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近年来,胜任力的研究以及在教育、管理等领域的应用得到了越来越多的关注,但对于成人学校校长胜任力的研究却寥寥无几。本文在论述成人学校校长的角色基础上,通过比较分析中小学校长、大学校长以及企业管理者的胜任力,从理论上确定了成人学校校长胜任力的构成要素,提出成人学校校长胜任力包括教育引领力、领导与管理能力、服务导向、经营意识、道德影响力和人格魅力等六大要素构成。  相似文献   

教育学专业是高师院校的特色专业.近几年,随着中等师范学校的隐退,其发展陷入困境.教育学专业在发展过程中存在着与社会需求相脱节,专业自身建设不完善,培养目标保守单一等问题,其改革必须从重新定位专业培养目标、重塑教育学科形象和挖掘社会服务潜力等方面考虑,以提高教育学专业的生命力.  相似文献   

科研是职业高校的各项工作的重要内容,它在促进学校多方面发展上发挥重要作用,职业高校的科研工作有其特殊性。这种特殊性表现在:要重视教学研究,要结合生产实践为企业提供技术服务,要在实训环节中注重技术含量和提倡科研精神,为了促进职业高校科研工作的可持续发展,还应建立科学规范的管理体制。  相似文献   

澳大利亚的新教师培养别具特色。在刚入职甚至之前;便借助于"超前实施"、行政主导、校本主导等途径或策略,对新教师开始了内容丰富的入职教育,对新教师的角色转换、乃至整个教师队伍质量的提升起了十分重要的作用,从而为广大新教师和中小学所广泛认可与赞许,也为其他国家教师入职教育的进行提供了范例。  相似文献   

This paper describes a learning mentor service commissioned by the Children's Fund that has been established in a cluster of primary schools, offering a possible model for the provision of pastoral care to support children at risk of underachieving. In particular, it explores issues relevant to the implementation of the service, namely communication, co-ordination and time, and identifies benefits and outcomes of the service, as perceived by the various stakeholders. Evaluation of this service, on which the paper reports, highlights the importance of developing a clear quality care pathway, and putting systems in place to obtain information regarding the outcomes of the service.  相似文献   

As health professionals in an educational setting, nurses in schools occupy a unique place in the spectrum of children’s services. Yet the service is often overlooked and has been described as invisible. This paper draws on findings from a study, funded by the Scottish Government’s National Programme for Improving Mental Health and Well‐being, which explored the role of school nurses in promoting and supporting the mental health of children and young people. The school nursing service throughout the United Kingdom is at a pivotal point as its role is being redefined to align with moves across the National Health Service towards a public health model. This paper therefore offers a timely overview of the mental health work of school nurses, and raises key issues for future work. Interviews were conducted with 25 school nurse managers across Scotland. Interviewees claimed that the contribution of nurses in schools was distinctive, owing to the quality and consistency of relationship that they could offer, and the autonomy that the service allowed young people. However, significant challenges were reported in making this contribution, and tensions were evident in the conceptualisation of their role. The framework of resilience is used to discuss the findings on the significance of building relationships in promoting mental health.  相似文献   

There has been little research into the views of the consumers of the special education service‐‐the children themselves. Social legislation (e.g., the 1989 Children Act in the UK) has emphasised the importance of discovering the views of the child when planning provision. Similar proposals have been put forward in recent UK documents concerning educational provision (DFE, 1993). This paper reports data based on individual, semi‐structured interviews with 56 children (ages 9 to 11) attending schools for pupils with moderate learning difficulties (MLD/MlD). Interviews probed views about special and mainstream schools and pupils, and perceived reasons for transfer from mainstream to special school. Two areas (teachers as a liked aspect of special and mainstream schools, and problems handling playground relationships) point to key areas of concern for children with learning or intellectual difficulties. Overall, MLD school children were supportive of their special schools. This is discussed in relation to categorization theory.  相似文献   

