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在黑暗的中世纪,教会的教育体系和禁欲主义的身体观严重阻碍了体育运动的开展,所谓文明的枷锁下的人心,陷入一片沉闷。法国革命前夕,卢梭等启蒙巨子们发动了一场推崇理性、反对教会权威和封建制度的思想革命运动,预示着欧洲资产阶级革命风暴的来临,也开启了一个新的体育时代,初步形成了近代体育系思想的理论体系。让·雅克·卢梭(Jena·Jaeques·Rousseau,1712—1778),这位启蒙运动的伟大旗手,对近世宗教、社会、文化、教育的改革,都做出了不朽的贡献,卢梭提出的自然主义体育思想既突破了传统的体育观,又为近代体育思想的开创立下了丰功伟绩,但仍不排除其局限性。笔者从卢梭自然体育思想的形成入手,分析了其自然主义体育思想的主要内容及局限性,从而探讨其对学校体育发展的影响,以期为学校体育研究者提供有意义的借鉴。  相似文献   

随着我国教育改革的深入,我国高校体育教育开始围绕素质教育、"健康第一"的指导思想,作为高校传统的竞技运动教学内容,篮球依然是高校学生体育活动中最热衷的项目之一。而篮球教学一直以来过分强调以传授运动技艺为中心,出现了学生爱打篮球不爱上篮球课的现象。因此,在普通高校篮球教学从思想到方法都需要改革,使得高校的篮球运动更好的发展,并使高校竞技篮球开展得更为专业化。从普通高校竞技篮球的教学为出发点,从篮球教学的教学方法、篮球训练和比赛的运动员心理以及篮球运动伤病的预防等几方面进行简单论述。  相似文献   

浙江省大学生体育活动形式对体育锻炼动机强度的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孟春燕  王欢 《体育学刊》2003,10(4):67-68
通过问卷调查表明,男生的体育锻炼动机强度要高于女生。影响其锻炼动机强度的主要体育活动形式依次为体育课、课余体育锻炼、体育媒介、体育消费、课余体育竞赛和课余运动训练。在努力抓好体育课和课余体育锻炼这两种活动形式的同时,要充分发挥体育媒介和体育消费对大学生锻炼动机的积极作用,是今后高校体育工作的努力方向之一。  相似文献   


This article analyzes the influence of the new civilizing sensitivity of the Spanish regenerationists in the introduction of sport, in place of bullfighting, during the first third of the twentieth century. Following the colonial collapse of the late nineteenth century and the subsequent demoralization of the country, the regenerationists saw in physical education and sport a way to reform the broken Spanish population. Sport had arrived in Spain in the mid-nineteenth century by way of the aristocracy and would then spread to the urban middle classes, imbued with the reformist sense of the regenerationists. It came in the form of amateur sport, with values of modernity and a civilizing sensitivity which were diametrically opposed to activities such as bullfighting that had such great support from the Spanish public. Amongst the urban middle classes, sport developed as a kind of amateur practice, used for the formation of a more civilized character and the expression of individuality; on the contrary, amongst the working classes, sport spread primarily in its professional form, by way of mass spectator sports (football and boxing), representing a civilizing spurt in severing the link between entertainment and death which was central to bullfighting.  相似文献   

Tourism and sport are two phenomena that rapidly expanded at the end of the nineteenth century. The latter is often viewed as a service in a system structured by the former, in the way tennis courts or golf courses are established near hotel facilities. Yet, the development of outdoor sports reveals that a tourist territory can be defined by its sports function. Through the example of mountaineering in the French Pelvoux massif, we are going to show that a physical activity may have a major role in determining tourist territories and the local economic growth. This research paper investigates, chronologically and geographically, the expansion of mountaineering in the Pelvoux massif and its spin-off effects on touristic amenities, especially in the development of hotel services, town-and-country planning and communications. This demonstration is based on archives from several alpine societies – the French Alpine Club, the Society of Dauphiné Tourists and the Touring Club de France – as well as on monographs published by mountaineers.  相似文献   

美国SPARK项目对我国开展"阳光体育运动"的启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
重点介绍美国开展范围广泛、时间持久、成效显著、对学生和社会均产生深远影响的全国性的体育教育运动——SPARK项目。该项目的特点是教学内容新颖、强调终身体育、学生自主选择体育项目和实施综合性学校体育计划。SPARK项目对我国学校开展“阳光体育运动”有积极借鉴作用。“阳光体育运动”重点要协调和解决的问题:运动能力早期性与持续性、整体性与个体性的关系;传统教学内容和现代教学内容的结合;体育课堂与课外体育活动的协调促进;体育理论课与实践课相辅相成;运动竞技性与健身性的协调统一。  相似文献   

