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The development of educational broadcasting in Greece experiences disproportional delays in comparison to information and entertainment broadcasting. This paper underlines the reasons that cause this delay. Specifically, this paper (a) provides an overall view of the present state of educational broadcasting in Greece, (b) discusses the main reasons that hinder its development, and (c) proposes pertinent solutions for improvement. It is suggested that the development of Greek broadcasting programming in general, and educational broadcasting in particular, could be successful once free from government control and the direct imitation of foreign broadcasting programming.  相似文献   

The paper reports a qualitative study undertaken for the New South Wales Department of School Education and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). The purpose of the study was to complement existing survey information by (i) closely investigating actual practice in schools in terms of the uses made of educational broadcasts, and (ii) inquiring into the perceptions held by the providers of such broadcasts. To this end teachers and students were interviewed and observations conducted in five case study schools. Policy makers within the Children's and Education Unit of the ABC were interviewed as well. The most significant findings (in educational rather than statistical terms) are to do with variations in access both materially and culturally. Equity considerations were seen to arise from these differences in access.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This project evaluates the attitudes of food and health professionals to 3 new food processing technologies that have been developed to respond to consumer demands such as superior taste, longer shelf life, higher nutritional content, health benefits, and environment‐friendly processing. Educational brochures for high pressure (HP), pulsed electric field (PEF), and ohmic heating (OH) processes were developed based on the current literature and consumer information needs. An internet web survey was conducted to determine information needs of food and health professionals and to assess their satisfaction with the data provided in the educational brochures. Health professionals hold a positive attitude toward HP, OH, and PEF. No negative attitudes or discomfort were reported. More people indicated they were very comfortable with HP than any other technology, and as a consequence this technology received the highest scores of likeliness to be included in health professionals' recommendations.  相似文献   

运用教育技术的目的是促进远程学习者对知识的感知与认知。若将教育技术视为系统,可分解为抽象的概念子系统和具体的物质子系统。前者为实现教育、教学过程最优化的系统方法;后者则为印刷媒体、广播电视媒体,计算机网络媒体等多种媒体的软硬件设计、制作及使用。必须走出教育技术即媒体技术的认识误区。教育技术的核心是系统方法而不是媒体技术,前后两者间具有理论指导实践的关系。  相似文献   

结合广播电台户外现场直播特点,基于互联网构建高质量实现户外音频直播系统。讨论音频信号硬件、软件编码的特点、设备物理网与互联网I/O瓶颈可能导致音频信号传送的延迟、音频信号数据流网络传榆阻塞等关键问题。  相似文献   


Technologies that enhance classroom instruction and school administration are widespread. The majority of schools, however, have yet to implement technologies beyond a basic level. Reasons for this reluctance include a lack of funds, teacher beliefs about the role of technology in education, methods of technology allocation and distribution in schools, a lack of understanding of how technologies can accentuate learning and administration, and most importantly, a lack of vision and support from school administrators. To help solve the problem of administrative support, we propose the creation of university courses designed to nourish school technology leaders. Included in this paper is a basic outline for such a course.  相似文献   

知识与经验的关系决定了经验在思维方式、教育认识、教育技术学三个层次的重要性.当前的一些热点实践证明了经验的重要性,同时反映了人们对它的渴求.从经验的角度去认识教育技术的本质及理论支点,需要关注的不仅是教育技术的理论建构,也包括它的实践需求.  相似文献   

生态学是一门研究生物与其环境相互关系的科学。文章运用生态学的基本原理,对学校技术生态系统的结构和研究视角进行了分析;提出在新技术作为新物种进入学校技术生态系统之后,应该从系统和新技术之间的选择和适应情况,分析和把握新技术与学校技术生态系统之间关系的观点;在此基础上提出促进新技术教育应用的若干举措。  相似文献   

信息技术教育着眼于所有的学习者,重在普及信息技术和文化,提高受教育者的信息素质与能力以支持自己的学习.信息技术教育评价的作用应是排除学生的学习障碍,目的是促进学生的全面健康发展.由于学生智能结构、学习风格等方面的差异,评价不能一概而论地只采用一个标准,而应从促进学生的潜能发展出发,激发和保护学生的学习热情与发展潜力,以人为本地评价,以体现素质教育的需要.  相似文献   

教育目的是教育活动的根本依据,现实中它通过教育方针体现出来,并指导教育实践。教育目的属于理想的范畴,具有超越性的一面;同时,它又不得不受到社会客观现实的制约,具有现实性的一面。通过考察新中国教育实践的历程,探讨教育目的与教育实践的关系,使教育目的对我国教育实践发挥更有效的指导作用。  相似文献   

