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导出了普遍形式的哈密顿函数守恒原理,并由此进一步导出了普遍形式的机械能守恒定律,最后指出分析力学中的机械能守恒条件与牛顿力学中的机械能守恒条件的等效性.  相似文献   

Numerous writers have suggested that the discrimination index may be helpful in identifying faulty test items. The purpose of this study was to investigate systematically the validity of the index for this purpose. To attain this objective, two forms of an arithmetic-reasoning test were written. In each form, the items were designed to vary in quality with respect to nine item-writing principles, and on the basis of the responses of 364 examinees, a discrimination index was computed for each item. Next, the items were rated independently for quality by three judges who used a check list of the nine item-writing principles. The average of their ratings for each item was used as the criterion for determining the validity of the indices. The results indicate that the discrimination index is a moderately valid measure of item quality. The implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

This discussion is a plea for educational measurement specialists to broaden the repertoire of methodologies for data collection and analysis by borrowing from elsewhere than psychology and agronomy. It suggests that such disciplines as history, economics, and sociology have techniques highly appropriate to evaluation of educational endeavors.  相似文献   

教育的场所-一种对教育现象时空特性的尝试性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教育现象具有两个重要的基本特性 :交互作用和连续性。针对这两个基本特性 ,本文尝试运用社会学和拓扑学的方法 ,对教育现象的时空特性进行了初步的分析。文章分别探讨了生活时空、学习时空、工作时空和公众时空中教育场所的特性 ,在更加深入细致地分析学校及学校以外教育现象的时空特性方面 ,作出了新的尝试  相似文献   

虽说《教育思想的演进》(1938)被认为是涂尔干(E.Durkheim,1858- 1917)历史学说和教育学说的理论代表作,但是国内却一直缺乏对它的理论热情,研究者寥寥。这与我们三种误解有关:1.该书被认为是一部法国中等教育思想史专著,基本上与现代教育理论无关;2.涂尔于的历史观经常被与唯心史观混为一谈,这使得我们无从注意到他在历史学方法论上的特殊贡献;3.由于作者被尊为社会学理论的奠基人,所以我们习惯于把注意力集中在其理论的社会学方面,而不自觉地将其历史学和教育学理论边缘化了。  相似文献   

The educational needs of 103 adults aged 55‐75 were investigated. Using an approach that focused on existential needs prior to assessing their educational needs, and adopting a procedure that helped the group to identify their most basic needs, the inquiry found out that the educational needs expressed through this method considerably differed from those found through traditional checklist methods and are closely related with the major problems of older people at and after the retirement period.  相似文献   

Because school learning entails not just accretion of knowledge but the structuring and restructuring of knowledge and cognitive skills, the conception and construction of educational achievement measures must be cast in developmental terms. And because student characteristics as well as social and educational experiences influence current performance, the interpretation and implications of educational achievement measures must be relative to intrapersonal and situational contexts. These points imply a strategy of comprehensive assessment in context that focuses on the processes and structures involved in subject-matter competence as moderated in performance by personal and environmental influences. This article addresses in detail both the nature of developing competence and its measurement in terms of context-dependent task performance. Construct-irrelevant task difficulty that might jeopardize the meaning of test scores as well as construct-irrelevant influences that might jeopardize implications for action are taken into account via the comprehensive measurement of relevant contextual factors. Comprehensive assessment in context thus facilitates valid interpretations of the meaning and implications of ability and achievement scores in particular instances, thereby lightening the interpretive and ethical burdens on test users and enhancing the validity of test use.  相似文献   

倪玮 《大学生》2014,(17):56-58
正2014年3月中旬,我同时收到最想去的央媒和外交部的两个offer。我是那家媒体从5万份简历里挑出的25个人之一;我是外交部英语二岗位拟录的唯一女生。回头看,找工作这一年实在不算一段愉快时光。和签约的小伙伴们聊天,不管是找到了理想工作的,还是无奈签了之前压根没考虑过的单位的,几乎每个人在签约的时候内心都不是欢喜,而是失落。大概和就业这一年风驰电掣般的变化有关。求学生涯漫漫,平淡如水,因此静水流深;就业却像过山车,步步惊心,因此惊险刺激。  相似文献   

教材是教学活动的基本依据 ,是教育改革成果的集中体现。本文主要阐述了我国新形势下教育学院所面临的问题以及如何进行教材改革 ,提出优选教材 ,基本教材与补充教材相结合 ,文字教材与软件教材相结合的教材改革思路。  相似文献   

本课题旨在通过在贫困地区不同实验点上运用不同的个别化教育模式,来比较分析,寻求一种比较适合贫困地区小学附设学前班学前教育形式的个别化教育模式。实践证明:以集体教育中的巡回个别辅导辅之以个别访谈是一种比较适合贫困地区学前特殊儿童回归主流的个别化教育模式。  相似文献   

A short-form measure of an expanded seven-dimensional semantic differential was developed. The shorter scales were shown to correlate highly with the longer scales, and their internal consistencies were sufficiently high to warrant use in most educational settings.  相似文献   

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