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中国传统文化因其博大而受世人的仰慕,又因其精深而受人们的求索。但是,随着时代发展,“语境”的变迁,以儒、道、佛为主体的中国传统文化也不再容易被人们理解。太极拳是一种拳术,更是一种动作化的语言,本文选择太极拳论中部分拳诀,进行分析与解读,旨在使人生哲学不再玄妙,传统文化不再抽象,同时,帮助人们通过修炼太极拳,去感触人生哲学,去体悟传统文化。  相似文献   

少林拳与巴蜀武术有着深厚的历史渊源。目前流传在四川地区的少林拳受到巴蜀地域文化等多种因素的影响,其风格特点与技理已有所适变,呈现出具有地方特色的少林武术。诸多史料和事实说明,少林拳在巴蜀武术中占有重要的地位,对于巴蜀武术的形成与发展具有一定的影响和作用。  相似文献   

蔡玉明五祖拳的文化传播   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以大浯塘村田野调查为基础,结合族谱和拳谱文献与口述资料,解读了五祖拳创始人的文化传播.蔡玉明通过建立群众基础,融入社会生活,实现五祖拳的社会化;赢得泉州武林的承认,实现五祖拳的本地化;借助社会网络和专业空间,以及传播对象的精英化和大众化,推动五祖拳在泉州的发展.  相似文献   

数百年间的传承、分流,字门流派把传统易学、丹术、导引、吐纳、中医、诸子百家等哲学理论,用于拳式、拳理、桩功和实战技击中。寻根溯源,字门流派的创立因该得益于道教丹术与少林拳学的有机结合。张三丰是在精于少林拳的基础上,复从而翻之创立字门内家拳技,作为武当道教丹士张三丰创立的武学,则必然充分吸收了道教的哲学思想与哲学理论,这使得字门拳无论从抽象的理论层面,还是具体的技击层面都具有明显的道家文化特点。  相似文献   

Sport is a practice, yet it is also a language conveying the representations of those who structure it and those who employ it. The contribution of numerous English lexical units to the lexicon of other languages in touch with United Kingdom participates in the diffusion of sport and its level of penetration in geographical spaces. France does not escape this phenomenon and its language borrows from its Anglo-Saxon neighbour. Anglicisms have been described in opprobrious terms for a long time by critics who consider them the sign of France's dependence on the British Empire. Through the analysis of five types of anglicisms (intact, truncated, gallicized, signified and signifier anglicism) and about 60 lexical units, we will identify the privileged forms of borrowings, their origins and the meaning to be attributed to them and thus show the role of sport in general and football in particular in linguistic and cultural diffusion.  相似文献   

Academics working in cultural studies argue that disciplinary boundaries inhibit knowledge production and argue that sports historians should bring the concepts of other disciplines to historical storytelling. They also emphasize the plurality of cultural meaning attached to sport and insist that politics and power relations suffuse everything.  相似文献   

作为健身强体极为有效的传统体育的精华———太极拳 ,已逐步在学校普及 ,太极拳将作为学校体育教学的重要组成部分。太极拳架势平稳舒展 ,动作轻松圆活 ,式式连贯一气 ,运动相互衔接 ,动作圆弧相连 ,意识与运动相结合 ,上下内外完整一体。太极拳的这一特点 ,不同于常规体育运动 ,给初学者在学习上造成繁琐复杂 ,难以学习的压力。为了使太极拳运动开展更加深入 ,教学效果更好 ,笔者在教学实践中 ,针对太极拳的特点 ,在教学教法提示方面进行研究总结。按下面的教法进行教学 ,可取得较好的教学效果。1 太极拳教法建议1.1 分段教学法一套太极…  相似文献   

以武穴岳家拳为个案,从非物质文化遗产视角对荆楚民俗体育传承特性、传承危机及保护现状进行研究。结果显示:武穴岳家拳具有重要的教育价值、文化价值、武术价值、健身价值。制约发展的因素:生产生活方式现代化;现代竞技体育冲击;传承人青黄不接;理论研究偏窄等。建议:建立体育非遗资源库;加强传承人的保护与培养,加大宣传力度,提高公众参与度;把握时代机遇,注重开发利用。  相似文献   