任何一门学科发展到一定程度都会自发地萌生反思行为。研究主体的反思行为有可能源于对研究对象认识的不清晰、学科结构的不稳定、学科历史经沧桑而未见长足发展,或应用性学科在解决实际问题时的软弱无力,等等。研究主体以一种批判的态度重新审视学科的性质、研究范围、逻辑起点、基本框架以及学科发展的动力与趋势,拟在进一步推动该学科步入良性建设与发展的轨道。文章据此从教育技术的理论与实践入手,对教育技术的发展现状提出反思。  相似文献   

计算机辅助教学系统(CAI)是信息时代在教学手段和教学方法上最具代表性的产物。CAI的广泛运用是科学技术发展的要求使然,同时,科技的发展又为新技术(包括CAI)的应用提供了条件。本文就国家高等教育重点课程化学类教学软件的现状及展望作一概述。  相似文献   

计算机辅助教学系统(CAI)是信息时代在教学手段和教学方法上最具代表性的产物。CAI的广泛运用是科学技术发展的要求使然,同时,科技的发展又为新技术(包括CAI)的应用提供了条件。本就国家高等教育重点课程化学类教学软件的现状及展望作一概述。  相似文献   

This paper describes an attempt to develop a strategy for encouraging the effective utilisation of broadcast resources in pre‐service teacher training. A number of conditions that affect such effective use by staff or departments within Colleges of Education are identified. The paper then proceeds to outline the strategy adopted in mounting two exercises in Scottish Colleges of Education in an attempt to provide, for College staff, a focus of attention on the value of educational broadcasting in the pre‐service education of teachers. The first exercise described concerns the Primary Education Department in Moray House College of Education and the second, a number of Secondary Departments in Aberdeen College of Education. The value of the exercises is commented on, and the conclusion is reached that staff in Colleges of Education would benefit greatly from similar exercises mounted by the Colleges themselves.  相似文献   

In this article the author focuses on signature pedagogies that are associated with different forms of educational technologies. The author categorizes forms of technologies that support the teaching and learning of mathematics in different ways, and identifies signature pedagogies associated with each category. Outcomes and impacts of different technologies are reviewed, as are implications of implementation, and the integration of signature pedagogies into teaching practices. In conclusion, the author asks whether technologies alone can bring about learning impacts, whether other key factors need to be in place, and the need to explore these integrally within future research.  相似文献   

The connection between teaching and the new technologies, particularly data processing, is not a matter for the remote future; it already exists and is developing. It is therefore essential that its application and objectives in the educational fields should be controlled, if this potent tool for educational reform is not to share the fate of so many previous innovations which have come to nothing. The initial and in-service training of teachers is the keystone of the system and the guarantee of its success. It is of primary importance, in view of all the changes brought about by the introduction of the new technologies in both the teacher/pupil relationship and teaching aims and methods.  相似文献   

教育技术学电子系列课程设置的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从教育技术的定义,教育技术的发展和现状,以及21世纪信息技术环境对人才的要求出了,对教育技术学电子系列课程的设备进行了思考。  相似文献   

One vision for Ontario schools is that the use of information and communication technology (ICT) will profoundly change both teaching and learning. Given the diversity of school settings, however, system-wide ICT integration and implementation must necessarily be defined in multiple ways. This paper presents a decision-making framework for guiding the infusion of ICT into different school settings. First, sustainability of the ICT initiative is the identified as the key goal. Next, multiple contextual variables are distilled into five essential qualities. Then, sustainability and the essential elements are combined. The result is a dynamic framework that can be used to identify specific priorities for implementation and strategies for evaluation of ICT initiatives. Finally, it is illustrated how the framework can be used to guide the successful infusion of ICT in any situation, regardless of a school's previous experience with ICT.  相似文献   

现代教育技术与创新人才培养   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
素质教育的核心是培养创新人才,而创新人才的培养离不开创造性思维的培养。什么是“创新”和“创新人才”?学术上对它们是如何界定的?它们与现代教育技术有何关系?该从理论上对此作了较为详尽的论证与阐述。  相似文献   

关于教育技术学领域中的若干关键技术   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
在过去几十年中,计算机与人工智能技术在教育中的应用主要关注如何用机器来帮助学习者学习,并部分地“代替”教师的教学工作;随着信息技术的发展与教育教学理念的改变,教师的地位依然没有变化,而角色发生了重要的改变,用新技术支持教学(过程)的设计、互动分析与评价,进而支持教师及其教学,在一定程度上“解放”教师的生产力,这已经成为一个重要趋势;教育乃复杂巨系统是众所周知的,但从复杂系统角度对教育系统进行的研究依然匮乏,因此,从宏观层面引入数量分析与建模思想,从复杂系统的角度研究教育教学系统的演化规律,也是教育技术领域的一个重要研究方向。本文阐述了教学设计自动化技术、教学互动分析技术、教学自动测评技术和教育系统仿真技术等的概念、重点关注的问题、研究现状及发展趋势,以期为广大教育技术工作者提供一点借鉴。  相似文献   

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