中小学校园网作为"校校通"工程实施的重要技术平台,其建设与应用直接影响到教育信息化的进程。研究者以陕西省中小学校为研究对象,针对校园网的建设、师生使用网络情况以及校园网的教学应用等进行了调查分析。调查显示,师生的网络应用已成为常态化,但基于校园网的网络应用还较少,校园网的信息化教育服务体系比较薄弱。在信息化教育实践中应加强学生网络应用的引导和规范,并就校园网教学应用及网络文化建设的途径和模式提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

A large‐scale, school‐based in‐service project has attempted to improve the skills of teachers who use English as the medium of instruction in African primary schools in Soweto. The project has been financed by the private sector, but substantial assistance has also been received from the British Council. Responsibility for co‐ordination and administration of the programme has been accepted by the University of the Witwatersrand.

A preliminary survey indicated that during the first year of its implementation with the Standard 3 teachers, attitudes have become favourably inclined towards the project. In addition, the resources made available to children have enhanced the possibility of effective learning. The financial outlay has been parsimonious if reckoned on the basis of the cost per individual child.  相似文献   

课后服务是为学生课后活动提供的服务,由政府经费补贴、学校酌情收费、教师获取适当劳酬的课后服务具有准公共产品属性。课后服务不仅具有解决小学“三点半难题”的本体价值,还具有预防校园欺凌、践行素质教育、保证教育公平的育人价值和增加人民幸福感、缓解社会矛盾的发展价值。我国已形成了学校、学校家委会、青少年校外教育场所和社区主导的四种课后服务基本方式,也存在部分地区未开展课后服务、服务性质定位不明确、服务主体权责不明、服务的教育功能彰显不够、课后服务配套缺失等问题。改进课后服务还需明确定性收费、建立公正合理的课后服务成本分担机制,重视发挥学校主渠道作用的同时积极鼓励社会力量参与,遵循自愿原则的同时对亟需服务群体给予优先保障,严格教育目标取向不断丰富课后服务内容与形式,加强课后服务过程管理与课后服务质量评估,健全课后服务统筹配套管理制度、整体联动化解课后服务难题。  相似文献   

威斯康星思想确立了高校为社会服务的职能,它的提出对我国高校服务社会具有指导性的意义。目前,我国高校对中学的服务职能没有完全确立,存在认识上的盲区。笔者认为高等教育与中等教育的对接具有非常重要的意义,而高校开展教育拓展则是实现这一对接的重要环节,是实现高校与中学双赢的重要举措。  相似文献   

教育券制度施行以来,对学校及其倚仗的社会系统造成巨大的冲击。本文假设广泛施行教育券制度,在此理想状态下研究教育券给学校带来的冲击。学校面临全新的社会关系,在资源获取和学校管理思想上发生了根本性的变革。面对教育券制度的公立学校成为独立的法人实体,面临更加激烈的学校竞争,政府对学校的影响限于学校创立的核准、学校质量的检查评估和面向学校的教育服务。  相似文献   

Since the mid‐1990s in Hong Kong there has been a slow but obvious shift from expecting students with disabilities to be educated in segregated special schools to providing more opportunities for them to be educated alongside their mainstream peers. Pre‐service teacher training institutions have begun to offer modules of study in order to assist mainstream teachers in coping with greater diversity in their classes. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the adequacy of an inclusive education module on the attitude change of pre‐service teachers in Hong Kong. A convenience sample of over 200 pre‐service secondary teachers in a B.Ed. (Honours) Programme at one university participated in the study. Data were obtained through a three‐part questionnaire to find out whether there were any substantial changes in their attitudes, concerns and confidence for inclusion before and after taking a module of study on inclusive education. Findings and implications are drawn in light of preparing teachers to cater for diversity in the schools in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

当前中小学校园网站发展迅速,但不少网站建设中存在重外观、轻内涵,重信息、轻应用,缺乏开放性,参与面不广等问题,不能为教育教学提供有效服务。该文在调查研究的基础上,结合部分优秀校园网站实例,对校园网站建设中存在的问题进行分析并给出相应对策。  相似文献   

