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葛现茹 《重庆师专学报》2009,(4):132-136,141
在分析语言教学的作用和第二语言习得的特点和规律的基础上,Long提出了在交际中学习语言形式的理论模式。文章在理解这一模式的基础上,从认知心理角度分析了它的理据性,并讨论了该理论模式在课堂教学中的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

外语教学的目的是培养学习者的语言能力和跨文化交际能力.要达到这两个目标,就要把文化教学融入到语言教学中去,把文化教学的理论成果与外语教学的实践紧密结合起来.  相似文献   

隐性语用否定是汉语交际活动中一种十分常见的现象。它是指表面上不具备否定的形式,只有凭借语境、特定语气、特定的句法格式等手段通过分析才能得出否定的隐含意义。汉语交际中的隐性语用否定方式种类繁多。使用隐性语用否定,是礼貌的需要,是自我保护的需要,是得体的需要。研究这种言语现象,对于指导人们的言语交际实践、提高对外汉语教学水平都有重要意义。  相似文献   

我国少数民族地区民族语言本身具有多样性,作为强势语言的汉语及具有目标语言与工具语言双重属性的英语的介入,使其语言生态环境更加复杂多样,外语课堂教学也因此以语码转换与交替为主线。通过对这一特殊语言生态环境、接触过程及影响进行分析,对我国少数民族地区外语教育中由此引发的几个问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

Humanbeingsknowthewordsofthelanguagetheyspeakandknowtheinformationaboutthewords .Speakersofalanguagerarelyhavedifficultypickingoutthewordsinasentenceofspeechsoundsorleavingspacesforwordsinwriting ,theyknowhundredsorthou sandsofwordsincludedinthelanguag…  相似文献   

影响外语学习者第二语言磨蚀的主要因素包括学习者的外语习得方式、磨蚀前的外语水平和磨蚀中的外语接触、受蚀时间跨度、年龄以及社会情感因素等。外语磨蚀成因的研究有助于我们制定出ESP词汇习得的最佳时间,形成高效的ESP词汇策略训练机制,指导学生树立正确的学习动机并完善ESP继续教育学习。  相似文献   

从斯大林《马克思主义和语言学问题》探究语言的特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言是一种内部结构复杂且组织严密、功能强大的符号系统和特殊的社会现象,不同领域的人们对于语言特性的理解也是各种各样的。通过对斯大林《马克思主义和语言学问题》的研读,从中分析出了11种语言的特性,其中语言的渐变性、非上层建筑性、非阶级性和直接的工具性具有非常独特的价值。这4种特性加到语言的定义巾,语言的定义才更加准确。我们应该从不同的角度去思考语言,这样做对我们深刻理解语言和语言理论是大有裨益的。  相似文献   

全球化势不可挡的今天,我们的语言教学遇到很多新的问题,民族院校面临的语言教学状况更为复杂。要切实发挥培养人才,服务地方的职能,民族高校语言学专业应及时更新观念,主动传递新思想,引导更多的各族学生以开放的语言视野,面对当代语言生活的需要,在主动积极学好少数民族语言的同时,努力学好国家通用语,学好外语;同时通过学生影响当地的社会人群,在民族地区的"语言沟通"和"语言保护"中发挥积极的作用。  相似文献   

"萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说"包括两个基本观点,即语言决定论和语言相对论。其中语言决定论,也就是语言决定思维,由于其过分强调了语言对思维的决定作用,已经渐渐地淡出了语言学家的研究视野,主要是由于其决定作用过于强势。语言相对论即语言反映思维、信念、态度等。跨文化交际学是一门新兴的学科,语言与思维的关系,以及语言与文化的关系一直以来都是跨文化交际学中不可回避的问题,提及语言与思维,与文化的关系,就离不开对萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说的讨论。作者从该假说的语言相对论角度入手,把该假说放入跨文化交际当中,让读者可以更好地体会为什么在交际过程中,语言不同的人,在思维方式和文化形态上的表现也有所不同,希望从此角度给能给读者以启发,以便更好地进行交际。  相似文献   

