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‘La tévé, c'est de l'actualité qui se congèle en histoire’, dit Cidrolin dans les Fleurs bleues de Raymond Queneau. Et, de fait, la télévision apparaît comme notre moyen d'accès à l'histoire qui se fait: ainsi, par exemple, des millions de téléspectateurs ont pu assister, en direct, à l'assassinat du Président Kennedy. Pour reprendre une expression de Michel Tardy, il faut dire que, grâce à la télévision ‘l'histoire est désormais quelque chose qui nous arrive’. En ce sens, la télévision se manifeste à la fois comme véhicule d'une information concurrente de l'information scolaire et comme véhicule d'une information absente de l'espace scolaire.  相似文献   

L'article a pour objectifs de discuter des rapports existant entre le système des disciplines scientifiques et la formation à l'enseignement conçue dans une perspective de professionnalisation. Après un rapide rappel historique du processus d'inféodisation de la formation professionnelle par le système des sciences, l'article introduit une distinction entre l'interdisciplinarité en éducation et l'interdisciplinarité scientifique. Il met en exergue, à la suite de ce double éclairage, la complexité des interrelations entre les différents types de savoirs dans un contexte de formation professionnelle à l'enseignement et la nécessité de dépasser les perspectives interdisciplinaires pour prendre en compte la circumdisciplinarité, c'est-à-dire l'insertion des savoirs qui résultent des pratiques professionnelles elles-mêmes au sein même de la formation. This paper discusses the existing relationships between the scientific subject matter system and teacher education from a professionalisation perspective. After a brief historical reminder of how professional training was subjugated by the scientific system, we introduce a distinction between interdisciplinarity in education and scientific interdisciplinary. The article then highlights the complexity of interrelationships between different types of knowledge, in a context of the professional training that is teacher education, and the necessity of going beyond interdisciplinary perspectives in order to take into account the circumdisciplinarity, which means the integration of knowledge that results from the very professional practice that is at the center of the teacher education. El objetivo central de este articulo es el de discutir de las relaciones entre el sistema de las disciplinas científicas y la formación a la enseñanza, dentro de una perspectiva de profesionalización. Después de una breve descripción del proceso histórico que llevó a la sumisión de la formación profesional al sistema de las ciencias, se introduce una distinción entre los conceptos de la interdisciplinaridad en la educación y la interdisciplinaridad científica. Se subraya el carácter complejo de las interrelaciones entre varios tipos de conocimientos dentro de un contexto de formación profesional a la enseñanza y de la necesidad de ir mas allá de las perspectivas interdisciplinarias para tomar en cuenta la circumdisciplinaridad. Este ultimo concepto suele significar la integración de los conocimientos o de los conocimientos que resultan de las prácticas profesionales en se, dentro del proceso de formación. Dieser Artikel untersucht die bestehenden Beziehungen zwischen den wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen und der Lehrerausbildung mit einer Professionalisierungsperspektive. Nach einem kurzen historischen Rückblick, wie das System der Berufsausbildung durch das Wissenschaftssystem geprägt wurde, unterscheidet der Artikel zwischen der Interdisziplinarität in der Lehrerausbildung und der in den Wissenschaften. Nach dieser Unterscheidung hebt er die Komplexität der Verhältnisse verschiedener Wissenstypen in einem Kontext der Berufsausbildung hervor, sowie die Notwendigkeit interdiziplinäre Perspektiven zu überschreiten, um die Zirkumsdiziplinarität zu berücksichtigen, das heißt, das Wissen, das sich aus der Praxis ergibt, in die Lehrerbildung einzubeziehen.  相似文献   

