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学界广泛认同字幕在二/外语视听教学中的作用,但何种字幕形式效果最佳尚无定论。文章通过实验研究的方法,以同一内容、不同字幕形式(无字幕、英文字幕、中英字幕以及中文字幕)的四个视频文件作为视听材料,以200名非英语专业的大二学生作为研究对象,考察了四种字幕形式的视频对英语学习者视听理解、词汇习得以及视听焦虑三个方面的影响。研究结果表明,中英字幕和中文字幕在促进学习者视听理解、降低视听焦虑方面的效果更优,中英字幕还有助于促成学习者的词汇习得。  相似文献   

文章聚焦民国时期电化教育学术发展,梳理发展脉络,总结学术发展规律。通过对从网络数据库、其他研究者以及实体图书馆等渠道收集的民国时期有关电化教育的期刊、著作、报告以及政府文件等史料的分析和解读,认为民国时期我国电化教育学术研究经历了幻灯教学理论的形成(1912—1932年)、中国特色五论电影教育理论体系的形成(1932—1937年)、中国独特电化教育学术领域的形成(1937—1949年)三个发展阶段;是由幻灯、电影和播音技术推动的,由价值论、方法论和本体论构成的研究螺旋;技术更新与进步、教育思潮和理念的涌现、电化教育的实践需求是学术发展的三个动力;体现出紧扣国家社会需求、注重实践研究、具有国际视野和历史自觉四个方面的特点。  相似文献   

Summary The existing research on television of interest to educators was analyzed and found to be grouped into four general categories: (a) studies of the general social effects of television, (b) content analyses, (c) studies of the educational effects of television, and (d) technical studies. Studies in each of these four categories were reviewed and generalizations drawn from them. No attempt was made to review related research that is, no doubt, applicable to the problems of television. For example, the vast amount of research information developed in the audio-visual field during the past 30 years was not touched. Future investigators will find that the existing television research and the existing audio-visual research provide only a sketch map of the field of audio-visual communication. To use these important instruments wisely, and this is particularly true of television, it is necessary that we know and understand much more. This is the challenge for future research. To the knowledge of the editor, this is the first comprebensive review of educational television research to be published. The organizing of the research into four categories—general social effects, content analyses, educational effects, and technical problems—the rather detailed reviewing of the results, and the drawing of general conclusions should greatly aid the educator in understanding the unique contributions of educational television. An attempt will be made in future issues of Audio-Visual Communication Review to supplement this review of research by regularly publishing, in “Research Abstracts,” reviews of the most recent television studies. Dr. James D. Finn is Associate Professor of Education and Chairman of the Audio-Visual Education Department, University of Southern California. This paper was originally prepared at the request of the California State Department of Education for inclusion in theBrochure of Background Materials: Educational Television for the Governor’s Conference on Educational Television, held in Sacramento, California, December 15–16, 1952. It was necessary to develop the material in a very short time, and the writer wishes to express his indebtedness to F. Dean McClusky and May V. Seagoe of the University of California, Los Angeles, and to Lester F. Beck and Nicholas Rose, his colleagues at the University of Southern California, as well as to several of his graduate students for helping in locating copies of the studies reviewed.  相似文献   

Conclusion We have briefly attempted to deineate the field of content analysis of communication media and point out of value of content analysis as a method of audio-visual research. On the following pages is a bibliography of that part of the literature on content analysis which seems mostuseful for audio-visual researchers.While the bibliography is fairly comprehensive it does tend to omit studies dealing with the analysis of printed materials. The quantitative analysis of the content of instructional materials has been virtually neglected. Here some useful applications of the technique are made to audio-visual communication research. Donald Auster is an instructor in the Audio-Visual Center at Indiana University.  相似文献   