Many Russian institutions of higher education support the introduction of information technologies, and they actively use them in the educational process. In teaching foreign languages (FLs) at university, the transition to the new instructional model implies the need to actively deploy innovative concepts and practices aimed at ensuring that students achieve the maximum level of English language proficiency as specified by international and Russian standards. The authors of the article investigate the problem of the linguistic persona [yazykovaya lichnost’] and the language system as well as the impact that linguistic personas have on the acquisition of the FL. The linguistic persona is an integrative concept with heterogeneous and interrelated components. The article describes a virtual linguistic persona that is viewed as a new type of linguistic persona. It is characterized by a set of specific features, including special values, a changed attitude toward time and space, a high degree of focus on virtual activity, and special communication goals. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that the use of a foreign-language Internet environment for FL learning in both self-study and classroom contexts provides a powerful tool that allows students at universities that do not specialize in FL training to gain FL virtual communicative competence.  相似文献   

As increasing numbers of colleges and universities require a foreign language for graduation in at least one of their degree programs, reports of students with difficulties in learning a second language are multiplying. Until recently, little research has been conducted to identify the nature of this problem. Recent attempts by the authors have focused upon subtle but ongoing language difficulties in these individuals as the source of their struggle to learn a foreign language. The present paper attempts to expand upon this concept by outlining a theoretical framework based upon a linguistic coding model that hypothesizes deficits in the processing of phonological, syntactic, and/or semantic information. Traditional psychoeducational assessment batteries of standardized intelligence and achievement tests generally are not sensitive to these linguistic coding deficits unless closely analyzed or, more often, used in conjunction with a more comprehensive language assessment battery. Students who have been waived from a foreign language requirement and their proposed type(s) of linguistic coding deficits are profiled. Tentative conclusions about the nature of these foreign language learning deficits are presented along with specific suggestions for tests to be used in psychoeducational evaluations.  相似文献   

对外汉语教学实践中,由于文化背景的差异使留学生在进行语言实际运用中常常会出现诸如某些语气、词义以及话语交际的错误。语用失误分为语用-语言失误和社交-语用失误。通过对东南亚留学生习得汉语过程中存在的停顿、重音、语气、词义等语用-语言失误和社交-语用失误的深入研究,探析留学生汉语语用失误的形成原因。  相似文献   

英语口语交际中语言形式上的性别差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在英语口语交际中,语言形式上的性别差异体现在语音、词汇、句法各个层面。主要表现为:女性语音更趋标准规范、语调活泼多变,用词多文雅含蓄又不乏热情夸张和创新,爱用问句和感叹句,注重语法的正确性,语言的情感型特征明显;男性言语则相对使用较多的次标准语言形式,话语显得直白、朴实、粗犷、不拘小节,祈使句和陈述句相对较多,语言的工具型特征明显。造成这些语言性别差异的原因主要有社会因素、心理因素及交际语境因素等。这些因素相互影响、共同作用,使交际中的男女性言语处于一种动态的变化过程。  相似文献   

The prevailing language situation in Morocco is quite complex due to the presence and interference of three Berber dialects, three variant forms of colloquial Arabic, two foreign languages (French and Spanish) and one national language, classical Arabic. This article seeks to examine the educational implications of this multilingualism. For this purpose, a three-step analysis is carried out, involving a summary presentation of the linguistic setting in Morocco, an outline of the language situation in the schooling system and an assessment of the pedagogical impact of these factors. Two main conclusions are reached on the basis of this analysis. First, it appears that the language policy constitutes a major source of wastage in educational terms. Second, there is a close relationship between socio-cultural origin and the vehicles of instruction used at school, which introduces an element of social bias in the educational process. The object in which power has become inscribed, in all human eternity, is: language. Roland Barthes  相似文献   