Cet article examine la question du lien entre les hétérogénéités pouvant caractériser un système didactique et l'enseignement des mathématiques. Trois types d'hétérogénéités sont d'abord définies: 1) L'hétérogénéité exogène: traits a priori de nature non-didactique comme, par exemple, la catégorie socioprofessionnelle d'origine des élèves; 2) L'hétérogénéité péri-didactique: ensemble des caractéristiques liées aux acquisitions disciplinaires comme par exemple le niveau scolaire des élèves en mathématiques; 3) L'hétérogénéité didactique est définie comme une création du système didactique permettant l'ajustement des exigences fixées par le curriculum aux contraintes effectives d'un système didactique particulier (niveaux des élèves, temps, niveau de difficulté des connaissances en jeu ...). Sous ce modèle théorique, l'enseignement est envisagé comme un processus régulateur des hétérogénéités en vue d'une meilleure maîtrise des connaissances visées pour le plus grand nombre d'élèves. Un premier groupe de résultats permet de réaffirmer le caractère spécifique des approches didactiques: pour les mathématiques, l'hétérogénéité péri-didactique n'est pas liée à l'hétérogénéité exogène — ce qui n'est pas le cas pour l'enseignement de la langue. Un deuxième groupe de résultats montre que plus les progrès réalisés par élèves sont importants, plus l'hétérogénéité s'accroît; réciproquement, plus les progrès réalisés sont faibles plus l'hétérogénéité se réduit. Ainsi, le système didactique apparaît comme un système régulateur d'hétérogénéités: les connaissances s'y diffusent par déplacement des hétérogénéités initiales qu'il a lui-même générées (en les accroissant et en les réduisant selon le degré de difficulté initial des connaissances en jeu). Cette recherche a porté sur 112 élèves; 22 problèmes additifs (composition de deux transformations) ont été soumis aux élèves lors d'un pré-test, puis d'un post-test. Entre ces deux épreuves deux leçons ont été réalisées sur le calcul relationnel, dont les modalités d'organisation didactique étaient au libre choix des professeurs.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


If we consider the shape of the criminal field during the Third Republic, we observe quite a sophisticated architecture which is due to the creation of intermediary spaces such as the Conseil supérieur des prisons or the Société générale des prisons. As a laboratory for criminal law, the Société established itself as a kind of private and extra‐parliamentary commission, permanently in session. Consideration of these spaces will enable us to reflect upon the sociopolitical ways of elaborating law, the networks of social reform or public action and the different development “schemes” of the political aspects in the criminal domain. 1 1Bruno Jobert, “L'Etat en action, l'apport des politiques publiques”, Revue Française de Science Politique XXXV (1985), pp. 654–682; Id., “Représentations sociales, controverses et débats dans la conduite des politiques publiques”, Revue Française de Science Politique, XLII (1992), pp. 219–234; Id., “Mode de médiation sociale et politiques publiques, le cas des politiques sociales”, L'Année sociologique, (1996), pp. 155–178.


In this paper we tackle the issue of an eventual stability of teachers’ activity in the classroom. First we explain what kind of stability is searched and how we look for the chosen characteristics: we analyse the mathematical activity the teacher organises for students during classroom sessions and the way he manages the relationship between students and mathematical tasks. We analyse three one-hour sessions for different groups of 11 year old students on the same content and with the same teacher, and two other sessions for 14 year old and 15 year old students, on analogous contents, with the same teacher (another one). Actually it appears in these two examples that the main stabilities are tied with the precise management of the tasks, at a scale of some minutes, and with some subtle characteristic touches of the teacher’s discourse. We present then a discussion and suggest some inferences of these results.
J. RogalskiEmail:

Starting from an analysis of the limits of the formation of of categorial concepts as an approach to formation of physics concepts, and an epistemological analysis of the concepts fundamental to the domain of mechanics, a teaching sequence was conceived of with as its purpose the study of how such concepts («formal» and «relational») can be mastered by pupils using inductive and axiomatic procedures. The experiment described examines the concept of momentum, introduced in the first year of the lycée. The analysis of the teaching sequence shows the limits of induction in the construction of the concept studied. The logging of properties defining this quantity showed itself to be only possible through a number of questions related to previously established relations between the quantities known to the pupils (mass and velocity). An analysis of pupils, behaviours showed that the comprehension of properties (transfer, invariance, additivity…) and of the relation ( \(\vec P = m.v\) ) present less difficulty than the mastering of operational invariants which permit the elaboration of representations of experimental situations (the selection and temporal sequencing of events, the division into systems, the analysis of interaction…) The rupture of modes thinking which then «imposed” the taking into account of such invariants also permitted a comprehension of the difficulties of the conceptual changes.  相似文献   