泰文中的“泰”字,最通用的广义有两种:一是指泰族或泰人,泰拳就是“泰族的独有拳术”;二是指自由——“泰”有和平及自由之意,泰国又有自由国之称。泰拳因此可以称作“自由拳术”。  相似文献   

This essay explains how the collection of papers in this volume contributes to the growing scholarly literature dealing with hockey’s role in Canadian society and culture. In particular, this project explores aspects of hockey – and its connection to the sports media – which have not been sufficiently examined by historians. The cultural history of hockey in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries has not been researched thoroughly by those working in the fields of sport history, Canadian history or cultural studies. This study addresses this deficiency by assessing key elements of the media-constructed ‘world of hockey’ during the early years of Stanley Cup competition. It examines local and national newspaper coverage of championship hockey games between 1894 and 1907 in order to understand interurban and regional rivalries, the national scope of the sports media, violence and gender construction and community representation. As local and national audiences were exposed to similar media texts and narratives about hockey, they developed shared understandings of the cultural meanings of the sport throughout Canada.  相似文献   

运动鞋作为推动现代体育的基础性必备用品,在提升性的技术衍变中见证、诠释与丰富着体育科技、体育文化、企业文化、民族文化与体育明星文化等文化现象和文化内涵。同时,运动鞋及其文化随着人体力学、人体解剖学、运动生理学、结构美学与材料科学研究的不断深入,向着更安全、更舒适、更环保、更美观的方向提升,呈现了运动竞赛运用、日常体育运动运用与日常生活运用的良性发展形势,为全民健身、体育竞技创设了科学发展的物质基础,这一基础推动着人体体能、技巧的持续突破与极限探索。  相似文献   

以探究非物质文化遗产对地方性武术保护时效性为主要研究目的,采用文献资料与实地调研等方法对重庆市级非物质文化遗产目录的武术拳种进行深入分析。研究结论:市级非物质文化遗产的武术拳种有着清晰的传承脉络、深厚的地方性历史文化底蕴等特征。同时,非物质文化遗产对于地方性武术拳种有着巨大的保护价值,拳种社会关注度的提升、传承人得到了保护等都是非物质文化遗产对于地方拳种保护呈现出的明显效果。建议:根据当前社会发展情况,提出借助高校传承平台、多与体育专业部门接轨、加强学术理论研究的地方性武术拳种发展对策。  相似文献   

以战略学原理为依据,确立了奥运战略指导思想,构建了中国太极拳文化交流的奥运战略模型,制定了相应的战略计划。  相似文献   

运用田野调查法、专家访谈法、文献资料法等研究方法,对两仪拳传承脉络、两仪点穴特点、当代传承价值、传承困境与路径进行了探讨,旨在认识和了解两仪拳存在价值。针对两仪拳目前传承中出现的问题,提出相应的建设性意见,为非物质文化遗产两仪拳在国内外更好的普及和传播做出一些有益的探索。  相似文献   

This paper explores the cultural significance of boxing in its relationship to concepts and practices of masculinity, recently much discussed, but here reviewed specifically in European and American literary texts from the end of the nineteenth to the end of the twentieth centuries. Focussing on key moments of change in boxing’s significance in relation to male vocation, the paper will in particular investigate the extent to which literary responses to the sport cast light on the crisis masculinity has undergone since the start of the twentieth century. Changing attitudes to boxing will thus be interpreted as symptoms of modification in the concept and practice of manliness, successively from boxing as rite of passage, as profession or occupation, as idea, as fantasy and finally as image or neurosis. This evolution will be traced successively in four early twentieth-century European literary writers: Maurice Maeterlinck (first decade), Arthur Cravan (second decade), Robert Musil (third decade), and Malcolm Lowry (fourth decade). Little studied to date in this context, these writers together provide evidence of symptoms that will subsequently be clarified by contemporary American authors, whether of fiction (Chuck Palahniuk) or of socio-psychological study (Gerald Early, Carlos Rotella).  相似文献   

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