电化教育(简称电教)在我国自诞生之日起即首先应用于社会领域。随着我国电教事业的发展,社会电化教育(简称社会电教)领域逐渐形成并具有诸多中国特色。南国农的社会电教思想是中国社会电化教育理论体系形成与发展的典型代表。该思想体系由五个部分构成:一是社会电教概念的形成;二是社会电教的应用领域;三是社会电教中的“大电教”观;四是社会电教的服务对象;五是新教育理念中的社会电教。南国农于1987年首次提出“社会电教”的概念,标志着社会电教研究领域的正式确立与形成。随着社会的发展与进步,社会电教领域得以不断拓展,主要包括农村电教、党员电教、企业电教、特殊教育电教和社区电教等。社会电教的施教对象、理论基础、研究对象、范围、特性等方面都突破了学校教育的狭窄局限,体现出“大电教”的理念。南国农的社会电化教育思想为开展我国社会电化教育研究提供了理论支持,同时也为探讨我国社会电化教育的应用与发展提供了重要支撑。  相似文献   

This paper has attempted to deal with two aspects of the problem of automatizing the classroom through audio-visual means. These aspects were: (a) the institutional background in which the earlier foundation support of the audio-visual movement by the Payne Fund and the Rockefeller Foundation was compared to the present, much more extensive support of the mass audio-visual approach to teaching supported by the Ford Foundation, its several Funds and the organizations which it underwrites; and (b) the theoretical position requiring audio-visual automation which was shown to be based on the teacher and plant shortage facing this country in the next two decades of swelling school and college enrollments and, therefore, necessitating technological solutions to problems of class size and building space. For a complete picture, some case histories and research results, as well as a technical analysis of the entire position, would prove useful. It is hoped to supply these three aspects of the study in the next paper, to be followed, if thought desirable, by a fourth discussion which would subject the whole idea to critical scrutiny. This is the second in a series of articles dealing with various aspects of the relationship between automation and education. The first, which appeared in the Winter, 1957, issue of the Review, dealt with the general relationships between the two. This article reviews the specific proposals for automatizing the classroom through audio-visual devices in terms of the organizations leading the movement and the theoretical justification for these proposed changes in educational procedure.  相似文献   

简析了音像资料MARC编目与图书MARC编目的异同,给出了音像资料MARC编目的一般方法,对含有子目及多件套音像资料MARC编目中检索点的设置提出了以下的观点:含有子目的音像资料采用重复545字段及701字段;多件套音像资料采用重复200字段来满足读相对应内容检索的需要,以便于图书馆音像资料的计算机管理。  相似文献   

An area of research frequently neglected by the audio-visual specialist is that of listening. This article is designed to fill the gap and to present a systematic review of the major studies in the field.  相似文献   

本文通过分析电化教育在教育中能发挥其规模性,全面性及创造性的优势,阐明电化教育能促进素质教育的发展,同时,也指出了电化教育为适宜新的教育机制,自身发展所亟待解决的问题  相似文献   

Cross-language qualitative research in education continues to increase. However, there has been inadequate discussion in the literature concerning the translation process that ensures research trustworthiness applicable for bilingual researchers. Informed by the literature on evaluation criteria for qualitative data translation, this paper compares two different procedures for incorporating translation in education qualitative research to provide a clear depiction of the complexities involved in translating qualitative data and the strengths and weaknesses of each procedure. To maintain the trustworthiness of the qualitative research, it is necessary to minimise translation errors, provide detailed accounts of the translation process, involve more than one translator and remain open to scrutiny from those seeking to access the translation process. Taking into account the resource constraints often faced by novice qualitative researchers, this paper provides some strategies that can be employed in similar contexts.  相似文献   

一位成功的随班就读数学教师的个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以质性研究的方法,通过与教师、家长、随班就读工作管理者的7次深度访谈,并结合资料采集、分析,对一位成功的随班就读教师进行个案研究。揭示了随班就读教师的心路历程,并从成功的随班就读教师特征,随班就读教师取得成功的外因,有效的教学策略,有效的班级管理策略等方面展示了成功的随班就读教师所具有的能力,还揭示了随班就读教师面临的压力与当前随班就读工作存在的问题。  相似文献   

Professionalizing the audio-visual field   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0  
Summary In summary, then, of the six criteria set forth in this paper; (a) intellectual technique, (b) application of technique to practice, (c) long training period, (d) association of members with a high quality of communication, (e) a series of standards and an enforced statement of ethics, and (f) an organized body of intellectual theory constantly expanding by research, audio-visual personnel meet only the first and second completely. The fourth and fifth are met to a degree which is not satisfactory but which is improving. And the third and sixth tests rate such low scores that failure is the only possible grade. This adds up, in the opinion of the writer, to the simple stated fact thatthe audio-visual field is not yet a profession. The professionalization of the educational field is a concern of all educators. In this article James D. Finn has undertaken the task of presenting a framework within which audio-visual specialists can work toward such professionalization. It is the first of a series of articles by members of the DAVI Committee on Professional Education on different aspects of this problem. Dr. Finn is Associate Professor of Education and Chaiman of Audio-Visual Education at the University of Southem California. He is also Chaiman of the DAVI Committee on Professional Education.  相似文献   

