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注册中心在我国高校发挥了重要的作用,为保障学校教学秩序的稳定、促进教育教学改革发展作出了积极的贡献。本文以清华大学注册中心为例,阐述了高校注册中心的职能定位、发展建设以及在教学管理、教学服务和教育信息化等方面发挥的独具特色的职能作用,以期为我国高等教育构建科学的教学管理体系提供宝贵经验。  相似文献   

Ka-ho Mok 《Higher Education》1999,37(2):133-158
This paper attempts to examine how market forces have affected educational development in Hong Kong and Mainland China. In both places, there has been a trend to the decentralisation and marketisation of education in recent years, particularly in the realm of higher education. Based upon recent research conducted in Hong Kong and China, the author argues that higher education in these two places has been significantly affected by emerging market forces. The core of the paper is confined to the discussion of two major issues: user charges and the introduction of competition and cost recovery in education. The main focus of this paper is on what strategies educational institutions in Hong Kong and China have employed in response to the strong tide of marketisation. Particular attention will be given to discussing how markets and competition have affected the governance and delivery of educational services in Hong Kong and China. This comparative study has demonstrated that even though the recent developments in higher education in these two places have been experiencing a similar global trend, the global tide of universal trend in which private charges, market competition, non-state provision, corporate governance, system-wide performance management should not be treated as a simplistic notion of undifferentiated universal trend. Instead, different places may take different configurations in cases of marketization which remain national-specific as well as global.  相似文献   

为创新高校继续教育办学理念,教育部启动了"高等学校继续教育示范基地建设"项目。文章以华南理工大学继续教育示范基地建设为实证研究,对继续教育示范基地的实施与现实意义进行探索。  相似文献   

It has been a global trend, since the 1980s, that the process of marketisation has been influential in the decision making of social policies around the world, and that this tidal wave is now crossing over to the Asia-Pacific region as well. Education policy, as one of the important social policies for many developing countries, has been influential in the forefront of national development in terms of manpower training, as well as in other arenas of economic and social developments. In this way, these countries are trying to improve the quality of their educational services so that they can be more competitive in order to cater for the demands in the international markets. One of the outcomes of this global trend is the international quality assurance movement in streamlining the educational institutions as well as in using different coping strategies to promote quality education for all concerned. For the Chinese mainland, it seems that the central government is adopting a policy of decentralisation in getting local governments to use multiple channels of resources and other methods to provide for their own educational services. Hong Kong as a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China, however, has adopted quite a different approach by employing the principle of managerialism in order to enhance its competitiveness in providing quality education to meet the increasing market demands. Hence, the present study is to compare and contrast the educational reforms and coping strategies that have been adopted by the socialist mainland, on the one hand, and the capitalist Hong Kong SAR, on the other hand, in order to face this new challenge of marketisation.  相似文献   

Globalisation and the evolution of the knowledge-based economy have caused dramatic changes in the character and functions of higher education in most countries around the world. However, the impacts of globalisation on universities are not uniform even though similar business-like practices have been adopted to cope with competition in the global marketplace. The pressure for restructuring and reforming higher education is mainly derived from growing expectations and demands of different stakeholders in society. In the last decade, government bureaucracy, public service institutions and higher education institutions and universities have been significantly affected by the tidal wave of the public sector reform around the world. Apart from improving the efficiency and effectiveness of public services, universities are confronted with a situation in which the principles of financial accountability and responsiveness to stakeholders prevail amidst the massification stage under the condition of global economic retrenchment. In response to such pressing demands for change, policies and strategies of decentralisation, privatisation and marketisation are becoming increasingly popular measures in university governance. Reform strategies and measures like quality assurance, performance evaluation, financial audit, corporate management and market competition are adopted to reform and improve the performance of the higher education sector. This article examines the most recent higher education reforms and restructuring in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China, with particular reference to the issues related to globalisation of decentralisation and marketisation in higher education.  相似文献   

成人夜大学教育发展前景探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夜大学教育是我国成人高等教育中的基本办学形式之一,因其突出的办学特点与优势满足着众多成人学习的需求。在面临新世纪高等教育现代化、多样化、开放化改革的挑战下,成人夜大学教育更应坚持科学的办学理念,规范管理,确保质量,创新特色,不断挖掘夜大学教育持续发展的潜力。  相似文献   