新一代信息技术的发展赋予了精准教学新的生命力,促进了精准教学的实践应用,但尚未普及,一些关键性问题亟待解决。基于此,研究从学校视角切入,聚焦智能技术发展的时代背景,采用实地调查法、访谈法对国内知名教育信息化企业及其实验学校进行调研,遵循设计重点、设计方法的思路对访谈文本进行内容分析,设计了数据层(三类数据支持)、技术层(三种技术支持)、方法层(一套教法支持)、管理层(四项管理支持)以及文化层(三大文化支持)的精准教学五维支持服务框架。依托课题项目,研究选取51所课题实验学校进行为期2年的实践应用,结果表明,精准教学五维支持服务框架在实验学校的整体应用效果良好,能够有效增强教师教学获得感、提升教学能力并转变教学观念,提高学生学习满意度、强化学习能力并提升学习成绩。  相似文献   

Pre‐service teacher education in England has been essentially school‐based since 1992. The article offers a critique of this design from the perspective of a practitioner and researcher working in one of its most influential schemes. The fundamental problem described concerns an impoverished understanding of experience that underpins how beginning teachers are intended to learn in schools. The problem is not one of evaluating experience as adequate in terms of exemplary practices, but about the capacity within the teacher education system for critically examining the meaning of experience in order to develop professional knowledge. The article suggests that the ontological and epistemological dimensions of experience need to be brought into a dialogue if the potential of experiential learning for pre‐service teachers is to be realised.  相似文献   


This paper describes a learning mentor service commissioned by the Children's Fund that has been established in a cluster of primary schools, offering a possible model for the provision of pastoral care to support children at risk of underachieving. In particular, it explores issues relevant to the implementation of the service, namely communication, co-ordination and time, and identifies benefits and outcomes of the service, as perceived by the various stakeholders. Evaluation of this service, on which the paper reports, highlights the importance of developing a clear quality care pathway, and putting systems in place to obtain information regarding the outcomes of the service.  相似文献   

网络技术的迅猛发展给高校图书馆的信息服务工作带来了全新而深刻的变化。这主要表现在以下几点:高校图书馆信息呈现社会化趋势,提供数字化信息服务,服务项目深层化,服务手段现代化;与此同时,信息服务模式也有了新变化,服务类型呈现多元化,服务趋向精品化,服务检索走向自动化。为提高服务质量,高校图书馆必须深入信息服务改革,建立长期、有效、互动的用户联系制度和反馈系统。  相似文献   

论教育服务及其价值   总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56  
教育服务是教育产品 ,它具有使用价值与交换价值 ,在教育市场上是商品。教育服务具有基础产业性、交换性、市场性、生产与消费同时性、共发性以及消费的多层次性、多元性等特征。优质的教育服务是形成学校教育服务优势的核心 ,创办特色学校是形成学校教育优势的重要举措 ,打造学校经营品牌是形成教育服务优势的有利手段。树立教育服务观点对于丰富与发展教育理论具有理论创新价值 ;对于推动教育体制改革具有实际应用价值 ;对于社会、学校和家庭及学生具有经济效益价值 ;对于促进国际教育服务贸易发展具有商贸价值  相似文献   

从中小学教师的角度来对择校现象进行调查分析。可以发现:择校已成为一种被大多数教师认可或赞同的行为;优质教育资源分配不均衡并不是导致择校现象的最主要因素,升学率和盲目追求重点校是二个不可忽视重要因素;择校增加了学校的压力和教师的负担,但对教师的收入和报酬并没有多大影响,择校最大的影响是校际间的;缓解择校现象最主要的是加强学校自身建设,扶持薄弱学校建设,促进优质教师资源的合理流动,而不是发展民办和补习学校;关系生和占坑生成为择校生的主要来源,而有优惠政策的尖子生所占比例很少。  相似文献   

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