任何形式的中外交往都必须以语言文字的沟通为前提,而中西方在语言文字上和文化心理上的巨大差异和隔阂必然导致中西交往间有意或无意的曲解和误会。晚清时期,民间的洋泾浜英语仅停留在肤浅而实用的层面上,在中西双方缺乏相互尊重、善意和理解的情况下,他们之间的交往必然存在障碍,曲解和误会甚至纠纷时有发生。国人在吃尽了苦头之后,终于开始开办自己的外语学校,并开始认真研习英语及其文化,以应外交和自强所需。对英语在近代中西交往中的作用进行解构,不只是语言本身的课题,它更涉及到思想意识、社会文化乃至外交政治层面。这对于我们理解那段历史、理解语言与交流之间的关系以及正确处理当今的中外交往具有重要的历史和现实意义。  相似文献   

近年来社会的发展带来了语言运用的巨大变化。作为语言交际常用手段之一的缩略语,其中也涌现出了许多新的语言现象,它们无论在内容上还是在形式上都异于传统典型的缩略语词。在网络交际中,这种语言现象更是获得了迅猛的发展。本文通过讨论网络交际中出现的新缩略语与全民缩略语的产生方式,对比分析这些新的缩略语语言特点、产生背景和语言地位。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to examine the influence of diglossia on linguistic and narrative structures in Arab kindergarten children by testing performance in production and comprehension. The 30 children who participated in our study were asked to retell one narrative text that was read aloud to them in Literary Arabic and another narrative text that was retold to them in Spoken Arabic. Then they were given a comprehension test that included questions pertaining to each of the two stories. In addition, two questionnaires were filled in by their parents, for collecting personal data and evaluating the level of the children’s exposure to Literary Arabic at home. The findings show a significant advantage in the retold spoken text over the retold literary text and in understanding the narrative-discourse. In addition, the findings show that the linguistic gap between Literary and Spoken Arabic seems to impact the level of mastery over linguistic structures in both forms of Arabic. Both of these findings indicate that, despite the fact that the exposure to Literary Arabic at a young age is informal and indirect, pre-school children are able to use linguistic structures from the literary language and to comprehend narrative texts. These results, with a particular emphasis on spoken and literary linguistic knowledge in pre-school children, are discussed herein in light of previous behavioral findings and models of development of narrative abilities in the Arabic language.  相似文献   

真实语境下学习外语对于提高跨文化交际能力有着重要的作用。但是在学习者母语环境下,学习者很难有机会接触到目标语真实语境。通过构筑以日语影视作品为语境语料的智能视频语料库,提供基于字幕、场景、功能的视频片检索功能,建设基于影视作品中准真实语境的多媒体立体语境平台,将会有效改善、弥补目标语语境匮乏的学习现状。  相似文献   

外语学习中,听是四项言语技能中最为困难但又最为重要的一种。基于我国外语听力教学的实践,对听作出认知阐释和元认知分析,并探讨学习者在外语听中如何运用认知策略和元认知策略,是提高外语学习者听的能力的一个重要方面,从中可概括出运用认知和元认知策略训练学生听的能力的规律。  相似文献   

廖珊珊 《海外英语》2012,(12):165-167
称谓语是语言交际中不可缺少的一部分,在大多数情况下会传递给对方第一信息。不同的称谓可以反映交际双方年龄,性别,亲疏关系,社会地位,角色身份乃至说话场合等情况。语言交际所表达的意义,很多时候只需要通过称谓就可以了解清楚,因此称谓既是一种语言现象也是一种文化现象。而翻译通常会涉及俩种语言和文化。近年来,受到世界文化交流多元化的影响,翻译研究正逐渐加强对文化因素的关注,俩种语言对比的差异不仅表现在语言学层面上,也表现在文化层面上。该文试根据英汉社交称谓语的分类,以社交称谓的实际运用为研究对象,对它所体现的文化现象进行分析,同时,该文还探讨了社交称谓语在一定语境下的翻译策略,有助于人们了解英汉语言和文化差异。  相似文献   

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