球员的进攻能力以及调整好比赛心态。  相似文献   

A legacy emphasis was one of the fundamental pillars of the London 2012 Olympic Games. The notion of an Olympic legacy was predicated on assumptions that the event's value would not purely derive from the sporting spectacle, but rather from the ‘success’ of enduring effects met out in London and across the country. For physical education students and practitioners, Olympic legacy agendas translated into persistent pressure to increase inspiration, engagement, participation and performance in the subject, sport and physical activity. Responding to this context, and cognizant of significant disciplinary scholarship, this paper reports initial data from the first phase of a longitudinal study involving Key Stage Three (students aged 11–13) cohorts in two comparable United Kingdom schools: the first an inner-city (core) London school adjacent to the Olympic Park in Stratford, East London (n = 150); the second a (peripheral) school in the Midlands (n = 198). The research involved the use of themed questionnaires focusing on self-reported attitudes towards the Olympic Games and experiences of physical education, sport and physical activity. Students from both schools demonstrated a wide variety of attitudes towards physical education and sport; yet, minor variances emerged regarding extreme enthusiasm levels. Both cohorts also expressed considerably mixed feelings towards the impending Olympic Games. Strong and variable responses were also reported regarding inspiration levels, ticketing acquisition and engagement levels. Consequently, this investigation can be read within the broader context of legacy debates and aligns well with physical educationalists' ongoing discomfort regarding legacy imperatives being enforced upon the discipline and its practitioners. Our work reiterates a shared disciplinary scepticism that while an Olympic Games may temporarily affect young peoples' affectations for sport (and maybe physical education and physical activity), it may not provide the best, or most appropriate, mechanism for sustained attitudinal and/or social changes en masse.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the factors influencing pre-service Physical Education (PE) teachers’ perception of a specific constructivist approach — Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) in Hong Kong. By adopting a qualitative approach, 20 pre-service PE teachers were recruited for individual semi-structured interviews. Deductive data analysis was utilised to identify unique themes with broad aspects of influencing factors. Using Piaget's cognitive constructivism and Vygotsky's social constructivism as the theoretical frameworks, individual factors such as game knowledge, teacher beliefs, learning and teaching experience and social factors including government policy, teacher support and professional culture were identified as key influences in pre-service teachers’ perception of TGfU. Furthermore, individual and social factors interplay with each other. In conclusion, cognitive and social constructivism was identified as a useful theoretical framework for illustrating and analysing the factors influencing pre-service teachers’ perception of TGfU.  相似文献   

在当前全球化和城市化背景下,可持续发展理念备受关注,对各行各业产生深远影响。以苏州金鸡湖端午龙舟赛为例,探讨在可持续发展框架下,多元主体(地方政府部门、体育赛事旅游企业、赛事旅游者和当地居民)之间的协同治理问题。引入演化博弈理论、利益相关者理论和协同治理理论,建立了多方利益相关者之间的决策模型。研究发现:政府监管力度和执法水平、企业治理行为、赛事旅游者的环保行为和满意度,以及当地居民的态度和行为都会相互影响,形成复杂的协同治理关系。以此寻求体育旅游可持续发展的最佳选择策略,促进体育赛事旅游产业与环境保护的协同合作,为多元主体环境保护提供有效参考。  相似文献   

通过比较第七、八届全国残运会福建省代表队比赛的成绩,分析福建省残疾人竞技体育的优势项目,指出影响福建省优势项目可持续发展的因素有经费不足、集训时间短暂、运动员老化、后备人才不足、教练员队伍老化、缺乏激励保障机制等等,提出加大经费投入、出台相应保障制度、大力选拨运动员、调整教练员队伍、增加集训时间、改进管理模式等对策。  相似文献   

《奥林匹克2020议程》的颁布标志着奥林匹克运动可持续发展步入到了深化改革阶段。在全面实施可持续发展的改革背景下,国际奥委会从顶层设计出发制定了相关纲领性文件,在明确发展方向、确定发展目标与任务的同时为奥林匹克运动可持续发展提供了思想基础。从组织层面来看,国际奥委会从生态、经济、社会三个方面积极践行可持续发展实践,并通过示范作用倡导国际单项体育联合会、国家或地区奥委会实现可持续发展。深化改革下,奥林匹克运动的可持续发展实践以奥运会为着眼点,通过广泛建立战略合作、制定系列工作指南来保障可持续发展的实施,并强调充分发挥奥运遗产在领域、地域、时间三个维度的作用来实现奥运会与城市共同发展的可持续发展目标。此阶段奥林匹克运动的可持续发展理念和可持续发展实践与联合国《2030年可持续发展议程》高度契合,奥林匹克运动在实现全球可持续发展目标过程中发挥出了越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

Any international bid involves a zero-sum competition among two or more national candidates vying for the right to host a particular international event. Chinese cities in total have participated in the Asian Games and Asian Winter Games bids four times since 1980. Beijing's bid for the 1990 Asian Games; Harbin's bid for the 1996 Asian Winter Games; Changchun's bid for the 2007 Asian Winter Games and Guangzhou's bid for the 2010 Asian Games: not one encountered failure. The argument here is that all the bids were used to build up China's hegemonic status in the Asian sports community with wider resonances for the geopolitical hegemonic influence of China. Evidence is drawn from contemporary literature and media reports.  相似文献   

