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"天诱其衷"一语,最早出自<左传>,其中"诱"与"衷"是理解难点.详考典籍,从文字、音韵、训诂、语境角度释义,"诱"有"引导"与"设置"二义,"衷"有"正道"义."天诱其衷"即"上天导之以正道",这种解译似比杨伯峻先生的"意谓天被我感动其心"更合于其社会性和时代性.  相似文献   

不了解“品式”制度 ,治史者把北魏以“均田”名义制订的“户籍样”误解为国家向农民分配荒地的法令 ,提出了“均田制”的说法 ,严重曲解了历史的真实情况。本文剖析了“均田制”解说中一些根本性的错误。  相似文献   

何物“均田制”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本刊在 2 0 0 4年第三期、第四期上连续刊发了张尚谦教授的《何物“均田制”》一文。文章提出北魏均田令是在“均田”名义下制定的带有赋税品式色彩的“户籍样” ,不是分配土地的法令 ,后来增添了垦田法 ,它也是“府户”的“户籍样”。北魏有两种户籍编制格式 ,并对“均田制”概念以及关于“均田制”的各种解说提出了质疑与批评。文章认为 :以前对“均田制”的各种解说 ,把中国一段社会历史发展描绘成古代国家行为推动的结果 ,社会经济是国家控制经济 ,歪曲了社会经济基本上是自发发展的真实情况。文章“言之有理、持之有故” ,本刊将此作为学术研究中的“一家之言”。  相似文献   

明代洪武年间在兴州所设是五卫还是五屯卫?对此,史书记载不一.但无论依据史料来考证,还是从边防形势来推断,兴州五卫之说都不可信.因此,兴州五屯卫的设置是不容置疑的事情.虽然史书中没有记载兴州五屯卫设置的具体时间,但通过对相关史料的分析可以证明,兴州五屯卫设于洪武二十八年.  相似文献   

夏氏族起于山东考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

太监曾是北魏始置一女官官名,然众字典辞书皆失载此义项。本文考证了该官职的具体产生年代、从官人员的性别、及与宦官、阉人的区别。  相似文献   

薄荷的研究概况与进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
查阅近年来国内外有关薄荷研究的学术期刊 ,从薄荷的历史考证 (来源、原植物、鉴别、炮制 )、化学成分、药理作用、临床新应用等几个方面概述了薄荷当前的研究情况。国外薄荷的药用研究较少 ,国内多在药理方面 ,化学方面研究较少。今后应进一步开展薄荷的物质基础研究及其相应的作用机理  相似文献   

姚安县历经不同称谓,“姚安”、“姚州”称谓的来历已有定性说法,唯最早的称谓“Nong栋”从说纷纭。从今天的研究看,根据傣语语意解释和考古发现推论,“Nong栋”名源出自傣族南迁和傣语语音语意命名。  相似文献   

魏源《诗古微》自刊印以来,学者对其考据成就多所忽视,甚至持批评否定态度,本论文对《诗古微》的考据成就、方法与缺陷等问题加以分析探讨,认为《诗古微》确有考据失实之处,但也取得了诸多精审客观的成就,其学术价值不容抹杀,同时揭示了《诗古微》考据武断的学术根源,以期对此书的考据特色有一个全面的认识。  相似文献   

Recently there have been many viewpoints as to which private university was founded firstly in modern China. The schools, such as Fudan University (or the former Aurora Academy), Nankai University, China College, Wuchang Zhonghua University, Nanyang College and Zhengmeng Academy are all considered to be the first private university. From two keywords: “private” and “university” and based on many historical materials, this paper draws the conclusion that Nanyang College is the first private university founded by the Chinese people in modern China. __________ Translated from Xiandai Daxue Jiaoyu 现代大学教育(Modern University Education), 2007, (4): 10–15  相似文献   

