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The paper develops the argument of two faces of censorship as a form of symbolic violence over individuals directed either inward or outward. In both instances, the resistance to disclosure and an effort to keep things hidden are normally complemented by strategic control over the process of making things visible. Silence is usually considered a sign of censorship, but in reality it can indicate not only the suppression of, but also a resistance to, communication. Despite the changes leading toward the “structural censorship” in modern complex societies, the essential questions remain: What are the strategies to confront the (hidden) forces of censorship, and how successful can they be?  相似文献   

唱片作为我国近代史上最早的“音像出版物”,甫一出现,便通过“听觉书写”改变了中国人对声音的“知”与“听”,推动了“声音”作为一种知识性、娱乐性、消费性题材的大众化与日常化.民国较早出现的法商东方百代唱片公司,前后共出版唱片三千余种,对我国近代唱片出版业有着不可忽视的影响与推动作用.以其为个案,从它影响下的“听觉书写”“听觉下的生活”“听觉与技术”等方面进行研究与梳理,有助于探索技术发展与出版企业、出版物及社会文化变迁之间的互动关系,进而认知当下音像出版物发展.  相似文献   

中国国家图书馆中文名称规范工作的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国中文名称规范工作处于发展起步阶段,在实践中面临诸多问题.数据整合过程中编目业务流程内外如何协调和制作标准如何统一,以及规范控制中是否所有书目数据中的名称标目都要做规范数据、是否所有名称都要并尽量区分、规范记录是否要面面俱到等等,都是需要思考与解决的问题.当前阶段的规范工作应该避免单纯的理论化,需借鉴国外经验,重视可行性.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探索中文学术期刊论文的引文模式及时间窗口的选择对引文模式的影响,建立引文模式的分析框架。[方法/过程]以2006-2008年出版的图书情报领域期刊论文作为研究对象,采用两步聚类法对单篇论文在7年内的绝对被引量与相对被引量进行聚类分析,研究论文主要特征因子与引文模式的相关性。[结果/结论]在绝对被引量视角下,期刊论文均表现为先上升后下降的经典引文模式;在相对下载量视角下,期刊论文共有6种引文模式,其中3种可以归纳为经典引文模式,另外3种分别为"类睡美人型"、正偏型和马拉松型。相对被引量视角下,首年被引量与总被引量呈现了中等甚至较强的相关性,并且平均被引量越高,相关性越强,绝对被引量视角下的结果正好相反。结果表明,期刊论文的初始被引量与总被引量的相关性高低主要取决于引文曲线的峰度而非总被引量的大小。  相似文献   

在新型城镇化加速发展的大背景下,建筑类高校图书馆利用特色资源为建筑行业企业和社会行业发展提供具有针对性和实用性的智库服务,具有重要的实践意义.论文分析了开展行业智库服务的必要性和可行性,阐述了高校图书馆开展行业智库服务的现状与问题,并根据这些问题提出相应策略,即通过构建优质平台、开放共享合作、人才优势、评价体系等方面的保障策略以完善高校图书馆面向建筑行业的智库服务,产出更多切实可用的成果,更好地服务于建筑行业社会需求和决策需要.  相似文献   

以国家的名义:服务于人类知识的传承与公平共享   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
服务于人类知识的传承与发展,是国家图书馆崇高的使命,通过服务为社会进步和人的全面发展做出直接的贡献,是国家图书馆无限的责任。国家图书馆以国家的名义传承文明,实现对历史的承担,服务民众,实现广义的社会公正。  相似文献   

关于正确使用《世界各国和地区名称代码》第三版国家标准的几个问题朱南Abstract:Thenationalstandard"NameCodesofcountriesandRegionsintheWorld(ThirdEdition)"Waspubli...  相似文献   