刘静民  吴佑宏 《体育科研》2024,(1):44-49,57
板球这项古老的运动一个世纪后重新进入奥运会。为什么能快速成长,并成为一项全球化的运动?本文着眼于板球运动的历史渊源和全球化发展,分析板球运动的传统文化传播和演变历程,从板球竞赛的变革解读测试赛、世界杯、亚运会和奥运会,从国际板球组织的全世界发展分析世界板球运动快速成长及中国板球运动的举步维艰,探讨板球运动的变革成长道路及入奥后板球传统国家和新兴国家所面临的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

为全面了解我国武术散打后备人才发展现状,文章运用问卷调查法、文献资料法、数理统计法对参加第七届全国城市运动会散打预决赛运动员的学习、训练的基本情况进行研究,旨在发现我国青少年后备人才资源发展过程中的问题,提出相对应的对策,为我国武术散打后备人才的健康持续发展提供理论依据.研究结果表明:现阶段我国武术散打后备人才发展过程中存在“学训矛盾”突出、课程设置不够科学、运动员对文化认知较差等问题,这严重影响了武术散打后备人才的持续发展  相似文献   

作为国际奥委会《奥林匹克2020议程》颁布后首届全面规划管理奥运遗产的盛会,北京冬奥会提出的“创造丰厚冬奥遗产”理念,在扩展学界对遗产认识新视野的同时,亦为北京冬奥会遗产战略计划的实施提出了新课题,同时也为既往学界提出的遗产层摞与创造理念提供了实践范例。一批有影响、可持续的冬奥遗产价值正在逐步显现,无论是直接遗产还是间接遗产,无论是有形遗产还是无形遗产,均已经或正在对国家、区域和主办城市的发展发挥着积极作用。研究认为,在北京冬奥会筹办过程中提出的创造遗产理念,是以与奥运相关的既往遗产层摞为起点的。对北京2008年奥运会遗产及其相关遗产的层摞,为北京冬奥会筹办提供了遗产传承的基础;而北京冬奥会筹办过程中对遗产的创造,在为其举办一届“精彩、非凡、卓越”奥运盛会提供有利条件的同时,还将继续融入到国家、区域和城市发展之中,成为人民追求幸福美好生活重要、长久的推动力,成为弘扬奥林匹克精神,引领社会文明进步的重要基础。  相似文献   

Scholars have suggested that small-scale sports events may be a sustainable form of tourism development for communities (e.g., Higham, 1999). The purpose of this study was to examine six small-scale sports events and the work of a local sports commission in the context of the three pillars of sustainability: economic, social, and environmental. Small-scale sports events are largely competitor or parent-as-spectator based, often annual, and attract little media attention. The six events were: a marathon, Senior Games, archery, soccer, softball, and swimming. The participants or spectators of the six events were surveyed onsite or online over an 18-month period and additional data from the sports commission, where relevant, were included. Sample sizes ranged from n = 68 to n = 447. The results suggest that a small-scale sports event portfolio consistent with a community's infrastructure and human and cultural capital may be a viable form of sustainable tourism development.  相似文献   

Yu Wai Li 《国际体育史杂志》2013,30(15):1723-1734
The various ‘global events’ China has hosted in recent years, most notably the Beijing Olympics, have sparked debate on the country's projection of soft power and invited easy conclusions that China's global public diplomacy has successfully seduced the world via its rich traditional culture and astounding modernisation. A comparison with the London Olympic Games, however, would suggest otherwise. Not only do the two Games differ in relation to the cultural ingredients combined to create overarching themes, they also reveal divergent public diplomacy strategies pursued by the host countries and cities. China's well-orchestrated and nearly infallible debut reveals its adherence to a top-down centre-driven approach that seeks to project the values and messages desirable to the governing authorities. The British approach, in contrast, transcends the elitist tendency by involving a wider set of actors within and without the government for clauses that extend past elites' interests. As a result, although London's Games were less ‘speculator’ than those in Beijing in presentation, the former's public diplomacy legacy may prove more lasting and likely to gain the admiration of the rest of the world.  相似文献   

通过对城市形象及内涵的研究,分析了青奥会举办对于南京城市形象提升的影响主要在以下三个方面:(1)青奥会的举办对于南京城市物质层面提升的影响主要包括:青奥会的举办极大促进南京市基础设施建试青奥产品开发与合作也将有力促进南京市经济的发屁青奥会的举办推动南京市旅游业的持续发展。(2)青奥会的举办对于南京城市管理层面提升的影响主要包括:可以提升南京举办大型运动会的经验;可以提升南京管理城市复杂状况的能力;可以提升南京市对大型活动的推广和策划能力。(3)青奥会的举办对于南京城市文化层面提升的影响主要包括:南京青奥精神成为推动南京城市体育文化发展的精神动力;青奥会的举办大力弘扬中华体育精神;青奥会可以促进南京城市公共体育精神的培育;青奥会的举办促进了南京和谐社会的建设。  相似文献   

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