王毅军 《成人教育》2012,32(12):10-12
随着中国市场经济体制不断发展、完善,知识经济体系下的终身学习已获得社会的广泛认同,成人高等继续教育理应迎来再次高速发展的契机。在培养具有创新性思维人才的创新文化背景下,中国的成人高等继续教育应肩负起创新社会发展的重任。在创新文化背景下,成人高等继续教育只有遵循教育内容创新、教育理念创新、教育形式创新和传播手段创新的思路,才能真正推动成人高等继续教育的改革与发展。  相似文献   

民国时期清华的“教授治校”制度在大学管理中发挥了重要作用,作为我国近代高教史的遗产,对当前教授组织参与大学管理有着重要的借鉴意义.本文简要介绍了民国时期清华的教授治校制度以及教授会这一“教授治校”的基础性组织,总结了其组织特征;简要分析了当前大学教授委员会的实施现状;并对历史与当下两种教授会制度做了对比分析,得出相应的启示.  相似文献   

疫情期间,为响应清华大学提出的“延期开学、如期开课”的号召,清华大学继续教育学院推出了“清华终身学习云课堂”,以云课堂的形式开展在线教学实践。在此背景下,文章首先梳理了云课堂的发展历程与特点,接着设计了包含三个模块(即前端、中台、后端)和一个平台(即清华终身学习平台)的清华终身学习云课堂。随后,文章介绍了清华终身学习云课堂的应用情况,分析了其满意度和应用效果,总结了其特点和实践经验,并反思了其不足。最后,文章提出了未来云课堂教学系统“一个中心、三个着力点”的构建思路。作为继续教育的一种新形式,清华终身学习云课堂的设计与实践可为高校继续教育在线教学的组织运行与未来发展提供参考,并有助于推动继续教育教学模式的创新和数字化转型。  相似文献   

教师评聘制度是大学制度的核心内容,也是现代学术体系的重要支点。近代中国许多高校为此提供了正反两方面的诸多案例。清华大学在这方面颇具代表性,该校的教师评聘经历了长时期的复杂演变。早期清华教师队伍的升等制度极不完善,初级教师与高级教师之间的鸿沟难以跨越,严重地制约了队伍建设和办学质量的提升。1928年后,清华大学迅速建立了自由流动的竞争性评聘制,实现了师资稳定性与流动性的高水平动态平衡,延聘和培育了一批拔尖人才。梅贻琦任内,清华大学真正实现了人才引进和内部晋升并重。在西南联大时期,清华的教师制度设计与主流制度实现了磨合。青年学者需要经受更长时间的考验才能晋升教授,学界行情也水涨船高。上述变迁折射了近代中国知识界的成长历程。教师评聘标准的实质乃是学术评价和学术独立的问题,教师评聘标准的提升意味着中国开始具备更高的学术标准和更强的学术自觉。若干所一线名校的迅速发展,引领了中国的学术进步,促使中国生成了一个高水平的学术共同体,这对中国学术文教影响深远。  相似文献   

在探索近代中国创办大学的基础上,通过对北京大学、清华大学、东南大学、西南联大等著名大学改革与变迁的反思和解读,发现近代一流大学建设兼具学贯中西的大学校长、学术自由的办学方针、一流师生的精英教育以及充足的经费来源,为大学的现代化发展注入活力。结合近代一流大学的发展经验,在国家“双一流”工程的大力推动与兼具有教育情怀与管理能力的校长带领下,在崇尚学术自由与民主的氛围中,扎根民族文化,通过多元化科研经费的加持,加快建设具有中国特色的一流大学。  相似文献   

以评估为契机和动力,进一步加强本科教育教学工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据教育部的总体部署和以评促建的原则,清华大学以本科教学工作水平评估为契机和动力,强化以人才培养为根本的办学理念,突出教学的中心地位;发扬传统,改革创新,努力推进研究型大学的创新人才培养;加强教学管理,完善人才培养的质量管理体系,有力地加强了本科教育教学工作,进一步提高了人才培养质量.  相似文献   