The 150th birthday of the German Labor Party Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) provides a good opportunity to research and discuss the genesis of the workers' sport movement in Germany. In this article, the German workers' sport history is placed in a broader context of the development of the German club sports system. This system emerged in the middle of the nineteenth century and was strongly influenced by national or nationalistic, as well as socialist ideas and concepts of workers' sport. The chronological context therefore commences long before 1893, when the socialist workers' gymnastics federation (ATB) was formally founded. The history also does not end in 1933, when the socialist organisations were destroyed by the Nazi regime. The concepts, ideas, visions and morality of workers sports are still alive – at least partly – in current sports.  相似文献   

适能与健康教育应是目前高校体育关注的重点,但高校体育基本是以单项或多项竞技运动项目为主导的课程,忽视了对学生进行与健康相关联的适能内容的教育,难以达到培养终身锻炼的目的。因此,我们需要发展新的课程模式,增加更多以个体为导向、知识为基础的体育课程。本研究是以行为理论作为学习的依据,探讨运动教育与适能教育的交互组合课程模式,以进一步激发学生参加课堂和课外活动的动机,促进其形成终身体育锻炼的意识和能力。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,对河南省城乡中小学体育教育资源比较研究。结果表明:河南省城乡中小学体育师资存在明显的差距;河南省城乡中小学校体育课的开课率没有太大差异;农村教师教案需要加强;城乡中小学体育场地器材资源均存在不足现象,学生生均体育场地面积均未达到国家规定标准。  相似文献   

采用实验测试、数理统计等方法,对5 760名中小学生的14个动作进行测试。结果表明:我国中小学生各年龄段、各项运动能力之间存在明显的非衡性特征,身体灵敏、神经反应、左右平衡稳定、协调等运动能力存在一定缺陷。男生运动能力中8个主成分聚类结果为5类,YBT左右腿平衡、非对称手拍脚、神经反应归为一大类群,过栏架步、肩部柔韧、体旋、俯卧撑各代表一个类的运动能力。女生运动能力中8个主成分聚类结果为4类,YBT左右腿平衡、非对称手拍脚、神经反应、过栏架步归为一类,深蹲和体旋、肩部柔韧分别代表一个类运动能力。我国中小学体育课程内容设置存在一定的不合理性,体育课中普遍缺少灵敏、协调、反应、稳定等运动能力的培养,造成运动能力缺失和发展不平衡,需要增加针对性的练习内容,使学生运动能力达到全面发展。  相似文献   

胡勇 《湖北体育科技》2008,27(4):449-450
体育课教学质量的提高是一个体育教学的永久话题。通过对体育课教学的亲身经历,深深体会到体育课教学质量的提高除了需要完善的体育器材、体育设施外,更需要体育教师常年坚持听课看课制度,坚持公开课制度,坚持集体评议课制度,坚持写好课后小结,坚持身体素质锻炼,坚持专业知识的学习,从而有效地保障体育课教学质量的提高。  相似文献   

世纪之交田径运动的回眸与前瞻   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
20世纪的田径运动走过了辉煌壮丽、令人激动和叹为观止的百年历史,作为体能类运动项目,在新的世纪,她将继续挖掘人类运动极限,揭示人类生理、心理和竞技运动方面的巨大潜能,同时还将作为现代文明的重要成果,成为世界性全民健身的最广泛的手段和方式.  相似文献   

The present study identified adolescents’ motor competence (MC)-based profiles (e.g., high actual and low perceived MC), and accordingly investigated differences in motivation for physical education (PE), physical activity (PA) levels, and sports participation between profiles by using regression analyses. Actual MC was measured with the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder. Adolescents (n = 215; 66.0% boys; mean age = 13.64 ± .58 years) completed validated questionnaires to assess perceived MC, motivation for PE, PA-levels, and sports participation. Actual and perceived MC were only moderately correlated and cluster analyses identified four groups. Two groups of overestimators (low – overestimation, average – overestimation) were identified (51%), who particularly displayed better motivation for PE when compared to their peers who accurately estimated themselves (low – accurate, average – accurate). Moreover, adolescents with low actual MC, but high perceived MC were significantly more active than adolescents with low actual MC who accurately estimated themselves. Results pointed in the same direction for organised sports participation. Underestimators were not found in the current sample, which is positive as underestimation might negatively influence adolescents’ motivation to achieve and persist in PA and sports. In conclusion, results emphasise that developing perceived MC, especially among adolescents with low levels of actual MC, seems crucial to stimulate motivation for PE, and engagement in PA and sports.  相似文献   

趣味体育有别于传统体育教学,它将传授知识与体验快乐相结合,顺应素质教育大流。趣味体育集体验性、娱乐性、大众性等特点于一身,克服体育设备落后、课堂枯燥乏味、学生消极应付等弊端,在中学体育教学和素质教育改革浪潮中发挥重要作用,具有深远而重大的应用价值。  相似文献   

论50年代学习苏联体育经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在本世纪50年代,我国的社会政治形势和体育的历史背景,决定了体育界着重学习苏联的体育经验。学习的主要内容是国家管理体育的体制、对运动员进行系统的有计划的训练、建立职工体育协会、建立运动竞赛制度等。这对我国的体育发展起了重要作用。缺点是在有的问题上结合自己的实际情况不够,同时学习其它国家的经验不够。在今天建设有中国特色的社会主义体育事业中,仍需广泛地学习各国对我国有用的经验。  相似文献   