International Review of Education - Prison education on the margins of education for all – Prison education is an issue which would benefit from a more active role of initiative on the part...  相似文献   

We are interested in the teaching of geometry to primary school (children from 3 to 11) teachers. We define a priori a conceptual frame, which organises geometry upon three kinds of knowledge: intuition, experience and deduction. Drawing on Gonseth's works, we bring out three syntheses of elementary geometry: natural geometry (geometry I), natural axiomatic geometry (geometry II) and formalist axiomatic geometry (geometry III). Next we illustrate this conceptual frame with examples of teaching geometry. Last we bring out different conceptions of geometry in scholar system which could lead to cross purposes.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 18th century, M. de Vallange proposed a wide‐ranging programme to reform education in France. He intended to introduce teaching methods based on John Locke's works and to create a full‐scale system of new educational institutions. The royal institutions called “collèges” were to be abolished and a secular body of academics in charge of the new ones was to be appointed. The new curriculum proposed by M. de Vallange responded better than the former to the requirements of society, the children's capacity for work, and the new intellectual attainments brought about by the scientific progress of the 17th century.

This project formed part of a larger educational trend that, between 1710 and 1740, brought the notion of education closer to the concept of society.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose to give some results about research done from 1989 to 1993 concerning a written assessment situation in math class (les devoirs surveillés) with high school students (16–17 years old) who are following a science oriented curriculum. In particular, we would like to determine if and how the students are sure of the answers they give and if they verify them.Our research methodology consisted of collecting both test papers and scratch pads from all the students in one class, then of interviewing some of them using the explicatory interviewing technique developed by P. Vermersch.In order to study this specific assessment situation, we use a theoretical framework developed by Y. Chevallard concerning an anthropological approach. Then, we introduce the notions of students' private work, meant to remain unseen and during which the verifications (if any) are done, and of a public trace (the test paper) meant to be shown to the teacher and to be evaluated. From a cognitive and didactic point of view, we want to show the importance of taking into account these two components for the analysis of the students' work in problem solving.  相似文献   

From the 1860s to the beginning of the twentieth century, the rise of academic geography in industrialized countries resulted from the need to produce geography teachers. The mushrooming of school geography, in turn, reflected a complex mixture of pedagogic thought, of a modernization trend, of nationalism and of imperialism. In France, this context caused the emergence of contrasting models describing the scientific requirements of school geography, from loose relations between scientific and pedagogical spheres to the structural link joining the republican university to the various school levels. This article details the strategy through which a group of scholars of the École normale supérieure led by P. Vidal de la Blache succeeded in creating a cognitive space for a new scientific discipline. It describes briefly its progressive introduction in elementary and in classical secondary teaching and how several older elements remained in programmes and in the school curriculum.  相似文献   

This article concentrates on some considerations concerning the schooling process in Brazil during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Taking as reference the research carried out in the state of Minas Gerais, it particularly focuses on elementary/primary education there. First, it looks at the different schooling models in Brazil during that period of time and argues that educational statistics are one of the most interesting ways to study the representations about this phenomenon. It then looks at the sociocultural consequences of schooling and stresses the importance of educational institutions as a socialisation model for children, young people and society as a whole.  相似文献   

Nécessité de promouvoir la méthode desuggestiondansl'enseignementGuoQuan-zhongDepuisles80,jemelivreautravaild'enseignantdufr?..  相似文献   

In this article, we characterized the forms of reasoning of French high school students (from Terminal Scientifique) in the course of an exchange of messages around the solution of a mathematical problem. Our goal was to determine whether or not the students make use of creative and investigative forms of reasoning. The results show that in the experimental conditions of the ‘mathematical correspondence,’ the students displayed an unusual mathematical problem-solving activity, one that is indeed more creative and investigative than those typically found in a classroom activity. The results are accompanied by an effort to explain the conditions that allowed for this unusual activity to develop and to suggest some paths to use this setting in the classroom, so as to facilitate better learning in problem-solving contexts and the transition from high school to university.  相似文献   

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