The Internet has caught the public in its expanding web. It is beginning to reshape other media and is now making its way into countries all over the world including developing countries. Yemen, as a developing country, introduced Internet services in September 1996. The present study attempts to evaluate Internet services in Yemen from inception up to the end of 1998. The study also hopes to find, among other things, how well and how widely the Internet is used in Yemen and to what extent Yemen can benefit from it, and how Yemen participates in the information highway. A questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data. The homepages hosted at the Tele-Yemen (ISP) Server were scanned and certain criteria were used for their evaluation. The study was able to pinpoint the problems faced by Yemeni users of the Internet, the constraints confronting its diffusion in Yemen and the profits gained by subscribers. The study came up with several suggestions and recommendations that the two authors hope will provide a basis for assessing the prospects for the future of the Internet in Yemen.  相似文献   

随着我国民族出版业的发展,关于民族出版的研究成果日益丰富.本文通过对2007年以来有关民族出版研究文献的梳理,呈现了我国民族出版发展中取得的成就,同时就出版研究中取得的成绩以及当前民族出版研究中存在缺憾和不足进行探讨,以助于我们从宏观以及微观上把握和了解我国民族出版业的发展状况.  相似文献   

Objective: To document and describe the University of Zambia Medical library’s responses to the fight against HIV/AIDS in Zambia. Methods: The methodology adopted was a case study approach combined with an analysis of the literature such as annual reports and official documents. This was augmented by personal reflections of the author having worked at the Medical Library. Results: The University of Zambia Medical library has over the years instituted and implemented HIV/AIDS information provision programmes that include the provision of information in various formats ‐‐ print or electronic and, in addition, capacity building in HIV/AIDS information literacy skills. Conclusion: A library’s social responsibility calls for it to be part of national responses to crises that arise in society. As HIV/AIDS has affected every aspect of Zambian society prevention, treatment, care and support there is an understanding that the library’s role should be using the cri tical and strategic resource at its disposal – information ‐‐ as part of their contribution to the fight against HIV/AIDS. In this context, libraries should source, collect, organize and disseminate information on HIV/AIDS in a way that is easily accessible to researchers, HIV/AIDS programme implementation agencies and the ordinary public.  相似文献   

四川按察使鄂敏为追查伪稿余孽事奏折 乾隆十六年九月二十四日 四川按察使奴才鄂敏谨奏,为奏闻事 窃查不法之徒捏造奏章,逞其狂悖,各省肆行传播,诚天地所不容,神人所共怒.先经督查札访.  相似文献   

结合建设国家纳米科学中心纳米文献资源的实例,探讨了以满足科研用户信息需求为导向的学科文献资源的建设原则,在学科领域文献资源文献计量学分析的基础上,设计学科文献资源保障方案,提出e-science环境下构建学科资源和学科化服务无缝链接的学科文献资源的建设方法。  相似文献   

论文认为《图书馆学概论》(修订版)博众家之说,采名家之长,尊重图书馆学规律,理论联系实际,是中国图书馆学术史上的世纪经典和里程碑。  相似文献   

<正>钱锺书先生贯通古今中外的才学,给我印象最深的有三点:一是他读书求学时,才智过人;二是他写文章或说话时,妙语惊人;三是成为一代宗师之后,嘉勉后人。首先,他考清华大学,国文和英文得最高分,数学却不及格。这给我的启发是:人有所长,必有所短,不能面面俱到。因此我上西南联大时,喜欢的课程就好好学,不感兴趣的就敷衍了事,不想做梅贻琦校长要求我们做的通才。钱锺书上课时不大听讲,考试成绩常是全  相似文献   


Key points

  • Scholarly communication – with the exception of traditional (e.g. blind and double‐blind) peer review – prizes the open exchange of ideas.
  • The aim of peer review should be engagement, not judgement.
  • Reviews that improve the quality of a work and thus advance the field are not merely service to the community, but contributions to existing scholarship, and need to be rewarded accordingly; an open and transparent review process is the first step in enabling such reviews to be properly recognized.

郭昌文 《兰台世界》2016,(19):132-136
贵州是国民政府整合地方实力派取得显著成功的省份之一。此种成功,与蒋介石因应时局变化进行策略调整不无关系:国民政府初期高调介入无果后,面对九一八事变后的内外困局,低调调解贵州纷争,羁縻默认实力派以实力所改变的地方政局;1934年底顺势进入贵州,渐进统一贵州军政。然蒋武力解决问题的逻辑并未改变。其相应的后遗症也显而易见。  相似文献   

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