As we are all modern language teachers, our constant aim is to try and improve teaching methods. If we are interested in research, it is because we look to it for practical applications. What we are striving for is progress.

The popularisation of audio-visual. courses that can be observed today is not as such a very clear example of progress in pedagogical techniques or practice.  相似文献   

邕剧是流行于广西南宁一带的皮黄戏曲剧种,已被列为国家级非物质文化遗产。“戏棚官话”是邕剧演出时使用的一种艺术化的舞台语言,具有独特性、夸张性和包容性等特点。文章从剧本、音像材料和实地调查中整理出4600多字,列成同音字汇。  相似文献   

教育研究的三种范式各有各的特点,都能在一定的教育领域内发挥特长,也有一定的局限性。在研究活动中,研究范式只有与研究问题以及研究过程中其他因素相联系时才有可能衡量其是否"适宜"。一项教育研究可以单独使用任何研究范式,也可以整合几种范式,只要能说明和解决问题即可。当前教育研究规范的建设,应突出如下策略:哲学思辨研究要关注实践;定量研究要加强理论指导,要遵循检验性原则、具有可操作性;定性研究必须遵守一些基本的道德规范。  相似文献   


In his critique of my 1997 JCJE article, John Worrall attempts a partial defense of the current emphasis on quantitative methods in criminal justice education and research. Despite some hesitation, especially near the end of his critique, he suggests that it is reasonable for quantitative methods to receive more attention than qualitative methods. His argument centers on the ability of quantitative methodology to facilitate correct predictions in the field of criminal justice, the contributions of quantitative research to criminal justice policy, and a distinction between theoretical and methodological problems. In this reply, I argue that Worrall's examination of these issues is insufficient and reflects several misinterpretations. I conclude there remains no clear logical basis for the privileging of quantitative methods over qualitative methods in criminal justice education.  相似文献   

从文本视角解读影视翻译   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
影视翻译长久以来一直受到国内译界的忽略,而在当今国际翻译理论百花齐放,多领域、多视角的翻译理论研究层出不穷的今天,这似乎有点不太和谐。要构建中国自己完善的翻译理论体系,影视翻译的理论研究不容忽视。影视作品具有独特性,其独特性决定了翻译方法选择的特殊性。其独特的文本类型特点鲜有人论述,本论文试图从影视作品独特的文本类型出发,来探讨其独特的翻译方法——“变译”法。  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to further examine ‘place-reflexivity’ as a methodological tool for engaging in site-seeing in qualitative research. Qualitative research often involves a site or field. Yet, the ‘where’ of qualitative research has often been overlooked in methodological discussions. This approach is akin to sightseeing where sites are a backdrop rather than foregrounded. We draw on scholarship that conceptualizes site, place, field, and context from sociological, geographical and anthropological disciplines, as well as on concepts of third space as they apply to qualitative inquiry. We offer an argument for the fuller inclusion, and expanded treatment of sites including tools to assist qualitative researchers with this type of thinking.  相似文献   

本文对新中国成立后颁布的理科课程标准进行文本分析,明晰课程标准中信息技术的位置和表述,根据信息技术应用的特点分析应用模式的演变,共经历三个阶段:在视听媒体应用阶段信息技术是丰富教学方法的工具;在计算机辅助教学阶段,信息技术是教学工具并向教育资源过渡;在“互联网+教育”阶段,信息技术是一种生态环境。信息技术在引领教学方法转变的同时,对学生的学习方法也产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   

针对高校电教设备管理的特点和使用情况,提出电教设备管理系统的构建设想,通过唯一性标识对电教设备进行全程有效管理。选择二维条码作为电教设备信息的载体,将其运用于电教设备管理系统中,以达到学校电教设备管理信息化的目的。  相似文献   

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