蔡元培与郭秉文办学思想比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡元培与郭秉文是我国近代史上著名的教育家,对我国现代大学学制的建立与完善、高等教育事业发展以及社会文化的进步都做出了巨大的贡献。他们分别在北京大学与东南大学的改革活动,使得这两所大学迅速崛起并成为中国近代史上的著名学府,他们的教育理念和办学实践也成为我国高等教育史上的卓越典范。通过论述了他们的办学思想渊源,对比他们在大学理念、学校管理、人才培养、学科建设、师资力量、校园文化以及学术交流等方面的思想差异与共同点,以挖掘对我国当代大学建设和发展应有的启发意义。  相似文献   

中国大学国际化探析——以清华大学学生国际化为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际化是全球高等教育发展的一种趋势。论文以清华大学为例,分析中国大学的国际化程度,通过留学生的数量、层次、分布地域等统计,展示清华经过近三十年的改革发展所取得的成果,即清华大学的留学生数量增多、层次提升、来源更广、专业更多样,同时又看到其背后的不足。这些,一方面显示了中国大学的国际化程度加快,另一方面也表明中国大学与世界一流大学的国际化程度还有很大的距离。  相似文献   

通才教育思想是梅贻琦教育思想的核心,也是对清华大学产生深远影响的指导思想之一。在担任清华大学校长的十七年间,梅贻琦以通才教育思想为指导,对清华大学实施了一系列富有成效的改革,开创了清华大学校史上的"黄金时代"。梅贻琦的通才教育思想至今对我国大学教育改革与发展仍有着重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

This paper critically analyses key educational policy documents produced by the World Bank mainly from the mid-1980s to 2010 with regard to implementing major educational projects in Nepal. Using critical policy sociology as a methodological tool, the paper explores how a small Himalayan nation with per capita income of about US$730 (2014) plunged into neoliberal world order during the early 1980s. The paper argues that Bank’s educational policy recommendations are guided by some underlying assumptions of neoliberalism mainly marketisation, privatisation, and decentralisation. The paper concludes that neoliberal orientation in education has almost no potential in addressing Nepal’s development challenges.  相似文献   

开辟新路与全球视野——略论南方科技大学的创建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中华民族的崛起需要有自己的具有世界水平的研究型大学。新创办高起点的大学,开辟一条新路冲击世界一流水平,曾是发达国家的历史选择,也将是中国高等教育跨越式发展的有效途径之一。深圳特区在经济实力、产业环境、移民文化等方面具有优势,由深圳开辟"高教改革实验区",高起点创建一所具备全球视野的新型大学具有可行性。这所大学应使用世界最先进的教育理念和学术管理体制,有开放式的教师队伍和学生,并可借鉴芝加哥大学、印度理工学院、香港科技大学和汕头大学等国内外大学跨越式发展的经验和教训。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,教育进入市场给大学的发展带来机遇,但同时精神价值的失落成为中国高校突出的问题。商业化的侵蚀、官本位的蔓延,加之体制的弊端,造成了大学教学质量和科研水平大幅度滑坡,使得大学的公众信任度不断下降。本文通过对大学精神危机的表现及产生原因的分析,提出中国的大学要想创建世界一流大学,就必须重建大学精神。  相似文献   

教育融合是新时代经济社会融合的重要内容,也是现代教育内涵式发展的必然趋势。以湖南农业大学为例,从教育目标的一致性、教育理论的共融性、教学方法的互鉴性出发,论述了成人高等教育与高等职业教育融合发展理论的可行性;从认知误区、体制掣肘、资源匮乏三个方面,探讨了成人高等教育与高等职业教育融合发展的现实困境;并结合湖南农业大学继续教育管理体制改革和教学改革的实践,提出了职业教育与成人教育融合发展的几点建议。  相似文献   

This article attempts to establish the scope of critical management education in a formal educational setting. It is based on an empirical study of 24 academic staffs’ experience of engaging critical management education in four UK University Business Schools. The study seems to show that there are significant barriers to and potential pitfalls in introducing critical management education in a formal higher educational setting. The problems seem to be attributable to the institutionalised assessment rules and regulations, marketisation of higher education, power embedded in the professional roles of university teachers, learning styles and cultural diversity of students, and classroom practices required to support critical teaching and learning. Critical management education requires labour intensive pedagogy, and the approach is not to be recommended to Business Schools that are constrained by resources and experiencing low staff morale, otherwise it may generates individual self-doubt and cynicism.  相似文献   

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