Writing journal articles is essential for academics and professionals to develop their ideas, make an impact in their fields and progress in their careers. Research assessment makes successful performance in this form of writing even more important. This article describes a course on writing journal articles and draws on interviews with participants one year after the course in which they identified persistent challenges. These writers’ accounts make visible some of the processes of writing for publication that are often tacit and identify key writing strategies. However, they also identify barriers to writing in academic workplaces and those professional workplaces where academic writing is produced. This article concludes by suggesting that while research assessment values written outputs over almost everything else, it is equally important to legitimise writing processes—and to be able to articulate the development of these processes—in communities of research practice.  相似文献   

The research sought to find out how international students came to terms with cultural differences and positioned themselves in a complex environment such as a boarding school. This article considers how a researcher's insider position can enrich the understanding in a multicultural school setting while identifying the hidden dilemmas. The adoption of multiple roles was one of the strategies used to cope with these dilemmas and the article shows how these can be useful in revealing emergent participant meanings and perceptions in ethnographic research.  相似文献   

本文考出属于郑板桥画派者35人,书派者9人,仿板桥题画者1人。其身份系低级官吏、失意文人、僧、道、医、工、商。  相似文献   


Framed by autoethnographic methods, I use Milner’s framework for researching around race and culture to critically analyze my work as a researcher with a group of diverse educational administrators. I identify seen, unseen, and unforeseen dangers that I experienced in my research as a white doctoral student and university professor, and consider how they impact my development as an educational researcher. I conclude with implications for doctoral students as emerging scholars interested in researching race as well as implications for researchers working with elites.  相似文献   

This essay examines the implications of the ubiquitous use of the term ‘digital literacies’ in higher education and its increasing alignment with institutional and organisational imperatives. It suggests that the term has been stripped of its provenance and association with disciplinary knowledge production and textual practice. Instead it is called into service rhetorically in order to promote competency-based agendas both in and outside the academy. The piece also points to a tendency to position teachers in deficit with regard to their technological capabilities and pay scant attention to their own disciplinary and scholarly practices in a digital world. It concludes that there is a case for building on established theoretical and conceptual frameworks from literacy studies if we wish to integrate advantages of the digital landscape with thoughtful teaching practice.  相似文献   

从公元7世纪下半叶到9世纪上半叶以来,青藏高原上的吐蕃与今滇西北以大理为中心的南诏政权进行了密切的接触.本文主要引用出自敦煌的藏文文献,结合有关的汉文文献,通过对南诏与吐蕃关系的三个阶段的讨论,揭示两个政权之间一些鲜为人知的人物、事件及政治、军事联系等.  相似文献   

身处齐梁时期的钟嵘,褒举左思在西晋五言诗坛上的"风力"一格,同时又不失理性地指出其文"野"的缺陷,这种并举"风力"和"丹采"的批评观使左诗得到了客观的定位.  相似文献   

针对高职学院维修电工实训教学所存在的问题,确立了维修电工(中级)考证实训教学目标和教学内容,提出了"一线三训练"实践教学模式,即以技术应用能力培养为主线,以基本技能、综合应用技能和工程应用技能为三训练,总结出一套"四步教学法",即"讲"、"看"、"做"、"测"4个教学环节。多年教学实践和考证结果表明,行之有效,可供广大教学同仁参考。  相似文献   

<全唐诗>所收许浑诗<颍州从事西湖亭燕饯>是研究许浑早年行迹的重要依据.而<夹注名贤十抄诗>与<文苑英华>所收此诗题目"颍州"作"颍川",结合诗文中关于许州西湖和许浑早年行迹的记载,可以断定<全唐诗>所收此诗颍州应是颍川的讹误.  相似文献   

This paper moves from the data collected during an ethnographic research conducted in Second Life, which focuses on the observation of different technological difficulties in educational experiences. The main research interests focused on the social dynamics of educational experiences in Second Life and the opportunity to develop a proper research methodology. The main goal is to evaluate the educational experience in such a particular context through the stories of participants; therefore, the most appropriate methodology for researching the subject has been considered to be ethnography. As result of the research, it is observed that an appropriate use of the available tools and the adoption of innovative teaching strategies can promote the improvement of the educational experience in online worlds. This paper suggests interesting elements from the analysis of the data collected, which may help to adopt an innovative point of view on ethnographic research in an online world in education.  相似文献   

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