The ideals of the athletic lean body are predominant in the public discourses and images of the present. They have an enormous normative power. There is a market of different techniques to enhance the body. Many people regard their own bodies as insufficient. This study interprets physicalness and its meanings as products of sociocultural discourses. These meanings therefore change over history. From the Renaissance to the middle of the nineteenth century, for instance, the ideal images of the body were predominantly corpulent. With the rise of the bourgeoisie around 1900, the lean body became desirable. During the same period, the idea came up that modern subjects are primarily self-responsible for fabricating their own lean and healthy body. The study will focus on the sociocultural contexts which led to the establishment of modern body discourses and shows how those are connected to sports.  相似文献   

我国高校体育产业发展中存在的问题及对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
加入WTO与中奥成功,无疑给我国高校体育产业提供了极大的发展空间。但我国高校体育产业的潜力和优势尚未充分发挥利用,以体育教学为主导的体育教育产业尚未形成,特别是高校高水平动运员和后备人才培养以厦高校体育科技产业的经济功能与价值。还远远未开发出来,高校体育场馆设施有偿开放程度低。主要原因是对高校体育产业价值的认识不足,体育教学投资缺少,对高校体育产业投资偏低,投资渠道单一,缺乏完整的市场经济条件下操作运行环境和产业结构要素配备的科学性、合理性。  相似文献   


Some ideas, whether right or wrong, seem never to die, whatever might be the general evolution of knowledge, of science, or simply of good common sense. This is exactly the case with physical education or sports. For centuries, and especially since the middle of the nineteenth century, its advocates have fought for recognition of its all‐round virtues, taken as a concept. But to attain a high level of recognition, not only in society but in official government circles, certain conditions were necessary.

Education as a whole, around the middle of the nineteenth century, had to be strict and similar to military drill to be considered efficient, although the French middle classes and bourgeoisie had very little taste for the military. Although they admired physical prowess they had a horror of regimentation. But later on, when the Prussians so easily defeated Austria, feelings of doubt in French superiority began to spread, and a handful of theoreticians of physical exercise tried to show that to combat the so‐called degeneration of the race, it was essential to impose a system of education in which physical exercise, coupled with military drill, still had an important place. As scientific arguments they referred to the theories of evolution and its then accepted principle, according to Lamarck, or the transmission of acquired properties and character. Darwin was still unknown in France at that time.

These zealous advocates succeeded in convincing the Minister of Public Education, Victor Duruy, to include gymnastics in the normal course of studies in all schools, and by 1869 one can say that a craze for all types of physical exercise and sport had spread into many levels of society.

That was the start of a never‐ending movement which has passed through various stages of evolution corresponding to the changes in society itself. It has therefore changed its methods, its ways, its forms, but the overall principle remains the same, in spite of the improved understanding of human physiology for instance. Huge amounts of energy and money were spent on realizing this theory: politicians, educators, the military, religious authorities, men of distinction, all fought for the best possible application of this miraculous principle which was believed to cure all ills in this world.

Was it really worthwhile? Was it possible to expect objectively measurable results on a national scale if the social factors — such as standards of living, hygiene, working hours, urban conditions — were not taken into account? The history of this element requires a deep understanding of the evolution of most of the factors which make up real life in a country such as France, which experienced various stages in a industrial revolution as well as many political changes.

In spite of this evolution, one must acknowledge that false beliefs survived well into the 1940s, and furthermore, physical exercise, whatever its form, still belongs in many ways to hedonism and is therefore difficult to impose as a universal solution to political problems. As a democracy, France could not accept militarization.  相似文献   

好动、爱玩是小学生的天性,生动有趣的体育活动可以使他们以充沛的精力投入其中。小学体育课是体育教师有计划、有组织地引导学生参与体育锻炼的一种活动过程,由于体育课的组织存在严厉、枯燥、约束性比较强的现象,小学生的稳定性与自我控制能力也相对较弱,一堂体育课如果过长或形式单一地组织,就会出现学生的运动兴趣降低,导致小学生喜欢体育,但不喜欢体育课。而小学生不喜欢体育课将会影响到体育课的教学质量,也将影响学生的身心健康发展,针对这一问题分析原因,提出相应对策。  相似文献   

高校体育活动作为学校体育活动与社会体育活动的衔接点,对学生终身体育活动有较大的影响,特别是高校公共体育课的开设更是直接影响到大学生终身体育行为,选择一些具有代表性的项目进入高校体育课堂,对丰富高校体育、教育内容,具有特殊的意义。因此,对传统武术项目进入高校公共体育课的相关研究,不但有助于当代大学生对传统文化的进一步理解与认识,而也助于传统武术项目的传承与发展。  相似文献   

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